Jazz - Albums (LP / 10" / 78)
Ref NoFormatArtistTitleRecord LabelCatalog NoCovRecOfferExtra Info
33023LPAcoustic alchemyNatural elementsMCAMCA 42125SealedSealed£25.001988 US: Sealed in shrinkwrap
9546LPAcoustic alchemyNatural elementsMCA42125EXEX£12.001988 US
5911LPAcoustic alchemyRed dust & Spanish laceMCAMCA 5816EXEX£12.001987 US; couple of light marks & light crackles
26815LPCannonball AdderleyAccent on AfricaAffinityAFF 148VGEX£8.001986 reissue of '68 LP; wear on spine
26813LPCannonball AdderleyAfrican waltzRiversideOJC 258EXEX£10.0080's US reissue of '61 LP; light wear on cover
40603LPCannonball AdderleyAnd the Bossa Rio sextet with Sergio MendesCapitolST 2877EXEX£12.001968 reissue of '63 LP 'Cannonball's bossa nova'; Rainbow rim label with 'Sold in UK ' text; Factory sample sticker on side 2 label; 3 very light name stamps top corner b/cover + some mild wear; a few mild marks - plays perectly
32827LPCannonball AdderleyCannonball in New YorkRiversideRLP 404VGG£7.501962 Mono; some creasing on f/cover; 2 scrarches on side1, one causes a click throughout tk1 the spoken word intro o/w plays well with a few clicks + crackles
2881LPCannonball AdderleyDominationCapitolT 2203GVG£8.001965 mono; stains on back cover
27259LPCannonball AdderleyI Grande del jazz 73Fabbri editoriGDJ 73VGEX£7.50Italy; staples missing from 8 page booket; pen mark on front of Gatefold sleeve
26817LPCannonball AdderleyInside straightFantasyFT 517GEX£7.501973 wear on top corner + spine of cover o/w looks VG; a few light marks
26818LPCannonball AdderleyJapanese concerts (the)MilestoneM 47029VGVG/VG£12.001975 US Double/Gatefold; ring wear on cover; some light marks - both discs play EX
42432LPCannonball AdderleyMercy, mercy, mercy: Live at the ClubCapitolST 2663EXEX£15.00US Yellow label reissue of '67 LP; in shrinkwrap; all in near Mint (EX+/EX+) condition, plays perfectly
26819LPCannonball AdderleyRadio nightsNight/ VirginVNLP 2EXEX£10.001990 + inner; a few light marks - a few crackles at start of side 2
26820LPCannonball AdderleySticks & soulAffinityAFF 162EXEX£10.001986 compilation of '66-69 tracks
16032LPCannonball AdderleyThe sextetMilestoneNM 3004EXEX£10.001983 issue of '61 recordings; Italy
36661LPNat AdderleyHummin'Little DavidLD 1012VGVG£8.001976 US; sale cut on spine; some marks - plays perfectly
26337LPHoward Alden Dan Barrett quintetSwing streetConcord jazzCJ 349EXEX£10.001988 German; original price sticker b/cover
1733310"Bonnie AldenCharleston with Bonnie AldenColumbia33S 1123EXEX£12.00Mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks
3094LPLorez AlexandriaSings songs everybody knowsKing676SealedSealed£12.001980's US reissue; sealed in shrinkwrap
6649LPAll star trumpet spectacularThe second progressive records..ProgressivePRO 7017VGEX£8.001982 US; sellotape on edge split
26342LPHenry "Red" Allen & Coleman HawkinsStormy weatherJazz grooveJG 002EXEX£10.0080's issue of '57/58 NYC recordings; original price sticker b/cover; small corner creases; a few light marks
9522LPPete Allen bandDixie dateBlack lionBLM 51107MintEX£10.001986 signed on b'cover; a few crackles
26343LPHenry "Red" AllenAnd his New York orchestra - vol 1 (1929)RCAFXM1 7060EXEX£8.001974 France; Black & white series vol 128; light wear on cover; small pen marks by titles b/cover
26339LPHenry "Red" AllenFeeling goodCBSBPG 62400VGVG£10.001966 Orange label; mono; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26340LPHenry "Red" AllenHenry "Red" AllenRCA victorRD 8049VGVG£8.001969 compilation of '29-57 recordings; mono; a few marks - plays EX
26341LPHenry "Red" AllenHenry Allen & his orchestra 1934-1935Collecors classCC 13EXVG£8.001970's; light wear on cover; a few marks - plays well with a couple of clicks + a few crackles
26338LPHenry "Red" AllenMr. AllenSwingvilleSVLP 2034VGVG£20.001962 US mono; Red Prestige Bluesville label; edge splits + wear on cover; some marks - plays Ok with a few crackles
33760LPPete AllenDown in honky tonk townBlack lionBLP 12185VGVG£7.001979 some wear on cover; some light marks - plays well with a few crackles
40706LPLaurindo AlmediaArtistry in rhythmConcord jazzCJ 238VGEX£8.001984 US; Gold Promo stamp f/cover; name written top corner b/cover, mild sticker mark f/cover + top corner crease; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40731LPLaurindo AlmediaThe best of everythingDaybreakDAL 2002EXEX£8.001973 laminated f/cover has mild wear + a few creases; 1 mark on side 2 - plays perfectly
36367LPGene Ammons & Dodo MarmarosaJugg & DodoPrestigePR 24021VGEX/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold ; recorded in Chicago 1962; mono; light sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover; some wear on cover; both discs play well
42433LPGene Ammons & Benny GreenJuggin' aroundYes to jazz10049VGEX£8.001985 Portugal; reissue of '59 LP 'The Singin'est' with new artwork + rearranged track listing; Mild wear on cover (VG+); vinyl near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
27471LPGene Ammons & Sonny StittAmmons - StittReactivationJR 150VGEX£8.001981 reissue if '61 recordings; some wear on spine; a few light marks
36662LPGene Ammons & Sonny StittSoul summitTransatlanticPR 7234VGVG£8.001967 Mono; with Jack McDuff; sticker stains/tears on labels; 2 sticker marks b/cover; some marks - plays OK with a few mild clicks + crackles
28382LPAlbert Ammons & Pete Johnson/ Jimmy YanceyBoogie woogie manRCA730 561EXVG£7.501972 France; 1 side each; Black & white series vol 5; mono; some marks - plays well
6651LPGene AmmonsEarly visionsChessCXJD 6701EXEX/EX£10.001984 Double
6652LPGene AmmonsMakes it happenCadetCA 783VGEX£8.001969 US; sale cut + edge split
6650LPGene AmmonsThe Gene Ammons story: Organ combosPrestigePR 24071EXEX/VG£10.001977 issue of '60-1 recordings; Double/Gatefold; both play EX
16033LPCurtis AmyWay downPacific jazzPJ 46EXEX£25.001992 reissue of '62 LP; Japan; mono; + insert
10655LPCat AndersonCat on a hot tin roofTripTLP 5577EXEX£8.0070's US reissue of '59 LP; light sticker mark f/cover; sale hole; warp
26344LPCat AndersonCat speaksBlack & blue33.113VGEX£10.001977 France; some yellowing along spine + top edge of cover + small laminate peel
6805LPErnestine AndersonHello like beforeConcord jazzCJ 31EXVG£7.001977 US; a few crackles
18405LPRay AnthonyJam session at the towerCapitolT 749VGG£6.001956 mono; some wear on cover; marks on vinyl - some clicks tk3 side2 o/w plays well w/some crackles
40708LPNeil ArdleyKaleidoscope of rainbowsGullGULP 1018EXEX£15.001976 + Ardleymusic/ Jazz centre society concert insert; mils fading along spine; 1 single clicks on side2 o/w plays perfectly
41469LPLouis Armstrong & Duke EllingtonThe Great reunionRoulette jazzROU 1008EXEX£8.001990 reissue of '63 LP recorded 3+4 April '61; barcode 0077779 384310; Promo + pluggers stickers b/cover; mark b/cover + small spot of wear on top edge of cover; a few marks - plays perfectly
26345LPLouis Armstrong & Duke EllingtonThe Great reunionColumbia33SX 1591VGVG£10.001963 Blue/Black label; mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
5777LPLouis Armstrong & Duke EllingtonThe Great reunion - vol 1Vogue jazzVJD 506/1MintEX£8.0080's reissue of 1961 LP; light warp
40737LPLouis Armstrong & Duke EllingtonTogether for the first timeRoulette jazzROU 1007VGEX£8.001990 reissue of of '61 LP; barcode 0077779 384211; Promo sticker b/cover; cover VG+ with fading along spine + a few mild marks on f/cover
27326LPLouis Armstrong & King OliverLouis Armstrong & King OliverMilestoneM 47017VGEX/EX£10.001974 US Double/Gatefold issue of '23-24 recordings; some ring wear; a few crackles
2047810"Louis ArmstrongJazz concertBrunswickLA 8534GF£4.001951 mono; sellotape on edge split; pen mark f/cover; marks on vinyl - jump start side 1 o/w plays ok w/some clicks + crackles
2763210"Louis ArmstrongJazz concertBrunswickLA 8534EXVG£12.001954 mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
1733510"Louis ArmstrongJazzing again with Louis ArmstrongColumbia33S 1069EXVG£12.001955 issue of '28-30 recordings; mono; some laminate peel on opening; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
1733410"Louis ArmstrongNew York town hall concert 1947HMVDLP 1015EXVG£12.001953 mono; plays ok w/some crackles
8908LPLouis ArmstrongAt the Crescendo - vol 1Ace of heartsAH 81EXEX£8.001966 issue of 21/1/55 live in LA recording; mono
8909LPLouis ArmstrongAt the Crescendo - vol 2Ace of heartsAH 82EXVG£8.001966 issue of 21/5/55 live in LA recording; mono; 1 small jump tk4 side1 o/w plays EX
1177LPLouis ArmstrongBest of.. The early yearsParlophonePMC 7136EXMint£8.001970 issue of 1926/31 recordings; Flipback sleeve
10656LPLouis ArmstrongChicago concert 1956CBS22106EXEX/EX£12.001980 Double/Gatefold ; mono
26346LPLouis ArmstrongHis greatest years - volume 2ParlophonePMC 1142VGVG£8.001961 Gold/Black label; mono; stain b/cover; plays OK w/some crackles
1176LPLouis ArmstrongHis greatest years - volume 2ParlophonePMC 1142EXMint£8.001970 issue of 1926/27 recordings; Flipback sleeve
5645LPLouis ArmstrongJuly 4, 1900 - July 6, 1971RCA victorDPM 2017EXEX/EX£15.001971 Double/Gatefold mono
29674LPLouis ArmstrongLouis and the angelsBrunswickLAT 8210VGG£7.001957 Mono; some marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
31903LPLouis ArmstrongLouis Armstrong & his friendsPhilipsSON 010EXVG£8.001976 Plain White label test pressing; light wear on one piece rough cut sample front & back cover; 'Sonic series'; a few marks on side 2 - plays EX
17620LPLouis ArmstrongLouis Armstrong plays WC HandyCBS realm52067VGEX£7.00mono issue of '54 recordings; writing b/cover; a few light marks
1175LPLouis ArmstrongLouis in Los Angeles 1930ParlophonePMC 7098MintEX£10.001970 mono; Flipback sleeve
41197LPLouis ArmstrongMemorialCBSS 66247EXEX/EX£10.001971 Holland; Double/Gatefold compilation of '29-'56 tracks; Orange labels; thin line of fading along spine f/cover; a few light marks - both discs play well
5893LPLouis ArmstrongMemorialCBSS 66247EXEX/EX£12.001971 Holland Double/Gatefold
20415LPLouis ArmstrongSatchmo at symphony hall - vol 1CoralCP 48VGVG£7.001970 issue of '51 LP of 30/11/47 concert; mono; 2 sellotape marks bottom corner of cover; few marks - few crackles o/w plays EX
34027LPLouis ArmstrongSinging style of Louis Armstrong (the)Verve VSPVSP 7/8EXEX/EX£12.001967 Double/Gatefold issue of '59/60 recordings; Mono; laminated sleeve
5776LPLouis ArmstrongThe best of..MCAMCA2 4035MintEX/EX£12.001980 US Double/Gatefold
41196LPLouis ArmstrongThe genius of Louis ArmstrongCBS66225VGEX/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold compilation of '24-'32 tracks; Mono; Orange labels; large Pluggers sticker + company new price sticker f/cover; 3mm line of fading along spine on f/cover; a few light marks - both discs play perfectly
3329LPLouis ArmstrongThe legend 1925-26World recordsSH 404EXEX£7.001981 wobc; mono
20414LPLouis ArmstrongTown hall concert plusRCA int.INTS 5070EXEX£8.001981 issue of 46/7 recordings; mono; light wear on cover
1178LPLouis ArmstrongV.S.O.P. Vol 5CBS62474VGMint£8.001970's France; Orange label; Ring mark on cover
5822LPChet Atkins c.g.b.SailsColumbiaFC 40593EXEX£8.001987 US
12540LPGeorgie Auld & Red RodneyThe vibes are onChazzer2001EXVG£7.00US issue of '47 + 51 recordings + 3 tracks by Charlie Parker; mono; some marks - a few light clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
12539LPGeorgie AuldBy George!Swing houseSWH 26EXEX£8.001981 issue of '49 live recordings; mono
26821LPAvon cities jazz bandBlue funkJoyJOYS 249EXEX£12.001973 a few light marks
26822LPAvon cities jazz bandBristol fashionDecca eclipseECS 2175EXEX£12.001975 a few light marks
22144LPKenny BallWaydown yonderNevisNEVLP 161VGEX£7.5070's issue of 25/8/77 Sydney concert
1181LPBilly BanksAnd his rhythmakersCBSM 52732MintMint£10.001970 issue of 1932 recordings; Realm Jazz series
1733610"Chris BarberChris Barber plays - vol 2Pye nixaNJT 502VGG£6.501956 mono; marks - vinyl scruffy - plays with some clicks + crackles
3733LPChris BarberAt the London PalladiumMFPMFP 1039EXEX£8.001961 mono
14734LPChris BarberBarber in Berlin - vol 1ColumbiaSX 1189VGG£8.001959 mono; marks on vinyl - plays well with somecrackles
28199LPChris BarberChris Barber band box - volume 1Columbia33SX 1158VGEX£10.001959 Green label; mono; some yellowing b/cover
20456LPChris BarberChris Barber in concertPye nixaNJL 6VGG£7.00Mono; spine split + some laminate peel; some marks - plays ok with a few clicks + some crackles
4044LPChris BarberChris Barber in CopenhagenColumbia33SX 1274VGVG£20.001961 mono; some light surface noise
36368LPChris BarberChris Barber's blues book - volume oneColumbiaSCX 3384VGVG£10.001961 Stereo; with Ottlilie Patterson; yellowing b/cover + some wear; a few marks - plays well with 5 clicks tk4 side 1
40853LPChris BarberChris Barber's jazz band with Ottilie PattersonAce of clubsACL 1163EXEX£8.001960's 'Treasury series' 2nd pressing of '64 issue of '54-55 recordings; Mono; light wear on cover; plays well
3702LPChris BarberCome FridayBlack lionBLM 51008EXEX£10.001980
3706LPChris BarberSwing is hereBlack lionBLP 12182EXVG£10.001979 some light clicks
8811LPChris BarberThe best of Chris BarberAce of clubsACL 1037EXVG£12.001960 mono; with Lonnie Donnegan; a few light marks + crackles o/w plays EX
20416LPChris BarberThe Great reunion concertBlack lionBLP 12140 /1EXG/VG£7.501977 Double/Gatefold; Live Fairfield hall 5/6/75; top edge split; disc 1 - 1 jump tk5 side 1 o/w plays ok w/few clicks + crackles; disc 2 few crackles o/w plays EX
28477LPGato BarbieriBoliviaRCA F/DutchmanFD 10158VGVG£12.001973 France; with Lonnie Liston Smith; Gatefold; small sticker mark f/cover o/w EX; some marks - plays well
33762LPGato BarbieriCalienteA&MAMLH 64597EXEX£10.001976 + insert; light wear on cover; a few light marks
33761LPGato BarbieriChapter three: Viva Emiliano ZapataABC impluseASD 9279GG£6.501974 US; Gatefold; water stain top of b/cover; wear on cover; marks on vinyl - some clicks at start of side 1 o/w plays well (VG) with some crackles
297LPGato BarbieriObsessionAffinityAFF 12VGEX£10.001970's issue
26823LPGato BarbieriUnder firePhilips6369 419EXEX£25.001973
26347LPJohn Barnes Roy Williams Jazz bandThe John Barnes Roy Williams Jazz bandGold star15-31VGEX£8.001975 light wear on cover
42840LPCharlie Barnet1944-45 BroadcastsFanfareLP38 138SealedSealed£10.001979 US; feat Roy Eldridge + Al Killian; Factory sealed in shrinkwrap; Unopened/Unplayed; small spots of wear on cover
6653LPCharlie BarnetBig band 1967Creative worldST 1056EXVG£7.00Holland; a few crackles o/w plays EX
12608LPCharlie BarnetCharlie Barnet & his orchestra - vol 1 1945-47First heardFHR 1974 12EXVG£7.0070's issue of '45-7 live recordings; mono; some marks + crackles
12609LPCharlie BarnetCharlie Barnet & his orchestra - vol 2 1944-47First heardFH 17EXEX£8.0070's issue of '44-7 live recordings; mono; a few crackles
15173LPCharlie BarnetCharlie Barnet & his Orchestra 1949AlamacQSR 2446EXVG£7.001970's; light stain b/cover; plays well with a few crackles
15172LPCharlie BarnetDance dateSwing houseSWH 6EXEX£8.001979 Live Hollywood Palladium Jan 59; no.538 of 3000; a few light crackles
12541LPCharlie BarnetLive at Basin Street eastHepHEP 2005EXEX£8.0080's issue of 24/5-12-66 live recordings; mono
12287LPCharlie BarnetSkylinerAce of heartsAH 157EXEX£10.001967 issue of '42-46 tracks; mono
36369LPRay BarrettoLa CunaCTICTI 9002EXEX£12.001982 Gold Promo stamp b/cover; light ringwear + a dew marks on cover; some light marks - plays perfectly
28478LPCount Basie & Mills brothersThe board of directorsDotSLPD 506EXEX£10.001968 Flipback sleeve; a few light marks
4572LPCount Basie & Sarah VaughanCount Basie & Sarah VaughanEmusES 12010EXEX£8.00US
32829LPCount Basie & Sarah VaughanCount Basie / Sarah VaughanColumbiaSCX 3403EXEX£18.001961 Stereo; Green/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; some light marks
1734010"Count BasieThe CountColumbia33S 1054VGVG£10.001955 mono; some wear on cover; sellotape on spine split; some marks - plays ok w/some crackles
26351LPCount BasieAfriquePhilips6369 408EXEX£15.001971 light wear on cover; a few light marks - a few light crackles
3255LPCount BasieBasic BasieBASF1920 7242EXEX£12.001971 Gatefold
42851LPCount BasieBasieColumbia33CX 10065EXEX£12.001957 Mono; 'Clef' series; light wear on fully laminated Flipback sleeve; plays well
40011LPCount BasieBasie boogieCBSCBS 21063VGEX£5.001983 Holland; 'I love jazz' series compilation of '41-'67 recordings; Mono; 3 small marks on side2 label; 2 marks on f/cover o/w EX; plays perfectly
2880LPCount BasieBasie jam no. 3Pablo2310 840EXEX£10.001979 recorded 1976 PROMO
18407LPCount BasieBasie plays HeftiColumbia33SX 1135VGVG£10.001958 mono; some wear on cover; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
26451LPCount BasieBasie's basementRCA camdenCDN 145VGG£7.0060's issue of '47 + 49 recordings; with Jimmy Rushing; mono; sellotape marks along edges of b/cover; 2 jumps tk1 side2 o/w plays well
6513LPCount BasieBasie's Beatle bagVerveVLP 9141EXVG£8.001966 mono; a few crackles
26350LPCount BasieBest of Basie - vol 1 (the)RouletteSRCP 3003VGVG£7.501969 original price written b/cover; tear on opening b/cover; a few light marks - a few clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
40699LPCount BasieBlues by BasieCBS54304EXEX£8.001980 Mono 'Jazz odyssey series' reissue of '56 LP; vocals by Jimmy Rushing; Gold Demo stamp bottom corner b/cover; thin line of fading along the spine; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
28200LPCount BasieBroadway Basie's wayEMI CommandSCOM 107EXEX£10.001966 stereo; Gatefold
33292LPCount BasieChairman of the boardColumbia33SX 1224VGVG£8.001959 Mono; Green/Gold label; A few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26348LPCount BasieChairman of the boardRouletteSRCP 3008EXEX£12.001970 reissue of '58 LP; light wear on cover; a few light marks
32828LPCount BasieChairman of the boardColumbiaSCX 3304EXVG£10.001959 Stereo; Green/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; a few marks - plays EX
6654LPCount BasieCount Basie & Kansas city sevenWorld recordT 857EXVG£7.001962 recordings; some crackles
1531LPCount BasieCount Basie singsWorld recordT 331VGVG£7.001963 issue of 1955 recordings; With Joe Williams
42852LPCount BasieDance sessionColumbia33CX 10007VGEX£10.001957 Mono; 'Clef' series; fully laminated Flipback sleeve; some laminate peel along opening edge of front cover; plays well with just a few crackles
42853LPCount BasieDance session - volume 2Columbia33CX 10044VGEX£10.001957 Mono; 'Clef' series; some wear on openings of fully laminated Flipback sleeve; plays well with just a few crackles
15419LPCount BasieFor the first timePablo2310 712VGVG£6.501974 small sticker tear b/cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
40711LPCount BasieHave a nice dayDaybreak2932 002EXEX£8.001971 Fully laminated sleeve has a few creases + mild wear; just a few light marks - plays well (EX+)
40733LPCount BasieHigh voltageMPS/ BASFBMPS 19 20744VGEX£8.001971 Gatefold with BAP5006 cat no sticker top corner b/cover; top corner crease near spine; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
28201LPCount BasieHollywood.. Basie's wayEMI CommandSCOM 115VGVG£8.001967 stereo; Gatefold; wear on spine; some marks - plays EX
26352LPCount BasieI told you soPablo2310 767EXEX£10.001976 a few light marks f/cover; a few crackles
12289LPCount BasieJumpin' at the WoodsideAce of heartsAH 111EXEX£12.001966 mono
1182LPCount BasieJumpin' at the WoodsideAce of heartsAH 111EXEX£12.001966 mono
42413LPCount BasieKansas city suiteColumbiaSCX 3393EXEX£18.001961 Stereo; the music of Benny Carter; mild wear on cover; a few marks - plays well
26349LPCount BasieLi'l ol' groovemaker.. BasieVerveVLP 9051VGVG£10.001963 mono; a few marks - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
3360LPCount BasieLive at the blue noteMagicAWE 24EXEX£8.001986 issue of 1955/6 recordings; mono
40776LPCount BasieMontreux '77: Count Basie big bandPablo live2308 207EXEX£8.001977 just a couple of light marks - plays perfectly
36371LPCount BasieMontreux '77: Count Basie JamPablo live2308 209EXEX£8.001977 plays well
40732LPCount BasieMore hits of the '50's and '60'sVerveVLP 9064VGEX£8.001964 Mono; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; Flipback sleeve (VG+) with 'Ray Harvey' written near top corner b/cover o/w EX
10657LPCount BasieOne more timeColumbiaSX 1183VGVG£7.001959 mono; sellotape on edge splits; some marks + crackles
42854LPCount BasieOne more timeColumbiaSCX 3284EXEX£18.001959 Stereo; a few sopts of wear along openings of Flipback sleeve; plays well
36370LPCount BasiePlays Quincy Jones and Neal HeftiVogueVJD 558VGVG/VG£8.001978 Double/Gatefold issue of '58-59 recordings; sticker stain f/cover; mild marks + light dish warp on discs - both play well (EX)
30653LPCount BasiePop goes the BasieRepriseR 6153VGVG£8.001965 mono; 3 colour steamboat label; 'ATV music library' sticker f/cover + label; light pen mark f/cover; a few marks - plays EX
26452LPCount BasiePrime timePablo2310 797EXEX£10.001977 very small chip on rim; a few crackles
12465LPCount BasieRock a bye BasieSwing houseSWH 41EXEX£8.001983 compilation of '42-3 tracks; mono
42434LPCount BasieStanding ovationDotSLPD 533VGEX£8.001969 Stereo; Black/Silver label; 3 eras of Basie recorded live at the Tropicana hotel, Las Vegas; a few creases along spine + just mild wear; plays well
26353LPCount BasieSwinging at the Daisy chainCoralCP 75EXEX£8.001972 issue of Jan-Oct '37 recordings; mono; original sticker price f/cover
42475LPCount BasieThe Atomic Mr BasieColumbia33SX 1084VGVG£10.001958 Mono; Green/Gold label; Fully laminated flipback sleeve with blue text on b/cover; bubbling under laminate along spine + top corner f/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few clicks tk3, side1
12290LPCount BasieThe Atomic Mr BasieRouletteSRCP 3000EXEX£10.001969 reissue of '58 LP; plays well
12288LPCount BasieThe CountRCA camdenCDN 120EXEX£12.001958 issue of '47-49 recordings; mono
12470LPCount BasieThis & thatSwing houseSWH 29EXEX£8.001982 issue of '45-51 live recordings; mono
40710LPCount BasieThis time by Basie; Hits of the '50's & '60'sRepriseR 6070VGVG£8.001963 Mono; Green/Blue steamboat label; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; name written near top edge b/cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
3417LPCount BasieWilliam & the famous doorDJMDJML 053EXEX£8.001975 issue of 1937/38 recordings; mono; light sticker mark
42476LPCount BasieYou can depend on BasieCoralCP 76EXEX£8.001972 Mono issue of '38-39 recordings; plays well
40712LPBe-bop preservation societyThe Be-bop preservation societyDawnDNLS 3027VGEX£20.001971 Orange label; Gatefold; + insert (corner crease); 2mm line of fade along spine; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
12291LPSidney BechetA tribute to the late Sidney BechetEmberEMB 3330EXVG£7.001961 issue of '40 recordings; mono; a few crackles o/w plays EX; FA 2009 sticker on cover
28221LPSidney BechetHistory of jazzJokerSM 3090EXEX£7.0080's Italian issue of '71 LP; Bechet-Spanier Big four - NY 1940
27260LPSidney BechetI Grandi del jazz 2Fabbri editoriGDJ 2VGEX£7.00Italy; 8 page booklet is detatched form Gatefold sleeve
27389LPSidney BechetVolume 1: Refreshing tracksVogueVJD 541VGEX/EX£12.001977 Double/Gatefold issue of '57-58 tracks; light wear on cover; a few light crackles
40052LPJohn Becker, Jean Kittrell & Bill HustonThe Blues emporiumMeridianBE 78-01VGEX£15.001978 Signed of front cover by all 3 with dedications to Maurice; mild wear on cover + yellowing along spine; just a few light marks - plays well
17282LPBix BeiderbeckeBix & his gangParlophonePMC 1221EXVG£7.50Early 70's pressing of '63 LP; issue of 1927/8 recordings; flipback sleeve; mono; light warp + a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
36374LPBix BeiderbeckeIndespensable Bix Beiderbecke (the)Black & whiteNK 89572(2)SealedSealed£10.001983 German; Double/Gatefold 'Jazz tribune' series issue of '24-30 recordings; mono; sealed in shrinkwrap
28222LPBix BeiderbeckeThe Golden days of jazzCBS88030EXEX/EX£10.001974 Orange labels: Holland; Double/Gatefold; a few light marks on discs
42477LPLouis Bellson / Mills blue rhythm bandBig bandsPolydor2344 048EXEX£8.001973 Mono issue of 15/11/47 & 28/8/64 recordings; 1 side each; plays perfectly
40713LPLouie BellsonLouie in LondonPyeNSPL 18349EXEX£10.001970 Blue labels; Flipback sleeve; mild yellowing/fading along spine + small name stamp b/cover: vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
2802LPLouis BellsonSunshine rockPablo2310 813EXEX£10.001978
40692LPLouis BellsonThe Big band sound of Louis bellsonRoulette2934 020VGEX£8.001972 reissue of '62 LP 'Big band jazz from the Summit'; 5mm line of fading along spine + part of top edge o/w EX; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
26824LPLouis BellsonThe Louis Bellson explosionPablo2310 755EXEX£10.001975 light wear on cover; a few light marks
12606LPTex BenekeMemoriesFirst heardFH 33EXVG£7.001979 issue of '46-49 recordings; 143/3000 mono; a few crackles o/w plays EX
36372LPGeorge Benson & Joe FarrellBenson & FarrellCTICTI 6069EXEX£10.001976 Gatefold; light wear on cover; very light warp - plays perfectly
40656LPGeorge Benson & Earl KlughCollaborationWarner bros.925 580-1EXEX£8.001987 German; + inner; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
36373LPGeorge Benson & Jack McDuffGeorge Benson & Jack McDuffPrestige68333VGEX/EX£12.001977 Double/Gatefold compilation of '64=64 LP's 'The new boss guitar of George Benson' + 'Hot barbeque'; France; light wear on cover + some laminate peel; small sticker mark on side1 labels; disc1, some light marks - plays perfectly; Disc2, a few light marks - plays perfectly
37675LPGeorge Benson20/20Warner bros.925 178-1EXEX£6.001985 German with UK cat no. sticker b/cover; + inner; a few light marks - plays perfectly
41948LPGeorge BensonIn flightWarner bros.K 56327EXEX£7.001980 issue of '77 LP; matrix no.s A2/B2; Gatefold; 3 small light dot sticker marks top corner f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
4228LPGeorge BensonSummertimeCBS32191EXEX£8.001976 reissue of '66 LP; in shrinkwrap
20384LPBill BergmanMidnight saxPassportPJ 88022SealedSealed£8.001986 US; sealed in shrinkwrap; small sale cut
38661LPBunny Berigan & Red McKenzieBunny & Red & Mound city blue blowers (1935-1936)Jazz archivesJA 3VGEX£8.00US; Mono; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; 1.5cm strip short of picture on opening edge of f/cover in manufacturing process; a few light marks - plays well
33375LPChu BerrySittin' inFontanaTL 5263EXEX£12.001965 Mono; Black/Silver label; light yellowing b/cover
2936610"Acker BilkMr Acker Bilk requestsPye nixaNJT 513VGVG£7.501958 mono; some wear + laminate peel on cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
27261LPAcker BilkAcker Bilk, his clarinet & stringsPyeQUAD 1016EXEX£10.001972 Quadraphonic; a few light carckles
5027LPAcker BilkBlue ackerColumbiaTWO 230MintEX£10.001968 in shrinkwrap
28136LPAcker BilkLondon is my cup of teaColumbiaTWO 164EXEX£8.001967 Blue/Black label; Studio 2 stereo; a few light marks
23448LPAcker BilkMeanwhile..PyeNSPLX 41055VGVG£15.001977 Quadraphonic; Signed "Acker Bilk" f/cover; sticker tear f/cover; plays well
4330LPAcker BilkMr Acker Bilk omnibusPyeNJL 22VGVG£15.001960 mono; some surface noise; plays well
27669LPAcker BilkStranger on the shoreColumbia33SX 1407EXEX£8.001961 Green label; mono; light wear on cover
23451LPAcker BilkThe seven ages of AckerEMI EncoreENC 206VGVG£8.0060's reissue of '60 LP; mono; light wear on cover; mark across side 2 - a couple of clicks o/w plays EX
6655LPBlack bottom stompersBlack & tan fantasyVJMLC 23SEXEX£10.001975 Signed; a few light marks on vinyl
26825LPArt Blakey & Buddy De FrancoBlues ragAtlantisATS 4EXEX£10.001986 issue of 1964 NYC recordings; light wear on cover
6657LPArt BlakeyAin't life grandAffinityAFF 106EXEX£8.001983 issue of '57 recordings featuring John Coltrane; light sticker mark
40693LPArt Blakey's Jazz messengersHard bopCBS54302VGEX£10.001980 'Jazz odyssey' series reissue of '57 LP' Gold Demo stamp top corner b/cover; cover VG+ with 3mm line of fading along spine of front cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), just a couple of crackles o/w plays perfectly
26354LPArt Blakey's Jazz messengersThe Big beatBlue noteBST 84029VGVG£20.001984 French reissue of '60 LP; mono; Audiophile edition + obi; some ring wear f/cover; some light marks - plays EX
26826LPCarla BleyI hate to singWatt823 865-1EXEX£18.001984 German; Gatefold
26827LPArthur BlytheBlythe spiritCBS85194VGEX£10.001981 Holland; + inner; light wear on cover
28404LPWilliam BolcomPastimes & piano ragsNonesuchH 71299EXEX£8.001974 plays Artie Matthews & James Scott
39380LPBones galoreBones galorePolydor383 078EXEX£18.001969 Arranged by Pete Smith; Fully laminated sleeve; vinyl is near Mint, plays well
40596LPLuiz BonfaPlays and sings Bossa novaVerveVLP 9209VGEX£18.001963 Mono; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; Black/Silver labels with 'Sold in UK' text; Flipback sleeve; ; 'Ray Harvey' written near top corner b/cover; very small line of fading along spine f/cover; vinyl EX+ with just a few light marks - plays well
27472LPBop fathersIn ParisLotusLOP 14.072EXEX£8.001980 Italy; Gillespie, Stitt, Winding, Monk, Blakey & McKibbon; light wear on cover
26859LPEarl BosticBlows a fuseCharly R&BCRB 1091VGEX£8.001985 wear on text of spine o/w EX
26860LPEarl BosticThe Best of BosticSing/ Official500VGEX£8.001988 reissue; Denmark
2574LPJohnny BothwellWhatever happenedto..Bob ThieleBBM1 0641EXEX£10.001974 US Gatefold issue of 1940's recordings; sale cut; mono
38087LPWill BradleyOn the air: Will Bradley & orch. feat Ray McKinleyAircheck#15VGVG£8.001975 Canada; '41 + '40 remote broadcasts; mono; cat no, mono stamp, mild sticker mark + small libray stamp b/cover o/w EX; dish warp + a few marks - plays well (EX)
38579LPWill BradleyRock-a-bye boogieBandstandBS 7112VGEX£10.00US issue of '40-41 recordings with Ray McKinley orchestra; Mono; 'BS-7112/Mono' written top corner + library stamp/sticker stain bottom corner b/cover; plays perfectly
42749LPRuby Braff & George Barnes quartetThe best I've heardVogue jazzVJD 519EXVG/EX£10.001976 Double/Gatefold reissue of '73 + '74 LP's; Textured sleeve; disc 1 (VG+) a couple of clicks on side1 o/w plays EX
40012LPRuby Braff & Scott HamiltonA sailboat in the moonlightCTICJ 296EXEX£8.001986 US; a few creases along spine; plays well with just a few crackles
30926LPRuby BraffBraff plays BingPizzaPIZZA 5501EXEX£10.001979 light warp
36375LPRuby BraffHear me talkin'Polydor2460 127VGVG£7.001971 some light marks - plays well with just a few crackles at start side 2
42583LPRuby BraffHear me talkin'Polydor2460 127EXEX£8.001971 issue of Oct/Nov '67 recordings; light wear on fully laminated sleeve; plays well
26355LPRuby BraffRuby BraffPhilipsB 07179 LVGVG£12.00Holland; mono; a few stains along bottom edge b/cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
42435LPBuddy BregmanSwingin' standardsVogueVA 160164VGEX£10.001960 Mono; & his Dace band; top edge split on fully laminated Flipback sleeve with a small amount of yellow staining from removed sellotape; number stamp on inside edge of opening; plays well
42518LPBob Brookmeyer, Jim Hall & Jimmy RaneyStreet swingersVogueLAE 12147EXEX£20.001958 Mono; with Osie Johnson & Bill Crow; light wear on fully laminated Flipback sleeve; plays well
42478LPBob BrookmeyerBob Brookmeyer and friendsCBSBPG 62535EXVG£10.001965 Mono; Orange '33' labels; with Stan Getz, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, Gary Burton & Elvin Jones; '24014' nimber stamped b/cover; vinyl VG+ with a few small marks tk1 side1 causing just a few mild clicks o/w plays EX
26828LPBob BrookmeyerTraditionalism revisitedAffinityAFF 127VGEX£8.001984 reissue of '58 LP; some wear on spine of cover
12466LPRandy BrooksRandy Brooks & his orchestra (1944)First timeFTR 1511SealedSealed£8.00US mono; sealed in shrinkwrap
35087LPBrotzmann, Mangelsdorff, SommerPica PicaFMPFMP 1050VGVG£40.001983 West German; light wear on cover (VG+): some light marks on vinyl - plays perfectly
35085LPBrotzmann, Van Hove, Bennink & MangelsdorffElementsFMPFMP 0030VGEX£50.001971 German; 2 light sticker marks b/cover; crease on front cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
34906LPTed Brown sextetFree wheelingVanguard/ KingGXC 3121EXEX£10.001975 reissue of '75 LP; Japan; NO obi strip; some wear on spine; very light dish warp - plays perfectly
26831LPClifford BrownBrownie speaks: 1953-1954Giants of jazzLPJT 59EXEX£8.001986 Italy
26830LPClifford BrownCherokee 1954-55Giants of jazzLPJT 74EXEX£8.001987 Italy; light wear on cover
26840LPClifford BrownClifford Brown - volume 1ReactivationJR 118VGEX£8.001981 issue of April + August '54 LA live recordings; a few marks + some wear on cover
32847LPClifford BrownThe Immortal Clifford BrownMercury20090 /1 SMCLVGVG/VG£15.001964 Stereo; 2xLP Box set; Black/Silver labels; some wear on corners of box; some marks on discs - both play well with a few crackles
26356LPClifford BrownWarmFontanaFJL 120EXEX£12.00Popular jazz series; mono; laminate creases f/cover; a few light marks
5778LPLes Brown& his orchestra 1949 - vol 2LondonHMA 5059MintEX£8.001978 mono; Radio years vol 29
18769LPLes BrownThe Les Brown all starsCapitolT 659VGG£5.001955 Turqouise label; US; mono; top edge split + some wear on cover; marks on vinyl - plays w/some clicks + crackles
22570LPSandy BrownMcJazzDormouseDM 6EXEX£10.001986 reissue of '57 LP; mono; light warp
26861LPSandy BrownSandy Brown with the Brian Lemon trio7777SEU 12/49VGEX£10.001973 some laminate is bubbling along spine o/w EX; a few light marks
14735LPSandy BrownSandy's sidemen play Al FairweatherTempoTAP 3VGVG£25.001956 mono; a few marks - plays well w/some crackles
16843LPTom BrowneBrowne sugarGRPGRP 5003EXVG£6.501979 US; Gatefold; a few light marks - plays EX
30146LPGerry Brown's JazzmenIt's trad timeFontanaTFL 5165VGF£6.501962 mono; stain onopening b/cover + some yellowing; warp; marks on vinyl - 4 jumps side2 tk2 o/w plays well w/some crackles
4229LPDave Brubeck & Paul DesmondJazz at StoryvilleVocalionLAEF 12060EXVG£10.001964 issue of 1952/53/55 recordings; mono; some crackles
33376LPDave BrubeckA cut aboveDirect disk labDD 106VGVG/VG£15.001978 Direct to disc recording; ltd ed no. 40944; Double/Gatefold; Disc 1 a few crackes side 2 o/w plays EX; Disc 2 some light marks - plays EX
33295LPDave BrubeckAt Carnegie hall - part 1CBSBPG 62155VGVG£8.001963 Mono; Orange label; Flipback sleeve; small surface tear on opening f/cover; a few light marks - 4 clicks tk3 side2 o/w plays EX
28137LPDave BrubeckAt Carnegie hall - part 2CBSSPBG 62156EXF£5.001963 Stereo; Side1 - plays EX; Side2 - 6 jumps tk2 o/w plays EX
33293LPDave BrubeckDave Brubeck and Jay & KaiPhilipsBBL 7147VGF£4.501958 issue of 6/7/56 live recording; Mono; small tear on opening; some marks - a few jumps + some clicks side1 tk1 o/w plays well (VG)
39382LPDave BrubeckDave Brubeck at the Storyville: 1954PhilipsBBL 7018VGG£8.001954 Black/Silver labels; fully laminated sleeve; some wear on cover/spine; a few marks - a few licks + crackles o/w plays well (VG)
42438LPDave BrubeckGone with the windCBSBPG 62065EXEX£12.001962 Mono; rough Orange '33' label reissue of '59 LP; just a few light marks - plays well
33296LPDave BrubeckInstant BrubeckHarmonyHS 11253VGG£5.001968 8 track reissue of '55 LP 'Brubeck time'; some wear + light stains on cover; edge splits; some marks on vinyl - plays well (VG) with a few clicks + crackles
36377LPDave BrubeckJazz at OberlinVogueLAE 12048VGG£7.001957 issue of '53 LP; mono; wear on openings + some yellowing on cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
33294LPDave BrubeckJazz at OberlinVogueLAE 12048VGVG£10.001957 some laminate peel on openings of cover; some yellowing b/cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
33374LPDave BrubeckJazz at OberlinAce of heartsAH 167VGVG£8.001968 issue of 2/3/53 Obelin college, Ohio live recordings; Mono; a few marks - plays well
36376LPDave BrubeckJazz at the Black HawkVogueLAE 12094VGG£7.001959 issue of '52-53 recordings; mono; marks on vinyl (scruffy) - plays OK w/some clicks + crackles (NO jumps)
39288LPDave BrubeckJazz goes to collegePhilipsBBL 7041VGG£8.001955 Mono; Black/Silver label; some wear on spine + openings of cover; vinyl looks VG+; side1 plays VG+; side2, 5 jumps at very start o/w plays VG+
30147LPDave BrubeckJazz impressions of EurasiaFontana885 107 TYGG£7.0019858 Holland; Stereo; UK cat sticker (STFL 508) b/cover; Sellotape on tears/damage f/cover; name written b/cover; markson vinyl - plays well w/some crackles
18408LPDave BrubeckMy favorite thingsCBSBPG 62643VGG£6.501966 mono; name on labels; marks on vinyl - plays ok with a few clicks + some crackles
35597LPDave BrubeckPlays music from West side story and..CBS450 410-1EXVG£6.001986 'CBS Jazz Masterpieces' series remastered issue; Holland; + company inner; some mild marks - plays well (EX)
29481LPDave BrubeckSouthern sceneFontanaTFL 5099VGG£7.001960 mono; sellotape stain on opening b/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays OK w/few clicks + crackles + couple spots distortion
22768LPDave BrubeckSummit sessionsCBSS 64377VGVG£8.001970 Orange label; some light marks - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
39015LPDave BrubeckThe Dave Brubeck octetFantasyOJC 101EXEX£8.001984 US reissue of '56 LP of '46-49 recordings; light wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays perectly
1067LPDave BrubeckThe fabulous..VogueLAE 12008EXEX£15.001959 mono
40613LPDave BrubeckThe Last set at NewportAtlanticK 40368VGEX£10.001972 Orange/Grey labels; matix no.s A1/B1; Live 3/7/71 feat. Gerry Mulligan; + Heavy & Alive company insert; mild yellowing along spine + top edge of cover + small bottom edge split; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
28479LPDave BrubeckThe RiddleFontanaTFL 5101VGVG£10.001960 mono; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42436LPDave BrubeckTime outFontanaTFL 5085VGVG£25.001961 Mono; Black/Silver label pressing of '59 LP matrix no.s 1Lv3/Lv1; Flipback sleeve has yellowing b/cover + corner creases; some marks - plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
33297LPDave BrubeckTruth is fallenAtlanticK 40367VGVG£7.001972 Orange/Grey label; + insert; sticker mark f/cover; a few marks - plays OK with a few clicks + crackles
6658LPJoy BryanJoy Bryan singsModeLP 108VGG£7.001957 US mono; sellotape on edge splits; surface marks; plays OK with some surface noise
42480LPRay Bryant & his ComboDancing the big twistPhilipsBBL 7538VGEX£10.001961 Mono; '00338' stamped on b/cover; centre bottom edge split; a few marks - plays well
42479LPPaul BryantSomething's happeningVocalionLAE-F 583VGEX£15.001964 Mono; Fully laminated flipback sleeve has yellowing along edges + a few small creases along spine; mark tks 2/3 side1 that does not affect play; plays well
139LPMilt BucknerBlack & blue stompBlack&blue33.061EXMint£10.00France; Still in shrinkwrap
7360LPMilt BucknerGreen onionsBlack & blueWE 341MintEX£10.001975 France; in shrinkwrap
10658LPMilt BucknerPlay, Milt, playFrances concertFC 103MintEX£8.001987 issue of '66-71 live tracks; France; in shrinkwrap; a few light marks
6638LPMilt BucknerThe unforgettable Milt BucknerMPS5C064 61178EXVG£6.001978 Dutch issue of '66-70 tracks; some surface marks + a few light crackles
26832LPKenny Burrell & Grover Washinton Jr.TogetheringBlue noteBT 85106EXEX£10.001985 France; a few light crackles
42414LPKenny Burrell & Brother Jack McDuffCrashStatesideSL 10163EXEX£35.001965 Mono; Flipback sleeve; 3 small pen marks bu titles b/cover + a few creases along spine; plays well
42482LPKenny Burrell & Jimmy SmithBlue bashVerve2352 063VGEX£12.001975 Holland; Stereo reissue of '63 LP; some wear on cover; plays well
42633LPKenny Burrell, Frank Wess, Joe NewmanJazz for playboysRealm jazzRM 166EXEX£15.001964 Mono' 'Savoy' series reissue of '57 LP with new artwork; with Eddie Jones, Freddie Green, Ed Thigpen, Gus Johnson; a few spots of yellowing b/cover; plays well
42439LPKenny BurrellAsphalt canyonVerveSVLP 9250VGEX£25.001970 Stereo; Black/Silver label; martix no.s MGS 1914/5 -1G/1G; Flipback sleeve (VG+) has some creases along spine + mild ring wear
42481LPKenny BurrellBlues - The common groundVerveSVLP 9217EXEX£30.001968 Stereo; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s A-1G/B-1G; a few creases along + just light wear on Flipback sleeve; 4 clicks at very start side1 o/w plays well (EX+)
42483LPKenny BurrellBoth feet on the groundFantasyF 9427EXVG£10.001973 US; light wear in cover; vinyl VG+ with just a few clicks on side1 o/w plays EX
42750LPKenny BurrellEllington is foreverFantasyF 79005VGEX/EX£15.001975 US; Double/Gatefold; some mild ring wear + light wear on cover (VG+); both discs play well
42441LPKenny BurrellGuitarVerve23094EXEX£10.001970's compilation of '65-69 tracks; small spot of wear on bottom corner by opening; plays well with just a few crackles
42440LPKenny BurrellMan at workCadetLPS 769EXEX£15.00US Stereo Blue label reissue of '60 LP 'A night at the Vanguard' with new artwork; plays well
42437LPKenny BurrellMidnight blueBlue noteBNS 40015VGEX£25.001979 Blue label/Black 'B' logo reissue of '63 LP; matrix no.s A-1U/B-1U; mild wear on cover + some yellowing b/cover; some light marks - plays perfectly
7941LPKenny BurrellRecapitulationChessGCH 26034EXEX/VG£10.00'80's issue of '59-67 recordings; Double; disc1 a few marks + light click tk1 side2
42484LPKenny BurrellWhen lights are lowConcord jazzCJ-83EXEX£12.001979 US; just light wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays well
26881LPGary BurtonAlone at lastAtlanticK 40305VGVG£10.001972 small sticker tear f/cover; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
6804LPGary BurtonLofty fake anagramRCA victorSF 7923VGG£7.001968 writing + creasing b/cover; some surface marks, clicks + crackles
26880LPGary BurtonTennessee firebirdRCA victorSF 7992EXVG£12.001968 Black/Red spot label; a few crackles o/w plays EX
14302LPSam ButeraThinking man's saxPrimaPM 3002VGVG£10.001964 mono; plays well with a few crackles
4123LPBilly ButterfieldThe uncollectedHindsightHSR 173SealedSealed£8.001981 US issue of '46 recordings; in shrinkwrap; mono
1068LPDon ByasOn 52nd streetRealm jazzRM 230EXEX£12.001965 mono
28138LPCharlie ByrdTravellin' manCBSBPG 62610EXEX£12.001966 Mono; Orange label; Live at the 'Showboat' Washington DC; Flipback sleeve;
42485LPAl CaiolaEverything happens to meRealm jazzRM-159VGEX£10.001963 Mono; 'Savoy series' reissue of '55 LP 'Deep in a dream - the guitar of Al Caiola' with new artwork; '356' written top corner b/cover in red pen + a few creases along spine; plays well
16845LPCalderaDreamerCapitolEST 11952EXVG£8.001979 + inner; some light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
7942LPCab CallowayJumpin' jiveCBS21115EXEX£8.001974 Dutch issue of '35-47 recordings; "I love jazz" series; mono
12471LPCab CallowayJumping jiveSwing houseSWH 15EXEX£8.001980 issue of '44-46 live recordings; mono; a few light crackles
42442LPFrankie Capp & Nat PierceJuggernautConcord jazzCJ-40EXEX£8.001977 US; White labels; plays perfectly
2048010"Dave Carey/ Sandy BrownTraditional jazz scene 1956TempoLAP 8VGG£7.501956 mono; 18/2/56 live at Royal festival hall; 1 side each; some yellowing of cover; some marks - plays ok with a few clicks + some crackles
36379LPLarry CarltonAlone / But never aloneMCA master ser.MCA 5689VGVG£7.001986 US; some creasing on cover; a few mild marks - plays perectly
36380LPLarry CarltonDiscoveryMCA master ser.MCA 42003EXEX£8.001987 US; Audiophile prsssing; in stickered shrinkwrap; some mild marks - plays perfectly
41951LPLarry CarltonLarry CarltonWarner bros.K 56548VGEX£8.001978 small sticker tear top corner f/cover o/w EX; plays perfectly
27264LPHoagy CarmichaelMr Music masterCoralCP 42EXEX£8.001970 issue of '42-49 recordings; mono
26358LPBenny CarterA gentleman and his musicConcord jazzCJ 285EXVG£8.001985 German; + insert; light wear on cover; a few light marks - a couple of light crackles o/w plays EX
26357LPBenny CarterDynamic hit sounds of the great Benny Carter orch.EmberCJS 802VGVG£10.001963 issue of '46 recordings; mono; name written b/cover; some wear on cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
12542LPBenny CarterI grandi del jazz (46)Fabbri editoriGDJ 46VGEX£7.50Italian issue of '43-5 recordings; Gatefold + 8 page booklet; some ringwear on cover
40695LPBenny CarterLive and well in JapanPablo live2308 216EXEX£10.001978 Gatefold; Gold Promo stamp b/cover; small amount of fading along spine: vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
26833LPBenny CarterSummer serenadeStoryvilleSLP 4047VGEX£10.001982 US; light wear on cover
16410LPRon CarterAnything goesKuduKU 25EXEX£10.001975 light wear on cover
17556LPCasiopeaSuper flightAlfaALR 6029VGEX£12.001979 Japan + insert; sticker mark f/cover + some wear; a few light marks
40755LPPaul Chambers & John ColtraneHigh stepBlue noteBND 4010EXEX/EX£30.001975 Double/Gatefold issue of '55/56 recordings; Mono; just a few light marks on disc1 - both discs play perfectly
36594LPJohn ChiodiniWeightlessMCAMCF 3369VGVG£7.001987 a few marks - plays well (EX)
3865LPGeorge ChisholmTrad specialWingWL 1043EXVG£9.001961 mono; small jump at start of side 2
36384LPCharlie ChristianWith the Benny Goodman sextet & orchestraCBSRM 52538VGVG£7.001970's Orange sunburst label issue of '39-41 recordings; mono; small sticker bottom corner of spine; a few marks - plays well (EX)
40658LPClark sistersSing sing singJasmineJASM 1038VGEX£8.001983 reissue of '58 LP; mild wear on cover (VG+); vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42519LPClark sistersThe Clark sisters againLondonHA-D 2177VGEX£12.001959 Plim label/Silver print; mild wear on Flipback sleeve; just a few marks - plays well
40696LPKenny Clarke & Francy BolandAll smilesPolydor583727EXEX£8.001969 Laminated f/cover; just a couple of marks - plays well with just a few crackles
40604LPKenny Clarke & Francy BolandAt her majesty's pleasurePolydor2460 131EXEX£8.001971 Gatefold sleeve has mild yellowing along the spine; 2nd cat. no Blavk lion BLP 30109; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
40697LPKenny Clarke & Francy BolandLatin kaleidescopePolydor583726EXEX£10.001969 mild wear on cover + very thin line of fading along spine on f/cover; plays well with just a few crackles
4176LPStanley Clarke & George DukeThe Clarke/Duke projectEpicEPC 84848EXEX£10.001981
16477LPStanley ClarkeFind outEpicEPC 26521VGVG£6.001985 + inner; name f/cover + labels; a few marks - plays EX
22728LPStanley ClarkeI wanna play for youEpicEPC 22133EXEX/EX£12.001979 Double/Gatefold; light wear on cover
26314LPStanley ClarkeJourney to loveAtlanticK 50187VGVG£8.001975 some marks - plays EX
6558LPStanley ClarkeLet me know youEpicEPC 85846EXEX£8.001982 + insert
36385LPStanley ClarkeModern manEpicEPC 82674VGEX£7.001978 some wear on cover; plays well
2899LPStanley ClarkeModern manEpicEPC 32108EXVG£7.001978
2894LPStanley ClarkeRocks pebbles & sandEpicSEPC 84342EXEX£8.001980 DEMO + insert
16478LPStanley ClarkeTime exposureEpicEPC 25486VGEX£6.501984 stain on cover
26360LPBuck Clayton & Buddy TateBuck & Buddy blow the bluesXtraXTRA 5021EXVG£15.001967 issue of '62 LP; mono; light wear on cover; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26362LPBuck ClaytonA Buck Clayton jam session: Robins nest HucklebuckCBS realm jazzRM 52078EXEX£12.00Mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks
26361LPBuck ClaytonAll stars' performanceVogueLD 544.30EXEX£15.0060's French issue of 22.4.61 live recordings; '10th anniversaire des disques Vogue' series - vol 22; mono; a couple of crackles
26359LPBuck ClaytonBuck Clayton jams Benny GoodmanPhilipsBBL 7068VGG£10.001957 mono; laminate has peeled off; sellotape on spine split; some marks on vinyl - 2 jumps on side 1 o/w plays OK w/some crackles
40700LPBuck ClaytonBuck'n the bluesVanguardVRS 8514EXEX£8.001972 Mono reissue of '57 LP; Textured sleeve with RCA RRP sticker on front cover has just light wear: smal mild mark tk2 side2 causing 5 mild clicks o/w plays well (EX+)
42751LPBuck ClaytonJam sessionsVogueVJD 520VGVG/VG£8.001976 Double/Gatefold; 'Jazz doubles' series; corner creases on cover; some marks on both discs - both play well (EX/EX)
42486LPBuck ClaytonSongs for swingersPhilips840 039 BYVGEX£15.001962 Holland; Stereo; Black/Silver label issue of '59 LP; total laminate peel f/cover + mild wear; plays well
42443LPArnett CobbMore party timeEsquire32-184VGVG£40.001963 Mono; 'RVG' stamped run-out groove; Flipback sleeve; '3884' written on b/cover + wear on coreners; just a few light marks (VG+), plays well (EX) with just a few light crackles
42487LPArnett CobbParty timeEsquire32-154EXEX£50.001962 Mono issue of '59 LP; 'RVG' stamped run-outs; Flipback sleeve; a few creases f/cover; a few mild marks - plays well
3060LPBilly Cobham & George Duke"Live" on tour in EuropeAtlanticK 50316EXEX£10.001976
31904LPPeter Coe big bandThe Greatest pub band in the land33.3 JAMJAM 647EXEX£10.001976 some light marks
16846LPDennis CoffeyBack homeAtlanticK 50371EXEX£10.001977 a few light marks
40740LPAlan Cohen bandDuke Ellington's Black, brown & beigeArgoZDA 159VGEX£8.001973 + insert; 7mm line of fading along spine on f/cover + a corner crease; 1 pressing fault side1 that causes 1 click o/w plays well
40660LPAl CohnRifftideTimelessSJP 259EXEX£8.001987 Holland; plays well with just a couple of mild clicks
7943LPMark ColbySerpentine fireCBS82668VGEX£8.001978 Demo
33377LPRichie ColePure imaginationConcord jazzCJ 314EXEX£8.001987 West German; a few light marks
36387LPBill Coleman & Guy LafitteMainstream at MontreuxBlack lion2460 212EXEX£8.001973; Live 4/7/73; plays well
26365LPBill Coleman & Ben WebsterSwingin' in LondonBlack lion2460 128EXEX£12.001972
26363LPBill ColemanBill Coleman a Paris - vol 1: 1936-38ParlophonePMC 7104EXVG£8.001970 mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26364LPBill ColemanThree generation jam7777 SEU 12/34EXVG£10.001969 light wear on cover; a few marks - plays EX
41285LPOrnette ColemanOrnette on tenorAtlantic1394VGVG£28.001962 Us; Mono; bottom edge split + small tear top corner b/cover; some marks - plays well
36386LPOrnette ColemanThe Art of improvisersAtlantic2400 109GVG£10.001971 Red/Plum label; large sticker tear, water stains + wear on cover; some mild marks - plays well (EX)
6800LPMax Collie's Rhythm acesBattle of TrafalgarRealityR 106EXEX/EX£20.001973 Double/Gatefold; Signed on back cover
6812LPMax Collie's Rhythm acesBy popular demandBlak lionBLP 12181EXEX£15.001979 signed on back cover
10659LPMax Collie's Rhythm acesGospel trainBlack lionBLP 12147EXEX£10.001977
6796LPMax Collie's Rhythm acesMax Collie's Rhythm acesWhamMLP 15418EXEX£8.001971 German; a few light marks on disc
6769LPMax Collie's Rhythm acesSomp off, let's go !Happy birdHB 5002EXEX£15.00German; signed "Happy Birthaday Dorothy - Max Collie"; v.light warp
40007LPMax Collie's Rhythm acesWorls champions of jazzBlack lionBLPX 12137/8VGEX£10.001976 Double/Gatefold; Mild sellotape marks inside Gatefold (VG+); both discs play well
27268LPJohn ColtraneI grandi del jazz 10Fabbri editoriGDJ 10VGEX£7.50Italy; Gatefold + 8 page booklet
40735LPJohn ColtraneOn West 42nd streetRealm jazzRM 157VGEX£20.001963 Mono reissue of 'Mainstram 1958' LP; '22'6' new price company sticker f/cover; thin line of fading along spine + 'Ray Harvey' written on top corner b/cover; light staining on vinyl caused by poly lined inner - plays well (EX+)
20426LPKen Colyer & Acker BilkIt looks like a big time tonightStomp offSOS 1119EXEX£8.001985 US
20423LPKen Colyer & George LewisWhen the sun goes downKCKC 3EXEX£8.001989 issue of 15/3/59 live in Dusseldorf recordings; mono
2048110"Ken ColyerBack to the deltaDeccaLF 1196EXVG£25.001957 mono; few marks - few light crackles o/w plays EX
35075LPKen ColyerClub session with ColyerDeccaLK 4178VGVG£10.001957 mono; all laminate has peeled from cover + some wear; a few marks - plays well (EX)
20421LPKen ColyerClub session with Colyer: The Decca years vol 3LakeLA 5006EXVG£7.001987 reissue of '57 LP; mono; light wear on cover; some light marks - plays EX
3870LPKen ColyerColyer's pleasureSocietySOC 914EXG£6.001963 mono; 1 jump & some surface noise
35070LPKen ColyerKen Colyer & his Hand picked jazzmenK Colyer TrustKCT 2REXEX£8.001990 issue of 25/1/72 live recordings; light warp - plays well
20422LPKen ColyerKen Colyer at the Thames hotelJoyJOYS 170EXVG£8.001970 initials on labels; some light marks - plays EX
20424LPKen ColyerKen Colyer in New Orleans: The 1953 recordingsDawn clubDC12 025VGVG£6.501983 issue of Feb '53 recordings; light wear on cover; some light marks - plays EX
20419LPKen ColyerLonesome road: The Decca years vol 5LakeLA 5010VGVG£6.501988 issue of '58 recordings; light wear on cover; some light marks - plays EX
20418LPKen ColyerMarching back to New Orleans:Decca years vol 7LakeLA 5021EXEX£8.001992 issue of '55 + 57 recordings; mono
20425LPKen ColyerRagtime revisitedJoyJOYS 194EXVG£7.5080's issue of '71 recordings; light wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
4432LPKen ColyerSensation! The Decca years 1955-59LakeLA 5001EXEX£8.001985 mono
20420LPKen ColyerThe Decca skiffle sessions 1954-57LakeLA 5007EXEX£8.001987 mono; few light marks
20417LPKen ColyerThe Guv'norKCKC 2EXEX£8.001988 issue of May '57 recordings; mono; small spot wear top edge of cover; some light marks
26366LPEddie CondonBixielandPhilipsBBL 7109GG£7.001956 mono; sellotape marks + wear on cover/spine; marks on vinyl - 2 jumps tk2 side1 o/w plays w/some surface noise
26367LPEddie CondonCondon a la carteStatesideSL 10010VGVG£8.001964 mono; dates + writing by titles b/cover; plays OK with a few spots of mild distortion + few clicks + crackles
20427LPEddie CondonCondon concertJazzologyJ 10EXEX£8.00US issue of '56/7 recordings; date written b/cover
12293LPEddie CondonWe called it musicAce of heartsAH 100EXVG£8.001967 issue of '44-50 recordings; mono; some light marks - plays EX
17283LPDoc Cook/ Freddy KeppardJazz treasury: 1923-28Jazz treasuryJT 1002VGVG£7.00US; small sticker tear f/cover; some light marks - plays well
5810LPChick CoreaEye of the beholderGRPGR 1053EXEX£8.001988 US + inner; a few light marks on vinyl
3077LPChick CoreaInside outGRP96011EXEX£8.001990
3083LPChick CoreaMy Spanish heartPolydor2672 031EXEX/VG£12.001976 Double/Gatefold
3075LPChick CoreaThe Chick Corea Elektric bandGRP91026EXEX£9.001986 German + inner
18421LPLarry Coryell & Philip CatherineTwin houseAtlanticATL 50342EXEX£10.001977 German
23611LPLarry CoryellPlanet endVanguardVSD 79367EXEX£15.001976 light wear on cover
20385LPLarry CoryellSpacesVanguardVSD 79345EXEX£10.001974 reissue of '71 LP; few light marks + couple of crackles
4178LPLarry CoryellStanding ovationAristaAN 3024MintEX£10.001981 in shrinkwrap
42416LPCurtis CounceThe Curtis Counce groupContemporaryLAC 12073GG£20.001958 Mono; Yellow labels; fully laminated flipback sleeve (G+) has some laminate peel/lift on openings = a tear on bottom corner by opening; some marks on vinyl (G+), plays OK with a few clicks + some crackles
20428LPCrane river jazz bandThe Original Crane river jazz band7777LEU 12/7EXVG£8.001975 reissue of '50-53 recordings; few marks - plays well
34353LPHank CrawfordCajun surpriseKuduKU 39EXEX£10.001979 US; in shrinkwrap
12294LPHank CrawfordI hear a symphonyKudoKU 26EXEX£10.001976
3944LPHank CrawfordRoadhouse symphonyMilestoneM 9140MintEX£10.001985 US; in shrinkwrap
42488LPHank CrawfordThe Best of Hank CrawfordAtlanticSD 1557VGVG£8.001970's US Orange/Green label with 'W' logo 'Atlantic jazz anthology' series issue of '70 compilation; sale cut on spine o/w EX; a few marks (VG+), just a few crackles at very start side1 o/w plays EX
16847LPHank CrawfordTico RicoKuduKU 35VGEX£8.001977 a few marks
26843LPSonny CrissI'll catch the sunPrestigePR 7628EXEX£10.0080's reissue of '69 LP
26842LPSonny CrissLive in Italy with Georges Arvanitas trioFresh soundFSR 401EXEX£12.001987 Live in Bologne 28/1/74; Spain
26844LPSonny CrissOut of nowhereMuseMR 5089VGEX£12.001976 US; some wear on cover
20429LPJohn Crocker quartetFine & dandyJust jazzJJ 1EXEX£12.001983 signed b/cover; light wear on cover
6818LPBob Crosby & BobcatsReturn of the bobcatsEmberCJS 827EXVG£7.001971 a few crackles
12295LPBob Crosby & BobcatsStomp oss, let's goAce of heartsAH 29EXEX£12.001962 issue of '37-41 recordings; mono
36391LPBig boy Atrhur CrudupRoebuck manUnited artistsUAS 29092VGG£15.001970 Tan label; some wear on cover; marks on vinyl - plays well (VG) with just a few crackles
22769LPCrusadersCrusaders 1ABCABCD 609VGVG/VG£10.0070's Double/Gatefold reissue of '72 LP; ring wear + some creasing on cover; warp - both discs play EX
6545LPPaulinho Da CostaSunrisePablo2312 143MintEX£8.001984 US; in shrinkwrap; a few crackles tk2 side 2
26845LPEddie DanielsTo bind with loveGRPGRP 91034VGEX£8.001987 German + inner; light wear on cover
26368LPDanish radio big bandCrackdown - First UK tourHepHEP 2041EXEX£10.001988 issue of Feb 22/24 Glasgow/York live recordings; light wear on cover; a few light marks
16479LPJohn Dankworth & Cleo LaineA lover & his lassEsquireESQ 301EXVG£7.001985 issue of '51-55 recordings; a few crackles o/w plays EX
40605LPJohn DankworthThe $1,000,000 collectionFontanaTL 5445EXEX£12.001967 Mono; Black/Silver label; mild fading along spine; small mark tk1 side1 causing 6 clicks o/w plays well (EX+)
2893LPJohnny Dankworth& the London Philharmonic orchestraBoulevard4123EXVG£6.001973
30652LPJohnny DankworthFull circlePhilips6308 122VGEX£30.001972 pen marks/stains on front + back cover
29675LPJohnny DankworthOff dutyFontanaLPS 16261EXEX£15.001969 Black/Silver label; 'Living presence' Stereo; light wear on cover; a few light marks
11216LPJohnny DankworthWhat the DickensFontanaTL 5203EXVG£12.001963 mono; warp + some marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
9085LPJohnny DankworthWhat the DickensFontanaSTL 5203VGG£15.001963 stereo; sellotape on edge split; surface marks - plays VG
18775LPDavern, Wellstood & RiggsLive hot jazzStatirasSLP 8077EXEX£10.001986 US; light wear on cover
26369LPKenny DavernOne hour tonightMusic mastersMMD 20148EXEX£10.001988 'Classics in jazz' series; a few light marks
26846LPKenny DavernThe very thought of youMilton KeynesMKM 841VGEX£10.001984 some wear on spine of cover o/w EX
5217LPWild Bill Davis & Johnny HodgesCon-soul saxRCA victorSF 7744VGVG£8.001966 a few light crackles
22747LPMiles Davis & Marcus MillerMusic from SiestaWarner bros925 6551EXEX£12.001987 German
42489LPEddie "Lockjaw" Davis & Shirley ScottMoodsville - volume 4Moodsville/ PreMVLP 4GVG£20.001960 Mono; Maroon/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; Wear on cover + yellowing/dirty b/cover; mark tk2 side2 causing a few clicks o/w plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
27270LPMiles Davis & Sonny StittLive in Stockholm 1960DragonDRLP 129/ 130VGEX/EX£15.001986 Sweden; Double/Gatefold; light wear on cover + light sticker mark
40595LPEddie Davis - Johnny Griffin quartetTough tenorsBASFBAP 5003EXEX£10.001970 mild wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), just a couple of crackles on side2 o/w plays perfectly
40715LPEddie "Lockjaw" DavisAfro-jawsFantasy/ R'sideRSLP 373VGEX£10.001989 West German reissue of '61 LP; barcode 029667 737319; 3mm wide line of fading along spine on f/cover + 2 corner creases: just a few light marks - plays perfectly
10660LPEddie "Lockjaw" DavisUptownSwing timeST 1021EXEX£8.0080's issue of '55-58 tracks; Denmark; v.light warp; a few light marks
40716LPJoe DavisBig band jazz from Joe Davis 1940-1952HarlequinHQ 2047EXEX£8.001986 Mono; Joe Thomas productions of Frank Trumbauer, Harry James, Walter Thomas, Jump town orch.; top corner crease; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42338LPMiles DavisJazz at the Plaza - vol. 1CBSS 65778VGEX£12.001973 Orange label; recorded Edwardian room, Plaza hotel, NYC; matrix no.s A1/B1; top edge split; vinyl near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40014LPMiles DavisPorgy and BessColumbiaKCS 8085VGEX£10.001977 US reissue of '58 LP; fading along spine; just a few light marks - plays well
42491LPMiles DavisQuiet nightsCBSSBPG 62213EXEX£30.001963 Stereo; rough Orange '33' labels; matrix no.s1Y//v1 - 2Y//v1; Flipback sleeve; a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
42490LPMiles DavisSketches of SpainCBSSBPG 62327VGEX£18.001970 Stereo; Smooth Orange label issue of '60 LP; matrix no.s A4/B2; laminated f/cover; top edge split + sellotape stain along the bottom edge b/cover; plays well with just a few crackles
40606LPMiles DavisSketches of SpainCBSS 62327EXEX£12.001970 Holland Orange label pressing of '67 reissue of '60 LP; Fully laminated 'Head shot' cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+) with just a few very light marks - plays perfectly
6543LPMiles DavisStar peopleCBS25395VGVG£7.001983 small stain bottom corner; v.light warp; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
16480LPMiles DavisYou're under arrestCBS26447VGVG£6.001985 name f/cover; some damage inside Gatefold; some marks on vinyl - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
35072LPWild Bill Davison & Valdemars orchestraWild trumpetsCSACLPS 1011GEX£7.001974 Holland; large sticker mark on front cover; plays well
26370LPWild Bill Davison & Alex Welsh bandBlowin' wildJazzologyJ 18VGEX£20.001960's US; mono; light wear on cover
35071LPWild Bill Davison & Alex Welsh bandBlowin' wildJazzologyJ-18VGEX£8.0060's issue of Manchester '62 live recordings with Alex Welsh & his band; Mono; light wear on cover; light dish warp - plays perfectly
26850LPBlossom Dearie1975 vol. 2: From the meticulous to the sublimeDaffodilBMD 102VGVG£8.001975 US; spine split + some wear on cover; warp on disc - a few crackles o/w plays EX
27271LPBuddy De Franco & Oscar PetersonHarkPablo2310 915EXEX£10.001985 German
26851LPBuddy De FrancoGroovin'HepHEP 2030EXEX£10.001985 featuring Martin Taylor; a few light marks
26852LPBuddy De FrancoMood indigoHepHEP 2018EXEX£10.001983; live in Buenos Aires 27/11/80; some wear on spine; a few mild clicks at very start of side 2
26854LPBuddy De FrancoOn tour - UKHepHEP 2023EXEX£10.001984 featuring Martin Taylor; light wear on cover
26853LPBuddy De FrancoThe LivliestHepHEP 2014VGEX£8.001983; Live in Buenos Aires 27/11/80; some wear on spine; a few light marks - a couple of crackles
35088LPJoseph Dejean & Gerard MaraisDuoOpenOP 03VGVG£25.001975 France; 2 light sticker stains on corners of b/cover; some mild staining (from poly inner) on run-out groove of side 2 o/w looks EX; Plays perfectly
1734110"Eric DelaneyHi fi DelaneyPye nixaNPT 19018VGVG£15.00Mono; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
22770LPDeodataVery togetherMCAMCF 2774VGVG£8.001976 some wear on cover; some marks - plays well w/some crackles
40607LPPaul DesmondCrystal illusionsA&MAMLB 51037EXEX£10.001969 Tan label; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; mild yellowing along spine; small light name stamp top corner f/cover; just a few very light marks - plays perfectly
42492LPPaul DesmondDesmond blueRCA victorRD 7501EXEX£18.001962 Mono; Black/Silver spot label; small amount of yellowing on cover; '004363' number stamp b/cover; plays well
40580LPPaul DesmondFrom the hot afternoonA&M/ CTIAMLS 968EXVG£25.001970 Tan label; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; Fully laminated sleeve has some mild yellowing along spine/top edge + just mild wear; vinyl is VG+ with a few mild marks, plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
42584LPPaul DesmondTake tenRCA victorSF 7601VGVG£25.001963 Stereo; Stamped PInk/Green label Factory sample; heavy yellow stains b/cover; some mild marks - plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
14750LPVic Dickenson & Joe Thomas groupsMainstramLondonSAHK 6066VGVG£8.001959 stereo; sellotape b/cover + some wear; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42569LPVic DickensonSkin tight and cymbal wiseColumbia33SX 1076EXEX£12.001958 Mono; Green/Gold label; recorded NYC 15,17,19 Oct '56; with Taft Jordon, Arvell Shaw, Budd Johnson, George Berg, Andre Peariany, Gus Johnson; light wear on fully laminated Flipback sleeve; plays well with just a couple of crackles
27284LPVic DickensonThe Essential Vic DickensonVogueVJD 551EXEX/EX£15.001978 Double/Gatefold issue of '53-4 recordings; light wear on cover
18411LPWalt DickersonShades of loveSteeple chaseSCD 17002EXEX£15.001978 Denmark; Direct cut; Gatefold
27272LPDirty dozen brass bandMardi gras in Montreux: LiveRonder europaREU 1009EXEX£10.001986 light wear on cover
26855LPDirty dozen brass bandMy feet can't fail me nowConcord jazzGW 3005EXEX£10.001984 German; small sticker tear b/cover; a few light marks
27273LPDr. StrutDr. StrutMotownSTML 12120EXEX£10.001979 light wear on cover
1734210"Johnny DoddsJohnny Dodds washboard bandHMVDLP 1073VGG£6.501955 issue of '28/9 recordings; mono; some wear on opening; plays ok w/some crackles + a few spots of distortion
6659LPJohnny DoddsClarinet kingAce of heartsAH 169EXVG£7.001968 mono issue of '27/9 recordings
17296LPJohnny DoddsI Grandi del jazz - vol 67Fabbri editoriGDJ 67VGEX£7.50Italy; issue of '26-8 recordings; Gatefold + 8 page booklet; some wear on cover
17266LPJohnny DoddsThe Immortal Johnny DoddsVJMVLP 48EXEX£8.001981 issue of '26-8 recordings; mono
27274LPJohnny DoddsThe myth of New OrleansGiants of jazzLPJT 47EXEX£8.001986 Italian compilation of '26-40 recordings; in shrinkwrap
17267LPJohnny DoddsVolume 1Classic jazzCJM 32EXEX£8.001980 issue of 1927 recordings; Sweden
33379LPDollar brand quartetAfrica - Tears and laughterEnjaENJA 3039VGEX£12.001979 German; small surface tear top corner f/cover
27275LPEric DolphyQuartet 1961Jazz anthologyJA 5234VGEX£8.001981 France; light sticker mark f/cover + some wear on spine
12607LPSam Donahue - Les BrownDouble dateHepHEP 14EXEX£8.001980 issue of '57-8 recordings; 1 side each
12611LPSam DonahueConvoyHepHEP 2EXEX£8.001980 issue of '45 recordings with the Navy band
10663LPSam DonahueHollywood hopHepHEP 25EXEX£8.001982 issue of '45-48 tracks; mono
28741LPBobby DonaldsonDixieland jazz partySavoyMG 12128VGVG£18.001958 US mono; some wear on cover; a few marks - plays well
6466LPDorsey brothersSpotlighting the fabulous DorseysGiants of jazzGOJ 1023EXVG£7.001980 US issue of '42-45 live recordings; 1 side each; some crackles
1734310"Jimmy DorseyDixie by DorseyColumbia33S 1026VGVG£10.00Mono; wear on openings; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
1180LPJimmy DorseyThe great..Ace of heartsAH 114MintMint£10.001966 mono + cutting
6464LPTommy DorseyHollywood 43-4620th centuryT 905EXEX/EX£10.001980 France Double/Gatefold
6459LPTommy DorseyThe best of..MCAMCA2 4074EXEX/VG£10.001980 US Double; couple of light crackles o/w EX
5864LPTommy DorseyThe Complete Tommy Dorsey - vol 1 - 1935RCAAXM2 5521EXEX/EX£12.001976 US Double/Gatefold mono
5552LPTommy DorseyThe complete Tommy Dorsey - vol 2 (1936)RCA/ BluebirdAXM2 5549EXEX/EX£12.001977 US Double/Gatefold; Warp; mono
6463LPTommy DorseyThe complete Tommy Dorsey - vol IV - 1937RCAAXM2 5564EXEX/VG£10.001979 US Double/Gatefold mono
12296LPTommy DorseyThe one & only Tommy DorseyRCA camdenCDN 153EXEX£10.001961 issue of '37-50 recordings; mono
29642LPTommy DorseyTommy Dorsey's greatest band - vol2Top rank35/027VGVG£8.001959 mono; light wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
38913LPBob DownesOpen musicPhilipsSBL 7922VGEX£120.001970 Black/Silver label; matrix no.s 1Y//3-2Y//3; Fully laminated sleeve; some yellowing on edges b/cover + some mild wear; a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
295LPDreamA long way to goMalacoMJ 501EXEX£8.00US ; Featuring Bob Baldwin
36392LPGeorge DukeA Brazilian love affairEpicEPC 32348VGEX£8.001983 reissue of '79 LP; sticker tear f/cover; a few marks - plays well
10664LPGeorge DukeDream onEpicEPC 85215EXVG£6.501982 a few light crackles o/w plays EX
3409LPGeorge DukeI love the blues, she heard my cryBASFBAP 5071VGEX£10.001975
6773LPGeorge DukeNight after nightElektra960 7781EXVG£6.001989 US; Warp
40854LPJudith DurhamJudith Durham and the hottest band in townPyeNSPL 18431VGG£5.001974 marks on vinyl - plays OK with just a few clicks + crackles
9819LPDutch swing college bandAt the "Sport palast" BerlinPhilipsSBL 7582EXVG£7.001962 stereo; marks on side 2 w/some mild distortion
28683LPDutch swing college bandBrazilFontanaSFJL 956EXEX£12.001963 stereo; a few light marks
3599LPDutch swing college bandDutch swing college story 1954-69PhillipsH72 BG205EXEX/VG£10.001970's German Double/Gatefold + 8 page booklet
33251LPDutch swing college bandHot !FontanaFJL 130EXVG£8.001965 Mono issue of '51-56 recordings; laminated f/cover; light wear on cover; a few marks - plays EX
32207LPDutch swing college bandJazz at the Concertgebouw AmsterdamPhilipsBBL 7293EXEX£10.001958 Mono; light wear on cover; a few marks
4998LPDutch swing college bandStill blowing strong - 34 yearsDSCPA 1022EXVG£7.001978 Holland; a few light crackles
31905LPDutch swing college/ Royal Dutch marine bandWhen the swing comes marching inPhilipsSON 012EXEX£7.001976 Plain White label test pressing; One piece rough cut sample front & back sleeve; 'Sonic series'; 1 side each; a few light marks
26371LPHarry Edison & Buck ClaytonHarry Edison swings Buck Clayton & Vice versaVerve2304 442EXEX£10.001980's French reissue of '58 LP; a few light marks
40736LPHarry Edison & Eddie 'Lockjaw' DavisSimply sweetsPablo2310 806EXEX£8.001978 strip of wear along top edge inside Gatefold where it had stuck together; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42520LPHarry EdisonBlues for BasieVerve2332 082EXEX£8.001974 German Mono reissue of '57 LP 'Gee baby ain't I good to you' with new artwork; light wear on cover; plays well
26372LPHarry EdisonEdison's lightsPablo2310 780EXEX£12.001976
26453LPHarry EdisonPatented by EdisonRouletteSRCP 3006VGG£7.001969 light wear on cover; marks on vinyl - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42444LPHarry EdisonSweetsVerveMG-V 8097EXEX£25.001960's US Mono reissue of '56 LP with V-8097 cat no. on disc; EMI Red/Gold import sticker top corner f/cover; small bottom corner crease + just light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well with just a couple of crackles
42445LPHarry EdisonSweets for the sweet taste of loveFontanaTL 5312EXEX£10.001965 Mono; Black/Silver label; just a few light marks - plays well
40770LPRoy Eldridge & Dizzy GillespieTrumpet kingsVerve2683 022VGEX/EX£10.001970's Double/Gatefold compilation of 29/10/54 + 2/11/55 recordings; stereo enhanced mono; fading along spine + top edge; both discs play well with just a few crackles
38662LPRoy Eldridge/ Howard McGhee's BeboppersThe heat is onEsquireESQ 307VGEX£8.001976 issue of Eldridge '51 9 tracks/ McGhee '48 6 tracks, 1 side each; 2 light sticker marks on side1 label; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; plays well
26373LPRoy Eldridge/ Howard McGhee's BeboppersThe heat's onEsquireESQ 307VGEX£8.001976 issue of Eldridge '51 9 tracks/ McGhee '48 6 tracks, 1 side each; light wear on cover
12472LPRoy EldridgeLittle jazz live in 1957Jazz bandEB 408EXEX£8.001988 light warp
6708LPElementsIlluminationNovus3031 1NEXEX£8.001988 US; Mark Egan & Danny Gottlieb
23612LPEleventh houseIntroducing Eleventh house with Larry CoryellVanguardVSD 79342EXEX£15.001974
36393LPEleventh houseLevel oneAristaARTY 113VGEX£10.001975 Featuring Larry Coryell; light wear on cover; plays perfectly
26374LPDuke Ellington & Johnny HodgesBack to backVerveMV 2012EXVG£25.001980's reissue; Japan + obi; plays well w/some crackles
42586LPDuke Ellington & Johnny HodgesBack to back & Side by sideVerve VSPVSP 11/12EXVG/EX£12.001967 Double/Gatefold reissue of '59 + '60 LP's; Mono; Black/Silver labels with 'Sold in UK' text; Original new price VSP sticker f/cover; disc1 VG+ has 1 mark tk1 side1, both discs play well )EX)
42585LPDuke EllingtonAnd his mother called him BillRCA victorSF 7964EXEX£10.001968 Stereo; Orange label; small light 'Selfridges' stamp b/cover; plays well
2422LPDuke EllingtonAt his very bestRCARD 27133EXEX£10.001959 mono
28724LPDuke EllingtonConcert at Carnegie hallDJMDJD 28023VGEX/VG£12.001976 Double/Gatefold issue of 14/15 '52 live recordings; corner crease; a few crackles o/w plays EX
41199LPDuke EllingtonCotton club days - volume 3Ace of heartsAH166EXEX£8.001968 Mono issue of '26-'31 recordings; small name stamp b/cover + light wear; plays well
7944LPDuke EllingtonCottontailPolydor545 115VGVG£6.00Reissue of '56 LP; Jazz masters series - vol 15; some crackles
42752LPDuke EllingtonDuke Ellington's 70th birthday concertUnited artistsUAD 60001VGEX/EX£12.001970 Double/Gatefold; Orange/Pink labels; recorded at the Free trade hall, Manchester; mild wear on cover; both discs play well
27277LPDuke EllingtonDuke Ellington's greatest hitsRepriseRLP 6234EXEX£8.001967 3 colour Steamboat label; mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks
42339LPDuke EllingtonDuke's big 4Pablo2310 703EXEX£10.001974 German; with Joe Pass, Ray Brown + Louis Bellson; light wear on cover; vinyl near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
31325LPDuke EllingtonEllington 65RepriseR9 6122EXEX£10.001964 3 colour steam boat label; Stereo
36395LPDuke EllingtonEllington suitesPablo2335 743EXEX£8.001976 issue of '59/71/72 recordings; Gatefold; light wear on cover; plays perfectly
6661LPDuke EllingtonFar east suiteRCA victorSF 7894EXEX£10.001967
28692LPDuke EllingtonFestival seasonColumbia CSPP 13500VGVG£7.5070's US reissue; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42495LPDuke EllingtonFestival seasonPhilipsBBL 7355VGVG£8.001960 Mono; Black/Sliver 'Minigroove' label; matrix no.s 1Lv1/2Lv1; recorded 9/8/59; some laminate peel/lift around opening f/cover; some marks - plays well with just a few crackles
26454LPDuke EllingtonFestival seasonCBSS 64063EXVG£10.00France; issue of 9/8/59 NYC recordings; Orange label; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
33252LPDuke EllingtonHail to the DukeNew worldNW 5043VGVG£7.00Mono; Flipback sleeve; small tear on opening f/cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
6660LPDuke EllingtonJohnny come latelyRCA victorRD 7888VGVG£7.001967 mono issue of '42-45 recordings; sellotape on opening; a few crackles o/w plays EX
41561LPDuke EllingtonLive in parisMagicAWE 19EXEX£8.001986 Mono; The CB society collection; light wear on cover; a few marks - plays perfectly
40738LPDuke EllingtonNew Orleans suiteAtlantic2400 135VGVG£8.001971 Red/Plum label; heavy yellowing on Gatefold sleeve; K40209 cat no sticker over original cat no. b/cover; vinyl (VG+), plays well with just a few mild clicks
6662LPDuke EllingtonPiano in the fore groundCBS84419EXVG£7.00'80's French reissue of '61 LP; a few creases on cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
40781LPDuke EllingtonRadio transcriptions - vol 1: 28/3/46 (the)LondonHMP 5033EXEX£8.001978 Mono; mild yellowing on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
14751LPDuke EllingtonRadio transcriptions - vol 2: 1946 (the)LondonHMP 5034EXEX£8.001978 mono
14752LPDuke EllingtonRadio transcriptions - vol 3: 1946 (the)LondonHMP 5035EXEX£8.001978 mono
14753LPDuke EllingtonRadio transcriptions - vol 4: 1947 (the)LondonHMP 5036EXEX£8.001978 mono
14754LPDuke EllingtonRadio transcriptions - vol 5: 1947 (the)LondonHMP 5037EXEX£8.001978 mono
30148LPDuke EllingtonSelections from Peer Gynt suites nos. 1 & 2…PhilipsBBL 7470VGVG£10.001961 mono; some yellowing b/cover; 3 non slip stickers on both labels; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
26375LPDuke EllingtonStomp, look and listen to the DukeEmberCJS 809VGVG£10.001965 mono; plays well with a couple of clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
26376LPDuke EllingtonSuch sweet thunderCBS realm jazzRM 52421EXVG£8.0060's issue of '57 LP; mono; some light marks - plays EX
298LPDuke EllingtonThe age of EllingtonRCASTM 1EXEX/EX£15.00Triple ; 12 page booklet ; Gatefold
42587LPDuke EllingtonThe Best of Duke EllingtonCapitolSM 1602EXEX£7.001970's US Yellow label reissue of '61 compilation; plays well
42493LPDuke EllingtonThe Cosmic scenePhilipsBBL 7287EXVG£10.001958 Mono; as 'Duke Ellington's Spacemen'; Flipback sleeve has just light wear; a few marks + light dish warp - plays well (EX) with just a few light crackles
41200LPDuke EllingtonThe Duke: Edward Kennedy Ellington 1899-1974CBS88077VGEX/EX£10.001974 Double/Gatefold compilation of '47 recordings; Orange labels; fading along spine; both discs play perfectly
40771LPDuke EllingtonThe English concertUnited artistsUAD 600032 /3EXVG/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold; 22+24/10/71 live recordings; just light wear on cover; a few mild marks disc1 - plays well with is few crackles near start side1; disc2 plays well
20430LPDuke EllingtonThe Golden Duke EllingtonPrestigePR 24029VGVG/VG£8.001974 Double/Gatefold compilation of '46 + '50 tracks; mono; light sticker mark + some wear on cover; both discs play ok w/some crackles
42494LPDuke EllingtonThe Nutcracker suitePhilipsSBBL 594VGVG£10.001960 Stereo; cover VG+ with small ciorner creases; some marks on vinyl - plays well (EX)
6510LPDuke EllingtonThe Nutcracker suitePhillipsBBL 7418EXVG£8.001960 mono; plays EX
6500LPDuke EllingtonThe symphonic EllingtonRepriseR 6067EXEX£12.001963 mono
41252LPDuke EllingtonToodle-doVocalionVLP 4VGEX£7.001975 Mono issue of '26-'28 recordings; thin line of fading along spine on f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
26377LPDuke EllingtonUnknown sessionCBS82819EXEX£12.001979
36394LPDuke EllingtonUnknown sessionCBS82819EXEX£12.001979 issue of 14/7/60 Hollywood recordings; Orange sunburst label; plays perfectly
40739LPDuke EllingtonUp in Duke's workshopPablo2310 815EXEX£8.001979 mild yellowing on spine of fully laminated sleeve; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
5792LPRichard ElliotInitial approachIntima32831EXEX£8.001987
5794LPRichard ElliotThe power of suggestionIntimaD1 73321MintEX£8.001988 Canada
5793LPRichard ElliotTrolltownIntimaSJ 72233EXEX£8.001986 US
42447LPHerb Ellis & Joe PassTwo for the roadPablo2310 714EXEX£8.001974 light wear on cover; plays well
40608LPDon Ellis orchestraElectric bathCBSSBPG 63230EXEX£20.001968 Stereo; Orange label; matrix no.s A1/B2; a few small creases along spine + 2 small name staps to corners b/cover; very light dish warp - plays well (EX+)
2895LPDon Ellis orchestraLive in 3 2/3 /4 timeLibertyLBL 83060EXVG£8.001968 mono plays EX
40672LPDon EllisDon Ellis at FillmoreCBS66261VGVG/VG£10.001970 Double/Gatefold; Orange labels; Promotional copy sticker bottom corner b/cover; 4mm line of fade along spine; some marks on both discs - both play perfectly
11176LPDon EllisLive at MontreuxAtlanticK 50496EXVG£7.001978 some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
27278LPDon EllisThe new Don Ellis band goes undergroundCBSS 63680EXEX£18.001969 Orange label; light wear on cover
42446LPHerb EllisAfter hours sessionVerve711 056EXEX£10.00German reissue of '57 LP with new artwork; with Roy Eldridge, Stan Getz, Ray Brown & Stan Levy; small bottom corner crease + mild yellowing b/cover; plays well
26378LPHerb EllisNothing but the bluesVerveMV 2529EXVG£20.001980's reissue of '58 LP; Japan + obi + insert; 'Immortal jazz on Verve' series vol 9; light mark side 1 - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42448LPHerb EllisSoft & mellowConcord jazzCJ-77EXEX£8.001979 US; white labels; small corner crease + light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well
42521LPHerb EllisThe Midnight rollColumbia33SX 1528VGEX£12.001963 Mono; Blue/Black labels; sellotape stain top corner b/cover + some wear: a few marks - plays well
27279LPEureka brass bandNew Orleans paradeAlamacQSR 2410VGEX£8.0070's US issue of '51 recordings; some ring wear on f/cover
40788LPEuropean community jazz orchestraEurojazz: Musical director Bobby lambJazz cats6985 014EXEX£12.001986 Belgium; + insert; associate musical director Rick Taylor; couple of small creases along top edge; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40741LPEuropean community jazz orchestraEurojazz: Musical director Rick TaylorJazz cats6985 015EXEX£10.001986 belgium; + insert; small mild crease near top edge b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
40569LPBill Evans & Jim HallUndercurrentMemoir jazzMOIR 504EXEX£10.001987 reissue of '62 LP; mild dish warp o/w looks Mint, plays well
4329LPDoc Evans & his Dixie catsBlack snake bluesSocietySOC 924EXVG£8.001963 mono
40016LPBill Evans & Shelly ManneEmpathyVerveUMJ 3032EXEX£30.001980's Japan; reissue of '62 LP; Gatefofold with 'Verve original jazz classics' Hype sticker f/cover; mild wear on cover; a few mild marks - plays well with just a few mild clicks tk2, side2
40021LPBill Evans & Toots ThielemansAffinityWarner bros.BSK 3293VGVG£10.001979 US; some waer on cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
40022LPBill EvansLive in Paris, 1972 - vol 2Frances concertFC 114EXEX£60.001988 France; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
40166LPBill EvansSpring leavesMilestoneM 47034VGG/EX£8.001976 US Double/Gatefold reissue of 'Portrait in jazz' + 'Explorations' '60 + '61 LP's; mild wear on cover (VG+); disc1, side1 heavy mark tk5 causing 1 jump + 12 clicks o/w both discs play well (EX)
40020LPBill EvansThe Paris concert: Edition oneElektra Musicia60164-1EXVG£12.001983 US; light wear on cover; side1 - plays EX; side2 - 7 clicks at very start tk1 o/w plays EX with just a couple of clicks + crackles
40017LPBill EvansThe Second trioMilestoneM 47046EXEX/EX£15.001977 US Double/Gatefold remastered reissue of 'Moonbeams' ('62) + 'How my heart sings' ('64) LP's; light wear on cover; a few mild marks disc1 - both discs play well
18761LPDoc EvansCommand performance: Jazz heritage vol 3JazzologyJ 87SealedSealed£10.001980 US issue of 49-50 recordings; sealed in shrinkwrap; some yellow spotting b/cover
40746LPFrank EvansNoctuaryBlue bagBB 101VGVG£8.001976 matrix no.s A-2/B-2; mild wear on cover (VG+); a few marks - plays OK with a few clicks
26380LPGil EvansFarewell: Live at Sweet BasilKing/ Elec birdK28P 6486EXEX£12.001988 German; original price sticker b/cover
35368LPGil EvansLive at the Royal Festival hall, London 1978RCA victorPL 25209VGVG£7.001979 Orange label; stain along spine + some wear on cover; mild warp + some marks - plays well (EX)
40745LPGil EvansSvengaliAtlanticATL 40528VGVG£10.001973 German; some wear on cover; vinyl VG+ with some light marks - plays perfectly
41562LPGil EvansThe Individualism of Gil EvansVerve2683 045VGEX/EX£15.001974 Double/Gatefold issue of '63-64 recordings; some yellowing along spine + mild wear on cover; both discs play perfectly
40744LPGil EvansThere comes a timeRCA victorPL 11057VGEX£10.001978 mild sticker mark bottom corner f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
25397LPExcelsior jazz machineChuck Mangione songbookPickwickSPC 3660VGEX£8.001979 US; small sale cut; light wear on cover; some light marks
39525LPExtra ballBirthdayPol. Nag. MuzaSX 1414VGEX£15.001976 Poland; Red labels with Silver print; 'Polish jazz' series - vol 48; mild wear on cover (VG+); plays well with just a few crackles
2429LPDavid FanshaweArabian fantasyEMIEMA 777VGVG£8.001976 Gatefold; short click side 1 otherwise plays EX
42927LPTal FarlowPlays the music of Harold ArlenHMVCLP 1439VGVG£8.001960 Mono; Maroon dog label/Gold print; Flipback sleeve; some yellowing b/cover; a few marks - plays well (VG+) with just a few crackles
27281LPArt Farmer & Benny GolsonMeet the JazztetChess GreenlineGCH 8092EXEX£10.0080's Italian reissue; light wear on cover
40609LPArt FarmerBaroque sketchesCBSBPG 62880VGEX£10.001966 Mono; Orange label; matrix no.s A1/B1; with the Baroque orchestra; some yellowing b/cover + some mild wear; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42588LPArt FarmerLive at the Half-noteAtlantic1421EXEX£15.001964 US; Mono; Red/Plum label; 'HV' top corner b/cover + just light wear; plays well
40747LPArt FarmerSomething you gotCTICTI 7080EXEX£10.001977 Gatefold; with Yusef Lateef & David Matthews big band; very light sticker mark bottom corner f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42589LPArt FarmerThe time and the placeCBSSBPG 63069VGVG£10.001967 Stereo; Orange label; matrix no.s A1/B1; '392' written b/cover + a few creases along the spine; light staining on vinyl caused by poly lined inner - plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
40872LPRobert Farnon & Tony CoePop makes progressChapter oneCHL 804EXEX£20.001970 Mono; Peephole cover: just light wear on cover; just some light marks - plays perfectly
5891LPFattburgerOne of a kindGolden boy jazzGBJ 2001EXEX£8.001986 US; small corner sale cut
20431LPWally Fawkes, Bruce Turner & Sandy BrownJuicy & full tonedLakeLA 5012EXEX£8.001989 issue of '54 + 56 recordings by Fawkes/Turner & Fawkws/Brown groups; mono; few creases to edges of cover; few light marks
6582LPWilton FelderInherit the windMCAMCA 5144EXEX£8.001980 US Gatefold; sale cut; a few light marks
17559LPWilton FelderSecretsMCAMCF 3237VGEX£6.501985 light wear on cover
37676LPWilton FelderWe all have a starMCAMCL 1652EXEX£7.001982 reissue of '79 LP; light sticker mark f/cover; light dish warp - plays well
42591LPVictor FeldmanMerry olde soulRiversideRLP 366VGVG£10.001961 Mono; White label/Blue logo; Flipback sleeve has yellowing b/cover + some wear: some marks - a few clicks tk5, side1 o/w plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
40748LPMaynard FergusonA message from NewportRoulette/ EMIROU 1004EXEX£10.001989 reissue of '58 LP; barcode 007979 327218; Promo + pluggers sticker top edge b/cover; cover EX+ with just lightest of wear; vinyl EX+ with just a few light marks - plays perfectly
28139LPMaynard FergusonBallad style of Maynard Ferguson (the)CBSS 63514EXEX£35.001969 Orange label
22771LPMaynard FergusonChameleonCBSS 80216VGVG£8.001974 Orange label; sellotape mark along top edges of cover + some wear; some marks - plays EX
28680LPMaynard FergusonFreakyAtlantic2464 008EXEX£20.001970 Red/Plum issue of '68 LP
40749LPMaynard FergusonHollywoodCBS85503EXEX£8.001982 Orange sunburst label; + inner; Gold Demo stamp b/cover: cover EX+; vinyi EX+ with one very small mark tk3 sie1 - plays perfectly
10665LPMaynard FergusonMaynard FergusonWyncoteSW 9023EXVG£10.00US; light stain b/cover; some marks - plays ok w/some clicks + crackles
9535LPMaynard FergusonMF horn 2CBS65027VGVG£15.001972 tear on die cut Gatefold sleeve; a few crackles o/w plays EX
40874LPMaynard FergusonMF horn 2CBS65027EXEX£18.001972 Orange labels; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; Die-cut Gatefold sleeve has just mild wear; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
9526LPMaynard FergusonMF horn 3CBS65598EXVG£15.001973 orange label; a few crackles o/w plays EX
40873LPMaynard FergusonMF horn 3CBS65598EXEX£18.001973 Orange label; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
20386LPMaynard FergusonMF horn 4: Live at Jimmy'sCBSS 65952EXVG£10.001974 orange label; light wear on cover; marks on vinyl - few clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
14707LPMaynard FergusonNew vintageCBS82282EXEX£12.001977 + insert; a few light marks
14697LPMaynard FergusonPrimal screamCBS81150EXEX£15.001976
34349LPMaynard FergusonThe ballad style of Maynard FergusonCBSM 63514VGVG£15.001969 Mono; Orange label; mild wear on cover; some marks - plays EX
32208LPFirehouse fiveFirehouse five plus two goes to seaGood time jazzSGA 5003VGVG£10.001957 Stereo; plays well
15111LPFirehouse fiveThe Firehouse five story - vol 3Good time jazzLAG 12099VGVG£8.00mono; some marks on vinyl - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
29643LPFirst modern piano quartetA gallery of GershwinCoralSVL 3002VGVG£8.001959 Stereo; sellotape on flipback bottom edge b/cover; A few marks - plays well with a couple of clicks + a few crackles
42523LPClare FischerSurging aheadFontana688 133ZLEXEX£18.001963 Mono; Black/Silver label; plays well
28681LPClare FischerSurging aheadFontana688 133 ZLEXVG£15.001963 mono; a few marks - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
42474LPElla Fitzgerald & Louis ArmstrongElla & LouisVerve825 373-1EXVG£10.001985 Holland; Mono reissue of '56 LP + inner; barcode 042282 53717; some marks, mark tk1 side1 causing a few light clicks o/w plays perfectly
39379LPElla Fitzgerald & Louis ArmstrongElla & LouisHMVCLP 1098VGVG£20.001956 Mono; Maroon/Gold dog label; Fully laminated flipback sleeve; wear + some laminate peel on openings + general wear on cover; a few marks - plays well (EX with just a few crackles
42341LPElla Fitzgerald & Louis ArmstrongPorgy and BessVerve2362 052VGEX/EX£12.001975 Double/Gatefold reissue of '59 LP; 'Ray Harvey' written top corner b/cover + fading along spine; just a few light clicks near start side1 o/w both discs play well
30936LPElla Fitzgerald & Count BasieA perfect match - Ella and BasiePablo2312 110EXEX£10.001980 German
40680LPElla Fitzgerald & Count BasieOn the sunny side of the streetVerve2352 020VGEX£8.001971 Black/Silver label issue of '63 LP; mild wear on cover (VG+); just a few light marks
32836LPElla Fitzgerald & Count BasieOn the sunny side of the streetVerve2317 048EXVG£7.0070's issue of '63 LP; Fully laminated sleeve; a couple of marks - plays EX
42592LPElla Fitzgerald & Duke EllingtonElla at Duke's placeVerveVLP 9119EXEX£12.001966 Mono; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; Flipback sleeve has rectangular purple box stamped by cat no b/cover; plays well
42911LPElla Fitzgerald / Billie HolidayAt NewportColumbia33CX 10100GEX£8.001958 Mono; 'Clef' series; 1 side each; fully laminated Flipback sleeve; 10cm tear from opening across cover repaired with laminate lift; sellotape on top + bottom corner splits by openings; some light marks - plays well
30933LPElla Fitzgerald & Joe PassTake love easyPablo2310 702EXEX£10.001974 German; light dish warp
40751LPElla FitzgeraldDream dancing: Ella Fitzgerald & Cole PorterPablo2310 814EXEX£8.001978 issue of 9/6/72 recordings + 2 tracks from 13/2/78; mild wear om fully laminated sleeve; small mark on side2 label; plays well with just a couple of crackles
30930LPElla FitzgeraldEllaRepriseRSLP 6354EXEX£10.001969; 3 Colour Steamboat label; light wear on cover
28676LPElla FitzgeraldEllaPablo2310 751EXVG£8.001975 Live at the Montreux jazz festival 17/7/75; a few marks - a couple of clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
30928LPElla FitzgeraldEllaVerve2352 170EXEX£8.0070's reissue of '59 LP
30932LPElla FitzgeraldElla a NicePablo2308 234EXEX£10.001983 US; Live at 'Theatre de Verdune' Nice 21/7/71; light wear on cover; some light marks
32715LPElla FitzgeraldElla and her fellasBrunswickLAT 8223EXVG£8.001958 Mono; Flipback sleeve; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
39289LPElla FitzgeraldElla Fitzgerald at the Opera houseColumbia33CX 10126EXEX£15.001958 Mono; 'Clef' series; live Chicago 19/10/57 + L.A. 25/10/57; mild wear on cover; just a few marks - plays well
26794LPElla FitzgeraldElla Fitzgerald with Chick Webb's bandAce of heartsAH 36EXEX£12.001962 issue of '37-40 recordings; mono
33303LPElla FitzgeraldElla in Hamburg '65VerveVLP 9102VGG£5.001965 Mono; 'Sold in UK' text; Mild wear on openings of flipback sleeve; marks on vinyl (scruffy) - plays OK w/some clicks + crackles
32830LPElla FitzgeraldElla in HollywoodHMVCLP 1537EXEX£12.001961 Mono; Verve series; recorded live at the CrescendoBlack/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; some light marks
30934LPElla FitzgeraldElla in LondonPablo2310 711EXEX£8.001974 light wear on cover; light warp
40750LPElla FitzgeraldElla loves ColeAtlanticK 40450VGVG£7.001972 Orange/Green label; with Nelson Riddle; + A4 press release; some wear on cover + small name stamp b/cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
1185LPElla FitzgeraldElla sings Gershwin vol 2Metro2682 023EXM/M£12.001970's issue of '60's recordings; Double/Gatefold
40795LPElla FitzgeraldElla sings Gershwin: George Gershwin songbook vol1Metro2682 004EXEX/EX£10.001986 pressing of Double/Gatefold reissue of 'EF sings the George & Ira Gershwin song book vols 1&2' '59 LP's; both discs play perfectly
40679LPElla FitzgeraldElla swings gently with NelsonVerveVLP 9028VGVG£7.001962 Mono; some yellowing on edges of cover; plays well with a few spots of distortion
39441LPElla FitzgeraldElla swings with NelsonMetro2682 035VGEX/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold compilation; with the Nelson Riddle orchestra; some wear on cover; both discs play perfectly
8910LPElla FitzgeraldElla wishes you a swinging christmasVerve2304 445EXEX£8.0080's German reissue of '60 LP
26381LPElla FitzgeraldFine & mellowPablo2310 829EXEX£10.001979 a couple of crackles
780LPElla FitzgeraldHello loveHMVCLP 1383VGVG£8.001961 mono
4957LPElla FitzgeraldIrving Berlin songbook - Vol 2HMVCLP 1184VGVG£7.001958 mono
28397LPElla FitzgeraldLullabies of BirdlandJasmineJASM 1027EXEX£8.0080's reissue of '56 LP; mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks; a few light crackles
30941LPElla FitzgeraldMemoriesRBRB 55EXEX£7.001976 Italy
8389LPElla FitzgeraldMisty blueCapitolT 2888VGEX£8.001968 Factory sample; mono; name on b/cover; a couple of marks
30935LPElla FitzgeraldMontreux '77Pablo2308 206EXEX£10.001977 with the Tommy Flanagan trio; sale hole top corner of cover
40681LPElla FitzgeraldNewport jazz festival live at Carnegie hall 5/7/73CBSS 68279VGEX/EX£10.001973 Double/Gatefold; Orange labels; some wear on cover; a few light marks disc2 - both play well
33300LPElla FitzgeraldSings Gershwin - vol 2HMVCLP 1339EXVG£8.001959 Mono; Maroon/Gold 'Dog' label; Flipback sleeve; a few light marks - plays well with a couple of clicks + a few crackles
33301LPElla FitzgeraldSings Gershwin - vol 4HMVCLP 1348EXEX£10.001959 Mono; Maroon/Gold 'Dog' label; Flipback sleeve
33302LPElla FitzgeraldSings Gerswhin - Vol 5HMVCLP 1353VGG£5.001959 Mono; Maroon/Gold 'Dog' label; Flipback sleeve; some yellowing b/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays with some clicks + crackles
30945LPElla FitzgeraldSings the Antonio Carlos Jobim songbookPablo2360 201EXEX/EX£15.001981 US Double/Gatefold; disc 1 - some light marks + very light dish warp; a couple of crackles disc 2
39439LPElla FitzgeraldSings the Cole Porter song bookVerve VSPVSP 1/2EXEX/EX£12.001966 Double/Gatefold reissue of '56 LP; Mono; new price company sticker f/cover; just light wear on cover; both discs are near Mint (EX+/EX+), both play perectly
33298LPElla FitzgeraldSings the Cole Porter song book - vol 1HMVCLP 1083VGVG£8.001956 Mono; Maroon/Gold 'Dog' label; fully laminated flipback sleeve; sellotape on small tear top corner of cover; some light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
34023LPElla FitzgeraldSings the Irving Berlin songbookVerve2683 027EXEX/EX£12.0070's Double/Gatefold issue of '58 LP; laminated sleeve
1184LPElla FitzgeraldSings the Rodgers & Hart songbook vol 2HMVCLP 1117EXEX£15.001957 mono
39440LPElla FitzgeraldSings the Rodgers and Hart song bookVerve VSPVSP 25/26EXEX/VG£10.001966 Double/Gatefold reissue of '56 LP; Mono; new price company sticker f/cover; small spot of wear top corner of spine; disc1 EX+, plays perfectly; some marks on disc2 - plays well (EX)
30940LPElla FitzgeraldSpecial magic of Ella Fitzgerald (the)Verve2317 145EXEX£8.001970's compilation of '57-65 tracks
30931LPElla FitzgeraldSunshine of your loveMPS/BASF21 20712-9EXEX£10.001969 German
33304LPElla FitzgeraldSunshine of your lovePolydor583737VGVG£10.001968 Gatefold; small sticker tear f/cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
33299LPElla FitzgeraldSweet and hotBrunswickLAT 8091VGVG£8.001956 Mono; Flipback sleeve; small pen marks by titles b/cover; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42340LPElla FitzgeraldSweet and hotCoralCP 67EXEX£8.001970 reissue of '56 LP; Mono; original Decca RRP sticker f/cover; light wear on cover; plays well
4124LPElla FitzgeraldThe best of Ella - vol - 1MCA coralCP 95EXEX£8.0070's issue of '62 compilation; mono
30938LPElla FitzgeraldThe best of Ella - vol 1MCA/CoralCP 95EXEX£8.001973 issue of '62 compilation; mono; laminated f/cover; a few light marks
30937LPElla FitzgeraldThe Best of Ella FitzgeraldVerveV 4063EXEX£8.0080's reissue of '60's compilation; France
5780LPElla FitzgeraldThe best of Ella Fitzgerald - vol 2MCAMCA2 4016EXEX/EX£12.001973 US Double/Gatefold
40876LPBob Florence & Limited editionState of the artC 5 / PrestigeC5-533EXEX£10.001989 a few light marks - plays perfectly
35073LPChuck FoldsChuck FoldsRCA victorLFL1 5064VGG£5.001975 some yellowing on cover; some light marks - plays w/some clicks, crackles + spots of distortion
28651LPFondy riverside bullet bandDo you know what it means to miss New OrleansFondy7770VGVG£8.001974 signed by Sammy Rimington b/cover; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well
42457LPJimmy ForrestSit down and relax with Jimmy ForrestEsquire32-192EXEX£60.001962 Mono; 'Van Gelder' stamped run-outs; mild wear on Flipback sleeve with a few creases + a number stamped on inside edge of the opening; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
42594LPPete FountainMusic from dixieCoralLVA 9200EXVG£8.001962 Mono; light wear on cover; a few marks (VG+), plays well (EX)
27282LPPete FountainPete Fountain - volume 2EverestFS 303EXEX£8.001974 US; in shrinkwrap; a few light marks
28652LPPete FountainPete Fountain plays Bert KaempfertCoralCRL 757499VGVG£8.001964 US; stereo; small sale cut + some wear on cover; some light marks - plays well w/some crackles
27283LPPete FountainPete Fountain's New OrleansMCAMCA 505VGEX£7.501980 US; wear on spine; light sticker mark f/cover; small tear on b/cover
42595LPPete FountainThe BluesMCAMCA 506EXEX£8.001973 US Black/Rainbow label reissue of '59 LP; light wear on cover; plays well
26382LPPanama FrancisGettin' in the grooveBlack & blue33.320/ 33.321VGEX/EX£15.001979 France; Double/Gatefold; small tear on opening b/cover
16628LPRodney FranklinEndless flightCBS84945EXEX£7.501981 + insert; light sticker mark f/cover; a few light marks + crackles
28480LPChico Freeman & Arthur BlytheLuminous: Live at Ronnie Scott's clubJazz houseJHR 010EXVG£8.001989 a few crackles o/w plays EX
38088LPBud Freeman, Jimmy McPartland & Ted EastonJazz meeting in HollandRiff659 001EXEX£8.001976 Holland; light sticker mark side1 label; light wear on cover; mild dish warp - plays perfectly
22571LPBud FreemanBud Freeman all-stars featuring Shorty BakerFantasyOJC 183EXEX£10.001985 US reissue of '60 LP
26384LPBud FreemanMidnight at Eddie Condon'sMercury6336 327VGVG£8.0080's reissue of '55 LP; Holland; mono; some wear on cover; a few light marks - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
41253LPBud FreemanThe Bud Freeman trio: The Commodore seriesLondonHMC 5032EXEX£8.001978 Mono issue of Jan-Nov '38 recordings; thin line of fading along spine f/cover; plays well
26383LPBud FreemanThe compleat Bud FreemanParlophonePCS 7122VGEX£10.001969 light wear on cover; a few light crackles
41563LPBud FreemanThe dolphin has a messageJSPJSP 1011VGEX£8.001980 bottom corner cut by openings + sellotape stain b/cover by top edge; plays perfectly
26856LPVon FreemanSerenade & bluesNessaN 11VGEX£15.001979 US issue of 11/6/75 recordings; light wear on cover
27285LPVon FreemanYoung and foolishDaybreakD 002VGVG£8.001981 issue of 12/8/77 live at Singer hall recordings; Holland; light wear on cover; some light marks - plays EX
27286LPFriendsFriendsCarolineC 1511VGEX£15.001975 some wear on stickered sleeve
38255LPTony FruscellaDebutSpotliteSPJ 126VGEX£8.001981 issue of '48 + '53 recordings; Mono; feat altoist Chick Maures; small sticker tear top corner b/cover; plays perfectly
38116LPFuse oneIcePRTN 6554EXEX£8.001984 Arranged & conducted by David Matthews; small sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
3616LPEric GaleBlue horizonElektraE1 60022EXVG£8.001982 US + company inner; plays EX
16849LPEric GaleGinseng womanCBS82058EXVG£7.001977 some marks - plays EX
41953LPEric GaleGinseng womanCBS82058EXEX£8.001977 Orange sunburst label; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; small light dot sticker mark top corner f/cover; plays perfectly
41952LPEric GaleMultiplicationCBS82283EXEX£8.001977 Orange sunburst label; matrix no.s A2/B1; a couple of creases on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
16850LPEric GaleMultiplicationCBS82283EXG£5.001977 stains on vinyl - plays well w/some crackles
16848LPEric GalePart of youCBS83464EXEX£10.001979 light wear on cover; a few light marks
35376LPEric GaleTouch of silkCBS84509VGEX£7.001980 Orange sunburst label; some creases on cover; plays well
38256LPJim Galloway, Dick Wellstood & Pete MagadiniThree's companySackville2007VGVG£7.00Canada; recorded 22/9/73; sticker tears on labels; wear on cover; just a few marks - plays perfectly
40757LPPaul Gonsalves & Ray NanceJust a-sittin' and a-rockin'Black lion2460 191EXEX£8.001973 Fully laminated sleeve (EX+); plays well with just a few mild clicks on side 1
5781LPJan Garber& his orchestra 1939-41LondonHMP 5053MintEX£8.001978 mono; Radio years vol 23
42497LPRed Garland & Eddie "Lockjaw" DavisMoodsville - volume 1Moodsville/ PreMVLP 1VGVG£40.001960 Mono; 'RVG stamped in run-out groove; Tax stamp on side 2 label; Cover VG+ with a small sticker stain top corner b/cover + spot of wear by bottom corner by opening; vinyl looks EX, plays OK w/some crackles (a decent listen)
42450LPRed GarlandAt the PreludeEsquire32-126VGEX£80.001961 issue of '59 LP; Mono; cover VG+ with some mild marks f/cover; a few light marks - plays well with a few mild crackles
42499LPRed GarlandRed in BluesvilleEsquire32-116VGEX£120.001961 Mono issue of '59 LP; Flipback sleeve; 2 circled numbers written top corner b/cover + mild wear olong opening on f/cover: vinyl EX+, plays perfectly; very nice copy
42524LPRed GarlandRojoEsquire32-146EXEX£100.001961 Mono; 'RVG'stamped run-outs; Flipback sleeve; plays well with just a few mild clicks + crackles
36396LPRed GarlandSaying somethingPrestigeP 24090VGEX/EX£10.001979 Double/Gatefold issue of '57 + '61 recordings; mild wear on cover; a few light marks disc1 - both discs play well
1734510"Erroll GarnerPiano gemsColumbia33S 1059VGG£6.001955 mono; marks - vinyl scruffy - plays ok w/some crackles
1734410"Erroll GarnerPiano moodsColumbia33S 1050VGG£5.001955 mono; spine split; marks - vinyl scruffy - plays with clicks + crackles
28482LPErroll GarnerAll of meRealmRM 116EXG£7.001963 mono; light wear on cover; marks on vinyl - plays well w/some crackles
40023LPErroll GarnerConcert by the seaColumbiaCS 9821EXEX£8.001970's reissue of '55 LP; Canada; mild fading along spine; plays well
28481LPErroll GarnerErrollMercuryMMB 12010VGEX£10.00Early 60's issue of '54/55 recordings; mono; some laminate peel f/cover; a few light marks
41201LPErroll GarnerFeeling is believingPye int.NSPL 28214VGVG£6.001976 4mm line of fading along spine f/cover o/w EX; mark on side2 - just a few mild clicks tk4 side2 o/w plays perfectly
40752LPErroll GarnerMagicianPye int.NSPL 28213EXEX£10.001975 mild wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
2490LPErroll GarnerOne world concertPhillipsBL 7580VGVG£7.001963 mono
30946LPErroll GarnerPlays mistyMercury135 008 MCYEXEX£8.0080's reissue of '67 LP; France
4230LPErroll GarnerThe Elf - The Savoy sessionsSavoySJL 2207EXEX/EX£14.001976 US issue of 1945 & '49 recordings Double/Gatefold
39442LPErroll GarnerThe most happy pianoPhilipsBBL 7282EXVG£8.001959 Mono; Black/Silver 'Minigroove' label; fully laminated sleeve; mild wear on cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
36397LPStan Getz & Johnny SmithMoonlight in VermontVogueVJD 539VGVG/VG£8.001978 Double/Gatefold issue of '50-60 recordings; some wear on cover; disc1, a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles; disc2, a few marks - plays well with 2 clicks near end of side 4 + a few crackles
41291LPStan Getz & Jimmy RowlesStan getz presents Jimmie Rowles: The PeacocksCBS82217EXEX£10.001977 Orange sunburst labels; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; + insert; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40878LPStan GetzChildren of the worldCBS83642EXEX£10.001979 Orange label; Gold Demo stamp top corner b/cover; just light wear on cover: some light marks - plays perfectly
16904LPStan GetzDynastyVerve2657 009EXEX/VG£12.001972 Double/Gatefold; light wear on cover; a few crackles at start side 3 o/w plays EX
27288LPStan GetzGetz au go goVerve2352 095EXEX£10.0070's reissue of '64 LP; light wear on cover
42596LPStan GetzReflectionsVerveVLP 9069EXEX£12.001964 Mono; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s a-1N/B-1N; Flipback sleeve VG+ with a small sellotape stain bottom corner b/cover + 1 cormer crease o/w EX; just a few light marks - plays well
41203LPStan GetzStan GetzPrestige24019VGEX/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold compilation of '49/'50/'58 recordings; Mono; 3mm line of fading along spine; both discs play perfectly
22772LPStan GetzThe best of Stan GetzVerveVLP 9165EXVG£8.001967 compilation of '62-4 tracks; mono; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
40024LPStan GetzThe Lyrical Stan GetzColumbiaCJ 44047VGVG£6.001988 US; 'Columbia jazz materpieces' series compilation of '64-'77 recordings; + company insert; fading along spine; 3 very short spots of distortion tk2 side2 o/w plays perfectly
26386LPStan GetzVoyageBlack hawkBKH 51101EXEX£12.001986 German; a few light marks - a couple of light crackles
41205LPMichael Gibbs & Gary BurtonIn the public interestPolydor2383 252EXEX£20.001974 thin line of fading along spine f/cover; plays well with just a few mild crackles
41204LPMichael GibbsJust aheadPolydor2683 011VGEX/EX£25.001972 Double/Gatefold; Live at Ronnie Scott's 31 May + 1-3 June 1972; + Polydor compliments slip; heavy fading along spine + top corner crease; just a few crackles on disc2 o/w both play perfectly
42855LPTerry GibbsSwingin' with Terry Gibbs and his orchestraEmarcyEJL 1263EXEX£15.001957 Mono; Orange label; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve; just a few marks - plays well
42597LPTerry GibbsThat swing thingVerveVLP 9021VGEX£12.001962 Mono; Black/Silver labels; matrix no.s A-1N/B-1N; spot of wear on al 4 corners + just mild wear (VG+); some light marks - plays well
18376LPTerry GibbsThe Latin connectionContemporaryC 14022EXEX£10.001986 US; in shrinkwrap
42344LPAstrud Gilberto & James LastPlusPolydorPOLD 5207VGVG£8.001986 matrix no.s A//2 - B//1; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; 'Ray Harvey' written on top corners of front + back cover + light sticker mark f/cover; a few marks - plays well (EX)
40879LPAstrud Gilberto & Walter WanderleyA certain smile a certain sadnessVerveSVLP 9163EXEX£10.001966 Stereo; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; 2 small name stamps b/cover + just light wear; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40577LPAstrud GilbertoGilberto with TurrentineCTICTL 1EXEX£25.001972 Matrix no.s A/2/B2; light wear on Gatefold sleeve; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), just a couple of crackles o/w plays perfectly
40882LPAstrud GilbertoLook to the rainbowVerveSVLP 9129VGEX£10.001966 Stereo; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; 3 small name stamps b/cover + a small spot of wear above flipback b/cover
30948LPAstrud GilbertoOnce upon a summertimeVerve2352 172EXEX£8.001976 compilation of '64-70 tracks
42342LPAstrud GilbertoThe Astrud Gilberto albumVerveVLP 9087EXEX£20.001965 Mono; 'Sold in UK' text on labels; 2 small name stamps b/cover+ just light wear; mild mark tk1 side1, plays well
26450LPDizzy Gillespie, Roy Eldridge & Clark TerryThe Trumpet kingsPablo2310 754EXVG£10.001975 Live at Montreux jazz festival 16/7/75; light wear on cover; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
27290LPDizzy Gillespie, Stan Getz & Sonny StittFor musicians onlyVerve837 435-1EXEX£10.0080's Dutch reissue of '57 LP; mono
33718LPDana GillespieBlue jobAceCH 62VGVG£8.001982 small pen marks by titles b/cover; a few marks - plays well
306LPDizzy GillespieDizzy GillespieMajor minorMCP 5053EXEX£8.00 
33381LPDizzy GillespieDizzy goes to HollywoodPhilipsSBL 7641EXEX£12.001964 Stereo; Black/Silver label; light yellowing b/cover; a few light marks
27292LPDizzy GillespieDizzy on the French rivieraPhilipsTIME 9EXEX£8.0080's reissue of '62 LP; light wear on cover; a few light marks
17560LPDizzy GillespieFree ridePablo2310 794EXVG£7.501977 composed & arranged by Lalo Schifrin; light wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
36399LPDizzy GillespieMonteux '77: Dizzy Gillespie jamPablo live2308 211EXVG£6.001977 plays well with 2 very short spots of distortion on side 2
6747LPDizzy GillespieReunion big band 20th & 30th anniversaryMPS15015EXEX£10.00France; live in Berlin 7/11/68; Gatefold; Light warp
41206LPDizzy GillespieReunion big band 20th & 30th anniversaryMPS/BASFBAP 5060EXEX£8.001970's Single sleeve reissue of '69 LP; Live in Berlin 7/11/68; small corner crease; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
27294LPDizzy GillespieSmall combosGiants of jazzLPJT 32EXEX£8.001985 Italian issue of '45-54 recordings; a few light marks
27293LPDizzy GillespieSouled outPyePKL 4403VGVG£15.001971 wear on spine + some marks on cover; some marks - plays EX
25396LPDizzy GillespieThe ChampMFPMFP 1041EXVG£7.00'Kathy' written on b/cover + some yellowing; a few marks - plays OK with a few clicks + crackles
42345LPDizzy GillespieThe Original Dizzy Gillespie big band concertLondonZGL 119EXEX£8.001972; Live in Pasadena, California 28/7/48; light dish warp - plays well with just a few light crackles
27289LPDizzy GillespieThe sourceAmericaAM 6135EXEX£12.001973 France; Gatefold; light wear on cover
42856LPDizzy GillespieWorld statesmanColumbia33CX 10077VGEX£12.001956 Mono; 'Clef' series; a few spots of wear on edges of Fully laminated Flipback sleeve o/w EX; plays well with just a few light crackles
41445LPJimmy Giuffre & Marty Paich / Jack SheldonWest coast jazz sceneVogue jazzVJD 536VGEX/EX£12.001977 Double/Gatefold issue of '56 LP 'Tenors west' (Giuffre/Paich) + '61 LP 'Jacks groove' (Jack Sheldon all star band); mild wear on cover with a thin line of fading along spine (VG+); some light marks disc1, both discs play perfectly
28405LPJimmy GiuffreThe Music manLondon atlanticLTZ-K 15216VGVG£8.001960 'Original jazz album of the Merdith Willson musical hit'; mono; light yellowing of cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
18412LPJackie GleasonRiff jazzCapitol1C056 85442VGVG£6.001978 German; sticker tear f/cover + some wear; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
28483LPGold & FizdalePlay Dave Brubeck's jazz ballet 'Points on jazz'FontanaSTFL 583VGG£6.001961 with Dave Brubeck & Carmen McRae on 'There'll be no tomorrow'; marks on vinyl (scruffy) - plays with some clicks + crackles
4231LPStu GoldbergSolos, Duos, trioMPS0068 202EXEX£14.001978 German; with Larry Coryell & L Subramaniam
17268LPNat GonellaGeorgia on my mindWorld recordsSH 369EXEX£8.001980 issue of 1935-41 recordings; mono
41266LPNat GonellaHow'm I doin' ?Old beatOLD 11EXEX£8.001987 Mono issue of 36 recording with his Georgians; plays well
41265LPNat GonellaThe Nat Gonella storyEMINTS 146EXVG£6.001978 'Note' series reissue of '61 compilation; Factory sample sticker side1 label; a few marks on side2 - plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
40758LPPaul GonsalvesPaul Gonsalves & his all starsBarclay521149EXEX£12.001971 mild waving on laminated f/cover; vinyl near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40756LPBenny GoodmanB.G. in hi-fiCapitolED 2604261EXEX£7.001985 Mono reissue of '55 LP; Promo sticker b/cover; thin line of fading along spine on f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
27295LPBenny GoodmanBenny Goodman & his OrchestraGiants of jazzLPJT 38EXEX£8.001985 Italian issue of '33-51 recordings; a few light marks
40682LPBenny GoodmanBenny Goodman 1945: Sextet, Quintet & TrioCBSM 52965EXVG£6.001971 Holland; Mono; 4th Feb-24th Sept recordings; fully laminated sleeve; 1 mark on side1 (VG+), plays well (EX)
7945LPBenny GoodmanBenny Goodman todayDeccaDDS 3EXEX/EX£12.001971 Live in Stockholm; Double/Gatefold
1187LPBenny GoodmanBest of..RCA victorRD 8001VGEX£5.001969 mono
12297LPBenny GoodmanBG - The small groupsRCA victorRD 7775EXEX£10.001966 issue of '36-38 recordings; red spot label; mono
1186LPBenny GoodmanBG - The small groupsRCA victorRD 7775EXEX£10.001966 issue of '36-38 recordings; Red spot label; mono
2889LPBenny GoodmanCountdownVerveVLP 9120EXEX£10.001966 mono
27296LPBenny GoodmanKing of swing small combosGiants of jazzLPJT 34EXEX£8.001985 Italian issue of '35-49 recordings; light wear on cover
40025LPBenny GoodmanLive at Carnegie hallCBS450983 1EXEX/EX£10.001987 EU; Double/Gatefold; 'CBS jazz masterpieces' series issue of 16/1/38 live recording; + inners; light wear on cover; disc1 - 1 mark tk1, side1; Disc2 - very light dish warp; both discs play well
42525LPBenny GoodmanLondon datePhilips6308 023EXEX£8.001970 recorded 27+28 Nov '69; Black/Silver labels; fully laminated sleeve; plays well with just a few crackles
27426LPBenny GoodmanOriginal Benny Goodman trio & quartet in concertCBS88141EXEX/EX£12.001975 Holland; Double/Gatefold issue of 1937-38 recordings; some wear on spine
32177LPBenny GoodmanThe Benny Goodman treasure chest - vol 3MGMC 810VGVG£8.001960 Mono; Performance recordings 1937-38; Flipback sleeve; a few marks - plays EX
5859LPBenny GoodmanThe complete Benny Goodman - vol 3 - 1936RCAAXM2 5532EXEX/EX£12.001976 US Double/Gatefold mono
6490LPBenny GoodmanThe complete Benny Goodman - vol V - 1937/8RCAAXM2 5557EXEX/EX£12.001978 US Double/Gatefold
6489LPBenny GoodmanThe Complete Benny Goodman - vol VI - 1938RCAAXM2 5566VGEX/VG£10.001980 US Double/Gatefold; cover - spine split o/w EX; a few light marks disc 2 - plays EX
6493LPBenny GoodmanThe complete Benny Goodman - vol VII - 1938/9RCAAXM2 5567EXEX/VG£10.001980 US Double/Gatefold; small jump tk1 side 1 o/w all EX
31906LPBenny GoodmanThe King of Swing's London datePhilipsSON 011EXEX£8.001976 Plain White label test pressing; One piece rough cut sample front & back cover (listed as Fontana 6382 132); a few light marks
9816LPBenny GoodmanTogether againRCA victorLSP 2698VGVG£6.50US orange label issue of '64 LP; sellotape on cover edges; sale cut; a few crackles o/w plays EX
1189LPBenny GoodmanTrio & quartet 1935/38RCA victor730 629EXEX£8.001970 France; Black & white vol 18; Mono
9086LPBenny GoodmanTrio & quartet live 1937-8CBS62853VGVG£7.00France "Aimez vous jazz no.7" orange label; small tear on opening
40759LPDexter Gordon & Slide HamptonA day in CopenhagenMPS/ BASFBAP 5062EXEX£15.001975 issue of '69 LP; laminated f/cover; some light staining on vinyl caused by poly inner - plays perfectly
1071LPDexter GordonGreat encountersCBS83643EXEX£12.001979 DEMO
28484LPDexter GordonManhattan symphonieCBS83184VGVG£8.001978 Orange sunburst label; + insert; some wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well
2876LPDexter GordonSophisticated giantCBS82340EXEX£10.001977 + inserts
42598LPDexter GordonThe Ballad albumPrestigeMPP 2502VGG£5.001981 US; sticker mark b/cover; some marks on vinyl - some clicks tk2, side2 o/w plays well (EX)
41564LPDexter GordonThe Montmartre collection - vol. 1Polydor2460 108EXVG£8.001971 recorded Montmartre Jazzhuis 20/7/67; fully laminated sleeve; vinyl VG+ with just a few mild clicks side1 o/w plays EX
28712LPDexter GordonThe other side of round midnightBlue noteBT 85135EXEX£12.001986 France
33382LPJohn GraasJazz-Lab-1BrunswickLAT 8145GG£7.501956 Mono; wear on cover; 2 surface tears f/cover; marks on vinyl - plays well (VG) with a few clicks + crackles
5795LPTom GrantHeart of the cityPausaPR 7162EXVG£7.001984 US; a few light crackles
6467LPStephane Grappelli & Barney KesselI Remember DjangoBlack lionBLP 30101EXEX£8.001971 issue of '69 recordings
6492LPStephane Grappelli & Barney KesselLimehouse bluesBlack lionBLP 30129EXEX£8.001973 issue of '69 recordings
6485LPStephane Grappelli & Stuff SmithStuff & SteffBarclay920 067EXVG£8.001971 some crackles tk1 side 2 o/e EX
29644LPStephane GrappelliStephane Grappelli meets the rhythm sectionBlack lionBLP 30183VGVG£8.001975 with Roland Hanna, Jiri Mraz & Mel Lewis; sale hole through cover + label on disc; mark on side 1 - plays EX
6484LPStephane GrappelliTalk of the townBlack lionBLP 30165EXEX£8.001975 issue of '73 recordings; couple of crackles
41565LPGlen GraySolo spotlightCapitolEMS 1147EXEX£8.001986 reissue of '59 LP with the Casa Loma orchestra; EMI pluggers sticker front + back cover; Promo sticker b/cover; thin line of fading along spine/top edge of cover; a few marks - plays perfectly
42599LPAl GreyThe Thinking man's trombonePye jazzNJL 31VGG£7.001961 Mono; marks on vinyl across both sides - plays well (VG) with a few mild clicks + crackles
26387LPJohnny Griffin & Eddie 'Lockjaw' DavisBlues up and downRiverside673 015EXEX£25.00Issue of '61 LP; light wear on cover
42600LPJohnny Griffin & Eddie 'Lockjaw' DavisLookin' at MonkRiversideJLP 39VGVG£15.001961 Mono; Blue label/Silver print issued in Jazzland Flipback sleeve; play the music of Thelonious Monk; waving on f/cover + some mild yellowing; just a few clicks on side2 o/w plays EX
41207LPJohnny GriffinFoot paintingYoung bloodSSYB 11EXEX£35.001970 matrix no.s A-1/B-1; fading along spine; light dish warp - plays perfectly
26388LPJohnny GriffinReturn of the GriffinGalaxyGXY 5117EXEX£10.001979 US import with MU 720 sticker on shrinkwrap; small spot of wear on opening f/cover
41566LPJohnny GriffinThe man I lovePolydor583 734VGG£12.001969 Fading along spine of laminated Gatefold sleeve (VG+); Heavy staining on all of side2 caused by poly lined inner; side1 looks EX; both sides play well (EX) with no issues
41567LPJohnny GriffinYou leave me breathlessBlack lion2460 178VGEX£8.001972 recorded 30/31 March '67 at Montmartre Jazzhuis; fully laminated sleeve (VG+) has a crease top corner by openings + some yellowing along spine o/w EX; plays well with just a couple of mild clicks
22729LPGriffith park collectionGriffith park collection 2: In concertElektra960 2621VGEX/EX£12.001983 German; Double; small sticker mark f/cover; a few light marks
35382LPDon GrolnickHearts and numbersHip pocketHP 106VGEX£7.001985 featuring Michael Brecker; + inner (edge split + creasing); some wear on cover; a few marks - plays well
36400LPDave Grusin & Lee RitenourHarlequinGRPVIJ 28045VGEX£8.001975 Japan; + insert; corner cut on cover; plays perfectly
41568LPGuildhall jazz bandMidnight oilGSMGSM 881EXEX£10.001988 Directed by Scott Stroman; + 4 page letter to Ray Harvey, producer at radio 2; light wear on cover; plays perfectly
41569LPRune GustafssonString along with BasieSonetSNTF 1005EXVG£8.001989 Sweden; small spot of wear on openings + light wear on cover; some light marks (VG+), plays well (EX)
41570LPBobby Hackett & Billy ButterfieldBobby / Billy / BrasilVerveVLP 9212EXEX£12.001968 Mono; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s A-2/B-1; Flipback sleeve has a corner crease + light wear; plays well (EX+)
42526LPBobby Hackett & Jack TeagardenJazz ultimateCapitolT 933VGEX£8.001958 Mono; Turquoise label; Flipback sleeve; 'F-61' stamped on side1 label; some laminate peel + wera on cover; just a few marks - plays well
27299LPBobby Hackett & Jack TeagardenJazz ultimateCapitol1566 181EXEX£8.001985 French reissue of '59 LP; light wear on cover
26390LPBobby HackettBobby Hackett's SextetStoryvilleSLP 237EXEX£10.001976 issue of '62 + 70 tracks; creasing on b'side label; light wear on cover
26389LPBobby HackettCoast to coastEMI RegalREG 2062EXEX£12.00'60's mono; a few light crackles
41571LPBobby HackettStrike up the bandRCA victorSF 8424EXEX£8.001975 Orange label; with Zoot Sims, Bucky Pizzarelli, Richard Davis, Mel Lewis & Hank Jones; fully laminated sleeve has 1 small corner crease; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
20432LPPat Halcox All stars7th AvenuePlant lifePLJ 002EXEX£10.001979 + insert; signed b/cover
11177LPEdmond Hall/ Art HodesOriginal Blue note jazz - vol 1Blue noteB 6504VGVG£7.00US; Gatefold; sticker tear f/cover; marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
38257LPJim Hall & David Matthews orchestraConcierto de AranjuezElectric birdK28P 6066VGEX£15.001981 Japan; NO insert or obi strip; light sticker mark on top + bottom corner b/cover: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
27300LPEdmond HallAt club Hangover - vol 4StoryvilleSLP 253VGEX£8.001976 issue of 24+31 July live recordings; wear on spine + edges of cover; a few light marks
27301LPEdmond HallEdmond HallGiants of jazzLPJT 30EXEX£8.001985 Italian issue of '41-57 recordings; light wear on cover
12299LPEdmond HallSwing sessionAce of heartsZAHC 180EXEX£10.001969 issue of '43-44 recordings; a few light marks
42451LPJim HallConciertoCTICTI 6060EXEX£20.001975 matrix no.s A//1 - B//2; 'Heathside publishing' credit tk2 side1; light wear on Gatefold sleeve; just a few light marks - plays well
42601LPJim HallThe WinnerFontanaFJL 121VGEX£12.001964 Mono; 'Popular jazz' series 9 track reissue of '57 LP without 'This is always'; mild waving b/cover; plays well
28725LPScott Hamilton & Buddy TateScott's BuddyConcord jazzCJ 148EXVG£10.001981 US; in shrinkwrap; a few marks - plays EX
42857LPChico HamiltonChico hamilton quintet in hi-fiVogueLae 12045EXEX£15.001958 Mono; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve; a few mild marks - plays well with just a few crackles
42417LPChico HamiltonThe DealerImpulseA 9130EXVG£28.001972 US Stereo issue of '67 LP; AS-9130 cat no. on label; a few marks (VG+), plays well with just a few mild clicks + crackles
1553LPLionel Hampton & Dexter GordonMidnight bluesGlad HampGHS 1027MintVG£8.001987 US; in shrinkwrap; Plays EX
26391LPLionel Hampton & Charlie TeagardenThe great Hamp and little'T'CoralLVA 9217VGVG£12.001963 Live at Silver slipper - Las Vegas; mono; some wear on cover; some marks - plays EX
15725LPLionel HamptonBest records - vol 2 (1938-9)RCA730641EXEX£8.00France; Black & white - vol 23; a few crackles
5528LPLionel HamptonBlackoutKingdom jazzGATE 7008EXEX£10.001982
26435LPLionel HamptonConcert 1948WK12-1VGVG£8.00Yellow spotting on cover; a few light marks - plays OK w/some clicks + crackles
10666LPLionel HamptonFlyin' homeQuint essenceQJ 25031EXEX£10.001978 US; in shrinkwrap; v.light warp
12303LPLionel HamptonHampMFPMFP 1040EXEX£8.0060's issue of 3/8/55 recordings; mono; a few light marks
4232LPLionel HamptonHamps big bandRCA intINTS 1064EXEX£10.001970 issue of '64 LP; small tear on opening
12302LPLionel HamptonHampton hitsWorld recordTP 152EXVG£7.001960 mono; some light ring wear; some light marks + crackles
12520LPLionel HamptonJam bandFirst heardFH 54EXEX£8.001984 issue of 27/12/54 live tracks; mono; a few light marks
12301LPLionel HamptonJivin' the vibesRCA camdenCDN 129EXEX£12.001957 issue of '37-39 recordings; mono
28082LPLionel HamptonJivin' the vibesRCA camdenCDN 129EXEX£12.001959 issue of '37-39 recordings; mono
5522LPLionel HamptonLeapin' with LionelAffinityAFS 1000MintEX£8.001983 compilation of 1942-9 tracks
12304LPLionel HamptonLight my fireManhattanMAN 5004EXVG£7.501980 warp - plays EX
12619LPLionel HamptonLionel Hampton & the Just jazz all starsLondonZGL 120EXVG£7.001972 light sticker mark b/cover; a few clicks + crackles
5555LPLionel HamptonLionel Hampton vol 1PRTJR 102EXEX£7.001981 Live in Pasadena 4/8/47
26392LPLionel HamptonLive !FontanaFJL 112VGEX£15.00Popular jazz series issue of '54 recordings; mono; some laminate peel along top edge of cover
26393LPLionel HamptonNewport uproarRCA victorSF 7933VGEX£12.001968 Black/Red spot label; stereo; some light marks
12300LPLionel HamptonOpen houseRCA camdenCDN 138EXEX£12.001959 issue of '37-40 recordings; mono
12305LPLionel HamptonPlays vibes with his bandBoulevard4022EXVG£7.001965 mono; some crackles
36401LPLionel HamptonSlide HamptonMajor minorSMCP 5049EXEX£8.001970 plays well with just a couple of crackles
41573LPLionel HamptonStardustCoralCP 28EXEX£8.001970 Mono; Gene Norman presents from the Just jazz concert: at the civic auditorium Pasadena, California; imprint of name f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
41572LPLionel HamptonThe Many sides of Hamp - volume 2EmberCJS 805EXEX£8.00Blue label reissue of '63 LP; Stereo enhanced Mono; 'AMP' stamped on b/cover; plays well
12543LPLionel HamptonViberationsGiants of jazzGOJLP 1014EXVG£7.001979 US issue of '43-5 live recordings; some wear on cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
40760LPHerbie HancockCrossingsWarner bros.K 46164VGEX£25.001972 Green label; matrix no.s A1/B1; + Atlantic 'Heavy and alive' insert; mild wear + a few creses on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
36403LPHerbie HancockFeets don't fail me nowCBSS 83491VGVG£7.001979 Orange sunburst label; + insert; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
41574LPHerbie HancockFeets don't fail me nowCBSS 83491VGEX£8.001979 Orange sunburst labels; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; + insert; mild fading along spine; just a few light marks - plays well
40591LPHerbie HancockMagic windowsCBS85144EXEX£18.001981 Orange sunburst label; Stock copy with Gold Demo stamp top corner b/cover; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; Cover is near Mint (EX+); plays well
41209LPHerbie HancockSpeak like a childBlue noteBNS 40025EXEX£25.001977 reissue of '68 LP; 2mm line of fading along spine f/cover + a very light sticker stain bottom corner f/cover: just a couple of light crackles o/w plays perfectly
41954LPHerbie HancockSunlightCBSCBS 82240VGEX£12.001978 Holland; Orange sunburst label; + inner; sticker tear top corner f/cover + some wear; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
22773LPHerbie HancockV.S.O.P.CBS88235VGVG/EX£12.001977 Double/Gatefold; live New York 29/6/76; light wear on cover; a few marks disc 1 - plays EX
17562LPJohn HandyHard workImpulseIMPL 8038VGEX£8.001976 name + sticker mark b/cover; name on label; a few light marks
18413LPRoland HannaGershwin Carmichael catsCTICTI 9008EXEX£10.001982 Gatefold; light wear on cover
17563LPGene HarrisIn a special wayBlue noteBNLA 634GVGVG£10.001976 US; some ring wear; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
26394LPNancy HarrowWild women don't have the bluesCandidCS 9008EXEX£12.001985 US reissue of '60 LP; a few light marks
40026LPJohnny HartmanFrom the heartAffinityAFF 189EXEX£8.001988 compilation of '55-'56 tracks; very light sticker mark f/cover + some light wear; plays well
42452LPHampton HawesFor real !ContemporaryLAC 12295EXEX£80.001962 Mono; recorded 17/3/58 with Harold Land, Scott La Faro, Frank Butler; just light wear on fully laminated flipback sleeve; plays perfectly
15457LPColeman Hawkins/ Chu BerryThe big sounds of Coleman Hawkins & Chu BerryLondonHMC 5006EXVG£7.001974 issue of '38-43 recordings; 1 side each; mono; some marks - plays well w/some crackles
26401LPColeman Hawkins & Pee Wee RussellJazz reunionCandidCS 9020EXEX£12.001980's US reissue of '61 LP; light sticker mark f/cover
42602LPColeman Hawkins & Red GarlandColeman Hawkins with the Red Garland trioPrestige SwingvSVLP 2001EXEX£50.001960 Mono; Green label/Silver print with Tax sticker on side1 label; just a few mild yellow spots b/cover + light wear; plays well
26398LPColeman Hawkins & Clark TerryBack in bean's bagCBSSBPG 62157VGEX£15.001963 Stereo; Orange label; light wear on cover; a few light marks
26397LPColeman Hawkins & Lester YoungClassic tenorsStatesideSL 10117EXEX£15.001964 mono; light wear on cover; a couple of crackles
20433LPColeman Hawkins, Lester Young & Ben WebsterThe big threeRCA victorSF 8456VGEX£8.001975 issue of '43-46 recordings; mono; light wear on cover; few light marks
27305LPColeman HawkinsBean stalkin'PabloPAB 004EXEX£10.001988 German; light wear oncover
27304LPColeman HawkinsBody and soulWest windWW 018EXEX£10.001988 German; Live at American jazz festival Rio, Brazil 16/7/61
41577LPColeman HawkinsColeman HawkinsXtraXTRA 1119EXEX£10.001971; 10 track reissue of '65 LP 'The Hawk & the hunter' with new artwork, without 2 tracks 'Pebbles' & 'Whisper to me'; plays perfectly
3802LPColeman HawkinsDutch treatXanadu189VGEX£7.001982 US issue of '1936-38 recordings
32210LPColeman HawkinsMasters of jazz - vol IVCapitol1C054 82000 MVGEX£8.00German; some wear on cover
26396LPColeman HawkinsMeditationsFontanaTL 5273EXEX£20.001965 mono; a few light marks
32209LPColeman HawkinsSiriusPabloPBL 211VGVG£8.001975 issue of 20/12/66 recordings; Italy; some marks - plays EX
41576LPColeman HawkinsSwing mastersRiverside673 011EXEX£12.001968 reissue of '57 LP 'The Hawk flies high' with new artwork; mild wear on cover/spine; plays well with just a few crackles
41575LPColeman HawkinsThe Genius of Coleman HawkinsVerve825 673-1VGEX£8.001986 West German reissue of '59 LP' 'Ray Harvey' written top corner b/cover; small sticker tear f/cover + some mild wear; plays well
41210LPColeman HawkinsThe Hawk flies highAce/ RiversideRLP 233EXEX£12.001980's West German reissue of '57 LP; barcode 029667 723312; thin line of fading along spine f/cover + 2 small corner creases; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
26462LPColeman HawkinsThe Hawk swingsErosERL 50044VGEX£12.001962 mono; sellotape stains along edges of cover; times writtien by titles b/cover; a few light crackles
27303LPColeman HawkinsThe high and mighty HawkAffinityAFF 163EXEX£8.001986 reissue of '59 LP
26395LPColeman HawkinsThe high and mighty HawkFelstedFAJ 7005VGVG£15.001959 mono; some wear on cover/spine; some marks - plays well w/some crackles
26399LPColeman HawkinsThings ain't what they used to beXtraXTRA 5031EXEX£20.001967 issue of '61 LP; mono; a few marks b/cover
6664LPErskine HawkinsSneakin' outFirst heardFH 30EXEX£8.001979 mono issue of '42-46 recordings; sellotape on spine + small sticker mark b/cover
5848LPTubby Hayes & Cleo LainePalladium jazz dateWingWL 1088EXEX£25.001965 reissue of '61 LP; mono; a few light marks on vinyl; in shrinkwrap
40761LPTubby Hayes OrchestraThe OrchestraFontana6309 002EXEX£25.001970 Black/Silver label; matrix no.s 1Y-1/2Y-1; fully laminated sleeve; plays well (EX+)
3456LPTubby Hayes QuintetTubby's grooveTempoTAP 29EXEX£650.001960 mono; a few light surface marks plays EX; a bit of laminate has peeled on cover; nice copy
4433LPTubby HayesThis is Jazz - 100% proofPhillips6382 041EXVG£8.001972 a few light crackles
42527LPTubby HayesTubbsFontanaTFL 5142EXEX£100.001961 Mono; Black/Silver label; light wear on Flipback sleeve; some light marks - plays well
17565LPHeath brothersLive at the Public theaterColumbiaAL 36374VGVG£7.001980 company details blacked out on cover + labels at factory; some marks on vinyl - plays EX
36870LPTed HeathThe Ted Heath band in concertDeccaPFS 4408-VG£12.001977 Handwritten Pink label Factory sample in plain white sleeve; matrix no.s ZAL 15117/8 -1W; a few marks - plays well (EX)
40612LPJon HendricksTimes of lovePhilips6414 302EXEX£10.001972 Black/Silver label; Fully laminated sleeve; plays well with just a few crackles
5782LPWoody Herman& his orchestra 1937LondonHMP 5048MintEX£8.001977 mono; Radio years vol 18
42603LPWoody Herman1963: The Swingin'est big band everPhilips652 025 BLEXEX£12.001963 Mono; small bottom corner crease; a few mild marks - plays well
6669LPWoody Herman1964PhilipsSBL 7608EXVG£8.001964 Stereo; a few crackles o/w EX
9573LPWoody Herman40th anniversary Carnegie hall concert - 20/11/76RCA victorPL 02203EXVG/VG£8.001977 Double/Gatefold; warp - a few crackles o/w both play EX
26474LPWoody Herman50th Anniversary tourConcord jazzCJ 302EXEX£10.001986 German; Live at the 'Great American music hall' San francisco '86
26490LPWoody HermanBest of Woody Herman (the)CBS realm jazzRM 52551EXVG£7.0060's compilation of '45-47 recordings; mono; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
15406LPWoody HermanBig band sound of Woody Herman (the)Verve2317 072VGVG£6.5070's issue of '51-2 recordings; mono; small tear on opening; some marks - few light crackles o/w plays EX
12544LPWoody HermanBijouHarmonyHL 7013VGG£5.001960's Canada; mono; some wear on cover; marks on vinyl - plays ok w/some clicks & crackles
41578LPWoody HermanBlues grooveCapitol1599301EXEX£8.001987 France; Mono reissue of '56 LP; UK cat no EMS 1283 sticker top corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
18414LPWoody HermanBlues grooveCapitolT 784VGVG£10.001956 mono; some light marks - plays well with a few crackles
6753LPWoody HermanConcerto for herdVerveVLP 9235VGVG£8.001968 mono; Live at Monterey sept '67; sellotape on edge split; plays well with some light crackles
10671LPWoody HermanDance time 43First heardFH 34EXVG£7.001980 some marks - plays EX
6621LPWoody HermanDouble exposureChess2ACMJ 402VGVG/VG£10.001976 US Double/Gatefold compilation of "Light my fire" "Heavy exposure" + "Woody" LP tracks; some ringwear
10669LPWoody HermanFan itSwing houseSWH 19EXEX£8.001981 issue of '44-46 live tracks; mono
6673LPWoody HermanHeavy exposureCadetLPS 835VGEX£8.001969 US; sale cut
12548LPWoody HermanIt poursFirst heardFH 43EXEX£8.001982 issue of 17/18.4.51 live recordings; mono; small tear on opening; in shrinkwrap
10674LPWoody HermanJazz hootCBS80248EXEX£10.001974 issue of '65-67 tracks; orange label; light sticker mark f/cover
6738LPWoody HermanJuke box1st heardFH 36VGEX£8.001980 issue of '44/6 live recordings; no.1165 of 3000; sellotape on small opening tear o/w looks EX
41579LPWoody HermanLight my fireChess6310 127EXEX£12.001972 reissue of '69 LP; plays perfectly
26463LPWoody HermanLight my fireChess6310 127VGVG£8.001972 reissue of '69 LP;some wear on cover; a few marks - plays EX
31907LPWoody HermanLive at Basin street west, HollywoodPhilipsSON 018EXEX£8.001976 issue of 19-21 May '63 recordings; Plain White label test pressing; Rough cut sample front cover
12551LPWoody HermanLive at Basin street west, HollywoodPhilipsSON 018EXEX£8.001976 issue of '63 recordings; sticker mark f/cover
10667LPWoody HermanLive in New OrleansGiants of jazzGOJ 1022EXEX£8.001982 Blue room - hotel Roosevelt - Oct18 + Nov 14 1951
12175LPWoody HermanPre-herdsEmberSE 8027EXEX£8.001974 a few light marks
26536LPWoody HermanPresents a great American evening - volume 3Concord jazzCJ 220VGVG£8.001983 Live at Great American Music hall, San Francisco April '83; some wear on cover; some marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
12545LPWoody HermanRhapsody in woodFirst heardFH 29EXEX£8.001979 issue of 48-9 live recordings; ltd 780/3000; some wear on opening
6763LPWoody HermanSummer sequenceWorld recordT 137VGVG£6.00With Charlie Byrd; mono; laminate has peeled; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
10673LPWoody HermanThe 1945 band in hi-fiFanfare22122EXEX£8.00US issue of 18/2 + 23/7 1945 recordings
26460LPWoody HermanThe Band that plays the bluesAce of heartsAH 156EXEX£10.001967 mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; light wear on cover
10670LPWoody HermanThe big band sound of..Verve2317 072EXEX£8.0070's issue of '51-52 tracks; mono
10672LPWoody HermanThe brothers bandSwing treasuryST 113EXEX£8.00US
41580LPWoody HermanThe Great... Woody Herman and his HerdRaritiesNo. 42EXEX£8.001977 Denmark; 7 & 14 March '53 Chicago recordings with his Third Herd; mild wear on cover; a few marks - plays well
15133LPWoody HermanThe Herd rides againWorld recordTP 153VGVG£7.50mono; plays well with a few crackles
6672LPWoody HermanThe magpieAtlantic590 005VGVG£7.001967 mono issue of '59 live Monterey recordings; wobc; marks + clicks track 1 side 2
40884LPWoody HermanThe Raven speaksFantasyFT 509EXEX£8.001972 Fully laminated sleeve has fading along spine; Factory sample sticker on side1 label; 2 single clicks tk2 side2 o/w plays perfectly
6670LPWoody HermanThe swinging Herman herd - recorded livePhilipsBL 7649EXVG£8.001964 mono; a few crackles
6666LPWoody HermanThe Thundering herds - vol 1CBSBPG 62158EXEX£10.001963 mono issue of '45 recordings; + foldout insert; a few light marks
6667LPWoody HermanThe Thundering herds - vol 2CBSBPG 62159EXVG£8.001963 mono issue of '45/6 recordings; + insert; a few crackles o/w plays EX
6668LPWoody HermanThe Thundering herds - vol 3CBSBPG 62160VGVG£7.001963 mono issue of '46/7 recordings; corner crease; a few crackles
6674LPWoody HermanThundering herdFantasyF 9452MintEX£10.001974 US; in shrinkwrap
26519LPWoody HermanTurning point 1943-44 (the)CoralCP 2VGVG£8.00'Jazz heritage series' vol.2; mono; dates underlined in text b/cover; plays well with a few crackles
26544LPWoody HermanV disc years 1944-46 - vol 2 (the)HepHEP 35EXEX£8.001987 mono; original price sticker b/cover; light wear on cover
12521LPWoody HermanV disc years 1944-5 - vol 1 (the)HepHEP 34EXEX£8.001986 mono
12474LPWoody HermanWoody Herman & his orch. & Woodchoppers 1944-46First heardFHR 1974 2EXEX£8.00+ insert; mono
12473LPWoody HermanWoody Herman & his orchestra 1948 - vol 4First heardFH 21EXEX£8.00mono; a few crackles
12549LPWoody HermanWoody Herman & Orch. & Woodchoppers '44-6 - vol 2First heardFHR 1970 10EXEX£8.00mono
26489LPWoody HermanWoody Herman at Carnegie hallVerve2317 031VGVG£7.5070's issue of 25/3/46 live recording; + Down beat insert; light wear on cover; plays OK with a few clicks + some crackles
6671LPWoody HermanWoody live east & westCBSBPG 63099EXEX£10.001967 mono
12550LPWoody HermanWoody's winnersCBSBPG 62619EXEX£10.001966 mono; corner sale cut; a few light marks
26473LPWoody HermanWorld classConcord jazzCJ 240EXEX£10.001984 US; in shrinkwrap; a few light marks
26404LPEarl Hines & Harry EdisonEarl meets HarryBlack & blue33.131VGVG£8.001978 France; some laminate peel top edge f/cover; small edge warp on rim - plays well
41583LPEarl Hines & Mugsy SpanierAfter you've goneZodiacZR 1021EXEX£8.001986 Live at Big Annie's San Francisco 1956; 2 small spots of wear b/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
26405LPEarl Hines & Jimmy RushingBlues and thingsWorld recordST 1021VGVG£7.501968 light wear on cover; some light marks - plays OK w/some crackles
26483LPEarl Hines"Fatha" blows bestMCAMUPS 388EXVG£8.001969 Red/Purple Dogbone label; stereo; mono cat no crossed out b/cover; light wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
28726LPEarl HinesA Monday dateRiversideRLP 398VGVG£10.001961 'Chicago - The living legends' series; mono; sellotape stains along all 4 edges of cocer
26472LPEarl HinesEarl "Fatha" HinesXtraXTRA 1102EXEX£12.001970 light wear on cover; a few light crackles
41581LPEarl HinesEarl Hines plays Duke EllingtonParlophonePCS 7160VGEX£8.001972 Factory sample sticker on side1 label; crease near opening f/cover + yellowing along spine; just a few light marks - plays well
22572LPEarl HinesFathaCBSBPG 62527EXEX£12.001965 mono; light warp
26402LPEarl HinesGrand reunion: Live at the Village VanguardMercuryLML 4011VGVG£10.001965 'Limelight series'; mono; with Roy Eldridge & Coleman Hawkins; light wear on cover; a few light marks - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
26403LPEarl HinesGrand reunion: volume 2MercuryLML 4018EXEX£15.001965 'Lamplight series'; mono; with Roy Eldridge & Coleman Hawkins; light wear on cover
26480LPEarl HinesOnce upon a timeHMVCLP 3560VGVG£12.001966 mono; some yellow spotting b/cover; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
12306LPEarl HinesSwinging in ChicagoAce of heartsAH 159EXEX£10.001967 issue of '34-35 recordings; mono
41582LPEarl HinesTea for twoPolydor2460 112EXVG£7.001971 reissue of '66 LP' Blues in thirds'; fully laminated sleeve; some mild staining on vinyl caused by poly lined inner, plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
26507LPEarl HinesThe Grand Terrace bandRCA victorRD 7720VGEX£10.001965 'Vintage series' issue of 39-40 recordings; Black/Red spot label; mono; sellotape stain along top edge of b/cover; a few light crackles
18415LPEarl HinesTour de forceBlack lionBL 200EXEX£8.001972 US
28674LPAl HirtSwingin' Dixie - vol 4Audio fidelityAFLP 1972EXVG£10.001957 US mono; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well
27306LPArt HodesSelections from the gutterStoryvilleSLP 215VGEX£8.00Creasing + wear on cover
26491LPArt HodesThe Funky piano of Art HodesBlue noteB 6502VGVG£15.001969 US issue of '44-45 recordings; mono; 'A division of Liberty' label; Gatefold; some wear on cover; mark on side 1 - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42605LPJohnny Hodges & Earl HinesStride rightVerveVLP 9135EXEX£12.001966 Mono; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; flipback sleeve has small corner creases; plays well with just a few crackles
26545LPJohnny Hodges & EllingtoniansJazz storyAristonARLP 12056VGVG£8.001971 Italian issue of 14/3/61 Stockholm concert; some yellow staining on cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
42528LPJohnny Hodges & Billy StrayhornJohnny Hodges soloist, Billy Strayhorn & orchestraVerveVLP 9009VGEX£18.001962 Mono; Black/Silver labels; Flipback sleeve; '16/=' written in red pen b/cover + small bottom corner edge split; plays well with just a few crackles
27309LPJohnny Hodges & Wild Bill DavisIn mellotoneRCA/ BluebirdNL 82305EXEX£10.001990 German issue of 10+11 September '66 recordings
26475LPJohnny Hodges3 Shades of bluePhilips6369 402EXEX£12.001970 with Leon Thomas + Oliver Nelson; light wear on cover
26492LPJohnny HodgesCastle rockVerveV 8139VGVG£18.001961 US issue of '55 LP; issued in MGV 8139 sleeve with Gold/Red EMI import sticker f/cover; mono; sellotape mark + small edge split along bottom edge of cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
36404LPJohnny HodgesEverybody knows Johnny HodgesImpulseIMPL 8020VGEX£10.001970's Black label reissue of '64 LP; UK Disc issued in stickered Gatefold US sleeve; mild wear on cover; some light marks - plays well
26484LPJohnny HodgesHodge podgeCBS realm jazzRM 52587EXVG£8.0060's issue of '38-39 recordings; mono; small corner crease on cover; some light marks - plays well with a few crackles
26537LPJohnny HodgesJazz spectrum - vol.10Metro2356VGVG£7.5070's German compilation of '51-57 recordings; a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
26501LPJohnny HodgesMemories of EllingtonColumbia33CX 10013GVG£10.001957 Clef series; mono; tear bottom corner of cover, laminate peel + some wear - looks OK; some marks - plays well w/some crackles
42604LPJohnny HodgesNot so DukishHMV VerveCLP 1487EXEX£20.001961 Mono; Maroon label/Gold print; Flipback sleeve has 'ZT' tax stamp b/cover + just light wear; plays well
27308LPJohnny HodgesRippin' & runnin'VerveSVLP 9244VGEX£12.001969
26500LPJohnny HodgesThe Big band sound of Johnny HodgesVerve2317 077VGVG£7.5070's issue of '56-57 recordings; some wear on cover; plays OK w/some crackles
26406LPJohnny HodgesThe Rabbits work on Verve - vol 2: 1951-52Verve2304 448EXEX£8.0080's France; a few light crackles
26520LPJohnny HodgesThe Rabbit's work on Verve - vol.4Verve2304 450EXVG£7.5080's French issue of '54 recordings; a few crackles o/w plays EX
31992LPJohnny HodgesThe Smooth oneVerve2362 082VGEX/EX£10.001979 Double/Gatefold issue of 2 previously unreleased sessions from '59 + '60; some yellow spotting inside Gatefold; a few light marks + light crackles
33383LPJay HoggardRain forestContemporary14007VGEX£8.001981 US; + inner; sticker b/cover; a few light marks
26407LPBill Holman bandBill Holman bandJVCJLP 3308EXEX£10.001988 German + inner; inshrinkwrap
42607LPRichard Groove HolmesSoul messageTransatlanticPR 7435VGEX£18.001967 Mono reissue of '65 LP; mild yellow spotting b/cover (VG+); plays well with just a few crackles
38663LPHome serviceAlright JackHobsons choiceHCM 001VGEX£8.001986 + inner; small library stamp side1 label; mild wear on cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35402LPStix HooperThe world withinMCAMCG 4006EXVG£8.001979 Die-cut Gatefold sleeve; plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
16629LPStix HooperThe world withinMCAMCG 4006EXVG£7.001979 Gatefold; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
42613LPClaude HopkinsLet's jamFontana688 405 ZLVGEX£12.001962 Mono; Black/Silver labels; with Buddy Tate & Joe Thomas; cover VG+ with just a few yellow spots b/cover + mild wear; some light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
27310LPPaul HornPaul Horn & NexusEpicEPC 69219VGEX£12.001975 Yellow label; light wear on cover
27311LPRosetta HowardRosetta Howard with the Harlem hamfatsOfficial3024EXEX£8.001989 issue of '37-38 recordings; Denmark; light wear on cover
33305LPFreddie HubbardRide like the windElektra musiciaMUSK 52 362VGVG£8.001982 German; light sticker mark f/cover; a few marks; side1 tk1 mark causing clicks (19 revs) o/w plays well (VG+)
16855LPFreddie HubbardSkaglyColumbiaFC 36418EXVG£7.001980 US; in shrinkwrap; mark + click at end of side 2 o/w plays EX
36893LPFred Hunt trioYesterdaysErus2610 331VGEX£20.001979 German; Direct to disc recording: small stain along bottom ege inside Gatefold + small spot of laminate peel on opening f/cover; a few marks - plays well
42841LPBobby HutchersonUn poco locoColumbiaFC 36402VGG£8.001980 US; barcode 07464 364021; some wear on cover; some marks - 1 jump tk1 side2 o/w plays well (VG) with just a few clicks + crackles
27312LPAbdullah IbrahimSoweto / Dollar brandRare bidBID 155501EXEX£12.001978 German; light wear on cover
27313LPIrakereThe legendary Irakere in LondonJazz houseJHR 005EXEX£12.001988 live at Ronnie Scott's Oct '87
42842LPIsotopeDeep endGullGULP 1017VGEX£12.001976 mild wear on cover; just a few marks - plays well
27315LPItchy fingersQuarkVirginV 2438EXEX£10.001987 light sticker mark f/cover
27314LPItchy fingersTerangaVenture/ VirginVE 28EXEX£10.001988
41584LPMilt Jackson & Count BasieMilt Jackson + Count Basie + The Big band - vol. 1Pablo2310 822EXEX£10.001978 light wear on fully laminated sleeve; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
41585LPMilt Jackson & Count BasieMilt Jackson + Count Basie + The Big band - vol. 2Pablo2310 823EXEX£10.001978 light wear on fully laminated sleeve; plays well
42530LPMilt Jackson & Coleman HawkinsBean bagsLondon AtlanticLTZ-K 15196EXVG£15.001960 Mono; Red/Silver label; mild yellowing on Flipback sleeve; 'F-61' stamped on side2 label; a few marks (VG+), plays well with just a few crackles
27316LPMilt Jackson, Joe Pass & Ray BrownThe Big 3Pablo2310 757EXEX£10.001976
10706LPChubby JacksonI'm entitled to youQualityV 1621VGG£6.50Canada; mono; sellotape on edge splits; marks on vinyl - plays ok w/some clicks + crackles
42529LPMilt JacksonBallads & bluesAtlanticP-6121AEXEX£15.001977 Japan; 'Jazz forever' series reissue of '56 LP; + insert; NO obi strip; light wear on cover; plays well with just a couple of crackles
26409LPMilt JacksonBig bagsRiversideRLP 429EXEX£18.001962 mono; a few light marks; a few light crackles
36664LPMilt JacksonBig mouthPablo2310 867VGEX£8.001981 US; some wear on spine/cover; some light marks - plays well
300LPMilt JacksonFeelingsPolydor2310 774EXVG£8.00 
36665LPMilt JacksonOpus de funkPrestigePR 24048GVG/VG£8.001975 Double/Gatefold compilation of '54-55 tracks; water stain on bottom of cover; disc1, some mild marks - plays well with just a few crackles; disc2, some mild marks - plays well with just a few crackles
26410LPMilt JacksonSoul routePablo2310 900EXEX£12.001984 Holland; original price sticker b/cover; light wear on cover
36406LPMilt JacksonSunflowerCTICTL 15EXVG£10.001973 Gatefold; dish warp + some marks - plays well (EX)
40614LPMilt JacksonThat's the way it isImpulseSIPL 523EXVG£10.001970 Black/Silver label with Factory sample sticker on side2; vinyl looks Excellent, side1 plays well (EX), side2 has 1 jump tk1 o/w plays well (EX)
33487LPMilt JacksonWhat's newRealm jazzRM 115EXG£7.001963 issue of Jan '56 recordings; Mono; light wear on cover; marks on vinyl - plays well (VG) with a few crackles
26411LPOliver JacksonBillie's bounceBlack & blue33.183VGVG£8.001985 France; some laminate peel opening of f/cover; original price sticker b/cover; mark on side 1 - plays EX
42418LPWillis JacksonThunderbirdEsquire32-182VGEX£30.001962 Mono; some mild wear on cover with just a few spots of yellowing b/cover; plays well
26493LPIllinois JacquetIllinois JacquetColumbia33SX 1529VGVG£10.001963 Blue/Black label; mono; some wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
26502LPIllinois JacquetThe Illinois Jacquet AllstarsJSP1014EXVG£10.001980 a few crackles o/w plays EX
42531LPAhmad JamalAll of youPye jazzNJL 47VGEX£18.001962 Mono; lots of lines of bubbling under laminate f/cover + a few mild spots of yellowing b/cover; just a few marks - plays well with just a couple of crackles
7946LPBob James & Earl KlughOne on oneCBS83931VGVG£6.501979 Holland; Gatefold; small tear + writing b/cover; sticker mark; a few crackles o/w plays EX
16907LPBob James & Earl KlughOne on oneColumbiaFC 36241EXVG£7.001979 US Gatefold; restickered as CBS; light sticker mark on cover; plays well with a few crackles
41604LPBob James & Earl KlughTwo of a kindCapitolEAST 12244VGEX£8.001982 Gatefold; line of fading along spine; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
5667LPBob James & David SanbornDouble visionWarner bros925 3931EXEX£8.001986 German
36408LPBob James & David SanbornDouble visionWarner bros.1 25393EXEX£8.001986 US; plays perfectly
5714LPBob James12CBS26314MintEX£8.001984 Gatefold
5861LPBob JamesAll around town - LiveCBS88509EXEX/EX£12.001981 Double/Gatefold
5666LPBob JamesBJ 4CBS84823EXEX£8.00Reissue of 1977 LP
22775LPBob JamesBob James fourCTICTI 7074EXEX£12.001977 Gatefold; a few marks
41955LPBob JamesBob James threeCTICTI 6063VGEX£14.001976 with guest Grover Washington jr; matrix no.s A//1 - B//1; Laminated Gatefold sleeve has a few creases along spine + mild wear; plays well
22774LPBob JamesBob James twoCTICTI 6057EXEX£12.001975 Gatefold; some light marks
5668LPBob JamesFoxieCBS25546EXEX£8.001983 Gatefold
5808LPBob JamesHCBS84238EXEX£8.001980 Gatefold
41586LPBob JamesHands downCBS85848VGEX£8.001982 Gatefold; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; bend/crease on corners; plays perfectly
5671LPBob JamesHeadsColumbiaPC 34896EXEX£8.001977 US Gatefold
3264LPBob JamesIvory coastWarner bros125 757MintEX£8.001988 US + inner; short click on both sides from factory pressing fault
36407LPBob JamesIvory coastWarner bros.1 25757EXEX£10.001988 US; + inner; inshrinkwrap; plays well
5797LPBob JamesLucky sevenCBS83729VGEX£7.001979 Gatefold; small sticker tear on f/cover
5670LPBob JamesObsessionWarner bros254 951EXEX£8.001986 US + inner
5807LPBob JamesSign of the timesCBS85226EXEX£8.001981 Gatefold
6541LPBob JamesThe Genie (themes & variations from "Taxi")CBS25446EXVG£7.001983 a few light crackles o/w EX
5812LPBob JamesThe swanCBS26099EXEX£8.001984 Holland; Gatefold
5665LPBob JamesThreeCBS84822EXEX£8.00Reissue of 1976 LP
5669LPBob JamesTouchdownCBS83175EXEX£8.001978 couple of crackles
5672LPHarry James& his Orchestra 1943-6 - vol 2LondonHMA 5052MintEX£8.001978 mono; Radio years no. 22
5673LPHarry James& his Orchestra 1948-9LondonHMA 5060EXMint£8.001979 mono; Radio years no. 30
40683LPHarry JamesDown beatMGMC 1005VGVG£7.001964 Mono; shop sticker + some yellowing b/cover; a few marks - plays well (EX)
16632LPHarry JamesHarry James & his music makers 1945-491st heardFHR 1974-9EXVG£7.001974 in shrinkwrap
41588LPHarry JamesLive at the RiverboatDotDLP 3728VGEX£8.001966 Mono; Live May '66; Flipback sleeve; 'Ray Harvey' written top corner b/cover; a few marks f/cover; plays well
26546LPHarry JamesMore Harry James in hi-fiEMI encoreENC 129VGVG£8.00Mono; '15/6' price written on b/cover; some wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
41587LPHarry JamesMore Harry James in hi-fiCapitolEMS 1148EXEX£8.001986 Mono reissue of '56 LP; Promo + pluggers stickers b/cover; very thin line of fading along spine f/cover; plays well
26485LPHarry JamesThe Jazz side of Harry JamesVerveVLP 9128VGVG£10.001962 issue of '59-62 tracks; mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26795LPHarry JamesWild about HarryCapitol5C038 85284EXEX£8.001980's reissue; Holland; mono; light wear on cover
18418LPKeith JarrettBop-beABC impulseIA 9334EXEX£10.001978 US; small sale cut
11181LPKeith JarrettHymns - SpheresECM1086/7EXEX/EX£15.001976 German; Double/Gatefold
35414LPKeith JarrettMy songECMECM 1115GEX£8.001978 West German; water stains + some wear on cover; vinyl is in near mint condition, plays perfectly
18420LPKeith JarrettStandards liveECMECM 1317EXEX£10.001986 German
40027LPKeith JarrettStandards, vol.2ECMECM 1289VGEX£20.001985 US; fading along spine/edge of cover; just a few light marks - plays well
18419LPKeith JarrettThe survivors suiteECMECM 1085EXEX£12.001977 German
28383LPDave JasenFingerbustin' ragtimeBlue gooseBG 3001EXVG£8.001972 US; small spot of wear top edge of cover; light rumble on pressing fault o/w plays EX
4125LPJazz at the PhilharmonicAt the Montreux festival 1975Pablo2310 748EXEX£12.001975 Zoot Sims, Benny Carter, Joe Pass etc
40028LPJazz at the PhilharmonicBird and Pres: The '46 concertsVerveVE-2 2518VGEX/EX£12.001977 Double/Gatefold; 3 Historic concerts feat. Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Dizzy Gillespie, Coleman Hawkins, Buck Clayton; some wear on cover; just a few light marks disc2 - both discs play well
40029LPJazz at the PhilharmonicJ.A.T.P. In Tokyo: Live at Nichigeki theatre 1953Pablo live2620 104VGEX/EX£12.001972 Triple/Gatefold with centre flap; Mono; JATP allstars, Oscar Peterson. Gene Krupa, Ella Fitzgerald; crease on spine; EX/EX/EX, all 3 discs are Excellent with just a few light marks disc1 - all play well
4146LPJazz at the PhilharmonicNorman Granz' JATP: Hartford 1953Pablo2308 240EXEX£12.001984 US Gatefold; mono; corner sale cut; Oscar Peterson, Lester Young, Ray Brown, Herb Ellis, JC Heard etc
26494LPJazz at the PhilharmonicOne o'clock jump 1953VerveVRV 1VGVG£8.001983 issue of 19/9/53 Carnegie hall NYC live recordings; Ray Brown/ Ben Webster/ Oscar Peterson; mono; original price sticker b/cover; mark on side 1 - plays EX
27317LPJazz at the PhilharmonicStan Getz & JJ Johnson set 1957 (the)Verve825 100-1VGEX£8.001985 US; light wear on cover
26464LPJazz at the PhilharmonicThe Exciting battle: J.A.T.P Stockholm '55Pablo2310 713EXEX£10.001974 light wear on cover
26508LPJazz at the PhilharmonicThe Trumpet battle 1952VerveVRV 2VGEX£8.001983 Live Carnegie hall NYC 13/9/52; mono; Roy Eldridge/ Charlie Shavers/ Lester Young; light wear on cover; some light marks
5854LPJazz couriersIn concertMFPMFP 1072EXEX£30.001967 reissue of '58 LP with Ronnie Scott & Tubby Hayes; mono; couple light crackles
18422LPJazz couriersIn concertTempoTAP 22GVG£150.001958 mono; some damage to openings o/w looks OK; 1 small jump tk1 side 2 o/w plays well with a few crackles
36409LPJazz couriersIn concertMFPMFP 1072VGVG£20.001967 reissue of '58 LP; with Ronnie Scott & Tubby hayes; mono; some marks on vinyl - plays well (EX)
40030LPJazz couriersThe last wordJasmineJASM 2024VGEX£10.001980's reissue of '59 LP; featuring Ronnie Scott & Tubby Hayes; Mono; mild wear on cover; plays well with just a few crackles
42614LPJazz Gala big band orchestraJazz Gala concertAtlanticK 50277VGEX£8.001976 Orange/Grey labels; Live in Hanover & Wiesbaden Jan '76, guest solists Gerry Mulligan, Stan Getz, Nat Adderley, Toots Thielmans; some wear on cover (VG+); plays well
38580LPJazz piano quartetLet it happenRCA victorLSA 3204VGVG£8.001974 Orange label; small library stamp bottom corner + light sticker mark top corner b/cover; mild dish warp + a few light marks - plays well (EX)
18423LPJazz warriorsOut of many people, one peopleAntillesAN 8712EXVG£7.501987 a few marks on vinyl - plays EX
22732LPEddie JeffersonStill on the planetMuseMR 5063VGEX£10.001976 France
22731LPEddie JeffersonThe Jazz singerInner cityIC 1016EXEX£10.001976 US issue of 59-61 recordings; in shrinkwrap
22733LPEddie JeffersonThe main manInner cityIC 1033VGEX£10.001977 US; light wear on cover; a few light marks
22730LPEddie JeffersonThings are getting betterMuseMR 5043EXEX£20.001974 US; in shrinkwrap
41590LPAntonio Carlos JobimA certain Mr JobimWarner bros.W 1699VGVG£12.001967 Mono; Gold labels; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; Flipback sleeve; 6 small name stamps b/cover + mild wear; vinyl VG+ with a few marks - plays well (EX)
41593LPAntonio Carlos JobimAntonio Carlos Jobim plays JobimPolydor2310 278EXEX£10.001973 'Circle of sound' series reissue of '63 LP 'The composer of Desafinado, plays'; fully laminated sleeve; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42346LPAntonio Carlos JobimGitl from IpanemaA&MAMLB 51036VGVG£8.001971 Compilation of '67-70 tracks; Tan label; 2 small name stamps b/cover + small 'CXL' written by tk1 side1 b/cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
41591LPAntonio Carlos JobimThe composer of Desafinado, playsVerveVLP 9115VGEX£10.001965 Mono; Black/Siver labels with 'Sold in UK' text; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; thin line of fading along spine f/cover; repair on top edge split; 2 corner creases + 2 light name stamps b/cover; a couple of mild marks - plays well
40684LPAntonio Carlos JobimWaveA&MAMLS 2002VGVG£20.001967 Stereo issued in Mono sleeve; Tan label; matrix no.s A-1.B-1; mild wear on cover + small surface tear b/cover where stereo sticker has come off which covered AML2002 cat no. a few marks - plays well with just a few mild clicks + crackles
41592LPAntonio Carlos JobimWaveA&MAML 2002VGVG£20.001967 Mono; Tan labels; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; 2 small name stamps b/cover, mild yellowing along spine + 2 small tears on rear opening; some marks caused by lining of inner, 1 click side1 + 4 clicks tk4 side2 o/w plays well (EX)
38581LPDick Johnson & Dave MckennaSpider's bluesConcorn jazzCJ 135VGEX£8.001980 US; small library stamp bottom corner + mild sticker mark top corner b/cover; mild stain f/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
42858LPJJ Johnson & Kai WindingJay & Kai + 6FontanaTFL 5022EXEX£12.001958 Mono; The Jay & Kai trombone octet; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve; plays well
26465LPBud Johnson & Phil WoodsThe Ole Dude & the Fundance kidUptownUP 27.19EXEX£12.001985 US
26509LPBudd JohnsonBudd Johnson & the Four brass giantsRiversideRLP 343GVG£10.001965 issue of Aug/Sept '60 recordings; mono; 1cm tear on opening f/cover o/w VG; original shop sticker f/cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42534LPBudd JohnsonBudd Johnson and the four brass giantsRiversideRLP 343VGVG£12.001963 Mono; Bluue label/Silver print UK 1st issue of '60 LP; mild yellow spotting b/cover; plays well with a few clicks + crackles
42533LPBudd JohnsonLet's swingRiversideSVLP 2015VGEX£12.001962 Mono; Blue label/Silver print; Flipback sleeve has waving f/cover + yellow spotting b/cover; plays well with just a few crackles
27319LPBunk JohnsonBunk Johnson & his New Orleans jazz band NY 1945Folklyric9047VGVG£7.50US light wear on cover; light staining on side 1 of vinyl - plays EX
28693LPBunk JohnsonThe Last testament of a great JazzmanPhilipsB 07009 LVGG£8.001955 Holland; mono; some laminated peel + wear on cover; marks on vinyl - a few clicks tk1 side 2 o/w plays well (VG) with a few crackles
42536LPJJ JohnsonBlue tromboneFontanaSTFL 559VGEX£15.001959 Stereo; Black/Silver labels; Flipback sleeve has noticable yellow spotting b/cover o/w looks EX; plays well
36410LPJJ JohnsonFirst placeFontanaTFL 5005VGG£7.001957 mono; some wear + laminate peel on cover; some marks, play well with some crackles
42535LPJJ JohnsonJJ in personFontanaTFL 5041VGVG£10.001958 Mono; Black/Silver labels; fully laminated Flipback sleeve has a small repair on bottom flipback; some staining on vinyl caused by poly-lined inner; plays well (EX)
42347LPLaurie JohnsonSynthesisColumbiaSCX 6412EXEX£40.001970 I Box EMI label with 'Gram co' text on rim; Flipback sleeve; with London jazz orch feat. Joe Harriot, Tubby Hayes, Tony Coe & StanTracey + LPO; thin line of fading/yellowing along spine + top edge of cover
41601LPThad Jones & Mel LewisCentral park northUnited artistsUAS 29058EXEX£12.001969 Orange/Pink labels; 'Solid state' series; Textured sleeve; mild yellowing along spine; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
26486LPThad Jones & Mel LewisConsumationBlue noteBST 84346VGEX£25.001970 US; 'Division of Liberty' on label; Gatefold; a few light crackles
26503LPThad Jones & Mel LewisMonday nightUnited artistsUAS 29016EXEX£20.001969 Orange/Pink label; Live at the Village Vanguard Oct '68; light wear on cover; a few light marks
26514LPThad Jones & Mel LewisPot pourriPhil int.PIR 80411VGG£6.001974 'T' written on b/cover; some marks - a few clicks tk1 side1 o/w plays well w/some crackles
26499LPThad Jones & Mel LewisSuite for PopsA&M HorizonSP 701VGVG£12.001975 US; Gatefold; light wear on cover; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26412LPHank Jones & Oliver NelsonHappeningsImpulseA 9132VGVG£20.001968 US stereo; small sale hole on Gatefold cover; a few marks - plays EX
42348LPElvin Jones, James Moody & Clark TerrySummit meetingVanguardVSD 79390EXEX£10.001977 + Bunky Green & Roland Prince; matrix no.s A1/B1; 1 crease near opening f/cover; plays perfectly
42453LPEtta JonesDon't go to strangersEsquire32-127VGVG£80.001961 Mono; Flipback sleeve VG+ with some miild yellow spotting b/cover + small spots of wear on all 4 corners; some mild marks (VG+), plays well (EX) with a few crackles
41594LPJonah Jones & Glen GrayJonah Jones / Glen Gray with the Casa loma orch.CapitolEMS 1185EXEX£8.001986 Stereo reissue of '62 LP; Promo sticker b/cover; plays perfectly
26466LPJo JonesThe Jo Jones specialVanguardVRS 8503VGEX£10.001972 issue of 11+16 Aug '55 NYC recordings; mono; light wear on cover; a few marks
26413LPJonah JonesI dig chicksMFPMFP 1035VGG£7.5060's reissue of '59 LP; mono; some marks - plays well with some clicks + crackles
16856LPQuincy JonesBody heatA&MAMLH 63617VGVG£7.001974 + inner; mark f/cover + some wear; marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
41597LPQuincy JonesBody heatA&MAMLH 63617VGVG£7.001974 Silver label; matrix no.s A1/B1; + inner; mild wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well with a few light crackles
42608LPQuincy JonesExplores the music of Henry ManciniMercuryMG 20863EXEX£12.001964 US; Mono; 'INSP-383' stamped in red on top corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
26495LPQuincy JonesFab !FontanaFJL 127EXEX£15.001965 Popular jazz series; mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks
25709LPQuincy JonesHome againColumbia33SX 1673VGVG£10.001965 Blue/Black label issue of '59 LP; mono; small tear on opening f/cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
41446LPQuincy JonesI heard that !A&MAMLH 63705VGVG/EX£10.001976 Double/Gatefold compilation of '73-76 tracks; + insert; RRP new price sticker f/cover; fading along spine; a few marks on disc1 - both discs play perfectly
16857LPQuincy JonesMellow madnessA&MAMLH 64526EXVG£8.001975 some light marks - plays EX
41596LPQuincy JonesMellow madnessA&MAMLH 64526EXEX£10.001975 matrix no.s A1/B1; mild fading along spine; plays perfectly
41595LPQuincy JonesSmackwater JackA&MAMLS 63037VGEX£12.001971 Tan label; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; fully laminated sleeve is VG+ with some laminate bubbling along spine + a bottom corner crease; plays well with just a couple of crackles
30475LPQuincy JonesSmackwater JackA&MAMLS 63037EXVG£10.001971 Silver label; Light wear on fully laminated sleeve; Light warp; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
41598LPQuincy JonesSounds... And stuff like thatA&MAMLH 64685VGEX£8.001978 Embossed sleeve; matrix no.s A1/B2; + inner (2 edge splits); Demo sticker f/cover with hole punch top corner; a few mild marks - plays well
41600LPQuincy JonesThe BestA&MAMLH 68542VGEX£7.001982 Compilation of '76-'81 tracks; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; some wear on cover/ creasing along edges; plays well
42537LPQuincy JonesThe birth of a bandMercuryMMC 14038VGVG£12.001959 Mono; Black/Silver labels; Flipback sleeve; mild yellowing b/cover: a few marks - plays well (EX)
32831LPQuincy JonesThe Great wide world of Quincy JonesMercuryCMS 18031EXEX£18.001960 Stereo; Black/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; light yellowing b/cover; a few crackles
36411LPQuincy JonesThe Great wide world of Quincy JonesEmarcy/ Mercury6336 705EXEX£8.001984 reissue of '59 LP; Holland; light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles at very start
28083LPQuincy JonesTravellin' with the Quincy Jones big bandMercurySML 30003EXEX£15.001962 stereo
42349LPSalena JonesStormy with loveJVCVIJ 6304VGEX£10.001980 Japan + insert; NO obi strip; 'Ray Harvey' written top edge b/cover + thin line of fading along spine o/w EX; plays well
36666LPStanley JordanMagic touchBlue noteBT 85101GEX£7.001985 water stain along bottom of cover; a few mild marks - plays well
12307LPKansas city sixPrezAce of heartsZAHC 176EXEX£12.001969 issue of '38-44 recordings
14755LPJoel KayeJoel Kaye & his New york neophonic orchestraParamountPAS 6086VGVG£10.001973 US; sale hole + some ring wear on gatefold sleeve; some marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
27321LPShake KeaneThat's the noiseAce of heartsACL 1219EXEX£20.001967 mono; light wear on cover
26548LPStan Kenton7.5 on the Richter scaleJasmineJAS 201VGEX£8.0080's reissue of '73 LP; top edge split; a few light marks - a few crackles
31329LPStan KentonBallad style of Stan Kenton (the)CapitolEMS 1248VGVG£7.0080's reissue of '58 LP; Top edge split; some light marks - plays EX
32837LPStan KentonBirthday in BritainCreative worldST 1065VGEX£8.001973 Holland; plain sticker f/cover; a few light marks
26496LPStan KentonCapitol jazz classics: Artistry in jazzCapitol/ One upOU 2001EXEX£8.001972 Green label issue of '50-65 recordings; mono; small 'L' written by cat no. b/cover; light wear on cover; a few light crackles
26504LPStan KentonJourney to CapricornCreative worldST 1077EXEX£12.001976 US; in shrinkwrap
26510LPStan KentonKenton in England: The great 1963 band in concertJazz grooveJG 005EXEX£10.0080's issue; mono; original price sticker b/cover; light wear on cover; a few marks - a couple of crackles
31993LPStan KentonLive at Redlands universityJasmineJAS 202VGEX/EX£12.00Double/Gatefold issue of '70 live recordings; some yellow spotting on cover
26505LPStan KentonStan Kenton '76JasmineJAS 204VGVG£8.0080's reissue of '76 LP; original price sticker b/cover; small tear on opening o/w EX; some light marks - plays EX
26547LPStan KentonStandards in silhouettesCapitolT 1394GVG£7.501960 Rainbow rim label; mono; some wear + laminate peel on cover; some marks - plays OK w/some crackles
41603LPBarney Kessel & Stephane GrappelliLimehouse bluesBlack lion2460 173EXEX£8.001972 recorded Studio Davout, Paris 23-24 June '69; fully laminated sleeve; mild yellowing along spine; plays well with just a couple of crackles
38857LPBarney Kessel, Shelly Manne & Ray BrownStraight aheadContemporaryS 7635VGEX£10.001976 US; as the 'Poll winners'; 'S7635' written top corner b/cover; corner crease; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
42540LPBarney Kessel, Shelly Manne & Ray BrownThe Poll winnersContemporaryLAC 12122VGEX£15.001958 Mono; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve; sellotape along opening edges of cover + a few creases along spine; a few light marks - plays well with jusr a few crackles
38258LPBarney Kessel, Shelly Manne & Ray BrownThe Poll winners ride againContemporaryS 7566EXEX£12.001977 US reissue of '58 LP; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover: small light sticker mark on side1 label: just a few light marks - plays well with just a few light crackles
42541LPBarney Kessel, Shelly Manne & Ray BrownThe Poll winners: Exploring the sceneContemporarySCA 5020VGEX£15.001960 Stereo; Black/Silver labels; fully laminated Flipback sleeve; laminate peel + wear along openings; plays well with just a few crackles
42539LPBarney KesselEasy like: Barney Kessel volume 1ComtemporaryLAC 12082EXEX£15.001958 Mono; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve has just mild wear: plays well with just a few crackles
5674LPBarney KesselJust friendsSonetSNTF 685EXEX£10.001975
33719LPBarney KesselKessel's kitRCA victorSF 8098VGEX£12.001970 Orange label
42609LPBarney KesselSummertime in MontreusBlack lion2460 210EXEX£8.001973 live at Montreux jazz festival 4/7/73; Fully laminated sleeve; plays well
26318LPBarney KesselSwinging easyPolydor2460 130EXVG£10.001971 reissue of '68 LP; a few creases along spine; some marks - plays EX
6568LPSteve Khan & Bob MounseyLocal colorPassport jazzPJ 88038EXEX£8.001987 Canada
34487LPSteve KhanThe Best of Steve KhanCBS84234VGVG£6.001980 compilation of '77-79 tracks; Orange sunburst labels; wear on edges of cover; 2.20 written top corner f/cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
36412LPKid Sheik & Capt John HandyIn the groove77 records77 LEU 12115EXVG£8.001970's pressing of '66 LP; with Barry Martyn ragtime band; plays OK with a few crackles
42419LPKing CurtisThe new scene of King CurtisEsquire32-161EXVG£50.001962 Mono; mild wear on cover; vinyl looks EX, plays well with some crackes most noticable on quiet passages, a decent listen
2047910"King OliverKing JoeColumbia33S 106XVGVG£10.001953 mono; few crackles o/w plays EX
17297LPKing OliverI Grandi del jazz - vol 65Fabbri editoriGDJ 65VGEX£7.50Italy; issue of '23 recordings; Gatefold + 8 page booklet; some wear on cover
20442LPKing OliverKing Oliver - volume 2Classic jazzCJM 20VGEX£7.00Sweden; issue of '27/28 recordings; some yellowing of cover; few light marks
3979LPKing OliverKing Oliver vol - 2 "Farewell blues" 1927-28JokerSM 3809EXVG£7.001976 Italy
17284LPKing OliverThe Okeh sessions - 1923World recordsSH 358EXEX£8.00Mono
17269LPKing Oliver & Fletcher HendersonKing Oliver & Fletcher HendersonRCA victorRD 7598EXEX£10.001964 issue of '29-36 recordings; 1 side each; mono
42843LPMorgana KingHigher groundMuseMR 5224EXEX£8.001980 US; light wear on cover; just a few marks - plays well
27323LPPeter KingBrother BernardMiles musicMM 076VGEX£10.001988 with Alan Skidmore & Guy Barker; a few creases along spine o/w EX
26549LPJohn Kirby1938-1941: The biggest little band in the landGiants of jazzLPJT 26EXEX£8.001985 compilation; Italy
26512LPJohn KirbyJohn Kirby & his Onyx club boys - vol. 1Collectors12-3VGVG£10.00Issue of '39-41 recordings; mono; some wear + fading on cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
26521LPJohn KirbyJohn Kirby & his Onyx club boys - vol.2Collectors12-4VGVG£10.00Issue of '38-45 recordings; mono; wear + fading on cover; bottom edge split; plays well with a few crackles
26513LPJohn KirbyJohn Kirby sextet 1943-1946AlamacOSR 2421EXEX£10.00US in shrinkwrap - light wear on openings of cover; some surface noise on original recordings
26511LPJohn KirbyTreasury of jazz no.55RCA victor430.677VGVG£10.001965 issue of '41-42 recordings; France; mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; plays well
12475LPAndy KirkAndy's jiveSwing houseSWH 39EXVG£7.001984 issue of '44-5 recordings; mono; plays well w/some crackles
12552LPAndy KirkThe uncollected - 1944HindsightHSR 227MintEX£8.001986 US mono; & the Clouds of joy, vocals by June Richmond; in shrinkwrap
27333LPRoland KirkEarly rootsAffinityAFF 121VGEX£8.001984 issue of 9/11/56; some fading along spine
27325LPRoland KirkIntroducing Roland KirkChess GreenlineCCH 8093VGEX£8.0080's Italian reissue of '60 LP; some wear on cover
27330LPRoland KirkKirk's worksPrestigePR 2710EXEX£10.0080's German reissue of '61 LP; with Jack McDuff; original sticker price b/cover; light wear on cover
27328LPRoland KirkLive in Paris 1970 - vol 1Frances concertFC 109EXEX£10.001988 France; a few light marks
27324LPRoland KirkNow please don't you cry, beautiful EdithVerve837 439-1EXEX£10.0080's Dutch reissue of '67 LP
10676LPRoland KirkThe art of Rahsaan Roland Kirk - Atlantic yearsAtlanticATL 60042EXVG/VG£10.001973 German; Double/Gatefold issue of '66-71 tracks; light warp; some marks - both play EX
27329LPRoland KirkThe Man who cried fireNight/ VirginVNLP 1EXEX£10.001990 + inner; light wear on cover; a few light marks
27331LPRoland KirkThe return of the 5000 lb manWarner bros.WB 56 202VGEX£8.001976 Burbank label; German; wear on spine
27332LPRoland KirkVolunteered slaveryAtlanticSD 1534VGEX£12.00Late '70's US issue of '69 LP; sale cut + some wear on cover; a few light marks
27327LPRoland KirkWe free kingsMercury6336 384VGEX£8.0080's Dutch reissue of '62 LP; light wear on cover; light sticker mark f/cover; a few light marks
33384LPRoland KirkWe free kingsMercuryMCL 125 015VGG£6.501963 Mono; Holland; Black/Silver label; some wear/yellowing on cover; marks on vinyl - side1 tk3 2 jumps o/w plays OK with a few clicks + some crackles
35884LPJohn KlemmerBraziliaABCAA 1116EXVG£8.001979 US; + inner; some light marks - plays well with just a couple of clicks
16859LPEarl KlughDream come trueUnited artistsLT 1026EXVG£7.001980 US; edge splits on inner; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
41959LPEarl KlughDream come trueUnited artistsUAG 30292EXEX£8.001980 matrix no.s A-1U/B-1U; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
41956LPEarl KlughFinger paintingsBlue noteUAG 20011VGEX£8.001977 matrix no.s A-1U/B-1U; light sticker mark top corner f/cover + light wear o/w EX; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
41958LPEarl KlughHeart stringUnited artistsUAG 30233EXEX£7.001979 matrix no.s A-1U/B-1U; 2 mild dot sticker marks top corner f/cover + 1 crease b/cover; mild dish warp - plays perfectly
16858LPEarl KlughLiving inside your loveBlue noteUAG 20009VGG£4.501976 edge splits on inner; marks on vinyl - plays ok w/some clicks + crackles
41957LPEarl KlughMagic in your eyesUnited artistsUAG 30171EXEX£8.001978 matrix no.s A-1U/B-1U; Gatefold; 2 small light dot sticker marks top corner f/cover; plays well
6718LPEarl KlughSoda fountain shuffleWarner bros925 2621EXEX£8.001985 German
36894LPFreddie KohlmanAll of meCameliaTF 1VGEX£8.001978 plays well
35089LPLee Kontiz & Warne MarshLee Konitz with Warne MarshAtlantic1217VGVG£40.001955 US Black/Silver label; some wear on openings of cover; 2 mild sticker marks b/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
27334LPLee Konitz & Michael PetruccianiToot sweetOwlOWL 028EXEX£12.001982 France
302LPLee Konitz & Wayne MarshLondon concertWaveLP 17EXEX£10.00 
32178LPGene KrupaDrummer manVerve VSPVSP 21/22VGG/VG£7.0060's Double/Gatefold issue of '59 recordings; Disc 1 mark tk3 side 1 - 1 jump + couple of clicks o/w plays well; Disc 2 plays EX
33861LPRolf Kuhn orchestraJazz kingsJazz kingsJK 1220VGEX£8.0070's US reissue of '60 LP 'Rolf Kuhn & his soundof jazz'; sticker mark f/cover; a few light marks
27335LPSteve LacyEvidence (with Don Cherry)New jazz68.328VGEX£8.0080's French reissue of '61 LP; small spot of wear on spine; some light yellowing on cover; some light marks
27336LPSteve LacyReflections: Steve Lacy plays Thelonious MonkNew jazzOJC 063EXEX£10.0080's US reissue of '58 LP; small spot of wear on spine
28204LPLadnier - Mezzrow - BechetThe Panassie sessions (1938)RCAFXM1 7132EXEX£8.00France; Orange label; a few light marks
40685LPCleo Laine & John DankworthAn evening with Cleo Laine & J Dankworth quartetSepiaDRSR 10034VGEX/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold; live at the historic Melbourne concert in 1972; mild wear on cover (VG+); both discs play well
32838LPCleo LaineBorn on a FridayRCA victorRS 1031VGEX£7.501976 Gatefold; light wear on cover
27338LPCleo LaineCleo Laine Live !!! At Carnegie hallRCA victorLPL1 5015VGEX£7.501974 light wear on cover; a few crackles
41605LPCleo LaineCleo Laine live at Carnegie HallRCA victorLPL1 5015SealedSealed£8.001974 US; Factory sealed in shrinkwrap (EX/M) tear on top corner of shrinkwrap, small spot of wear on corners; Unopened/Unplayed
27337LPCleo LainePortraitPhilips630 8040EXEX£8.001971 Black label
6746LPCleo LaineRidin' highSt. Michael2102 0102EXEX£8.001979 with John Dankworth orchestra
28028LPLambert Hendricks & BavanAt Newport '63RCA victorRD 7594VGF£5.001963 Black/Red spot label; mono; marks on vinyl - last track side 2 sticks + won't play o/w plays well w/some crackles
40031LPLambert Hendricks & RossSing a song of BasieImpulse9027 83VGEX£10.001974 Canada; Green/Purple spiral label issue of '58 LP; Gatefold; mild wear on cover (VG+); plays perfecttly
4126LPLambert Hendricks & RossSing a song of BasieJasmineJAS 6EXVG£7.0080's reissue of '57 recordings; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
40032LPLambert Hendricks & RossThe best of Lambert, Hendricks & RossColumbiaC 32911VGEX£8.001974 Canada; reissue of 'The hottest new group in jazz' 1959 LP; wear on spine/edges of cover; plays perfectly
12553LPElliot LawrenceElevationFirst heardFH 38EXEX£8.001980 issue of '46-7 recordings; no 5/3000; small stain botton corner of cover; couple of crackles
35896LPHubert LawsThe Chicago themeCTICTI 6058EXVG£8.001975 Gatefold; light wear on cover; plays well with a few mild clicks tk2 side1
36622LPHubert LawsThe Chicago themeCTICTI 6058VGVG£7.001975 Gatefold; mild wear on cover; plays well with a few mild clicks + crackles
16481LPRonnie LawsClassic mastersCapitolST 12375VGEX£7.001984 US; small sale cut; name f/cover + labels; original price sticker
16763LPRonnie LawsEvery generationUnited artistsUAG 30289EXEX£7.501980 light wear on cover; a few light marks
16762LPRonnie LawsSolid groundLibertyLBG 30336VGEX£6.501981 name + edge split on inner; a few light marks
42570LPYank Lawson & Bob HaggartIn concert vol. 1: At Massey hallWorld jazzWJLP S-3EXEX£8.001973 US; Live 4/12/72; light wear on Gatefold sleeve; plays well
3604LPYank Lawson & Bob HaggartWorlds greatest jazz band of..Atlantic240 2038EXEX/EX£14.001971 Red/Maroon; Double + insert
8703LPLeft bank bearcatsDixieland? Certainment!Golden guineaGGL 0010VGVG£8.001957 mono; sellotape on edge splits
34488LPAdrian LeggGuitars and other cathederalsMMCLPMMC 1014EXVG£8.001988 light crease on cover; a few marks - plays EX
40855LPBrian Lemon ensembleOur kind of music7777LEU 12/38EXVG£8.001970 mono; light wear on fully laminated sleeve; a few mild marks (VG+), plays well (EX)
38664LPGeorge Lewis with Barry Martyn's bandSmile darn ya smile7777LA 12-28EXVG£8.001964 Mono; small sticker mark on side1 label; light sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover; a couple of marks - plays well with just a few crackles
38243LPGeorge Lewis & Louis NelsonGeorge Lewis & Louis Nelson with Barry Martyn77 records77LEU 12/24EXEX£8.001967 Mono; light sticker mark on side1 label; a few light marks - plays well
41606LPGeorge LewisDoctor JazzPolydor545106VGVG£8.001969 Mono; 'Jazz masters' series vol. 6 reissue of '53 LP 'George Lewis Ragtime band vol. 1', recorded Hollywood 17/12/53; yellowing on spine/edges of textured sleeve; heavy spot of staining caused by poly lined inner + a few marks - plays well (EX)
27340LPGeorge LewisRagtime bandJokerSM 3072VGEX£7.001971 'History of jazz' series; Italy; a few light marks
27339LPGeorge LewisThe PerennialVerve2304 553EXEX£8.0080's French reissue of '58 LP; light wear on cover
42542LPJohn LewisGrand encounter 2o East - 3o WestVogueLAE 12065VGVG£12.001957 Mono; with Percy Heath, Bill Perkins, Chico Hamilton & Jim Hall; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve hs mild yellow spotting b/cover + mild wear; plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
12308LPJohn LewisImprovised meditations & excursionsLondonLTZK 15186VGVG£10.001960 mono; sellotape on tear f/cover + some laminate peel; sellotape mark + intials b/cover; some crackles
28202LPMeade Lux LewisBarrel-house pianoStoryvilleSLP 208EXEX£8.0080's issue of March '56 recordings
26414LPVic LewisTea breakConceptVL 3EXEX£12.001985 conducts P King/ B Shank/ J Whigham + BBC Big band; light wear on cover
42844LPBert LigonCondorIC 11071981VGVG£8.001981 US; some mild marks - plays well
2789LPCharles LloydThe best of..AtlanticSD 1556EXEX£10.001970 US; sale cut
42353LPLondon jazz chamber groupPlays Ken Moule's "Adam's rib suite"EmberCJS 823EXVG£10.001970 Blue label; + 8 sheets of Promo insers; laminated f/cover; feat Patrick Halling string quartet; light wear on cover; some marks tk1 side2 causing a few mild clicks o/w plays EX
42945LPWilbert LongmireChampagneCBS/ Tappan ZeeSCBS 83257VGVG£7.001979 some wear on cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
42610LPWilbert LongmireSunny side upCBS/ Tappan ZeeSCBS 82845EXEX£8.001978 + insert; matrix no.s A1/B1; plays well
42611LPWilbert LongmireWith all my loveCBS/ Tappan ZeeCBS 84155VGEX£8.001980 Gatefold; a few creases along spine o/w EX; plays well
42845LPLoose tubesDelightful precipiceLoose tubes ltdLTLP 003EXEX£10.001986 in shrinkwrap with Virgin new price shop stickers top corner f/cover; plays well
26415LPLoose tubesOpen letterEditions EGEGED 55EXVG£8.001988 a few light marks - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
40616LPDenis Lopez Liquid latinCinamon rockPyeQUAD 1019VGVG£8.001973 Quadraphonic; name written on top edge of b/cover+ crease near top edge f/cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
17567LPJeff Lorber fusionWizard islandAristaAL 9516EXEX£10.001980 US; in shrinkwrap - light wear on opening
11182LPJacques LoussierPlay Bach no.2DeccaSKL 5023EXVG£7.00Boxed Decca label issue of '63 LP; some light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
11183LPJacques LoussierPlay Bach no.5LondonGLB 1047EXVG£7.001967 mono; some light marks + crackles
40034LPJaques LoussierBach to the futureStartSTL 8EXEX£8.001986 light wear on cover; plays well
33815LPJaques LoussierPagan moonCBS85859VGVG£8.001982 Orange sunburst label; light wear on cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
40033LPJaques LoussierThe best of play Bach - volume 2StartSTL 7EXEX£8.001985 light wear on cover; plays well
42612LPMundell LoweThe Mundell Lowe QuartetLondonLTZ-U 15020VGEX£15.001956 Mono; some laminate peel/lift along opening edge f/cover + small spot of wear on corners
12310LPJimmie LuncefordHarlem expressCoralCP 21EXVG£8.00Compilation of '34-36 recordings; mono; some marks - plays EX
12476LPJimmie LuncefordLive at Jefferson barracks, Missouri 1944HindsightHSR 221SealedSealed£8.001985 US; mono; sealed in shrinkwrap
12311LPJimmie LuncefordLunceford specialCBS52567EXVG£7.0070's issue of '33-40 recordings; mono; mild warp - a few crackles o/w plays EX
12309LPJimmie LuncefordRhythm is our businessAce of heartsAH 155EXEX£10.001967 issue of '34-37 recordings; mono
1734710"Humphrey LytteltonJazz at the Royal festival hallParlophonePMD 1032VGVG£12.001955 mono; some marks - plays ok w/some crackles + a few spots of distortion
20435LPHumphrey LytteltonA tribute to Humph - vol 1DormouseDM 1VGVG£6.001984 issue of '49-50 recordings; mono; light stain top corner of cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
20436LPHumphrey LytteltonA tribute to Humph - vol 2DormouseDM 2EXVG£7.001985 issue of '50-51 recordings; mono; some light yellowing of cover; some light marks - plays EX
26522LPHumphrey LytteltonBad penny blues: The best of Humph 1949-56CubeHi FLY 39EXVG£8.0080's re-issue of '71 compilation 'The best of Humph 1949-56'; a few marks - plays EX
35074LPHumphrey LytteltonDuke Ellington classicsBlack lionBLP 12108EXEX£8.001971 a few light marks - plays well
26523LPHumphrey LytteltonGigsCalligraphCLGLP 015EXEX£10.001987 original price sticker b/cover
26416LPHumphrey LytteltonHumph at the ConwayParlophonePMC 1012VGVG£15.00Gold/Black label issue of '54 LP; mono; some wear on cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
20438LPHumphrey LytteltonHumph at the ConwayCalligraphCLGLP 006VGEX£7.501986 reissue of '54 LP; light wear on cover; sticker mark f/cover; initials on labels
32213LPHumphrey LytteltonHumph in perspectiveParlophonePMC 1070VGEX£15.001958 Black/Gold label; Mono; light wear on cover
20434LPHumphrey LytteltonHumph plays standardsColumbia33SX 1305VGVG£10.001961 mono; some laminate peel; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
32212LPHumphrey LytteltonI play as I pleaseDeccaLK 4276VGVG£12.001958 Unboxed Decca ffrr label; Mono; sellotape on openings + some wear on cover; a few marks - plays EX
18774LPHumphrey LytteltonIt seems like yesterdayCalligraphCLGLP 001EXVG£7.501983 with Wally Fawkes; pin hole top edge of cover; some marks - plays EX
26551LPHumphrey LytteltonMe and BuckWorld recordsT 324VGVG£7.501963 mono; top edge split; plays OK w/some crackles
26418LPHumphrey LytteltonOne day I met an AfricanBlack lionBLP 12199VGG£6.001980 light wear on cover; mark tk3 side2 with 4 jumps o/w plays EX
26417LPHumphrey LytteltonScatterbrainsStomp offSOS 1111EXVG£8.001985 some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
28203LPHumphrey LytteltonSir Humph's delightBlack lionBLP 12188EXEX£10.001979 a few creases along spine
20437LPHumphrey LytteltonSpreadin' joyBlack lionBLP 12173EXVG£8.001979 signed f/cover; light wear on cover; damage to centre hole - plays EX
10677LPHumphrey LytteltonTake it from the topBlack lionBLP 12134EXEX£15.001975 some light marks
26524LPHumphrey LytteltonThe Best of the Humph 1949-56ParlophonePMC 7147VGEX£8.001971 compilation; mono; light wear on cover
8804LPHumphrey LytteltonTriple exposureParlophonePMC 1110GG£15.001959 mono; sellotape on edge splits of cover; surface marks - vinyl scruffy - 2 jumps tk2 side1 o/w plays OK w/some crackles
38585LPTeo MaceroImpressions of Charles MingusPalo altoPA 8046-NEXEX£10.001983 Italy; small corner crease + light wear on cover; very light sticker mark on side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38583LPTeo MaceroTeoPrestige VictorSMJ 6618(M)VGEX£20.001979 Japan; NO obi stip or insert; Mono; with the Prestige jazz quartet; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; small sticker tear top corner f/cover; plays well
38584LPTeo MaceroTime plus sevenFinnadarSR 9024VGEX£8.001979 US; mild sticker mark on side1 label + top + bottom corner b/cover: small mark tk3 side2 - plays perfectly
38586LPMachito & Afro-Cuban SalserosMucho machoPablo2625 712VGEX/VG£12.001978 US Double; compilation of '48-49 recordings; + 8 page booklet (librart stamp on front); sticker mark on top corner b/cover + side 1 labels; disc1, just a few marks; disc2, a few marks - both discs play perfectly
38588LPMachito & Salsa big bandLive at North sea '82TimelessSJP 168VGEX£8.001983 Holland; mild sticker mark side1 label + bottom corner b/cover; just a few marks - plays perfectly
38589LPMachito & Salsa big bandMachito !!!TimelessSJP 183VGEX£8.001983 Holland; small sticker tear side1 label + bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38587LPMachito & Salsa big bandMachito & his salsa big band 1982TimelessSJP 161VGEX£8.001982 Holland; 2 mild sticker marks side1 label; mild wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint - plays perfectly
38266LPDave MackayLove will winDiscoveryDS 883EXEX£8.001983 US; with Lori Bell + Andy Simpkins; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38260LPBilly MackelAt lastBlack & blue33.117EXEX£12.001977 France; light sticker mark side1 label: small spot of laminate lift top edge b/cover: vinyl is near Mint with just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38261LPFraser MacPherson & Oliver GannonI didn't know about youSackville4009EXEX£10.001980 Canada; light wear on cover; light sticker mark on side1 label: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38591LPFraser MacPhersonIndian summerConcord jazzCJ 224VGEX£8.001983 US; 'CJ224' written top corner + small library stamp bottom corner b/cover + some mild wear: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38592LPFraser MacPhersonJazz proseConcord jazzCJ 269VGEX£8.001985 West German; mild wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38590LPFraser MacPhersonLive at the PlanetariumConcod jazzGJ 92VGEX£8.001979 US; light sticker mark top corner + small library stamp bottom corner b/cover: just a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
35090LPDave MacRaeSouthern rootsEmanem3603VGEX£30.001987 Australia; + A4 Promo insert; light wear on cover; light siticker mark on side 1 label; vinyl is in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
1734810"Johnny MaddoxJohnny Maddox playsLondonHBD 1060VGVG£12.001956 with his Rhythmasters; sellotape on opening + some laminate peel; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
38263LPPete MagadiniBone bluesSackville4004VGVG£7.001978 Canada; + May '78 Sackville insert (library stamp); sticker mark top corner b/cover + side1 label; some wear on cover; some light marks - plays well (EX) with just 2 single clicks on side2
42615LPMaggie's Blue fiveThe world's crazyKennethKS 2036EXEX£10.001976 Sweden: recorded Jan '70 - Feb '72; light wear on cover; plays well
38593LPBob MagnussonRevelationDiscoveryDS 804VGVG£12.001979 US; featuring Joe Farrell; 'GLASS' written bottom corner b/cover + some light wear; a few marks - plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
38264LPBob MagnussonRoad work aheadDiscoveryDS 824EXEX£10.001981 US; small libray stamp bottom corner b/cover + a small corner crease; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38271LPAdam Makowicz & George MrazClassic jazz duetsStashST 216VGEX£10.001982 US; light sticker mark bottom corner + 'ST 216' written on top corner b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint conditio with just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38669LPStanko - Makowicz unitStanko - Makowicz unitPronitZSX 0606VGVG£20.001976 Poland; Purple sleeve with pasted front + back cover; sticker mark/tear on label; clear tape along top edge; cat no./stereo sticker top corner b/cover; plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
38598LPAdam MakowiczFrom my windowChoiceCRS 1028VGEX£8.001981 US; light sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover + some mild wear; some light marks - plays perfectly
38597LPAdam MakowiczInterfaceSonetSNTF 963VGEX£8.001987 'SNTF963' written top corner b/cover; some light marks - plays perfectly
38270LPAdam MakowiczMoonrayNovus3003-1-NEXEX£8.001986 US; light sticker mark side1 label + top + bottom corners b/cover; vinyl is near Mint with just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38667LPAdam MakowiczUnitPolskie nagraniSXL 0963VGVG£10.001973 Poland; 'Polish jazz' series vol.35; Pink label reissue; mild wear on cover; sticker mark on side1 label; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
38272LPAdu Malfatti & Quatour A VantFormuNatoNATO 175EXEX£18.001984 France; light sticker mark on side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38273LPMaltaHigh pressureJVCJLP 3303EXEX£10.001987 West German: + inner; small library stamp on side1 label; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38274LPMaltaObsessionJVCJLP 3310EXEX£10.001988 West German; + inner; small library stamp on side1 label; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38670LPJunior Mance & Martin RiveraFor dancers onlySackville3031VGEX£8.001983 Canada; small sticker mark on top + bottom corners of b/cover + side1 label: vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38671LPJunior Mance & Martin RiveraThe Tender touch of..NilvaNQ 3405VGEX£8.001983 France; small sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover + side1 label: vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perectly
38599LPJunior ManceAt the Village VanguardOJC/ JazzlandOJC 204VGEX£12.001985 US reissue of '61 LP; mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover + side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
42545LPJunior ManceBig chiefJazzlandJLP 953EXVG£20.001962 Stereo; Handwritten white label test pressing issued in Mono JLP53 sleeve with pen alteration by cat no. b/cover; matrix no.s 1Yv1/2Yv1; a few yellow spots b/cover; mild dish warp + a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
38600LPJunior ManceBig chiefJazzlandSMJ 6282VGEX£15.001981 reissue of '61 LP; Japan; NO 'obi' strip or insert; sticker tear top corner + library stamp bottom corner b/cover; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38276LPJunior ManceDeepJSPJSP 1013VGG£8.001980 mild sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover o/w EX: pressing fault causing 13 clicks last tk side1 + 5 clicks the small jump same place side2 o/w plays perfectly
42544LPJunior ManceGet ready, set, jumpCapitolT 2092EXEX£15.001964 Mono; Rainbow rim label with 'Sold in UK' text; mild wear on Flipback sleeve; just a few light marks - plays well
38602LPJunior ManceHoly mamaInner cityIC 6018VGVG£8.001979 US; sticker marks/tears on labels; 3 pairs of staple holes on cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well w/some mild clicks tk2 side2
38275LPJunior ManceJuniorHMVCLP 1342GVG£12.001959 Maroon/Gold label; Mono; sellotape on 10cm tear from opening edge b/cover o/w looks VG w/some yellowing on b/cover: some marks - plays well with a few crackles
36415LPJunior ManceJunior's bluesRiversideSMJ 6318VGVG£8.001983 reissue of '62 LP; Japan; + insert; NO 'obi' strip; sticker marks on label + b/cover; marks f/cover + 2 sticker marks b/cover; a few light marks - plays well with just a couple of clicks
36417LPJunior ManceLive at Sweet BasilFlying diskVIBN 3VGEX£8.001977 Live 2+3 June '77; Japan; 2 mild sticker marks b/cover; plays well
36419LPJunior ManceLive at the TopAtlantic588 179VGVG£8.001969 Stereo; Red/Plum label; sale hole on cover; 2 sticker marks b/cover; small tear on opening b/cover; light dish warp; a few light marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
38601LPJunior ManceStraight aheadCapitolST 2218GVG£10.001965 Stereo; rainbow rim label with 'Sold in UK' text; Flipback sleeve; sticker mark side1 label; sticker side2 label; surface damage on titles b/cover o/w VG+; some marks - plays well (EX)
36416LPJunior ManceStraight aheadCapitolT 2218VGVG£8.001965 Mono; Rainbow rim label; small sticker stain b/cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
36420LPJunior ManceThat lovin' feelin'MilestoneMSP 9041VGEX£8.001973 US; mild sticker mark top corner f/cover; plays well
38277LPJunior ManceThat's where it is !CapitolT 2393VGEX£12.001970's US pressing of '65 LP; Mono; mild wear on cover + mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; some light marks - plays well
42543LPJunior ManceThe Soulful piano of Junior ManceRiversideJLP 30EXVG£15.001960's Mono Blue/Silver label reissue of '60 LP; mild wear on Flipback sleeve; dish warp o/w looks EX, plays well (EX)
38603LPJunior ManceTruckin' and trakin'Bee hiveBH 7015VGEX£8.001984 Canada; with David 'Fathead' Newman; + insert; damage to spine/bottom corner of cover; light sticker mark side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38604LPGus MancusoIntroducing Gus MancusoFantasyF 3233VGEX£8.001986 reissue of '56 LP; Spain; Mono; corner crease; mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover + side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38605LPJohnny MandelThe jazz combo from "I want to live"AffinityAFF 188EXEX£10.001988 reissue of '58 LP; Gerry Mulligan, Shelly Manne, Art Farmer; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38610LPAlbert MangelsdorffAlbert live in MontreuxMPS0068.261VGEX£12.001981 West German; 2 small corner creases + light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover: plays well
35095LPAlbert MangelsdorffAlbert Mangelsdorff and his friendsMPS68.068VGEX£18.001977 West German Black label reissue of '69 LP; small top edge split on top edge of Gatefold sleeve; light sticker mark on side 1 label; a few light marks - plays well with a couple of crackles
38608LPAlbert MangelsdorffSolo nowMPS0068.067EXEX£12.001976 West German; Gatefold; sticker mark side1 label; plays well
35097LPAlbert MangelsdorffSpontaneousEnjaENJA 2064EXEX£20.001975 West German Yellow label issueof '72 LP; light wear oncover; sticker marks on side 1 label; plays well
38279LPAlbert MangelsdorffTriple ententeMPS0069 293VGEX£15.001983 German; mild wear on cover (VG+); vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
35103LPAlbert MangelsdorffTrombirdsMPS68.069EXEX£12.001977 West German Black label reissue of '73 LP: light sticker mark on side 1 label: a few light marks - plays well
38611LPChuck MangioneAliveMercury6338 132VGEX£15.001972 UK disc issued in US sleeve: Black/Silver label: mild wear on Gatefolfd sleeve: disc is near Mint, plays perfectly
38617LPChuck MangioneAn evening of magic: Live at the Hollywood bowlA&MAMLM 66701VGVG/EX£10.001979 Double/Gatefold + inners: mild sticker marks on side 1+3 labels + top + bottom corners b/cover; just a few marks on discs - both play well (EX)
38645LPChuck MangioneBest of Chuck Mangione (the)Mercury6672 079VGVG/VG£8.001978 Double/Gatefold compilation; Holland; large sticker tear on disc1 side1 label; small stain bottom corner of cover; some marks on discs - both play well with a few crackles
38612LPChuck MangioneChase the clouds awayA&MAMLS 64518EXEX£8.001975 light wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays well
38616LPChuck MangioneChildren of SanchezA&MAMLM 6670VGG/VG£10.001978 Double/Gatefold all in card outer sleeve (some wear on outer sleeve o/w all EX); sticker marks on side 1 + 3 labels: some light marks on discs: some surface noise at the end of both sides disc 1 o/w both discs play well with just a few crackles
38621LPChuck MangioneEyes of the veiled temptressCBS4611 621VGVG£7.001988 Holland; 2 staple marks near spine b/cover; sticker tear side1 label; some marks - plays well with a few clicks tk2 side1
38836LPChuck MangioneFeels so goodA&MAMLH 64658EXEX£8.001977 light wear on cover; plays well
38615LPChuck MangioneFeels so goodA&MAMLH 64658VGG£5.001978 + insert (library stamp); library withdrawn stamp on label + b/cover: some marks on vinyl; mark + a few clicks near start tk2 side2 o/w plays well with just a few crackles
10868LPChuck MangioneFriends & love.. A Chuck Mangione concertMercurySRM 1681EXEX£8.00US; selections from 9/5/70 live concert; some light marks
38618LPChuck MangioneFun and gamesA&MAMLK 63715EXEX£8.001980 small library stamp + light sticker mark on labels; light wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays well
38614LPChuck MangioneJazz brotherMilestoneM 47042EXEX/EX£12.001977 US Double/Gatefold compilation of '61 + '62 tracks; light wear on cover; just a few light marks on discs - both play perfectly
38619LPChuck MangioneJourney to a rainbowCBSCBS 25434VGEX£8.001983 Holland: Orange sunburst labels; sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
38620LPChuck MangioneLove notesCBSCBS 85879GVG£5.001983 sticker tears top + bottom corners b/cover + crease on top corner; a few light marks - plays OK w/some crackles
38613LPChuck MangioneMain squeezeA&MAMLH 64612EXEX£8.001976 some light marks - plays well
36421LPChuck MangioneSave tonight for meColumbiaFC 40254VGEX£7.001986 US; small corner crease; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38672LPChuck MangioneThe Best of Chuck Mangione (In concert - vol 1)Mercury9279 150VGEX£8.0080's reissue of '73 compilation; Italy; light sticker mark b/cover + cat no. written top corner b/cover; sticker tear on side1 label; plays well
36667LPChuck MangioneThe Chuck Mangione quartetMercurySRM-1 631EXEX£8.001972 US; some light marks - plays perfectly
38622LPGap MangioneSuite ladyA&MAMLH 64694EXEX£8.001978 Fully laminated sleeve; plays perfectly
17568LPGap MangioneSuite ladyA&MSP 4694VGVG£7.001978 US; light wear on cover; light warp - a few crackles o/w plays EX
38624LPManhattan jazz quintetAutumn leavesPaddle wheelK28P 6350VGEX£12.001985 Japan; NO 'obi' strip or insert: small sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover + side1 label; crease on top corner of cover: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38625LPManhattan jazz quintetMy funny valentinePaddle wheelK28P 6410EXEX£15.001986 Japan: NO 'obi' strip; + insert; mild sticker mark side1 label + bottom corner b/cover; 'K28P 6410' written top corner b/cover + 1 small corner crease: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38626LPManhattan jazz septetteThe Manhattan jazz septetteJasmineJASM 1017EXEX£8.001982 reissue of '57 LP; Mono; light sticker mark side1 label; small spot of wear on top edge of cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
29646LPManhattan jazz septetteThe Manhattan jazz septetteVogue coralLVA 9053EXVG£10.001957 Mono; light wear on cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
34376LPHerbie Mann & Buddy ColletteFlute fraternityInterludeST 1003VGVG£12.001959 US Stereo reissue of '57 LP; a few marks - plays EX with a few crackles
38630LPHerbie Mann & Bill EvansNirvanaAtlanticSD 1426VGVG£12.001972 US Orange/Green label reissue of '64 LP; tear + missing piece on pasted page top corner b/cover o/w EX; light sticker mark side1 label; just a few small marks - mark near the start of both sides causing 14 clicks on both sides o/w plays well (EX)
38287LPHerbie Mann & Bill EvansNirvanaAtlanticATL 50238VGEX£10.001976 German; 'That's jazz' series vol 8 reissue of '64 LP; some wear on silver Die-cut Gatefold sleeve; vinyl is near Mint with just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38676LPHerbie Mann & Joao GilbertoWith Antonio Carlos Jobim - Live in Rio de JaneiroAtlanticSD 8105VGVG£12.00Orange/Green label (no 'W' logo) US reissue of '65 LP; Stereo; library stamp + 'SD8105' written on corners of b/cover; very light dish warp; just a few light marks - plays well with just a couple of spots of mild distortion
18428LPHerbie Mann & MachitoAfro JazziacRouletteSRCP 3002EXEX£25.001969
38684LPHerbie Mann & Sam Most quintetThe Mann with the MostBethlehemBCP 6020VGEX£8.001977 US reissue of '56 LP 'The Herbie Mann - Sam Most quintet'; sticker tear top + bottom corners b/cover; small sale cut on spine; a few light marks - plays well with just a couple of crackles
38288LPHerbie MannBe bop synthesis: The Savoy sessionsSavoySJL 1102VGEX£8.001976 US reissue of '57 LP 'Yardbird suite'; Mono; 2 miold sticker marks on side1 label; mild wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
36425LPHerbie MannBig boss MannColumbiaCS 1068VGVG£8.001970 US; label details blacked out at factory on labels + cover; a few marks - plays well (EX)
33253LPHerbie MannBird in a silver cageAtlanticK 50338VGVG£8.001977 Orange/Grey label; sticker tear f/cover; short click side1 tk1 o/w plays EX
38227LPHerbie MannBrazil - Once againAtlanticSD 19169VGVG£10.001978 US; Orange/Green label; sale cut on opening of cover; light dish warp + a few mild maks on side2 - plays well (EX)
38225LPHerbie MannBrazil rulesUnited artistsUAS 5636VGEX£8.001972 US reissue of '62 LP; sticker mark + library stamp side1 label; sticker stain top corner f/cover; a few light marks - plays well
38627LPHerbie MannConcerto Grosso in D bluesAtlantic2465 005VGVG£10.001970 Red/Plum label; with Symphonic orch. Conducted by William Fischer; mild sticker mark bottom edge f/cover + just some mild wear; a few marks - plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
38682LPHerbie MannDiscothequeAtlanticK 50128VGVG£8.001975 Orange/Grey label; some wear bottom edge of spine + light sticker mark b/cover; mild dish warp - plays well (EX)
38646LPHerbie MannEvolution of Mann (the)AtlanticATL 60020EXEX/EX£12.00Late '70's pressing of '72 Double/Gatefold compilation; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover + some light wear; very light dish warp on discs - both play perfectly
38673LPHerbie MannFlute bass vibes & percussionVerveV6 8392VGG£8.001981 US; Stereo; Clear tape along top edge + some wear on cover; 'Withdrawn' library stamp b/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays with clicks, crackles + a few spots of distortion; NO jumps
38631LPHerbie MannGlory of loveA&MAMLS 944GG£5.001969 Tan label issue of Jul-Oct '67 recordings; clear tape along whole length of openings on cover; creasing on cover; lots of marks on vinyl (scruffy) - plays OK w/some clicks + crackles
36424LPHerbie MannHold on, I'm comingAtlanticK 40467VGVG£12.001973 UK disc issued in US die-cut Gatefold sleeve with UK cat no. sticker; Orange/Grey label; small sticker mark on label; library stamp b/cover; light dish warp - plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
38677LPHerbie MannLatin MannCBSBPG 62583VGVG£10.001965 Mono; Orange label; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover + small writing; some marks - plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
38675LPHerbie MannLive at NewportAtlanticSD 1413EXVG£12.00Orange/Green Label (no 'W' logo) US reissue of '63 LP; light wear on cover; light warp + some marks on side2 - plays well (EX)
38285LPHerbie MannLondon undergroundAtlanticK 50032VGEX£10.001974 Orange/Grey label; mild sellotape mark along top + bottom edges of cover; just a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
38629LPHerbie MannMemphis undergroundAtlanticATL 50520VGVG£8.001978 'That's jazz' series vol.37 reissue of '69 LP; Silver Gatefold sleeve; sticker stains/damage on side1 label; some wear on cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38628LPHerbie MannMississippi gamblerAtlanticK 40385EXEX£12.001972 Orange/Grey label; mild wear on Gatefold sleeve + light sticker mark on bottom corner f/cover; light staining on vinyl - plays perfectly
36422LPHerbie MannNew Mann at NewportAtlantic1471VGVG£12.001966 US; Red/Plum label; Gatefold with small sale; a few marks - plays well with just a few crackles
38680LPHerbie MannPush pushAtlanticK 40283VGG£8.00Orange/Green label issue of '72 LP; some wear on cover + light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; some marks - plays w/some clicks + crackles
38284LPHerbie MannPush pushAtlantic2400 191VGG£8.001971 Red/Plum label; large stereo sticker top corner f/cover; 4 pin holes on corners; some wear on cover; some marks on vinyl; side1 plays well (VG); side2 plays OK w/some clicks + crackles
36668LPHerbie MannRight nowLondon atlanticSHK 8043VGG£8.001962 Stereo; mild wear on cover; side1 - plays OK with a few clicks, crackles + spots of mild distortion; side2 - plays well (VG)
38280LPHerbie MannSalute to the fluteColumbiaPC 36972GEX£8.001981 US reissue of '57 LP, listed as 'Flute Mann' on front cover; Mono; library stamp + sticker stain corners b/cover; stains + wear along bottom b/cover/edge; plays well with just a couple of crackles
38282LPHerbie MannStanding ovation at NewportAtlanticSD 1445VGEX£12.00Orange/Green label reissue of '66 LP; Stereo; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover + 'SD 1445' written top corner; some mild wear: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38683LPHerbie MannSunbeltAtlanticSD 19204VGVG£8.001978 US; large library stamps on labels; sticker mark top corners b/cover; library sticker + clear tape over sale cut bottom corner b/cover; light dish warp + a few light marks - plays well (EX)
38678LPHerbie MannThe Best of Herbie MannAtlanticSD 1544VGEX£8.00US Orange/Green label (no 'W' logo) compilation of '61-68 tracks; Stereo; small library stamp + 'SD1454' written on corners of b/cover; corner crease + some wear on cover; just a few mild marks - plays well
38681LPHerbie MannTurtle bayAtlanticK 50020VGEX£10.001973 UK disc issued in embossed US sleeve; Orange/Grey label; + inner + insert; mild wear on cober; just a few marks - plays well
38286LPHerbie MannWaterbedAtlanticK 50174VGEX£10.001975 Orange/Grey label; 'K50174' written on top corner b/cover + some mild wear; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38685LPHerbie MannWhen lights are lowPortrait masterJ 44095EXEX£8.001988 US remastered reissue of '57 LP 'Salute to the flute'; Mono; light sticker mark side1 label; just a few light marks - plays well
38226LPHerbie MannWith flute to bootSprinboardSPB 4055VGG£5.001975 US 10 track reissue of '59 'Machito with flute to boot' without tracks 'Love chant / Bacou'; a few marks, side1 plays EX; side2 plays OK with a few spots of distortion
38704LPShelly ManneAlive in LondonContemporaryS 7629VGEX£12.001971 US; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; small tape repair top edge of cover + some wear; plays well
38689LPShelly ManneAt the Black Hawk - vol 1ContemporaryLAC 12250GVG£15.001961 Mono; recorded 22 + 24/9/59; repair to damage/tear on opening f/cover with clear tape over the top; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
38690LPShelly ManneAt the Black Hawk - vol 2ContemporaryLAC 12255GVG£15.001961 Mono; recorded 24/9/59; damage/tear on opening f/cover with clear tape along the full length; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
36669LPShelly ManneAt the Black Hawk - vol 3ContemporaryS 7579VGVG£10.001980's US reissue of '60 LP; stereo; top edge split + some yellowing on cover; a few marks - plays well (EX)
38691LPShelly ManneAt the Black Hawk - vol 3ContemporaryLAC 12260GG£12.001961 Mono; recorded 22-24/9/59; small library stamp side1 label; clear tape on spine + damage/tear on opening f/cover; bottom edge split; marks on vinyl - plays ok w/some clicks + crackles + 1 very short spot (1 rev) of surface noise side2
38692LPShelly ManneAt the Black Hawk - vol 4ContemporaryLAC 12265GVG£15.001961 Mono; recorded 22+24/9/59; small library stamp side1 label; tear/damage on opening f/cover; clear tape along spine; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
35106LPShelly ManneDeep peopleSavoyMGJ 12045VGEX£25.001983 reissue of '55 LP 'Jazz composers workshop'; Japan; Mono; 2 light sticker marks b/cover + some wear; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38813LPShelly ManneDouble piano jazz quartet: In concert at Carmelo'sTrendTR 526EXEX£10.001981 US; Very light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover: a few very light marks - plays perfectly
38795LPShelly ManneEssenceGalaxyGXY 5101VGEX£8.001977 US; mild sticker mark side1 label + top + bottom corner b/cover; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38232LPShelly ManneFrench concertGalaxyGXY 5124VGEX£8.001979 US; light sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38233LPShelly ManneHollywood jamAtlasLA27 1012EXEX£15.001981 Japan: + insert: NO obi strip; light wear on cover + small corner crease: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
22776LPShelly ManneHot colesRCA victorSF 8454EXVG£10.001975 Orange label; some marks - plays EX
38634LPShelly ManneIn concert at Carmelo's - vol 2TrendTR-527EXEX£10.001982 US; Double piano jazz quartet; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38703LPShelly ManneJazz gunAtlantic1487VGVG£8.001967 US; Stereo; Red/Plum label; wear/edge split along top edge of cover; a few marks - plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
38700LPShelly ManneLive: Shelly Manne & his Men at the Manne holeContemporaryLAX 3140/1GEX/EX£25.001977 Japan; Stereo; Double/Gatefold reissue of '61 LP; NO obi strip or insert; water damage/tears along bottom edge of cover; both disc are in near Mint condition and play perfectly
38699LPShelly ManneLive: Shelly Manne & his Men at the Manne holeContemporarySCA 5032/3VGVG/VG£40.001961 Stereo; Double/Gatefold; clear tape along spine; sellotape stains inside openings of cover; sticker marks + writing on side1 labels; some marks on discs - disc1 plays perfectly; disc2 plays well with just a few crackles
38633LPShelly ManneManne - - That's GershwinDiscoveryDS-909EXEX£10.001984 US resissue of '65 LP; very light sticker stain bottom corner b/cover: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38705LPShelly ManneMannekindMainstreamMSL 1023VGVG£10.001973 Gatefold; small tear on top edge f/cover + some mild yellowing; dish warp + a few marks - some clicks + crackles at start of side1 o/w plays well
38229LPShelly ManneMore swinging soundsContemporaryK20P 6604EXEX£20.001981 reissue of '57 LP: Japan: NO insert or obi strip; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; cat. no. blacked out on labels; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38702LPShelly ManneMy fair ladyCapitolT 2173VGVG£8.001964 Mono; Rainbow rim label; recorded July 28, Aug 3,4,6 '64 'Un-original cast'; some creases along spine + some wear; a few marks - plays well
38697LPShelly ManneMy fair ladyContemporaryS 7527VGEX£10.00US Stereo reissue of '56 LP; clear tape along length of spine; libarary stamp + light sticker mark side1 label; dish warp + a few mild marks - plays well
38635LPShelly ManneMy fair lady swingsTall treeTT 6003VGEX£10.001984 US reissue of '64 LP; with Irene Kral & Jack Sheldon; light sticker mark side1 label; small library stamp bottom corner + 'TT6003' written on top corner b/cover; plays perfectly
38701LPShelly ManneMy son the drummerContemporaryLAC 550VGVG£18.001963 Mono; some water staining along bottom edge of cover; some light marks - plays well (EX)
16366LPShelly MannePerk upConcord jazzCJ 21EXVG£7.501976 US; some marks - plays ok w/some clicks + crackles on side 2
42797LPShelly ManneSheey Manne & his men play Peter GunnContemporaryK20P 6605EXEX£20.001981 reissue of '59 LP: Japan: NO insert or obi strip; light wear on cover; 'K20P6605' cat no blacked out on labels; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
26506LPShelly ManneShelly Manne & Co.StatesideSL 10125VGG£7.001964 mono; light wear on cover; some marks - 1 small jump tk2 side2 o/w plays well with a few crackles
17750LPShelly ManneShelly Manne & friends vol 2: My fair ladyContemporarySCA 5009VGVG£8.00Stereo issue of '56 recordings; light creases on cover o/w EX; some marks - plays ok w/some crackles
38294LPShelly ManneShelly Manne & his friendsDoctor jazzFW 38728EXEX£8.001983 issue of Jan-May '44 recordings; Eddie Heywood, Don Byas, Aaron Sachs, Ray Nance, John Simmons; light sticker mark side1 label; light wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38687LPShelly ManneShelly Manne & his friendsContemporaryLAC 12075GVG£10.001958 issue of '56 LP; Mono; stains along bottom edge of cover; sticker tear + library stamp side1 label; a few marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
38228LPShelly ManneShelly Manne & his friends - vol 1ContemporaryGXC 3172VGEX£15.001980 reissue of '56 LP; Japan; NO insert or obi strip; Mono; 2 stape holes on all 4 corners of cover; writing/blue stain top corner b/cover; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
28653LPShelly ManneShelly Manne & his friends - vol 2ContemporaryLAC 12100VGVG£10.001956 mono; with Andre Previn & Leroy Vinnegar; Modern jazz performances of songs from 'My fair lady'; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
38814LPShelly ManneShelly Manne and his friendsDoctor jazzASLP 1002VGEX£7.001983 Compilation of '44 tracks; Mono; hole punch top corner of cover; sticker mark on labels + 2 on top edge f/cover + 1 top corner b/cover; just a few marks - plays well
38812LPShelly ManneShelly manne plays Richard RodgersDiscoveryDS 783EXEX£10.001977 US; From the Broadway musical 'Rex'; Textured sleeve; light sticker mark top corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
38293LPShelly ManneThe Manne we loveWast worldEWLF 98009VGEX£10.001979 Japan; Only 1 insert: NO obi strip; 'Soundphile series' Direct to disk; mild wear on cover with corner creases; light sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover: plays well with just a few light crackles
35108LPShelly ManneThe Three & the TwoContemporaryP-7621/ 3548VGEX£18.001980 Mono reissue of '60 LP: Japan, NO 'obi' strip or insert; 2 sticker stains on corners of b/cover + mild water stain along bottom edge of b/cover: vinyl is ion near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38695LPShelly ManneThe West coast soundBoplicity/ ContCOP 012VGVG£10.001985 Stereo reissue of '56 LP; indent of writing f/cover; just a few marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
38289LPShelly ManneThe West coast soundContemporaryGXC 3171VGEX£15.001980 reissue of '56 LP; Japan; NO insert or obi strip; Mono; library stamp bottom corner + mild stick mark top corner b/cover: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
36426LPShelly ManneTwo, three, fourABC/ ImpulseIMPL 8044VGEX£10.001976 reissue of '62 LP; Gatefold; mild wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well
38693LPShelly ManneVol 2: My fair ladyContemporaryLAC 12100VGVG£10.001958 Mono; Andre Previn & Leroy Vinnegar; library stamp side1 label; some marks - plays OK with a few clicks + some crackles
38694LPShelly ManneVol 2: My fair ladyContemporarySCA 5009VGEX£12.001963 Stereo reissue of '56 LP; small sticker tear bottom corner b/cover; 'D1' + cat no. written top corners b/cover; plays well
38686LPShelly ManneVol 4: Swinging soundsContemporaryLAC 12062VGG£10.001957 Mono; library stamp + 'C545' written on side1 label; some marks - plays OK w/some clicks + crackles
38688LPShelly ManneVol 5: More swinging soundsContemporaryLAC 12148VGVG£12.001959 Mono; library stamp side1 label; clear tape on 3 edges of cover; some marks - plays well
38291LPShelly ManneWest coast jazz in EnglandJazz grooveJG 006VGEX£10.001970's issue; Live in Mnchester 12/3/60; Mono; corner crease + some yellowing on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
35109LPSam Manning / Wilmoth HoudiniBarbados bluesCollectors item015VGEX£30.001984 compilation of '26-31 tracks; 1 side each; small pink stain on corner of f/cover; 2 mild sticker marks corners b/cover + 1 on side 1 label: vinyl near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38245LPWingy Manone & Sidney BechetTogether: Town hall - 1947Jazz archivesJA 29VGEX£7.001975 US; Mono; plays well with just a couple of clicks on side1
38298LPWingy Manone & Will BradleyWingy Manone & Will BradleyHarlequinHQ 2037VGEX£8.001985 issue of '43-'45 alternate takes; Mono; mild sticker mark side1 label + top + bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38636LPWingy ManoneWingy Manone - vol 1RaritiesNo.66EXVG£7.001979 Denmark; compilation of Sept '28-Aug '34 recordings; Mono; light sricker mark side1 label + top corner b/cover + some light wear; some marks - plays well (EX)
38295LPWingy ManoneWingy Manone - vol 2RaritiesNO. 67VGEX£7.00UK/Denmark issue of Aug '34 - Feb '35 recordings; Mono; light sticker mark on side1 label + top + bottom corner b/cover; mild dish warp + just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38637LPWingy ManoneWingy Manone - vol 3FlutegroveFL 5VGEX£8.001980 US compilation of Mar '35 - Aug '35 recordings; Mono; mild sticker mark side1 label + bottom corner b/cover; 'FL 5' written top corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38296LPWingy ManoneWingy Manone - vol 4Little gem1073 /384VGEX£8.00Scandinavia; compilation of Sept '35-Mar '36 recordings; Mono; mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38297LPWingy ManoneWith Papa Bue's Viking jazzbandStoryvilleSLP 4066EXEX£8.001983 US issue of '66 + '67 recordings; light wear on cover; light dish warp - plays perfectly
36428LPRay Mantilla Space stationHands of fireRedVPA 174VGEX£8.001984 Italy; sticker marks on cover; plays well with a couple of single clicks
34869LPGuido ManusardiDown townSoul noteSN 1131EXEX£10.001986 Italy; light sticker mark on label; plays well
34870LPMarco Di Marco & Jack ReillyMarco Di Marco - Jack RellyModern jazzMJC 0300VGEX£10.001980 Italy; sticker mark f/cover; small library stamp b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
38235LPRick MargitzaColorBlue noteB1 92279EXEX£8.001989 US; small library stamp on labels; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38300LPCharlie Mariano & Jerry Dodigan sextetBeauties of 1918World pacificK18P 9217EXEX£12.001983 reissue of '58 LP; Japan; NO insert or obi strip; Mono; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
35113LPMariano, Van't Hof, Andersen, VesalaTea for fourLeoLEO 012VGEX£25.001984 Finland; some wear + light sticker mark bottom corner of cover; Cat no. written on b/cover; light sticker mark side 1 label; plays well with just a couple of crackles
35114LPMariano, Yamamoto, Mosalini, DebskiWorld music meetingEigelsteinES 2024VGEX/EX£25.001985 German; + 1 sided Bonus 45; light wear on cover; very light dish warp on LP - both play perfectly
38301LPCharlie MarianoAlto sax for young loversAffinityAFF 99VGEX£8.001982 reissue of '56 LP 'Charlie Mariano'; 11/7/55 NY recordings; Mono; light sticker mark side1 label + top + bottopm corner b/cover + some mild wear; a few marks - plays well
34911LPCharlie MarianoCharlie Mariano playsFresh BethlehemFSR 2033EXEX£10.001987 reissue of '56 LP; Spain; mono; small sticker tear on label; very light dish warp - plays perfectly
36429LPCharlie MarianoMirrorAtlanticSD 1608VGVG£10.001972 US; some laminate peel; tape marks on corners; tape on small tear on opening; a few marks - plays well (EX)
34914LPCharlie MarianoOctoberInner cityIC 1024EXEX£8.001978 US;3 light sricker marks on cover; some light marks - plays well
38299LPCharlie MarianoWith his jazz group/ Modern saxophone stylingsImperial/ Graba05426 04341VGEX£12.001984 reissue of '56 10" LP's (IM 3006/ IM 3007); Spain; Mono; light sticker mark side1 label + top + bottom corners b/cover; plays well
38237LPToshiko Mariano quartetToshiko Mariano quartetCandidCS 9012VGVG£8.001985 US/EU reissue of '61 LP; 'American jazz classics' series; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover + side1 label; corner crease; some marks - plays well (EX)
38238LPToshiko Mariano quartetToshiko Mariano quartetBarnabyBR 5017VGEX£10.001977 US reissue of '61 LP; sale hole top corner; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover + some mild wear; vinyl is near Mint, plays well
38638LPEric MarienthalVoices of the heartGRPGRP 91052EXEX£8.001988 West German; + inner (cat no. sticker + a few creases); just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38815LPJoe MarinoJoe Marino plays 28 all-time greatest hitsReal timeRT 302VGEX£8.001981 West German; large corner cut; mild sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover; plays well with just 2 single clicks on side1
38239LPJohn Markham orchestraSan Francisco jazzFamous doorHL 121VGVG£8.001978 US; with Herbie Steward & Ernie Figueroa; clear tape along top egde of cover; a few marks - plays well (EX)
38240LPMarkovic Gut sextetMessage from BelgradeTimelessSJP 195VGEX£15.001984 Holland; sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover + side1 label; just a few light marks - plays well
12477LPDodo MarmarosaA live DodoSwing houseSWH 10EXEX£8.001979 issue of '47 live recordings; mono
38305LPDodo MarmarosaDodo's backCadet/ ArgoUXP 118 BCEXEX£20.001984 Japan; + insert; NO obi strip; light sticker mark side1 label + bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint with just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38307LPDodo MarmarosaExperiment in bopRaretone5020 FCEXEX£10.001988 issue of '46 recordings; Italy; Mono; 2 small corner creases on cover; plays well (a few crackles on original recordings)
38816LPDodo MarmarosaPiano manPhoenix jazzLP 20VGEX£8.001978 US; small library stamp + mild sticker mark b/cover; some yellowing along spine; plays well
38706LPDodo MarmarosaThe Chicago sessionsArgo Green lineARCD 502VGEX/EX£12.001986 Italy; Double/Gatefold issue of '61 + '62 sessions; light sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover + side1 labels; some wear on spine; some light marks disc1, plays well; disc2 is near Mint, plays perfectly
38306LPDodo MarmarosaThe Dial mastersSpotlite128EXEX£10.001975 issue of 3/12/47 L.A. recordings; Mono; a few light marks - plays well with some crackles on original recordings
38241LPFrank Marocco & Ray PizziNew colorsTrendTR 516EXEX£10.001979 US: Limited edition: Direct to disc; very light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover: Vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38090LPFrank Marocco & Ray PizziThe TrioDiscoveryDS 838EXEX£10.001981 US; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover o/w EX; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38092LPChuck MarohnicCopenhagen suiteSteeple chaseSCS 4002EXx£15.001979 mild wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38094LPJoe MarsalaJoe Marsala & his band 1944JazzologyJ 106VGEX£7.001983 US; Mono; 'J-102' written top corner b/cover; light sticker mark side1 label + b/cover; light dish warp + a few light marks - plays well
38093LPJoe MarsalaLower registerIAJRCIAJRC 38VGEX£8.001981 compilation of '36-44 tracks; Canada; Mono; 'IAJRC38' written top corner b/cover; light sticker mark b/cover + side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
34871LPBranford MarsalisRandom abstractCBS461067 1EXVG£8.001988 Holland; Red label; + inner; a few light marks - plays EX with just a couple of crackles
35198LPBranford MarsalisRenaissanceCBS460 2291VGEX£8.001987 Red label; mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
35200LPBranford MarsalisRomances for saxophoneCBS masterworksM 42122EXEX£8.001986 Holland; + insert (2 library stamps); small sticker mark on side 1 label; a few light marks - plays well
35100LPBranford MarsalisRoyal garden bluesCBS450151 1EXEX£8.001986 Red label; light wear on cover; plays well
35199LPBranford MarsalisScenes in the cityCBS25952VGEX£8.001984 Holland; Orange sunburst label; + inner; light sicker mark on side 1 label; some wear on cover; somelight marks - plays well
35101LPEllis MarsalisSyndromeElmJS 4834VGEX£8.001985 US; some wear on cover + 2 mild sticker marks b/cover; plays well with just a couple of crackles
35274LPWynton MarsalisAn American heroKingdom jazzGATE 7018VGEX£8.001986 light sticker mark on side 1 label + bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
35102LPWynton MarsalisBlack codes (from the underground)CBS26686VGEX£8.001985 Red label: + inner; 2 sticker marks b/cover; plays perfectly
35197LPWynton MarsalisHot house flowersCBS26145VGEX£8.001984 Holland; Orange sunburst labels; + inner; small top edge split; light sticker mark side 1 label + b/cover; a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
35275LPWynton MarsalisJ MoodCBS57068EXEX£8.001988 Holland; Red label; plays well
26530LPWynton MarsalisMarsalis standard time - vol 1CBS451 039-1VGEX£8.001987
2497LPWynton MarsalisPlays Handel, Purcell, Torelli, Fasch, MolterCBSIM 39061EXEX£8.001984
35201LPWynton MarsalisThink of oneCBS25354VGEX£7.001983 Orange sunburst label; wear on bottom corner/spine; 3 sticker marks b/cover; plays well
35099LPWynton MarsalisWynton MarsalisCBS85404VGEX£7.001982 Holland; Orange sunburst label; sticker marks on cover + label; a few light marks - plays well
34872LPWynton MarsalisWynton Marsalis' first recordingsKingdom jazzGATE 7013EXVG£8.001983 ; Live at Bubba's Florida 11/10/80; light sticker mark on label + b/cover; 1 mark tk3 side2 - plays well
3419LPWynton Branford & Ellis MarsalisFathers & sonsCBSFC 37972MintEX£10.001982 US in shrinkwrap
35285LPWarne Marsh & Pete ChristliebApogeeWarner bros.BSK 3236VGEX£8.001978 US; light sticker marks on corners of b/cover; small spot of wear on spine; plays well
35282LPWarne Marsh & Lee KonitzLee Konitz meets Warne Marsh againP.A USAPR 7019VGEX£10.001977 US; Gatefold; top corner sale cut; 2 sticker stains on side 1 label + corners of b/cover; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
35286LPWarne Marsh & Lee KonitzLive at the Montmartre club: Jazz exchange vol.2StoryvilleSLP 1020VGEX£10.001977; live 27/12/75; corner crease; a few mild marks - plays perfectly
35287LPWarne Marsh & Lee KonitzLondon concertWaveLP 16EXEX£10.001977 sticker stainon side1 label; a few light marks - plays perfectly
35204LPWarne Marsh & Lee KonitzVol. 3StoryvilleSLP 4096VGEX£10.001985 Denmark; 2 small sticker marks b/cover + 1 on label; mild wear on cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35288LPWarne Marsh & Lew LabackinTenor gladnessInner cityIC 6048VGEX£10.001979 US; sticker mark on 2 corners of b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
35284LPWarne Marsh & sal MoscaHow deep / How highFlyrightFLY 216EXEX£12.001980 issue of '77 + '79 recordings; light dish warp - plays well
35117LPWarne Marsh, Clare Fischer, Gary FosterReport of 1st annual symposium on relaxed improv..RevelationREV 17VGVG£20.001973 US; small library stamp corner b/cover + some wear; 2 sticker stains on side 1 label; some light marks - plays perfectly
35206LPWarne Marsh, Karin Krog & Red MitchellI remember youSpotliteSPJLP 22VGEX£10.001981; 2 sticker marks on corners of b/cover: vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
12312LPWarne MarshAll musicNessaN 7EXEX£20.001976 US; in shrinkwrap; light stain on opening b/cover
35203LPWarne MarshAll musicNessaN 7VGEX£10.001976 US; ring wear on cover + wear on spine; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; plays perfectly
36431LPWarne MarshBack homeCriss crossCRISS 1023VGEX£8.001986 light sticker mark on label + b/cover; plays perfectly
36430LPWarne MarshJazz exchange - vol 1StoryvilleSLP 1017VGG£5.001976 with Lee Konitz, Neils Henning, Orsted Pedersen; Denmark; light wear on cover; light sticker mark on label; a few marks - 3 jumps at very start side1 o/w plays well with just a few light clicks
35277LPWarne MarshJazz of two citiesBlue noteBNP 25 106VGEX£10.001983 'Blue note reissue' series issue of '57 LP; France; small library stamp b/cover; a few marks - plays perfectly
35278LPWarne MarshRelease record, send tapeWaveLP 6VGr£15.001969 Mono; clear tape on top + bottom edges of cover; 2 stickers on corners of b/cover + light sticker mark on side 1 label; a few light marks - plays well with just a few light crackles
35279LPWarne MarshThe art of improvisingRevelationREV 22VGEX£15.001974 US issue of '59 Half-note café NYC recordings; Mono; sticker marks on side 1 label + top corner b/cover; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
36670LPWarne MarshWarne MarshAtlanticP 4573 AVGEX£12.001976 Japan; Orange/Green label 'Jazz record' series reissue of '58 LP; stereo; NO 'obi' strip or insert; light sticker mark side1 label + 2 corners of b/cover; wear + staining along bottom edge; plays well
35290LPWarne MarshWarne Marsh in Norway: Sax of a kindHot clubHCR 7VGEX£10.001983 Norway; wear + creasing on cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
35281LPWarne MarshWarne outFlyrightFLY 212VGVG£10.001980 reissue of '77 LP; Black cover; mild wear on cover; sticker stain on side 1 label; some marks - plays perfectly
36671LPWarne MarshWarne outInterplayIP 7709VGVG£8.001977 US; sale hole top corner + sticker mark top corner of front + back cover; sticker tear side1 label; a few marks - plays well with a few light clicks + crackles
12315LPWarne MarshWarne outInterplayIP 7709EXEX£20.001977 US; light stain on opening
35280LPWarne MarshWarne outInterplayIP 7709VGVG£12.001977 US; sticker stain on b/cover; wear on bottom opening edge of cover; light dish warp + a few light marks - plays well (EX)
38219LPSkip MartinLet's dance to the swingin' thing from Can-canFresh soundFSR 542EXEX£8.001986 reissue of '60 LP; Spain; light sticker mark side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
35120LPStu MartinSunriseMargeMAR 13EXEX£30.001980 France; 2 light sticker marks on corners of b/cover + 1 on side 1 label: vinyl is in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
36432LPPat MartinoExitMuseMR 5075VGEX£10.001977 US; small library stamp + sticker mark b/cover; plays perfectly
35121LPBarry Martyn & Sammy RimmingtonRum & Coca-colaSwiftSWIFT 1EXVG£12.001967 Mono; light wear on cover; Dish warp + a few light marks - plays perfectly
38096LPBarry MartynVintage Barry MartynGHBGHB 75VGEX£8.001983 US issue of '59 + '66 recordings; Mono; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38095LPBarry MartynWhere he leads meSwiftSWIFT 6EXEX£10.001971 Mono; Live in Massachusetts; 1 mark tk1 side1 - plays perfectly
38097LPKid MartynKid Martyn in New Orleans with Kid Sheik's band77 records77LA 12/20EXEX£8.001964 Mono; a few light marks - plays well
38817LPMaryland jazz bandTwenty-five years of jazzGHBGHB 178EXEX£8.001985 US; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38100LPJean-Pierre Mas & Cesarius AlvimRio-RiaOwlOWL 013EXEX£10.001979 France: Cover + Vinyl are in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38099LPJean-Pierre Mas & Cesarius AlvimRue de LourmelInner cityIC 1014VGVG£8.001976 US; Clear tape along top + bottom edges of cover; some marks - plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
34874LPJean-Pierre Mas & Cesarius AlvimRue de LourmelOwlOWL 03GVG£7.001977 France; Water stain + wear bottom edge of cover; Dish warp - plays well with just a couple of crackles
38098LPJean-Pierre MasTrapezeJMSJMS 136VGEX£12.001985 France; light sticker mark on side1 label; crease + mild wear on cover; vinyl near Mint with just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38104LPKeshavan MaslakBlaster masterBlack saintBSR 0079EXEX£8.001984 Italy; light sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover: Vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
35129LPKeshavan MaslakBuddha's mindCircleRK 15978 /16VGEX£25.001978 West German; sticker tear top corner b/cover: vinyl is in near Mint condition
38102LPKeshavan MaslakGet the money (whatever it takes)LeoLR 161EXEX£10.001988 light sticker mark on side2 label; plays well
35127LPKeshavan MaslakHumanplexityLeoLR 101VGVG£18.001980 Sticker stains on corners of b/cover; a few marks - plays perfectly
35128LPKeshavan MaslakKeshavan MaslakAtmanATMAN 1VGVG£12.001977 US: mild wear on cover; sticker stain on b/cover + side 1 label: some marks - plays ok with some crackles noticable on quieter passages
38101LPKeshavan MaslakLoved by millionsLeoLR 105VGEX£10.001981 US; sticker tear top corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
35060LPKeshavan MaslakMaslak one thousandWaterlandWM 004VGEX£10.001978 Holland; Live in Holland; + 2 A4 Promo inserts; corner creases on cover; 2 mild sticker stains on side1 label; a few marks - plays well
38103LPKeshavan Kenny MillionsBetter and betterLeoLR 150VGEX£10.001987 Keshavan Maslak; light sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover: Vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38106LPRod MasonCome back sweet papaBlack lionBLM 51102EXEX£8.001985 as 'Rod Mason's Hot five'; light sticker mark on side1 label; 2 small corner creases; some light marks - plays perfectly
38818LPRod MasonGreat having you aroundBlack lionBLP 12180EXEX£8.001979 small light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38107LPRod MasonRod Mason Hot fiveTimelessTTD 538EXEX£8.001987 Holland; a couple of light marks - plays well
38105LPRod MasonRod Mason live: The last concertJeton Digilog600 6602EXEX£8.001982 German; light sticker mark on side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38707LPRod MasonThe PearlsBlack lionBLM 5114VGEX£8.001986 West German; clear tape along top edge of cover; a few marks - plays well
38109LPGeorge MassoA Swinging case of Masso-ismFamous doorHL 138VGEX£8.001981 US; 2 light sticker marks b/cover; plays well with just a few light crackles
38110LPGeorge MassoChoice N.Y.C. 'boneFamous doorHL 129VGEX£8.001979 US; clear tape along top edge, library stamp + sticker mark b/cover; 2cm spot of damage on spine; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38108LPGeorge MassoNo frills just musicFamous doorHL 148VGVG£7.001984 US; light sticker mark on labels + top + bottom corners b/cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
26531LPGeorge MassoPieces of eightDreamstreetDR 108EXEX£10.001985 US; in shrinkwrap
39751LPMark Masters jazz composers orchestraEarly startSea breezeSB 2022VGEX£8.001984 US; mild sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover + side1 label; plays well
34877LPJoe MastersThe Jazz massDiscoveryDS 785VGVG£8.001978 US reissue of '66 LP; light sticker mark f/cover; a few marks - plays well
35291LPYoshiaki MasuoMasuo liveElectric birdSKS 8017VGEX£12.001980 Japan; NO obi strip; Poster (small tears on corners) + insert; sticker marks on corners of b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
34879LPYoshiaki MasuoSailing wondersElectric birdSKS 8001EXx£10.001978 Japan; NO obi strip: + insert; 2 light sticker marks b/cover; plays perfcetly
35292LPYoshiaki MasuoThe song is you and meElectric birdK28P 6043VGEX£12.001980 Japan; NO obi strip or insert; small tear top edge of cover; 2 sticker marks on corners of b/cover; Vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38111LPMaterialMemory servesCelluloidILPS 9693VGEX£8.001981 surface tear bottom edge b/cover; Vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38112LPMaterialOne downCelluloidCEL 541 003VGEX£7.001982 France; mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; some light marks - plays well
36434LPMaterialTemporary musicCelluloidCEL 6576VGEX£8.001980 compilation of '79-80 tracks; France; sticker marks on cover + label; plays well with just a couple of clicks
35061LPMat MathewsThe Modern art of jazz (vol.2)Fresh soundFSR 563EXEX£10.001987 reissue of '56 LP; Spain; Mono; light sticker mark b/cover; plays perfectly
35293LPRonnie MathewsLegacyBee hiveBH 7011VGEX£8.001980 US; sticker stain bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35295LPRonnie MathewsSo sorry pleaseNilvaNQ 3414VGEX£12.001985 France; 2 corner creases; small library stamp on side 1 label; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35294LPRonnie MathewsSong for LeslieRed recordVPA 162EXEX£15.001980 Italy; light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well with 1 click tk2 side2
34880LPMatrixHarvestPablo today2312 121VGEX£8.001981 US; mild wear on cover; plays well with 1 single click onside 2
35211LPHidehiko 'Sleepy MatsumotoThe BluesNext wave25PJ 1009VGEX£12.001981 Japan; NO obi strip or Insert; some wear along bottom edge of cover + sticker stain b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35134LPRamuntcho MattaEcouteCryonicMAD 3025EXEX£90.001986 France; light sticker mark b/cover + side 1 label: vinyl is in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
35213LPRich Matteson & Jack PetersenThe Art of improvisation - vol. 1Music minus oneMMO 681VGVG£7.001974 US; NO Booklet; sticker stain side 1 label + b/cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
35214LPRich Matteson & Jack PetersenThe Art of improvisation - vol. 2Music minus oneMMO 682VGEX£8.001974 US; NO Booklet; sticker stain on side 1 label + b/cover; light dish warp - plays perfectly
36435LPRich Matteson & Harvey PhillipsSuperhornMarkMJS 57591VGVG£7.001982 US; cat no. written on b/cover + library stamp; some marks - plays well
35212LPRich Matteson & Harvey PhillipsThe Matteson - Phillips Tubajazz consortMarkMJS 57587VGEX£8.001977 US; Yellow label; light sticker mark b/cover + side 1 label; Cat no. written on b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38113LPDavid MatthewsBig band recorded live at the Five spotMuseMR 5073VGEX£10.001975 US; light sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover + side1 label: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38118LPDavid MatthewsBilly boyPaddle wheelK28P 6442EXEX£12.001986 West German; light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well
38114LPDavid MatthewsDelta ladyPRTN 5014VGEX£8.001982 feat. Earl Klugh; a few creases on cover; light sticker mark on label; plays well
38117LPDavid MatthewsSpeed demonElectric birdK28P 6390VGEX£8.001985 West German; a few creases on cover; 2 small sticker tears top + bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38119LPDavid MatthewsWaltz for DebbyPaddle wheelK28P 6466VGEX£8.001987 West German; light sticker mark side1 label; mild wear on cover; plays well with just a few crackles
35249LPTurk MauroHeavyweightPhoenix jazzLP 1004VGEX£12.001981 US; sticker stain + small library stamp b/cover; just a few light marks - plays perfcetly
35248LPTurk MauroThe UnderdogJazzcraftJAZZ CRAFT 1VGEX£8.001978 Denmark; 2 sticker stains on side 1 label + 2 on b/cover + some wear; a few light marks - plays perfectly
35250LPJimmie MaxwellLet's fall in loveCircleCLP 50VGEX£8.001983 US; light sticker mark on label + b/cover; some ring wear f/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
34338LPGeorge MaycockGeorge Maycock trioRing01008VGEX£20.001976 German; small sticker stain bottom corner b/cover: Fully play tested - plays perfectly
38819LPBilly MayerlMarigoldJoyJOY D 294EXEX£8.001988 Mono; light wear on cover; plays perfectly
38708LPBilly MayerlThe Versatility of Billy MayerlFlapperPAST 704/5EXEX/EX£12.001982 Mono; Double/Gatefold compilation; small sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; some light marks on discs - both play well
38221LPLloyd G Mayers & Oliver Nelson orch.A taste of honeyUnited artistsULP 1023VGEX£12.001962 Mono; Factory sample: small pen marks by titles b/cover; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38120LPGene Mayl's Dixieland rhythm kingsAt the Hi-fi jazz band ballRiversideRLP 12-259VGVG£8.001960's Blue/Silver label issue of '58 LP; US; Mono; sellotape along spine; sticker stain bottom corner b/cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
38121LPGene Mayl's Dixieland rhythm kingsOn paradeRed onion81033VGVG£8.00US; no. written b/cover; light sticker marks top + corners b/cover + side1 label; some marks - plays well (EX)
42350LPLincoln MayorgaLincoln Mayorga & Distinguished guests - vol. IIISheffield labLAB 1EXEX£12.001974 West German; Ltd edition Direct disc recording; Gatefold; light wear on cover; plays well
40857LPGuerino MazzolaAkroasis - Beethovens Hammerklavier sonateWergo spectrumSM 1024VGMint£12.001980 German; mild wear on cover (VG+); plays perfectly
38124LPGeoffrey McCabeTeseract complicityTimelessSJP 212VGEX£8.001985 Holland; sticker tear top + bottom corners b/cover; light sticker mark on side1 label; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38127LPPaul McCandlessAll the mornings bringElektra6E 196VGEX£8.001979 US; + inner (2 complete edge splits); sticker tear top + bottom corners b/cover; sale cut on openings; light sticker mark on side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38126LPPaul McCandlessNavigatorLandslideLD 1005VGEX£8.001981 US; surface tear bottom edge of cover; light sticker mark side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
35252LPLes McCann & Gerald WilsonThe WailersFontana688 150 ZLVGVG£10.001965 Mono; sticker stain b/cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
35216LPLes McCannDjangoSunsetSLS 50028 EVGEX£8.001968 reissue of '61 LP 'Pretty lady'; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; plays well with just a few crackles
35220LPLes McCannIn New YorkPacific jazzLN 10078VGEX£8.001981 US reissue of '62 LP; 2 sticker marks on corners of b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35219LPLes McCannIn San FanciscoPacific jazzLN 10077VGEX£8.001981 US reissue of '61 LP; 2 sticker marks on corners of b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35215LPLes McCannLive at Bohemian Caverns - Washington D.C.TripTLP 5597VGEX£8.001975 US reissue of '67 LP; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
35255LPLes McCannLive at Bohemian Caverns - Washington D.C.LimelightLS 86046GG£6.001967 US: some mild water damage alomg bottom edge of cover; small library stamp b/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
35254LPLes McCannLive at Shelly's Manne-holeTripTLP 5576VGEX£8.001975 US Stereo reissue of '66 LP; sticker stain + small library stamp on corners of b/cover; a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
35253LPLes McCannLive at Shelly's Manne-holeLimelightLM 82036VGVG£10.001966 US; Mono; small sale hole; small library stamp + cat no. written on b/cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
35217LPLes McCannMusic boxVirginPAL 3VGEX£8.001985 small sticker mark/tear bottom corner b/cover + side 1 label; Vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
36437LPLes McCannMusic lets me beABC ImpulseAS 9329VGEX£8.001977 US; 2 light sticker marks b/cover; plays well with 1 mild click at very start side 2
36672LPLes McCannOn timeFontana688 126 ZLVGG£7.001964 New Zealand; mono; sticker stain top corner b/cover; some marks - plays OK with some clicks + crackles on side2; side1 plays VG
35222LPLes McCannPlays the shoutPacific jazzLN 10083VGEX£8.001981 US reissue of '60 LP; 2 sticker marks on corners of b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35251LPLes McCannPretty ladyKing/ PacificK18P 9222VGVG£12.001983 reissue of '61 LP; Japan; NO obi strip or insert; 2 sticker marks b/cover; wear/stains along bottom edge; a few marks - plays well (EX)
35221LPLes McCannSoul hitsPacific jazzLN 10079VGEX£8.001981 US reissue of '64 LP; 2 sticker marks on corners of b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35218LPLes McCannThe ManA&MAMLH 64718EXEX£8.001978 + insert (small library stamp); mild sricker stain on side 1 label; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38129LPRob McConnell & Boss brassAgain !UmbrellaUMB GEN 1-12VGEX/EX£12.001977 Canada; Double/Gatefold; Direct to disc recording; sticker mark top + bottom corners b/cover + some general wear; a few light marks on discs - both play perfectly
38130LPRob McConnell & Boss brassBig band jazzUmbrellaUMB DD4VGEX/EX£12.001977 German; Double/Gatefold; Direct to disc recording; sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover; some wear on cover + spine; both discs play well
26532LPRob McConnell & Boss brassBig band jazz - volume 1PausaPR 7140EXEX£12.001983 Italy
26515LPRob McConnell & Boss brassPresent perfectMPS0068 249VGEX£10.001980 German
38128LPRob McConnellOld friends / new musicUnissonDDA 1001VGEX£8.001984 Canada; small sticker mark bottom corner b/cover - side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38131LPAlistair McDonaldAt the jazz band ballLismorLILP 5173EXEX£8.001988 light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
38132LPDonny McDonaldNow and thenNolaLP(S) 13EXVG£10.001975 issue of '53/54 recordings + '75 interview; with Lizzie Miles & Sammy Rimington; Mono; 'LPS13 written top corner b/cover; light dish warp + a few mild marks - plays well (EX)
38133LPDick McDonough & Carl KressGuitar genius in the 1930'sJazz archivesJA 32VGVG£8.001976 US issue of '34 + '37 recordings; Mono; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover o/w EX; light staining on vinyl from poly inner - plays perfectly
35258LPBrother Jack McDuffBrother Jack live at the jazz workshopTransatlanticPR 7286VGVG£12.001968 reissue of '63 LP; Mono; sticker stain on side1 label + bottom corner b/cover; some marks - plays well
36443LPBrother Jack McDuffRock candyPrestigePR 24013EXVG/VG£10.001972 Double/Gatefold; some marks on discs; disc1 plays well with just a few clicks; disc2 plays well with just a few crackles
36423LPBrother Jack McDuffSilk and soulTransatlanticPR 7404VGVG£12.001967 reissue of '65 LP; mono; 2 sticker stains on label; library stamp bottom corner b/cover; small tear on opening f/cover; plays well (EX) with just a coule of crackles
35223LPBrother Jack McDuffThe ReentryMuseMR 5361EXEX£8.001988 US; small library stamp on side 1 label; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
40858LPMurray McEachernMusic for sleepwalkers onlyKey/ ArchivesLP 711VGEX£10.00US issue of '56 LP; Mono; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; plays well
36444LPGary McFarland & Gador SzaboSimpaticoImpulseAS 9122VGVG£15.001966 US 1st pressing; Gatefold; red sticker top corner f/cover; large library stamp on label; cover has been covered in clear stick-back plastic; dish warp - 2 clicks at very end of side1 o/w plays perfectly
35261LPGary McFarland & Clark TerryTijuana: Happy jazz for funWorld recordST 896EXEX£8.001968 light sticker mark b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
35262LPGary McFarlandDoes the sun really shine on the moonFontanaSTL 5526VGVG£12.001969 Black/Silver label; light sticker mark on side1 label; 4 pin holes b/cover + some wear; some marks - plays well with just a few crackles
35259LPGary McFarlandHow to succeed in business without really tryingVerveVLP 9025GVG£8.001963 Jazz version of the musical; Mono; some damage along bottom edge of cover; a few mild marks - plays well
35139LPGary McFarlandThe In soundVerve23MJ 3161VGEX£30.001982 reissue of '66 LP; Japan; Gatefold + insert; no 'obi' strip; 2 mild sticker markson corners of b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
35267LPHoward McGhee & Benny BaileyHome runJazzcraft5VGEX£10.001979 Denmark; small sticker mark + library stamp on corners of b/cover; small spo tof wear on spine; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
38820LPHoward McGhee & Teddy EdwardsWise in timeStoryvilleSLP 4081VGEX£12.001985 issue of 4-6 Oct '79 recordings; Switzerland; small sticer tear bottom corner b/cover; light sticker mark on side1 label; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
36448LPHoward McGhee & Teddy EdwardsYoung at heartSLP 40801983VGEX£8.001983 US; light sticker mark on label; light wear on cover; plays well
36447LPHoward McGhee & Illinois JacquetHere comes FreddySonetSNTF 714EXVG£8.001976 a few marks - plays well (EX)
18762LPHoward McGhee QuintetThat bop thingAffinityAFF 94VGEX£8.001982 mono reissue of '55 'Return of Howard McGhee' LP
26533LPHoward McGheeCookin' timeHepHEP 2001EXEX£12.001978 issue of 22/9/66 NYC recordings
36449LPHoward McGheeJazz brothersJazzcraftJC 2VGEX£8.001978 Denmark; sticker stains on side1 label + 2 on corners b/cover; plays perfectly
35297LPHoward McGheeMaggie: The Savoy sessionsSavoySJL 2219VGEX/EX£10.001977 US Double/Gatefold issue of '48-52 recordings; ring wear on cover; light sticker marks on side 1 labels; a few light marks disc 2 - both play perfectly
35141LPHoward McGheeMaggie's back in townContemporaryLAC 12303VGEX£40.001962 Mono; some staining along bottom edge of cover; light library stamp + cat no. written on side 1 label; light dish warp + a few marks - plays perfectly
36627LPHoward McGheeShades of blueBlack lion2460 205EXEX£10.001973 reissue of '66 'The Sharp edge' LP; 8/12/61 recordings; cover & disc are both in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
35264LPHoward McGheeThat bop thingBethlehemBCP 6039VGEX£8.001975 US reissue of '56 LP; small sale cut top edge; wear on spine; sticker mark on side1 label; plays perfectly
35263LPHoward McGheeThat bop thingAffinityAFF 94VGEX£8.001982 reissue of '56 LP; Mono; sticker mark f/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
35265LPHoward McGheeThe Last wordRealm jazzRM 187VGEX£10.001964 issue of Nov. '48 recordings; Mono; sticker mark f/cover; small library stamp b/cover; a couple of marks - plays well
36628LPHoward McGheeThe Sharp edgeBlack lionPA 3146VGEX£10.001979 Japan; reissue of '66 LP; 8/12/61 recordings; NO 'obi' strip or insert; sticker stains top + bottom corners b/cover; plays perfectly
38134LPHoward McGheeTrumpet at TempoSpotliteSPJ 131EXEX£8.001976 Black label; 'Mono; The Dial masters' series; a few marks on side1 label; light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
40859LPLoonis McGlohonLoonis in LondonAudiophileAP 166EXEX£8.001982 US; mild sticker stain bottom corner b/cover + side1 label; plays well
40860LPMcHargue's Memphis fiveMcHargue's Memphis fiveJumpJ12-7EXEX£8.001977 US Mono issue of '47-49 recordings; light sticker stain top + bottom corners b/cover + mild fading along spine; plays well
40869LPHal McIntyre1944-1947First heardFHR 1974-13EXEX£8.001974 Mono; 'Superb performances never before available'; light sticker mark on side1 label; plays well
34887LPKen McIntyreOpen horizonSteeple chaseSCS 1049VGEX£10.001976 Denmark; some wear on cover; sticker mark b/cover; plays well with just a couple of crackles
34890LPDave McKenna & Wilbur LittleOil & vinegarHoney dewHD 6613VGEX£8.001977 US; small library stamp b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
38136LPDave Mckenna, Scott Hamilton & Jake HannaNo bass hitConcord jazzCJ 97VGEX£8.001979 US; Library stamp bottom corner b/cover; small sticker mark; a few mild marks - plays well
12388LPDave McKenna swing sixNo holds barredFamous doorHL 122EXEX£12.001979 US; in shrinkwrap; a few light marks
40864LPDave McKennaA celebration of Hoagy CarmichaelConcord jazzCJ 227VGEX£8.001983 US; 'CJ227' written top corner b/cover + small library stamp bottom corner + 2 corner creases + some ring wear; plays well
38137LPDave McKennaCookin' at Michael's pubHalycon~108VGEX£8.001973 US; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; mild sticker stain top corner b/cover; a few marks - plays well (EX)
40862LPDave McKennaGiant stridesConcord jazzCJ 99VGEX£8.001979 US; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover + sticker mark top corner b/cover; light sticker mark side1 label; plays well
40861LPDave McKennaMcKennaChiaroscuroCR 202EXEX£8.001977 US; small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; plays well with just a couple of crackles
40863LPDave McKennaNo holds barredFamous doorHL 122EXEX£8.001979 US with Scott Hamilton & Warren Vache; 'HL122' written top corner b/cover + light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover + I corner crease; plays well
38135LPDave McKennaPiano moversConcord jazzCJ 146VGEX£8.001981 US; light sticker mark top corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
38138LPRed McKenzie & Eddie CondonChicagoans 1944JazzologyJ 110VGVG£6.001981 US issue of complete 8/12/44 New York session; Mono; clear top along top edge of cover; mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; mark on side1 - plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
40865LPRay McKinley1946-1949First heardFH 1974-11EXEX£8.001974 Mono; never heard before 'live' performances; plays well
15174LPRay McKinleyBlue skiesFirst heardFH 32EXEX£8.001980 issue of '48 recordings; mono; a few crackles
38139LPRay McKinleyClass of '49HepHEP 4EXEX£8.001975 Mono; light dish warp - plays well
40866LPRay McKinleyOne night stand with Ray McKinleyJoyceLP 1033VGVG£7.001976 US Mono; Meadowbrook 18/2/49 (Seaton hall night); small library stamp bottom corner b/cover + mild sticker mark top corner b/cover; some marks - plays well
40868LPMcKinney's cotton pickersMcKinney's cotton pickersCollectorsC4098/ 12-2GVG£6.00Yellow label issue of '28-29 recordings; Mono; 'ELP50' written on side1 label; Cover scruffy with top + bottom edge splits + heavy wear on spine; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
15418LPMcKinney's cotton pickersVolume 1 - 1928RCA741 080EXEX£8.00France; Black & white series vol 81; a few marks
38140LPHal McKusickHal McKusick quintet featuring Art FarmerMCAMCA 150 175VGVG£8.001977 'Jazz stars' series - vol.32 reissue of '57 LP; France; library stamp + small sticker mark on label; laminate lift/wear along top edge b/cover; a few marks - plays perfectly
34892LPHal McKusickIn a twentieth century drawing roomRCANL 45954GVG£7.001984 reissue of '56 LP; Spain; mono; scratches on front of cover; mild sticker mark b/cover; a few marks - plays well
38141LPHal McKusickJazz workshopRCAPM 43637VGEX£8.001982 reissue of '57 LP; France; Mono; light sticker mark side1 label; some mild wear on cover; plays perfectly
38595LPJohn Mclaughlin & Mahavishnu orchestraBirds of fireCBS32280VGVG£8.001983 Orange sunburst label reissue of '73 LP; large mild sticker mark f/cover; light dish warp; a few marks - plays well (EX)
8971LPJohn Mclaughlin & Mahavishnu orchestraInner worldsCBS69216EXVG£7.001976 light rin wear; light warp - plays EX
292LPJohn Mclaughlin & Mahavishnu orchestraThe best of the Mahavishnu orchetraCBS32164MintMint£8.00Still in shrinkwrap
38666LPJohn Mclaughlin & Mahavishnu orchestraThe bset of the Mahavishnu orchestraCBS84232EXEX£8.001980 Orange sunburst label; compilation of '71-75 trcaks; plays well with just a couple of crackles
38596LPJohn Mclaughlin & Mahavishnu orchestraVisions of the emerald beyondCBSS 69108VGVG£8.001975 Orange label; + insert (2 library stamps); sticker mark/tear side1 label + top corner b/cover; a few creases on cover; some marks - plays well with just a few light crackles
291LPJohn Mclaughlin & ShaktiNatural elementsColumbiaPC 34980MintEX£8.00US import ; Still in shrinkwrap
141LPJohn MclaughlinA handful of beautyCBSAL 34372EXEX£10.00US import ; With Shakti ; Still in shrinkwrap
20387LPJohn MclaughlinDevotionCBSSDGL 65075EXEX£10.0070's reissue of '72 LP; Gatefold; light wear on cover
5028LPJohn MclaughlinElectric dreamsCBS83526VGVG£6.001979 + insert; some surface marks & light crackles
35955LPJohn MclaughlinExtrapolationPolydor2343 012GVG£10.001970 issue of '69 LP; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; clear tape on edges of cover; sticker mark front + back cover +some waer; marks on vinyl - plays well (EX)
22734LPJohn MclaughlinMahavishnuWEA251 3511VGVG£7.001984 German; light wear on cover; some light marks - plays EX
35956LPJohn MclaughlinThe Best of John McLaughlinCBS84455EXEX£7.001980 compilation of '73-79 tracks; Orange sunburst labels; 2 light sticker marks b/cover + 1 on label; a few light marks - plays well
35171LPJackie McLeanContourP 240761977VGEX/EX£12.001977 US Double/Gatefold reissue of 1956 'Lights out' + '4,5 & 6' LP's; some water damage along bottom edge of cover; small sticker tear bottom corner b/cover; some light marks on disc 2, both play perfectly
36677LPJackie McLeanJackie McLean & co.Prestige fantasOJC 074VGVG£8.001983 US mono reissue of '57 LP; 2 sticker marks b/cover; a few clicks tk1 side1 o/w plays EX
35159LPJackie McLeanLive at MontmartreSteeple chaseSCS 1001VGEX£25.001972 Denmark; sticker mark + cat no. written on b/cover, corner crease + some light wear; Vinyl is in near Mint condition, plays perfectly
36630LPJackie McLeanStrange bluesPrestigePRT 7500VGVG£8.001972 US reissue of '57 recordings; clear tape along bottom edge of cover; spine split; library stamps b/cover; some marks - plays well with just a couple of crackles
35151LPJackie McLeanTippin' the scalesBlue noteGFX 3062VGEX£35.001979 issue of 28/10/62 recordings; Japan; NO 'obi' strip or insert; 'World first appearance' series; 2 sticker stains + small library stamp b/cover; vinyl is in near Mint condition - plays perfectly
36631LPJackie McLeanTribute to Charlie Parker + New York sessionRCAPL 43560VGVG£8.001970's issue of '67 LP; 1964 Newport festival + '67 studio recordings; small sticker mark on label + b/cover; some wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
38142LPJill McManusSymbols of HopiConcord jazzCJ 242EXEX£10.001984 US; 'CJ242' written top corner + light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38143LPTed McNabbBig band swingEpicLSP 15624VGEX£8.001984 Spain; water stain + small library stamp along bottom edge of cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
34939LPJim McNeelyRain's danceSteeple chaseSCS 4001VGEX£10.001978 Denmark; sticker marks on cover + label; some marks - plays well
38146LPJohn McNeil & Tom HarrellLook to the skySteeple chaseSCS 1128EXEX£10.001979 Denmark; light sticker mark side1 label; mild fading along spine; pressing fault causing 3 clicks tk2 side2 o/w plays perfectly
38148LPJohn McNeilI've got the world on a stringSteeple chaseSCS 1183VGEX£12.001983 Denmark: light sticker mark side1 label + top + bottom corners b/cover; some mild wear on cover; plays perfectly
38147LPJohn McNeilThe Glass roomSteeple chaseSCS 1133EXG£6.001980 Denmark; couple of small spots of wear on cover; light sticker mark side1 label; mark causing clicks tk1 + start tk2 side1 o/w plays EX
26553LPJimmy McPartlandThe middle roadConcert hallCJ 1227VGVG£8.001962 mono; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
26420LPJimmy McPartlandThe music man goes dixielandFontanaZ 4060VGVG£8.001958 'Fortune' series; mono; some yellowing b/cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
38151LPMarian McPartlandInterplayMPS / BASFDC 212 963EXEX£10.001976 reissue with '68.122' catalogue sticker top corner b/cover; play perfectly
38150LPMarian McPartlandMarian McPartlandBainbridgeBT 1045VGEX£7.001981 US reissue of '63 LP 'Bossa nova + soul'; small sticker tear side1 label; library stamp bottom corner b/cover; plays perfectly
38152LPMarian & Jimmy McPartlandGoin' back a waysHalyconHAL 116VGEX£8.001974 US issue of '48-49 recordings; Mono; 2 light sticker marks b/cover o/w EX: light dish warp - plays well with just a few crackles
35184LPJoe McPhee & Andre JaumeTales and propheciesHat hut2R12EXEX/VG£35.001981 Switzerland; Double Gatefold; 2 light sricker marks b/cover; sticker mark/tear side B label; Disc 1, a few light marks, plays well with just a few crackles; Disc 2 a few marks, plays well with a few clicks onside 3
35181LPJoe McPheeMFG in MinnesotaHat hutHAT S/TEXEX/EX£30.001978 Switzerland; Double/Gatefold; with Milo Fine & Steve Gnitka; 2 light sticker marks b/cover + on side 1 labels; Both discs in near Mint condition, play perfectly
38156LPCharles McPhersonBeautifulXanaduJX 6605VGVG£12.001975 France; sellotape stains along top + bootom edge b/cover; repair on tear on opening b/cover; library stamp + sticker stain b/cover; mild dish warp o/w looks EX, plays perfectly
38154LPCharles McPhersonNew horizonsXanaduJX 6620VGVG£12.001978 France; corner crease; Dish warp + a few light marks o/w looks EX, plays perfectly
38155LPCharles McPhersonNew horizonsXanadu149VGEX£10.001978 US; water stain + small library stamp aolong bottom edge of cover: vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
26421LPCarmen McRae & Clarke - Boland big bandNovember girlBlack lionBLP 30172VGVG£8.001975 light wear on cover; plays well w/some crackles
34894LPCarmen McRae & Joe WilliamsIn concertBaystateRJL 2682VGEX£8.001984 reissue of '79 LP; Japan; + insert; 2 light sticker marks b/cover; plays well
38163LPCarmen McRaeAliveMainstreamMRD 5001VGEX/EX£12.001982 Double; light sticker mark side1 labels + top + bottom corners b/cover; both discs near Mint, play perfectly
38165LPCarmen McRaeCarmen's goldMainstreamMSL 1025EXVG£8.001973 issue of '71 LP; Gatefold; dish warp o/w looks EX, plays perfectly
38162LPCarmen McRaeComing home againBuddahB2D 6501VGEX/EX£12.001980 US; Double/Gatefold; mild wear on cover with 1 corner crease: both discs near Mint, play perfectly
38167LPCarmen McRaeEasy to loveBethlehemBTM 6817VGEX£8.001972 reissue of '76 issue of '55 recordings; France; sticker tear top + bottom corners b/cover + side1 label; plays perfectly
38168LPCarmen McRaeFine and mellow: Live at Birdland westConcord jazzCJ 342EXEX£8.001988 West Gertman; small library stamp on side2 label; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38160LPCarmen McRaeIn personMainstreamMSL 1014VGEX£8.001973 reissue of '63 LP 'Live at Sugar hill San Francisco'; Gatefold; light wear on cover; light sticker mark side1 label; plays well
38161LPCarmen McRaeIn personAmericaAM 6158VGEX£8.001981 reissue of '63 LP 'Live at Sugar hill San Francisco'; France; single sleeve; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; very light dish warp - plays well
38169LPCarmen McRaeInvitationOfficial3027EXEX£8.001989 Denmark; Mono: Cover + Disc both near Mint, plays perfectly
38158LPCarmen McRaeJust a little lovin'AtlanticSD 1568VGEX£10.001975 US Orange/Green label with 'W' credit repress of '70 LP; sale cut on top edge o/w EX; a few light marks + light dish warp - plays well
34895LPCarmen McRaeLive at Sugar hillRealmRM 194EXVG£8.001964 mono; library stamp b/cover, small sticker mark on label; a few marks - plays EX
42616LPCarmen McRaeLover manPhilipsBBL 7543VGEX£10.001962 Mono; Black/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; mild waving f/cover; light dish warp - plays well
38159LPCarmen McRaeNovember girlBlack lionBLP 30172VGEX£8.001975 with Kenny Clarke & Francy Boland big band; some wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
38164LPCarmen McRaePortrait of CarmenAtlanticSD 8165VGVG£7.001968 US Blue/Green label; small library stamp b/cover; some staining on vinyl caused by poly inner - plays well
41608LPCarmen McRaeRonnie Scott's presents Carmen McRae LivePyeNSPL 18543EXVG£7.001977; 8-9 July '77; light wear on cover; some mild marks - plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
38157LPCarmen McRaeThe Sound of silenceAtlanticSD 8200VGVG£8.001968 US; Orange/Green label; stereo; light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
41607LPCarmen McRaeTorchy !MemoirMOIR 204EXEX£8.001988 Mono reissue of '55 LP; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
38166LPCarmen McRaeYou'd be so easy to love: The finest of..BethlehemBCP 6004EXEX£10.001976 US issue of '55 recordings; 'The Bethlehem years'; very light sticker mark on side1 label; a few light marks - plays perfectly
38170LPGreig McRitchie bandFighting backCadetLP 4058VGVG£10.001967 US reissue of '56 LP 'Easy jazz on a fish beat bass'; Mono; sale hole + sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; a few marks - plays well (EX)
38171LPJack McVeaCome blow your hornAceCH 147EXVG£8.001985 compilation of '55 tracks; mono; 1 mark on side2 - plays well (EX)
38172LPJack McVeaOpen the door Richard 1944-1947Solid senderSOL 507VGEX£8.001980 German; mono; sticker mark/tear top + bottom corner b/cover; plays well
34896LPJack McVeaTwo timin' babyJukebox LilJB 612VGEX£10.001986 issue of '44-47 recordings; Sweden; mono; sticker tear f/cover; plays well
34897LPFrancois Mechali, Gerard MaraisCut upVogueLDA 20364VGEX£10.001978 France; + Bertrand Gauthier; light stain along bottom edge of cover; a few light marks - plays EX with just a couple of crackles
42351LPMegatoneOpen all hoursIntersoundISST 179EXEX£8.00German; 'Just pleasure music' pluggers sticker f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
15013LPGeorge MellyLet's do itPRTN 131VGEX£10.001980 with John Chilton's Feetwarmers; Signed; warp
12316LPGeorge MellyMakin' whoopeePRTN147EXEX£12.001983 signed 'for Joanne yours ever George Melly'
14963LPGeorge MellyPuttin' on the RitzLegacyLLP 135EXEX£12.001990 Signed f/cover; with John Chilton's Feetwarmers; light warp
14960LPGeorge MellyRunning wildPRTN 6562EXEX£12.001986 Signed b/cover; with John Chilton's Feetwarmers
12317LPGeorge MellyThe many moods of MellyPRTN 6550EXEX£12.001984 signed 'For Amy yours ever George Melly'
10679LPGeorge MellyThe world of George Melly (the 50's)DeccaSPA 288EXVG£7.001973 compilation of '54-57 tracks; couple of crackles o/w plays EX
35970LPAl Di MeolaElegant gypsyCBS81845VGVG£7.001977 Orange sunburst label; plays well with a few crackles
12318LPAl Di MeolaLand of the midnight sunCBS81220VGEX£8.001976 a few light marks
3103LPAl Di MeolaSplendido hotelColumbiaC 36271EXEX/VG£12.001980 Double/Gatefold; warp; all play EX
23599LPPat Metheny groupFirst circleECMECM 1278VGEX£15.001984 German; + insert; small water stain bottom corner f/cover
26540LPMilton "Mezz" Mezzrow & Frankie NewtonThe Big appleRCA victor741 046VGEX£8.001972 French issue of '39-49 recordings; 'Black & white' series - vol 56; mono; small tear on opening f/cover
33720LPMezzrow-Bechet quintetReally the bluesVogueLAE 12017VGVG£8.001956 Mono; tear on opening f/cover; some laminate peel; yellowing b/cover; some marks - plays well w/some crackles
32179LPMidnite follies orchestraHotter than HadesEMI OdeonODN 1001EXEX£8.001978 light wear on cover
18429LPMilestone jazzstarsIn concertMilestoneHB 6023VGEX/EX£10.001979 Italy; Double/Gatefold; Tyner/ Rollins/ Carter
2936710"Glenn MillerA Glenn Miller concert - vol 4HMVDLP 1081VGVG£7.501956 issue of '39-41 recordings; mono; some wear + laminate peel on cover; small tear on opening b/cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
8704LPGlenn MillerArmy airforce band - vol 1RCARD 27135VGVG£7.001958 mono
42846LPGlenn MillerLive 1940 - vol 1Sounds greatSG 8012SealedSealed£8.001986 US Mono issue of April 11 - June 12 recordings; Factory sealed in shrinkwrap with mild storage wear on cover; Unopened/Unplayed
6676LPLucky Millinder OrchestraLucky days '41/5MCA510 065VGEX£7.00France; with Sister Rosetta Tharpe
26434LPMills Blue rhythm band/ Jimmy LuncefordJazz star serie - no.14RCA victorLPM 10119VGVG£8.00German; 1 side each of 1931-34 recordings; bottom edge split o/w EX; plays OK with a few clicks + some crackles
22798LPCharlie MingusLiveAffinityAFF 19VGEX£8.0080's issue of Antibes Jazz festival 13/7/60 live recordings; wear on cover; a few crackles
40004LPCharlie MingusMingusPrestigePR 24010VGVG/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold reissue of 'Chazz/Mingus at Bohemia' + 'Charles Mingus quintet plus Max Roach' '56 + '64 LP's; large sticker tear top corner f/cover + some spots of wear inside Gatefold; some marks disc1 - both discs play well (EX)
27345LPCharlie MingusMingus & DukeJazz masterworkCJZLP 10EXEX£10.0080's Italian issue of '57 + 64 recordings; in shrinkwrap; a few light crackles
41448LPCharlie MingusMingus at MontereyLibertyLDS 84002EXEX/EX£18.001969 Double/Gatefold reissue of '65 LP (recorded 20/9/64); matrix no's A1/B1/C1/D; + letter from Liberty/UA promotions dept. to Ray Harvey; line of fading along spine; both discs play well
8911LPCharlie MingusMingus in Europe - Vol IIEnja3077EXVG£7.5080's German issue of 26/4/64 concert; mono; a few light marks + crackles o/w plays EX
40571LPCharlie MingusMy favourite quintetLibertyLBS 83346VGEX£15.001970 Textured sleeve VG+ with mild fading along spine + some mild wear; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40599LPCharlie MingusThe Art of Charles Mingus (the Atlantic years)AtlanticSD2 302SealedSealed£15.001973 US Double/Gatefold; Factory sealed in shrinkwrap; Unopened/Unplayed; cover is VG+ with some age related storage wear (fading along spine/top edge + a bottom corner crease)
41339LPCharlie MingusTown hall concertBlue noteBNS 40034EXEX£12.001978 reissue of '62 LP; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
18434LPBilly MitchellBlue city jamPausaPR 7158EXEX£10.001984 US
18435LPBilly MitchellFacesVistaVR 2501EXVG£6.501987 US; 3 small jumps tk1 side1 o/w plays EX
22574LPBlue MitchellBig 6RiversideOJC 615EXEX£12.001991 US reissue of '58 LP
32832LPModern Jazz quartetAt Music inn - volume 2LondonSAH-K 6050EXEX£15.001959 Stereo; Blue/Silver label; light wear on cover; some light marks
28742LPModern Jazz quartetEchoes: Together again - MJQ 1984Pablo2312 142EXVG£7.501984 - German; some marks - plays well
12320LPModern Jazz quartetEuropean concert - vol 1LondonLTZK 15222EXEX£12.001961 mono; initials on b/cover; a few marks
12321LPModern Jazz quartetFontessaLondonLTZK 15022EXVG£10.001957 mono; initials b/cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
6678LPModern Jazz quartetOne never knowsLondonLTZK 15140VGVG£7.001958 mono film score for "No sun in Venice"; some surface marks + a few crackles
3613LPModern Jazz quartetPlays music from Porgy & BessPhillipsSBL 7692EXVG£8.001965 stereo
26559LPModern Jazz quartetStockholm concertAtlantic590 012VGVG£8.001967 Orange/White label reissue of '60 LP; original price sticker f/cover; light wear on cover; plays well with a few crackles
40170LPModern Jazz quartetThe Last concertAtlantic2SD 909VGVG/VG£12.001975 Canada; Double + insert; Orange/Green labels; fading along spine; disc1 some marks - plays OK w/some crackles; disc2, some light marks - plays well (EX)
12323LPModern Jazz quartetThe legendary profileAtlanticK 40421EXVG£8.001972 some light wear on cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
12319LPModern Jazz quartetThe Modern jazz quartetLondonLTZK 15136VGVG£7.501958 mono; sellotape on edge tears + laminate has peeled; marks on vinyl - plays ok w/some crackles
36678LPModern Jazz quartetThe Modern jazz quartetPrestigePR 24005VGVG/VG£10.001972 Double/Gatefold issue of Prestige recordings; mono; some wear/fading on cover;disc1, a few mild marks - plays well (EX); disc2, a few light marks - plays well (EX)
12325LPModern Jazz quartet & Swingle singersPalace VendomePhilipsSBL 7776EXEX£10.001967 stereo; address sticker b/cover; a few crackles
42622LPMontgomery brothers & George ShearingGeorge Shearing & the Montgomery brothersJazzlandJLP 55VGVG£8.001961 US: some ring wear + mild fading along spine; some marks - plays well w/some clicks
26456LPThelonious Monk & Gerry MulliganMulligan meets MonkRiversideRSLP 247EXVG£8.0080's reissue of '57; German; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
22577LPThelonious MonkApril in Paris/ LiveMilestone68179EXEX/EX£15.001981 France; Double/Gatefold
27349LPThelonious MonkGreatest hitsCBS21069EXEX£7.501983 compilation of '63-68 recordings; Holland; 'I love jazz' series; light wear on cover
27347LPThelonious MonkMonk on tour in EuropeAffinityAFFD 192VGEX/EX£12.001988 Double/Gatefold issue of '67 live recordings; scratch across f/cover o/w EX; a few light carckles
41340LPThelonious MonkThe man I loveBlack lion2460 197EXG£6.001973 issue of 15/11/71 recordings; fully laminated sleeve; side1 plays w/some spots of distortion; side2 plays well (EX)
42354LPThelonious MonkThelonious MonkPrestigePR 24006VGEX/VG£12.001972 Double/Gatefold Mono issue of '52-54 recordings; RCA RRP sticker f/cover; thin line of fading along spine; disc1 plays perfectly; disc2 has 1 mark on side4, plays perfectly
41449LPVarious artists tribute to Thelonious MonkThat's the way I feel now (a tribute to..)A&MAMLM 66600EXEX/EX£15.001984 Double/Gatefold + inners; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; thin line of fading along spine; both discs are near Mint (EX+/EX+), play perfectly
36679LPMarcio MontarroyosMagic momentLorimar columbiFC 37829VGEX£8.001982 Canada; Columbia details blacked out on labels + cover at factory; some wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well
42547LPMontgomery brothersGroove yardRiversideRLP 362VGEX£20.001961 Mono; White label/Blue logo; some yellowing b/cover + mild wear; a few light marks - plays well with just a few crackles
42618LPWes MontgomeryCalifornia dreamingVerveVLP 9162EXVG£12.001967 Mono; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; Flipback sleeve has a black pen mark by cat no. b/cover; some light marks (VG+), plays perfectly
40618LPWes MontgomeryDown here on the groundA&M/ CTIAMLS 3006EXEX£12.001968 Tan label; a very thin line of fading along spine on f/cover + just light wear; plays well with just a few crackles
25696LPWes MontgomeryGreatest hitsA&MAMLS 976EXEX£8.001970 compilation; Tan label; light wear on cover
42000LPWes MontgomeryGroove brothersMilestoneM 47051EXEX/EX£12.001979 US; Double/Gatefold compilation of '60-61 tracks; small light dot sticker mark top corner f/cover; just a few light marks on disc2, both play well
5499LPWes MontgomeryMovin' alongRiversideRLP 342EXG£6.00Crackles + surface noise; mono
42617LPWes MontgomeryMovin' alongRiversideRLP 342VGVG£18.001960 Mono; White label/Blue logo; waving f/cover + yellowing b/cover; a few marks - plays Ok with a few clicks + some crackles
26560LPWes MontgomeryRound midnightRiverside673 009EXVG£10.001968 Stereo Orange/Black label reissue of '59 LP 'The Wes Montgomery trio'; light wear on fully laminated sleeve; plays OK w/some crackles
42620LPWes MontgomeryRound midnightRiverside673 009EXEX£12.001968 Stereo Orange/Black label reissue of '59 LP 'The Wes Montgomery trio'; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; just light wear on fully laminated sleeve; plays well
42546LPWes MontgomeryThe Incredible jazz guitar of Wes MontgomeryRiversideRLP 12-320VGEX£40.001960 Mono; White label/Blue logo; Flipback sleeve has waving on f/cover + mild yellowing b/cover; a few mild marks - plays well with just a few crackles
40171LPWes MontgomeryThe small group recordingsVerveVE-2 2513VGEX£12.001976 US Double/Gatefold issue of '65-66 studio & live recordings; mild wear on cover; both discs play well
41214LPWes MontgomeryThe Wes Montgomery trioRiversideRSLP 310EXEX£12.001984 West German; reissue of '59 LP; barcode 029667 731010; 2mm line of fading along spine f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
20388LPWes MontgomeryWes' bestAmerica30AM 6092EXVG£7.00France; some yellowing b/cover; few crackles o/w plays EX
26422LPWes MontgomeryWillow weep for meVerveVLP 9238EXEX£15.001968 mono; light wear on cover; a couple of small marks
36461LPMastersounds with Wes MontgomeryKismetPacific jazzST 20130VGVG£8.001970's US 'Jazz milestones' series reissue of '67 LP; Gatefold; some wear on cover; some marks + spot of wear on rim - plays well (EX)
42571LPMastersounds with Wes MontgomeryKismet: A jazz inerpretationVogueLAE 12179EXEX£15.001958 Mono; light wear on fully laminated Flipback sleeve; a few light marks - plays well with just a couple of crackles
22735LPJames MoodyEasy livingChessCXJD 6702VGEX/EX£12.001984 compilation of '58-61 tracks; Double; light wear on cover
27444LPJames MoodyMoody's moodChess2-ACMJ 403VGEX/EX£15.001976 US Double/Gatefold; sale cut on openings; a few light marks
12554LPBrew MooreBrew's Stckholm dewSonetSNTF 624EXEX£12.001971
18437LPDudley MooreGenuine DudeDeccaLK 4788VGG£7.001966 mono; some yellowing + stains b/cover; marks on vinyl - 2 jumps tk1 side 2 o/w plays well w/some crackles
36680LPDudley MooreThe Other side of Dudley MooreDeccaLK 4732VGEX£12.001965 mono; unboxed Decca label; mild yellowing b/cover; a few light marks - plays well
9521LPDudley MooreThe world of Dudley MooreDeccaSPA 106EXEX£25.001970
18360LPDudley MooreThe world of Dudley Moore - vol 2DeccaSPA 286EXVG£8.00Some marks - plays ok with a few crackles
12327LPDudley MooreTodayAtlanticK 40397EXVG£25.001972 a few crackles o/w plays EX
12176LPJoe MorelloIt's about timeRCA victorSF 7502EXVG£8.001962 stereo; couple marks b/cover; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26552LPDave MorganJazz merchantsMorjaz473131VGVG£8.001976 light wear on cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42352LPLee MorganThe Lee Morgan quintetJoyJPYS 184VGVG£12.001977 reissue of '65 LP; matrix no.s A3/B; line of fading along spine + mild wear ; a few light marks - plays well (EX) with just a few mild clicks on side2
20801LPDick Morrissey & Jim MullenBadnessBeggars banquetBEGA 27EXEX£8.001981
20795LPDick Morrissey & Jim MullenCape wrathHarvestSHSP 4098EXEX£10.001979 Textured sleeve; light wear on cover
27354LPDick Morrissey & Jim MullenIt's about timeBeggars banquetBEGA 44VGEX£8.001983 some wear on spine
37816LPDick Morrissey & Jim MullenLife on the wireBeggars banquetBEGA 33EXVG£8.001982 + inner; a few marks - plays well (EX)
37817LPDick Morrissey & Jim MullenThis must be the placeCodaCODA 15VGEX£8.001985 mild wear on cover; light dish warp - plays well
27353LPDick Morrissey & Jim MullenUpAtlantic EmbryoK 50835EXEX£10.0080's issue of '77 LP; German disc issued in UK sleeve; light wear on cover
41341LPDick MorrisseySouliloquyCoda832 940-1EXEX£10.001986 Netherlands; + A4 company letter to Rasio 2 producer Ray Harvey; mild crease f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
27352LPJelly Roll MortonAnd his Red hot Peppers (1926-39) - vol 2RCA730 605EXEX£8.001972 France; 'Black & white' series vol 14; original price sticker, light wear + 3 small stains on b/cover; a couple of crackles
17280LPJelly Roll MortonBlues & rags from piano rolls: Chicago 1924/5MusidiscJA 5119EXEX£8.00France
17298LPJelly Roll MortonI Grandi del jazz - vol 66Fabbri editoriGDJ 66EXEX£8.00Italy; issue of '26-39 recordings; Gatefold + 8 page booklet
27351LPJelly Roll MortonJelly Roll Morton vol 2: Last band dates 1940Commodore624 546VGEX£7.501981 German issue of 4-30 Jan '40 recordings; some wear on cover
17299LPJelly Roll MortonThe Complete Jelly Roll Morton - vol 1/2 1926/7RCAPM 42405EXEX/EX£12.001979 France; Double/Gatefold; Black & white series - vol 9
17300LPJelly Roll MortonThe Complete Jelly Roll Morton - vol 3/4 1927/9RCAPM 43170EXEX/EX£12.001980 France; Double/Gatefold; Black & white series - vol 11
20439LPJelly Roll MortonThe Jelly Roll Morton raritiesRhapsodyRHA 6021EXEX£8.001980's issue of '23-26 recordings; mono; few light marks
25776LPJelly Roll MortonThe King of New Orleans jazzRCANL 89015VGEX£7.001981 German reissue of '59 compilation; mono; small sticker mark f/cover; a few light crackles
30949LPSnub MosleyLive at Pizza expressPizzaPIZZA 5502EXVG£10.001979 light dish warp; small pressing fault causing light click on track 1 both sides o/w plays EX
16484LPAlphonse Mouzon & Larry CoryellThe 11th housePausaPR 7182VGEX£7.001985 US; name f/cover + labels; corner sale cut; a few light marks
16635LPAlphonse MouzonBack to jazzPausePR 7196VGEX£7.501986 US; name on labels + f/cover
16862LPAlphonse MouzonBy all meansPausaPR 7087EXEX£10.001981 US; light wear on cover; a few light marks
16482LPAlphonse MouzonEarly springOptimismOP 6002VGEX£7.001988 US; name f/cover + labels; corner sale cut
16483LPAlphonse MouzonLove fantasyMPCMPC 6001VGEX£7.001987 US; name f/cover; corner sale cut
20440LPGerry Mulligan & Chet BakerMulligan/ BakerPrestigePR 24016VGVG/VG£10.001972 Double/Gatefold issue of '51-65 recordings; mono; some wear on cover; light warp + some marks - both discs play EX
31330LPGerry Mulligan & Johnny HodgesGerry Mulligan meets Johnny HodgesWorld recordsT 494EXEX£15.001961 mono; light wear on cover; a few light crackles
41450LPGerry Mulligan & Lee KonitzRevelationBlue noteBND 4016EXEX/EX£15.001975 Mono; Double/Gatefold 'Blue note re-issue series' issue of '53 + '57 recordings; both discs play perfectly
36681LPGerry Mulligan / Paul DesmondGerry Mulligan quartet - Paul Desmond quintetVocalionLAE 549GVG£8.001963 mono; yellowing + creases on spine; a few marks - plays well with just a few crackles
4295110"Gerry MulliganGerry Mulligan quartetPacific jazzPLJP 1EXG£15.001952 US; light wear on cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well (VG) with a few clicks + crackles
26562LPGerry MulliganButterfly with hiccupsMercuryLML 4002EXVG£10.001965 Limelight series; mono; light wear on cover; some marks - plays EX
28743LPGerry MulliganFeelin' goodMercurySLML 4020VGVG£12.001965 stereo; a few crackles o/w plays EX
41286LPGerry MulliganGerry Mulligan '63: The Concert jazz bandVerveV 8515EXVG£10.001963US; Mono; recorded 18-21 Dec '62 Webster hall NY; just mild wear on cover; a few marks (VG+), plays well w/just a few crackles
28745LPGerry MulliganLa Menace: Original motion picture soundtrackDRGMRS 506EXVG£8.001982 US; 'Jazz master series'; light wear on cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
26534LPGerry MulliganLionel Hampton presents Gerry MulliganKingdom jazzGATE 7014EXEX£10.001983 original price sticker b/cover; light wear on cover; a few light crackles
36462LPGerry MulliganMainstreamEmarcyEJL 1259GVG£8.001957 Orange label; mono; bottom edge split, some wear + laminate peel on cover; some marks - plays well (EX)
39767LPGerry MulliganMulligan plays MulliganFantasy/ Prest.OJC 003VGEX£12.001982 US remastered reissue of '56 LP; recorded 27/8/51; some wear on spine near bottom corner; plays well
26561LPGerry MulliganSomething borrowed something blueMercuryLML 4025EXEX£15.001966 Limelight series; mono; original price sticker f/cover; light wear on cover; a few light marks
41342LPGerry MulliganThe Age of steamA&MAMLS 63036VGEX£10.001972 Tan label; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; mild yellowing + crease along spine (VG+); light dish warp + a few light marks - plays well
2800LPGerry MulliganThe arrangerCBS82273EXEX£8.001977 issue of '47 '49 '57 recordings; mono + company insert
41349LPGerry MulliganThe Fabulous Gerry Mulligan quartetVogue jazzVJD 504 1/2EXEX/VG£10.001974: 2 LP set issued in 2 single sleeves (EX/EX); Salle Pleyel 1&4 June '54 recordings; disc1, a few light marks, plays well; disc2, some marks, plays well (EX)
33862LPGerry MulliganThe Gerry Mulligan quartetVogueLAE 12050VGEX£12.001957 Mono; Fully laminated flipback sleeve
18438LPGerry MulliganThe Gerry Mulligan QuartetVogueLAE 12050VGVG£10.001957 mono; tear + some wear on openings; some marks - 1 small jump tk1 side 2 o/w plays ok w/some crackles
28744LPGerry MulliganWalk on waterDRGSLC 5194VGVG£8.001980 US; small spine split + some wear on openings of cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
35065LPMumpsA matter of tasteMPS0068 169VGVG£10.001977 West German; crease on b/cover; a few marks - plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
20389LPMark MurphyBridging a gapMuseMUSE 5009EXVG£10.001973 US; marks on vinyl - few light crackles o/w plays EX
42572LPMark MurphyRahRiversideRLP 395VGEX£15.001962 Mono; Blue label/Blue text; 3cmx2cm selltape stain along spine b/cover; a few mild marks - plays well
12328LPMark MurphyThat's how I love the bluesPrestige/ F'tsyOJC 367EXEX£12.001989 US reissue of '63 LP
22578LPPaul NashA Jazz composers ensembleRevelation32VGEX£30.001979 US; small sticker tear f/cover
42355LPNational youth jazz orchestraConcrete cowsNYJONYJ 006EXEX£8.001985 feat. John Dankworth; + insert; some light marks - plays perfectly
27355LPFats NavarroFats NavarroGiants of jazzLPJT 54EXEX£8.001986 compilation of '46-49 recordings; Italy; in shrinkwrap; a few marks
42623LPOliver NelsonMore blues and the abstraxct trurhSpartan ImpulseA-75VGVG£30.001964 Canada; Mono; Red label/Gold print; Gatefold sleeve printed in US; some spotting inside Gatefold + mild wear; some marks - just a few mild clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
29676LPPhineas NewbornI love a pianoColumbiaSCX 3370EXVG£10.001960 Stereo; a few crackles o/w plays EX
5029LPPhineas NewbornLook out Phineas is backPablo2310 801EXEX£10.001978 sale hole
41344LPPhineas NewbornNewborn pianoVogueVJD 561EXEX/EX£10.001979 Double/Gatefold 'Jazz double' series reissue of 17/18 Jun + 26/29 Oct '59 recordings; very light sticker mark f/cover; both discs play perfectly
42573LPJoe NewmanGood 'n' groovyFontana688 407 ZLVGVG£15.001961 Mono; Black/Silver label; with Frank Foster; Flipback sleeve; 'HH' written near top edge b/cover + just mild wear (VG+); a few light marks (VG+), plays well with just a few crackles
42420LPJoe NewmanJive at fivePrestige/ SwingSVLP 2011VGVG£20.001961 Mono; Green label; mild waving f/cover + some mild wear; 2 marks tk2 side2 causing some clicks o/w plays EX
28746LPJoe NewmanThe Happy catsVogue coralLVA 9052VGVG£12.001957 mono; small sale cut top edge of cover; some laminate peel; plays well with a few crackles
31331LPNewport house band/ All-starsThat Newport jazzCBSBPG 62395EXEX£15.001964 Orange label; Mono; Live at the Newport jazz festival; light wear on cover; a few light marks
27403LPAlbert NicholasLet me tell youEMI Double-upDUOS 1141VGEX/EX£12.001974 Double/Gatefold; a few light crackles
31332LPAlbert NicholasThe Albert Nicholas Quartet with Art HodesDelmarDL 207EXVG£10.001964 US Mono; 16d tax sticker on label; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well w/some crackles
26741LPJimmie NooneJazz at the Apex clubAce of heartsAH 84VGEX£10.0060's issue of '28-30 recordings; mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; a few crackles
42356LPNorthern saxophone quartetNorthern saxophone quartetFoxgloveFOX 013VGEX£8.001985 UK issue manufactured in France; + 3 Promotional insert; some yellowing + a large amount of laminate peel on edges of coverl plays perfectly
15127LPRed NorvoMister swingSwing houseSWH 16EXVG£7.001980 mono issue of '43-44 recordings; light stain b/cover; warp - plays EX
36682LPRed NorvoRed Norvo featuring Mildred BaileyCBS/Portrait465 466-1VGEX£7.001989 Holland; a few mild creases b/cover o/w EX; plays well
40718LPNucleusElastic rockVertigo6360 008VGEX£140.001970 Large Spiral label; matrix no.s 1Y//2 - 2Y//1; Die cut Gatefold sleeve has creasing + 2 small tears around right hand side of cut out; Spiral inner; a few light marks - just a couple of mild clicks on side1 o/w plays perfectly
40625LPChico O'Farrill & NY Latin All starsLatin rootsPhilipsPD 10002VGG£7.001976 Japan; Direct cutting; no obi strip; wear on edges/spine of Gatefold sleeve; a few marks, side1 plays EX, side2 tk1 has 2 jumps o/w plays well
5675LPOld Metropolitan bandPolish jazz - vol 23MuzaXL 0714VGEX£10.00Poland mono
39768LPOriginal Dixieland jazz bandThe Original Dixieland jazz bandRCA victorRD 7919VGEX£8.001968 Mono; Black/Red spot label; 'Vintage series' issue of '17-'36 recordings; 'J,Alderson' written top edge b/cover; Jersey record shop sticker b/cover; plays well
1734610"Kid OryKid Ory's Creole jazz band 1953Good time jazzLDG 093VGG£6.001954 mono; marks on vinyl - plays ok w/some crackles
27357LPKid OryAt the jazz band ball 1959: Live in concertRhapsodyRHA 6034EXEX£8.001986 light wear on cover
28701LPKid OryKid Ory & his Creole Jazz band featuring Red AllenHMVCLP 1329VGG£7.501960 mono; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few clicks + some crackles
4435LPKid OryKid Ory plays the bluesStoryvilleSLP 4064EXEX£8.001983 Canadian issue of 1953-55 recordings
10869LPKid OryTailgateGood time jazzLAG 12104EXEX£10.001958 issue of '44-5 recordings; mono; a couple of crackles
28747LPHot Lips Page & Cozy ColeHot & CozyContinentalCLP 16007VGVG£15.001962 US mono; 1 side each; some staining inside Gatefold; plays well with a few crackles
27358LPParisian swingParisian swingParisian swingPS 1EXEX£10.001983
27373LPCharlie ParkerBird on Verve - volume 8Verve817 449-1VGEX£8.001984 French issue of '53-55 recordings; light wear on cover
41345LPCharlie ParkerBird with stringsCBSMCBSEXEX£10.001977 Mono issue of '50-52 recordings, Live at the Apollo, Carnegie hall & Birdland; Orange sunburst labels; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; mild fading along spine; plays well
33517LPCharlie ParkerBirth of be-bopGiants of jazzLPJT 31SealedSealed£8.001985 Italy; Sealed in shrinkwrap; corner crease
27365LPCharlie ParkerCharlie Parker on Dial - volume 4Spotlite104EXEX£8.001974 issue of 28/10/47 New York recordings; light wear on cover; a few crackles
27366LPCharlie ParkerCharlie Parker on Dial - volume 5Spotlite105EXEX£8.001974 issue of '45-47 recordings
27374LPCharlie ParkerCharlie Parker quintet & sextet - vol 3JokerSM 3868VGVG£6.001980 Italian issue of Nov/Dec '47 recordings with Miles Davis; some wear on spine; a few crackles o/w plays EX
27478LPCharlie ParkerCharlie Parker vol 7: Get happySaga erosERO 8053EXVG£6.501969 issue of '44-50 recordings; a few crackles o/w plays EX
41346LPCharlie ParkerCharlie Parker volume IIXtraXTRA 1118EXEX£8.001971 compilation of Dec '48 - Feb '49 recordings; plays perfectly
27371LPCharlie ParkerComplete Charlie Parker - volume 5: 1948 (the)RCA/ SavoyWL 70832EXEX£8.001986 German; mono; some fading along spine
27367LPCharlie ParkerComplete Savoy sessions - volume 1: 1944-45 (the)RCA/ SavoyWL 70520EXEX£8.001984 German; mono
27368LPCharlie ParkerComplete Savoy sessions - volume 2: 1945 (the)RCA/ SavoyWL 70527EXEX£8.001984 German; light sticker mark f/cover
27369LPCharlie ParkerComplete Savoy sessions - volume 3: 1947 (the)RCA/ SavoyWL 70548EXEX£8.001985 German; mono
27370LPCharlie ParkerComplete Savoy sessions - volume 4: 1947-48 (the)RCA/ SavoyWL 70813EXEX£8.001986 German
27359LPCharlie ParkerDefinitive Charlie Parker - vol 1 (the)Verve/ Metro2356 059EXEX£8.0070's issue of '48-9 recordings; mono; a few crackles
27360LPCharlie ParkerDefinitive Charlie Parker - vol 2 (the)Verve/ MetroVerve/ MetroEXEX£8.0070's issue of March - June '50 recordings; light wear spine
27361LPCharlie ParkerDefinitive Charlie Parker - vol 3 (the)Verve/ Metro2356 083EXEX£8.00July - Oct '50 recordings
27362LPCharlie ParkerDefinitive Charlie Parker - vol 4 (the)Verve/ Metro2356 087EXEX£8.0070's issue of Jan - Aug '51 recordings
27363LPCharlie ParkerDefinitive Charlie Parker - vol 5 (the)Verve/ Metro2356 088EXEX£8.0070's issue of Aug '51 - Jan '52 recordings
27364LPCharlie ParkerDefinitive Charlie Parker - vol 6 (the)Verve/ Metro2356 091EXEX£8.0070's issue of Jan - Dec '52 recordings
27475LPCharlie ParkerImmortal sessions vol 1: The Massey hall concertSagapanPAN 6906EXEX£8.001972 issue of live Toronto 15/5/53 recordings; light wrap
27477LPCharlie ParkerImmortal sessions vol 10: Out of nowhereSagaSAGA 6929VGVG£7.001975 issue of '49-52 recordings; some wear on spine o/w EX; Dish warp + a few light marks - plays EX
27476LPCharlie ParkerImmortal sessions vol 5: Bird & DizSagaSAGA 6910EXEX£8.001973 issue of '45-51 recordings
41355LPCharlie ParkerOne night in BirdlandCBSMCBS 88250EXEX/EX£12.001977 Double/Gatefold 'Contemporary masters series' ; Live 30/6/50; Mono; Orange sunburst labels; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; mild fading along spine; both discs play perfectly
27474LPCharlie ParkerQuartet, Quintet & SextetGiants of jazzLPJT 60EXEX£8.001986 issue of '47-54 recordings; Italy; in shrinkwrap
27473LPCharlie ParkerSummit meeting at BirdlandCBS82291EXEX£8.001977 issue of 31/3/51 + 9/5/53 recordings; mono; light wear on cover; a few light crackles
27372LPCharlie ParkerThe Bird flies deepAtlantisATS 12EXEX£8.001987 issue of '45-53 live recordings; Portugal
41350LPCharlie ParkerThe Parker jam sessionVerve2683 043VGEX/EX£12.001974 Double/Gatefold issue of March, July & August '52 recordings; Mono; line of fading along spine of cover o/w EX; 1 mark on side2 disc1, both play well
14961LPCharlie ParkerThre happy birdRhapsodyRHAP 6EXVG£6.001980 issue of 12/4/51 live in Boston; warp - plays EX
7949LPCharlie ParkerWest coast timeParkerCP 505EXEX£8.001983 issue of '46-47 recordings
41352LPJoe Pass & Paulinho Da CostaTudo Bem !Pablo2310 824EXEX£10.001978 light wear on cover; plays well
41351LPJoe Pass & Niels PedersenChopsPablo2310 830EXEX£10.001979 fully laminated sleeve; mild yellowing along spine; plays well with just a couple of crackles
27375LPJoe PassEximiousPablo2310 877VGVG£8.001982 US; some wear on cover; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
42548LPJoe PassFor DjangoFontana688 146 ZLVGG£10.001964 Mono; Black/Silver label; red mark + mild waving b/cover; heavy staining on side1 caused by poly lined inner, side2 looks EX, plays well (VG) with a few crackles
41347LPJoe PassIntercontinentalMPS / BASFBAP 5053VGVG£8.001974 single sleeve issue of '70 LP with laminated f/cover; a few creases on cover; a few marks - plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
12555LPJoe PassPortraits of Duke EllingtonPablo2310 716EXVG£5.001975 marks on vinyl - plays ok w/some clicks + crackles
41960LPJoe PassThe complete "Catch me" sessionsBlue noteLBR 1035EXVG£8.001980 ''The Jazz file' series reissue of '63 LP + 2 Bonus tracks; matrix no.s A-1U/B-2U; small light dot sticker mark top corner f/cover; a few clicks tk2, side2 o/w plays EX
10681LPTony Pastor & Ike CarpenterTony Pastor meets Ike CarpenterCamayCA 3027VGVG£6.00US mono; 1 side each; sellotape on edge split; warp - some crackles
20443LPOttilie Patterson & Chris BarberMadame blues & doctor jazzBlack lionBLM 51101VGEX£7.501984 light wear on cover; some light marks
35078LPDave PeabodyKeep it cleanSaydisc match.SDM 261EXEX£12.001974 Signed by Dave Peabody & Hugh McNulty on inser; light wear on cover; light dish warp - plays well
28748LPDuke PearsonIntroducing Duke Pearson's Big bandBlue noteBST 84276VGVG£20.001968 US; Gatefold; some wear on cover; warp - plays well with a few crackles
28749LPDuke PearsonNow hear thisBlue noteBST 84308 KVGVG£15.001969 German disc issued in US sleeve; wear on cover; some marks on vinyl; plays well with a few crackles
39290LPPeddlersFreewheelersCBSSBPG 63183VGEX£10.001967 Stereo; Orange labels; matrix no.s A1/B1; mild wear on cover (VG+); a few marks - plays well
39291LPPeddlersLive at the PickwickPhilipsSBL 7768EXEX£12.001967 Stereo; Black/Silver labels; matrix no.s 1Y/1 - 2Y/1; non laminated flipback sleeve; small recod shop sticker (Herne hill) sticker b/cover; just very light wear on cover; plays well
39443LPPeddlersThe Fantastic PellersFontana specialSFL 13016EXEX£7.001968 Laminted flipback sleeve; Harlequin record shop sticker b/cover; mild wear on cover; plays well
39292LPPeddlersThree for allPhilips6308 028VGEX£10.001970 Black/Silver labels; some wear on Flip top Matchbook cover; a few light marks - plays well
22778LPPeddlersThree in a cellCBSS 63411VGVG£10.001968 Orange label; some creasing on cover; some marks - short click tk 5 side 1 + a few light crackles o/w plays EX
2763310"Pee Wee HuntSwingin' aroundCapitolLC 6671EXVG£12.001954 mono; a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
32211LPPee Wee HuntThe Blues a la DixieCapitolT 1144VGVG£8.001959 Rainbow rim label; Mono; some yellowing on opening b/cover; plays well with a few crackles
6679LPDave Pell octetCampus hop: Jazz goes dancingRCA victorLSP 1662EXG£6.001958 US stereo; sellotape on corner; plays OK w/some clicks & crackles
42421LPArt PepperGetting' togetherContemporaryLAC 12262EXVG£80.001961 Mono; fully laminated flipback sleeve; vinyl VG+ with mild dish warp o/w looks EX, plays well (EX+)
27376LPArt PepperThe TripContemporaryCOP 032EXEX£10.0080's reissue of '77 LP; a couple of crackles
2806LPBill PerkinsConfluenceInterplayIP 7721EXEX£10.001979 US; sale cut
26743LPOscar Peterson & Harry EdisonOscar Peterson & Harry EdisonPablo2310 741VGVG£8.001975 light wear on cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
18439LPOscar Peterson & Stephane GrappelliQuartet featuring Niels Pedersen & Kenny ClarkeAmerica30AM 6129EXEX£10.001973 France; Gatefold
4437LPOscar Peterson & Joe PassA salle pleyelPablo2657 015EXEX/EX£15.001975 Double/Gatefold mono
36683LPOscar Peterson & Modern jazz quartetAt the Opera houseVerve823 092-1VGVG£8.001984 reissue of '57 LP; France; stereo; some creases along spine; some marks on vinyl - plays well (EX)
32839LPOscar Peterson & Clark TerryOscar Peterson & Clark TerryPablo2310 742EXEX£10.001975 recorded 18/5/75 Cherokee studios LA; Mono; laminated sleeve;
1072LPOscar Peterson, Joe Pass, Niels PedersenThe Paris concertPablo2620 112EXEX/EX£15.001979 Double/Gatefold
36467LPOscar Peterson, Joe Pass & Ray BrownThe GiantsPablo2310 796EXVG£8.001977 US; light wear on cover; a few marks - plays well
33721LPOscar PetersonA Jazz portrait of Frank SinatraHMVCLP 1355VGVG£7.001960 Black/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
42357LPOscar PetersonAnother dayMPS/ BASFBAP 5061EXEX£8.001975 reissue of '71 LP; laminated f/cover; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mnit (EX+), plays perfectly
31908LPOscar PetersonCanadian suitePhilipsSON 042EXVG£8.001976 'Sonic series' reissue of '65 LP; Plain White label test pressing; One piece rough cut sample front & back cover; mark on side 1 - a few clicks o/w plays well
27479LPOscar PetersonCariocaHappy birdB 90110VGEX£7.501980's German; a few light crackles
36468LPOscar PetersonFiorelloVerve817 108-1EXVG£7.001984 Stereo reissue of '60 LP; France; some marks; light dish warp - plays well (EX)
36466LPOscar PetersonGirl talk: Exclusively for my friends - vol 2Polydor583719VGVG£8.001968 stereo; Gatefold; light wear on cover; some staining on vinyl - plays OK w/some crackles
32180LPOscar PetersonKeyboardColumbia33CX 10062GVG£8.001957 'Clef' series; sellotape on tear on opening; tear on flipback b/cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
41451LPOscar PetersonMellow moodMPS/ BASFBAP 5002EXEX£8.001972 reissue of '69 LP; just light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
9821LPOscar PetersonMellow mood: Exclusively for my friends - vol 5Polydor2384 007EXVG£7.001972 issue of '69 LP a few light crackles o/w plays EX
36684LPOscar PetersonMontreux '77Pablo live2308 213EXVG£8.001977 with Ray Brown & Niels Pedersen; plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
41358LPOscar PetersonMontreux '77: Oscar Peterson jamPablo live2308 208VGEX£8.001977 with Dizzy Gillespie, Clark Terry, Eddie Davis, Niels Pedersen & Bobby Durham; yellowing along spine o/w EX; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
9822LPOscar PetersonMore swinging standardsVerveVLP 9171EXVG£7.001965 mono; some marks + crackles
36465LPOscar PetersonMy favorite instrument: Exclusively.. friends vol4Polydor583721EXEX£10.001968 stereo; Gatefold; plays well with just a few crackles
8706LPOscar PetersonNigerian marketplacePabloD230 8231EXVG£8.001982 US; Red vinyl; a few crackles o/w plays EX
36464LPOscar PetersonNight trainVerve2317 007EXG£5.001970's issue of '63 LP; small mark tk1 side1 causing long click o/w plays EX
36513LPOscar PetersonNight trainVerve2317 007VGVG£7.001971 reissue of ;63 LP; a few marks - plays OK with a few clicks + crackles
42859LPOscar PetersonOscar Peterson plays Cole PorterColumbia33CX 10016VGVG£10.001956 Mono; 'Clef' series; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve has repair on small tear on front opening; plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
32840LPOscar PetersonPeterson 6Pablo2310 747EXEX£10.001975 Live at Montreux jazz festival 16/7/75; laminated sleeve; crease on b/cover
40035LPOscar PetersonReturn engagementVerveV3HB 8842VGEX/VG£8.001974 US Double/Gatefold 'Verve return engagement' series compilation; disc1 a few light marks - a few light clicks tk1 side1' disc 2 a few marks (VG+) - plays well with just a couple of crackles
36469LPOscar PetersonSilent partner (the)Pablo today2312 103EXVG£8.001979 Soundrack; light wear on cover; some light marks - plays well (EX)
5517LPOscar PetersonThe history of an artistPablo2625 702EXEX/EX£14.001974 recorded Dec72-May 74 Double/Gatefold
40169LPOscar PetersonThe Oscar Peterson collectionVerve2-V6S 8810EXEX/EX£12.00Late '70's Double/Gatefold pressing of '72 compilation; light wear on cover; both discs play well
41357LPOscar PetersonThe Paris concertPablo live2620 112EXEX/EX£12.001979 Double/Gatefold; Salle Playel 1978 with Joe Pass & Niels Pedersen; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; strip of fadng on spine/top edge of cover; both discs play well with just a couple of crackles on disc2
41356LPOscar PetersonThe TrioPablo2310 701EXEX£8.001974 German; recorded at the London house, Chicago '73; small corner crease on openings of fully laminated sleeve; vinyl near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
41354LPOscar PetersonThe Vocal styling of Oscar PetersonVerve2352 169EXEX£8.001976 reissue of '61 LP 'Romance - The vocal styling of Oscar Peterson' plays well with just 3 clicks th1 side2
9820LPOscar PetersonThe way I really play - Ex for my friends - vol 3Polydor583 715EXVG£7.001968 Gatefold; some clicks + crackles tk1 side 1
9818LPOscar PetersonTracksBASFBAP 5040EXVG£7.001970 some marks + crackles
40036LPOscar PetersonTrio in transitionMercuryEMS 2-405EXEX/EX£10.001976 US Double/Gatefold; 'EmArcy jazz' series issue of Live Tivoli garrdens, Denmark 29/5/65 + Chicago studio 4/5/66 recordings; mild wear on cover; both discs play well
41353LPOscar PetersonWalking the lineMPS/ BASFBAP 5069EXEX£8.001974 single sleeve issue of '71 LP; crease top corner of cover; plays well
36463LPOscar PetersonWith respect to NatMercury20079 MCLVGVG£8.001965 1st pressing; mono; sticker tear b/cover o/w EX; a few marks - plays well with a few clicks
12329LPMichel PetruccianiMusicBlue noteBI 92563EXEX£8.001989 US; in shrinkwrap; corner crease
3219910"Sid PhillipsHors d'oeuvresHMVDLP 1102EXVG£7.001955 Mono; a few marks - plays well with a few light clicks tk3 side1
6561LPPieces of a dreamWe are oneElektraK 52404EXEX£8.001982 German
26467LPNat Pierce & Buck ClaytonJam session at the SavoyRCAFXL1 7230VGEX£8.00France; issue of '57 recordings; 'Black & white' series vol.162; light wear on cover
28750LPNat Pierce / Mel PowellEasy swingVanguardVRS 8519VGVG£20.001955 US mono; 1 side each; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
42574LPDave PikeIt's time for Dave PikeRiversideRLP 360VGVG£15.001961 US; Blue label/Silver printl 'Approved' stamp top corner b/cover + a few marks; a few marks - plays well (EX) with just a few crackles
5533LPCourtney PineJourney to the urge withinIslandILPS 9846MintEX£8.001986
27377LPCourtney PineThe visions taleAntillesAN 8746EXVG£8.001989 a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
16863LPNoel PointerFeel itUnited artistsUAG 30278EXVG£7.501979 a few light crackles o/w plays EX
16908LPNoel PointerHold onUnited artistsUAG 30148EXEX£8.001978 mark + a few light crackles side 1
3073LPJean Luc PontyEnigmatic oceanAtlanticK 50409EXEX£10.001977
42358LPBaden PowellCanto on guitarMPS68.157VGEX£15.001977 West German fully lamniated single sleeve reissue of '71 LP; Black label/Silver print; spot of wear on bottom corner by opening + mild wear on cover (VG+); just a few light marks - plays well
1734910"Bud PowellBud Powell trioVogueLDE 010VGF£5.001952 mono; light sticker mark f/cover; marks on vinyl - couple of jumps o/w plays with some clicks + crackles
41360LPBud PowellA portrait of TheloniousCBSSCBS 54031VGEX£8.001980 'Jazz odyssey' series reissue of '65 LP of 15/9/61 Paris recordings with new artwork; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; mild yellowing along top part of cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40037LPBud PowellBud PowellQuintessenceQJ 25381VGEX£7.001979 Canada; 'Quintessence jazz' series, 4 track compilation; fading along spine + some wear on cover; plays well
6680LPBud PowellFrom "Birdland" New York city - 1956MusidiscJA 5167EXVG£6.00'80's France; light sticker mark
40768LPBud PowellThe Amazing Bud Powell - volume 1Blue noteBNS 40005EXEX£18.001977 Mono reissue of '55 LP; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
27378LPBud PowellThe genius of Bud PowellGiants of jazzLPJT 44EXVG£7.501986 Italian issue of '46-53 recordings; in shrinkwrap; a few crackles o/w plays EX
3341LPBud PowellUps 'n downsMainstreamMSL 1007VGVG£8.001972 gatefold mono; some surface noise
26535LPMel PowellThigamagigVanguardVRS 8502EXEX£10.001973 issue of 24/8/54 NYC recordings; mono; light wear on cover; a few crackles
20444LPPreservation hall jazz bandNew Orleans - vol 1ColumbiaXM 34549EXEX£10.001977 US; stereo/quad disc; few light marks - couple of crackles
20445LPSweet Emma & Preservation hall jazz bandSweet Emma & her Preservation hall jazz bandPreservation h.VPS 2EXEX£10.0080's US issue of 18/10/64 live recording; in shrinkwrap; couple of crackles
42576LPPrestige blues swingersOutskirts of timeEsquire32-110EXEX£20.001960 Mono; UK 1st issue of '58 LP; Flipback sleeve; just a few light marks - plays well
42575LPPrestige blues swingersStaschRiversideSVLP 2013VGEX£15.001962 Mono; Blue label/Silver print; feat. Coleman Hawkins; Flipback sleeve; waving on f/cover; a few light marks - plays well
33863LPAndre Previn, Shelly Manne & Red MitchellModern jazz performances of songs form GigiContemporaryLAC 12144VGVG£10.001958 Mono; a few mild marks - plays EX with a few light crackles
28633LPAndre Previn, Shelly Manne & Red MitchellWest side storyContemporaryLAC 12244EXVG£10.001960 mono; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
42860LPRed PrysockThe BeatMercuryMPL 6535VGEX£20.001958 Mono; Blue label/Silver print; some wear/laminate lift along openings; a few marks - plays well
16864LPFlora PurimCarry onWarner brosBSK 3344EXVG£8.001979 US; edge split on inner; in shrinkwrap; some wear on opening; a few light marks - couple of crackles o/w plays EX
38173LPAlton Purnell & Barry Martyn's bandAlton Purnell with Barry Martyn's band77 records77 SEU 12/44EXVG£7.001972 small spot of laminate peel b/cover; Dish warp o/w looks + plays EX
12330LPQuartette tres bienFour of a kindDeccaDL 74958EXEX£25.00US; stereo; Promo; some light ring wear
40686LPQuintet of the Hot club of FranceSwing '35-'39Decca eclipseECM 2051EXEX£8.001970 Mono; feat. Stephane Grappelly & Django Reinhardt; light wear on cover; a few light marks - plays well
18783LPKen RammDragonRag babyRAG 1011VGEX£8.001981 some wear on cover
26423LPFreddy Randall - Dave Shepherd Jazz all starsLive at the Montreux jazz festivalBlack lion2460 214EXVG£8.001973 corner crease; a few clicks tk1 side1 o/w plays EX
42422LPErnest RanglinReflectionsIslandILP 915VGEX£450.001964 Mono; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; '26811' number stamp on inside edge of opening; light ring wear f/cover + a few creases; light small 'x' written by tk6 side2 b/cover; a few marks marks - plays well
26471LPDon RedmanDon RedmanCBS realm jazzRM 52539VGVG£8.0060's issue of '32-37 recordings; small pen marks by titles b/cover + small amount of yellowing b/cover o/w EX; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
28634LPDjango Reinhardt & Stephane GrappelliDjango & Stephane originalsHMVCLP 1491VGVG£8.001963 issue of Jan-Feb '49 recordings; mono; mild yellowoing b/cover; some marks - plays well withn a few crackles
12610LPDjango Reinhardt & Stephane GrappelliParisian swingAce of clubsACL 1189EXVG£7.501965 mono; a few crackles o/w plays EX
5676LPDjango Reinhardt & Stephane GrappelliStruttin' outDeccaDPA 3098EXEX/EX£12.001984 Double/Gatefold mono
15417LPDjango ReinhardtDjangoCBS realmM 52213EXVG£7.00mono issue of 34-5 recordings; some marks + crackles
15455LPDjango ReinhardtDjangoHMVCLP 1249VGVG£8.001959 mono; small tear along flipback flap b/cover; plays well w/some crackles
5556LPDjango ReinhardtDjango ReinhardtPRTJR 119MintEX£7.001981 recorded 1945-51
33722LPDjango ReinhardtDjango ReinhardtDJMDJM 22049EXEX£8.001976 compilation of '45-53 recordings; Mono; Textured sleeve; a few light marks
41277LPDjango ReinhardtDjango Reinhardt - volume IIXtraXTRA 117EXEX£8.001971 issue of Jul - Nov '47 recordings; laminated f/cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
12394LPDjango ReinhardtDjangologyMFPMFP 1054EXVG£6.001965 reissue; some crackles
36471LPDjango ReinhardtEt le Quintette du Hot-club de FranceBarclay920.366VGVG£7.001972 issue of '47 + '53 recordings; mono; laminated f/cover; some creasing along spine; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
36472LPDjango ReinhardtEt le Quintette du Hot-club de France - vol 2Barclay920.417EXEX£8.001973 Issue of '47 recordings; mono; light wear on cover; plays well
41361LPDjango ReinhardtGypsy of jazzEmberCJS 831EXEX£8.001971 issue of '47-'48 recordings; 2 small pin holes near opening on front cover of fully laminated sleeve; plays well
5520LPDjango ReinhardtThe Golden age of..EMI golden ageGX 2506MintEX£7.0080's issue of 1965 recordings; mono
18440LPDjango ReinhardtThe incomparable Django ReinhardtRealmRM 184EXVG£7.501964 issue of '47 recordings; mono; a few crackles o/w plays EX
34898LPResoundResoundingsMatchlessMR 8VGEX£12.001986 light sticker mark onl abel + b/cover; plays perfectly
20391LPReturn to foreverLiveCBS82808VGEX£7.501978 some light marks - few light crackles
17569LPReturn to foreverNo mysteryPolydor2310 378VGVG£7.001975 some wear on cover; a few marks - plays ok with a few clicks + crackles on side 2
5677LPAlvino Rey& his Orchestra 1946LondonHMA 5057MintMint£8.001978 mono; Radio years - vol 27
41363LPBuddy RichA different drummerRCA victorLSP 4593VGEX£8.001971 US Orange Dynaflex label; in shrinkwrap with import sticker; fading along spine/top edge o/w EX; plays perfectly
15014LPBuddy RichA different drummerRCA victorSF 8229VGVG£7.501971 some marks - plays ok w/some crackles
2776LPBuddy RichAt Ronnie ScottsRCA intINTS 5012EXEX£9.001980 issue of 1972 recordings
299LPBuddy RichBig bandSunsetSLD 505/6EXEX/EX£12.00Double
32841LPBuddy RichBig swing faceFontanaSTL 5435EXEX£12.001967 Stereo; Black/Silver label; laminated f/cover; light dish warp; a few light marks
28654LPBuddy RichKeep the customer satisfiedLibertyLBS 83334VGEX£8.001970 a few light marks
26424LPBuddy RichStick itRCA victorLSP 4802VGEX£8.001972 some ring wear
41362LPBuddy RichStick itRCA victorLSP 4802EXEX£8.001972 US Orange label Dynaflex pressing; light wear on cover; plays perfectly
17752LPBuddy RichSuperstarRCA intINTS 1475EXEX£8.001971 light warp
40619LPBuddy RichTake it awayLibertyLBS 83090EXEX£8.001968 Stereo; Blue label; 3mm line of fadeing along spine on f/cover; vinyl EX+, plays well
15015LPJim Richardson's PogoDon't get emotionalSpotliteSPJ 537EXVG£8.001988 signed on plain inner; a few marks - click start side 1 o/w plays EX
27380LPJoshua RifkinPiano rags by Scott JoplinNonesuchH 71248EXEX£8.001970
38080LPLee RitenourRIT/2Elektra60186VGEX£8.001982 US; mild wear on cover (VG+); plays well
27381LPMax Roach & Clifford BrownDaahoudMainstreamMSL 1003VGEX£12.001972 issue of '50's recordings; mono; Gatefold; light wear on cover
36685LPMax RoachDeeds not wordsRiverside673 004VGG£6.001968 Stereo reissue of '58 LP; marks on vinyl - plays with some clicks + crackles
17301LPJoe RobechauxJoe Robechaux & his New Orleans rhythm boys 1933Classic jazz m.CJM 37EXEX£8.00Sweden
28751LPSpike RobinsonIt's a wonderful worldCapri72185EXEX£10.001986 US; with Roy Williams; light wear on cover
28727LPSpike RobinsonSpring can really hang you up the mostCapri71785EXEX£10.001986 US; in shrinkwrap; a few light marks
42549LPBetty RocheSingin' & swingin'Esquire32-167VGEX£60.001961 mono; Flipback sleeve; '93 written near top edge b/cover, old repairs to bottom flipback on both corners + some ringwear; plays well with just a couple of mild clicks tk3, side1
12556LPRed RodneyWith the bebop preservation societySpotliteSPJ LP7EXEX£10.001975
28752LPShorty Rogers & Bud ShankBack againConceptVL 1EXEX£10.001984 with Vic Lewis & his Big band; a few light marks
28753LPShorty RogersAnd his Blues giants vol 3: Blues expressRCANL 89502EXEX£10.001985 French issue of '53 + 56 recordings
6692LPShorty RogersCourts the countRCAPM 42359EXEX£8.001980's French reissue of '54 LP; Gatefold
6681LPShorty RogersCourts the countRCA victorLJM 1004VGVG£7.001954 Canada; mono; Gatefold; sellotape on edge splits; some crackles
28765LPShorty RogersGigi in jazzRCA victorLPM 1696GVG£12.001958 Canada; mono; top edge split + staining b/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a fewe crackles
12605LPShorty RogersThe fourth dimension in soundWarner brosWS 8102EXEX£15.001962 stereo workshop series + insert; some wear on opening
42861LPShorty RogersThe Swinging Mr. RogersLondonLTZ-K 15023GEX£8.001957 Mono; fully laminated Flipback sleeve has a repair on tear on opening with a 4cm x 3.5 cm piece missing o/w looks VG+; a few mild marks - plays well with a few crackles
41292LPSonny RollinsDancing in the darkMilestoneMX 9155EXEX£10.001988 West German; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
17570LPSonny RollinsDon't askMilestoneM 9090VGVG£6.001979 some wear on cover; light warp + some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
27480LPSonny RollinsNext albumMilestoneMSP 9042VGEX£10.001972 US; wear on spine + some ring wear; a few light marks
41216LPSonny RollinsSonny RollinsPrestigePR 24004VGEX/EX£10.001972 Double/Gatefold compilation of '51-'56 recordings; Mono; Company RRP sticker f/cover; fading along spine; both discs play well
27382LPSonny RollinsSonny Rollins on ImpulseJasmineJAS 2VGEX£8.0080's reissue of '65 LP; wear on spine
27481LPSonny RollinsThe Cutting edgeMilestoneM 9059VGEX£10.001974 US; wear on spine
27384LPSonny RollinsThe sound of SonnyRiversideRLP 241EXEX£10.0080's German reissue of '57 LP; mono; light wear on cover
18441LPSonny RollinsThe way I feelMilestoneM 9074EXEX£12.001977 Gatefold; a few light marks
26425LPFrank RosolinoThe Frank Rosolino connectionAffinityAFF 111EXEX£10.001984 issue of May '56 LA recordings; a few light marks
39241LPAnnie RossLoguerhythmsTransatlanticTRA 107VGVG£30.001963 Mono; White/Purple Globe label; with Tony Kinsey quintet; small 'R.8' written top corner b/cover + some yellowing on opening b/cover o/w EX; some marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
40772LPKing Pleasure / Annie RossKing Pleasure sings/ Annie Ross singsFantasy/ PrestiP 7128EXEX£8.001987 West German; Mono reissue of '58 LP; barcode 029667 512817; mild crease along top edge of cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42550LPCharlie RouseYeah !FontanaSTFL 575VGEX£60.001961 Stereo; Black/Silver labels; laminate lift on the opening edge f/cover + a few spots of yellowing b/cover; plays well with 1 single click between tks 1+2 on side
42646LPErnie RoyalAccent on trumpetInt. Jazz ClubUJZ/3/LPVGVG£12.001950's 7-track reissue of '56 LP (originally 8 tracks); some yellow spotting b/cover; dish war o/w looks + plays EX
42864LPPete RugoloBehind Brigitte BardotWarner bros.WS 8001VGEX£30.001960 Stereo; 'Cool sounds from her hot scenes'; Gold labels; some laminate lift + mild wear along edges (VG+); plays well with just a few light crackles
42863LPPete RugoloRugolo plays KentonMercuryBMS 17000VGEX£8.001959 Stereo; Flipback sleeve; yellowing b/cover + wear along top edge; just a few mild marks - plays well with just a couple of clicks + crackles
42657LPHoward Rumsey's Lighthouse all-starsLighthouse at LagunaContemporaryLAC 12125VGG£7.001958 Mono; Fully laminated Flipback sleeve has some laminate peel along openings + some yellowing; 'F-61' stamped on side2 label; some marks - some clicks tk1, side1 o/w plays well (EX)
27483LPPee Wee Russell & Henry Red AllenThe College concertJasmineJAS 78VGEX£8.001980's reissue of '67 LP; wear on spine
28754LPGeorge RussellSo whatBlue noteBT 85132EXG£6.001986 France; Audiophile pressing; light wear on cover; mark tk1 side 2 causing some jumps o/w plays well
31333LPLuis RussellLuis Russell 1929-1930OdeonXOC 145VGG£8.00France; Mono; Signatures under sellotape b/cover; wear on cover/ spine; marks on vinyl - plays well w/some crackles
31334LPLuis RussellLuis Russell and his orchestraCollectors choiCC 34VGVG£8.00Issue of 30-34 recordings; small pen marks by titles b/cover; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
27484LPPee Wee RussellI Grandi del jazz - vol 7Fabbri EditoriGDJ 7VGEX£7.501980's Italian issue of '58 + '62 recordings; + 8 page booklet; light wrap
14758LPPee Wee RussellJazz reunionCandidCJM 8020VGG£7.00US mono; small edge split; marks on vinyl - plays well w/some crackles; with Coleman Hawkins, Jo Jones & Bob Brookmeyer
31335LPPee Wee RussellNew grooveCBSBPG 62242VGVG£10.001963 Orange label; Mono; a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
12334LPLloyd RyanCircular stormPlaybackLRLP 002EXVG£7.001989 signed; small crack on rim - plays EX
38174LPSackville all starsSaturday night functionSackville3028VGEX£8.001981 Canada; Jay McShann, Buddy Tate, Jim Galloway, Don Thompson, Terry Clarke; 2 light sticker marks side1 label; light wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
30151LPConosuke SaijoManhattan showcaseFull housePAP 9219EXEX£25.001980 Japan + obi strip + insert; a few light marks b/cover
18377LPSal Salvador QuartetBoo boo be doopAffinityAFF 68EXEX£8.001981 issue of '54 recordings
34900LPJoe Sample, Ray Brown, Shelly ManneThe ThreeInner cityIC 6007VGEX£8.001978 US reissue of '76 LP; large corner sale cut; plays well
15016LPJoe SampleRainbow seekerABCABCL 5245EXVG£7.001978 a few crackles o/w plays EX
17572LPDavid SanbornHideawayWarner brosBSK 3546VGVG£6.001981 US; in shrinkwrap; some wear on openings; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
17571LPDavid SanbornSanbornWarner brosBS 2957VGVG£6.501976 US; Burbank label; some wear on cover; marks on vinyl - a few crackles o/w plays EX
5040LPDavid SanbornSanborn, DavidWarner bros923 9061EXEX£8.001983
41218LPDavid SanbornStraight to the heartWarner bros.925 150-1EXEX£8.001984 German; barcode 07599 251501; plays well
4966LPDavid SanbornVoyeurWarner brosK 56900MintMint£8.001981
36474LPPoncho SanchezEl CongueroConcord jazzCJP 286VGVG£8.001985 West German; light wear on cover; mild mark on side2 - plays well (EX)
12335LPDavid SanciousThe bridgeAristaSPART 1162VGVG£6.001981 a few crackles
12336LPDavid SanciousTrue storiesAristaSPART 1082VGVG£6.001978 + inner; some wear on cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
28755LPArturo SandovalNo problemJazz houseJHR 001EXVG£10.001987; Live at Ronnie Scott's club Aug '86; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
42359LPArturo SandovalPlays for the PandasCocoral6819 042EXEX£8.001988 Holland; 'Weena hall 1987' on label with 6819.041 cat no.; 6819.042 on cover; plays perfectly
40620LPMongo SantamariaExplosionRiverside673 002EXEX£18.001968 Stereo issue of '66 LP; very thin line of fading along spine on f/cover; just light wear; plays well with just a couple of crackles
41511LPMongo SantamariaMongomaniaCBSBPG 62956VGEX£15.001967 Mono; Orange labels with '33' text; matrix no.s A1/B1; yellowing along spine; vinyl near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
40572LPMongo SantamariaMongo's wayAtlanticSD 1581VGEX£22.001971 US Presswell pressing; cover VG+ with a top corner crease o/w EX; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
42847LPJan SavittOne night stand with Jan Savitt & his top HattersJoyceLP 1043SealedSealed£8.001977 US Mono issue of Sept 37 + Oct 38 recordings at KYW; Factory sealed in shrinkwrap w/some storage wear + small corner crease on cover; Unopened/Unplayed
27485LPTom Scott & LA ExpressTom catOdeODE 77029VGEX£10.001975 some wear on spine/cover; a few light crackles
26857LPShirley Scott & Stanley TurrentineBlue flamesPrestigePR 7338EXEX£10.0080's German reissue of '64 LP; light wear on cover
29648LPRonnie ScottLive at Ronnie Scott'sCBS realm jazzS 52661EXEX£25.001969 light wear on cover; small laminate bubble f/cover; a few light marks
42624LPRonnie ScottScott at Ronnie'sRCA victorLPL1 5056EXEX£12.001974 Orange labels: live 3+4/8/73; light wear on cover; plays well
42625LPShirley ScottRoll 'm: Shirley Scott plays the big bandsImpulseMIPL 505EXEX£15.001968 Mono; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text pressing of '68 LP; Flipback sleeve; 'S' stamped near top corner b/cover; plays well
42360LPTom ScottBlow it outEpic/ OdeSEPC 82285EXEX£8.001977 Orange label; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; plays perfectly
6566LPPeter SeilerSensitive touchThunder boltTHBL 2052EXEX£8.001988
38084LPSemutaSemutaLee LambertLAM 101GVG£8.001979 some wear on cover/ spine/ edges (G+); some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
28756LPBud ShankBud Shank playsMole jazzMOLE 12VGVG£8.001987 with Manny Albam, Vic Lewis & Royal Phil. Orch; a few light marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
31336LPCharlie ShaversThe Last sessionBlack & Blue33032EXEX£10.00French 70's issue of 7/8 Feb '70 recordings; light wear on cover; a few light marks
6646LPCharlie Shavers quartetMemorialMusidisc30CV 1185EXEX£8.001971 France; light mark on side 2
42621LPArtie ShawDid someone say a party ?CoralCP 104EXEX£8.001973 Mono; Blue label reissue of '56 LP; laminated f/cover; plays well
12337LPArtie ShawFree for allCBS52636EXVG£6.50Issue of '37 recordings; mono; 1 jump tk2 side 2 o/w plays EX
5886LPArtie ShawThe complete Artie Shaw - vol 3 - 1939/40RCAAXM2 5556MintEX/EX£12.001978 US Double/Gatefold; mono
28757LPJack SheldonStand by for the Jack Sheldon quartetConcord jazzCJ 229VGVG£8.001983 US; in shrinkwrap; yellow spotting on opening b/cover; a few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
5506LPJack SheldonThe warm sound of..DotDLP 25908EXEX£10.00US; small sale hole
27488LPArchie SheppTribute to Sydney BechetImproIMPRO 06VGEX£8.001982 France; wear on spine
27489LPAndy SheppardAAntillesAN 8720EXEX£10.001987 light wear on cover
18442LPWayne ShorterAtlantisCBS26669EXEX£8.001985
33255LPSilkFuse oneCTICTI 9006VGEX£8.001981 Gatefold; top edge split
27492LPHorace SilverBlowin' the blues awayBlue noteBST 84017EXVG£10.001985 French reissue of '59 LP; couple of small marks - short mild click at start of side 2 o/w plays EX
27491LPHorace SilverDoin' the thing: At the village gateBlue noteB1 84076EXEX£15.001989 US reissue of '61 LP
27490LPHorace SilverHorace Silver & the Jazz messengersBlue noteBST 81518VGEX£12.001985 French reissue of '54 LP; light wear on cover
18443LPHorace SilverSilver 'n voicesBlue noteBNLA 708GEXVG£8.001977 US; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
29483LPNina SimoneNina Simone sings EllingtonColpixCP 425GVG£8.001962 US; Mono; tear on opening f/cover; some marks - light warp - plays well with a few crackles
40038LPZoot Sims & Buddy RichAir mail specialQuintessenceQJ 25041EXEX£8.001978 Canada; 'Quintessence jazz' series compilation; spot of wear bottom corner + some light wear on cover; plays well
27497LPZoot SimsCarmen McRae, Zoot Sims, Paul West & Jimmy MadisonEuropa jazzEJ 1038EXEX£8.001981 Itallian issue of '74 recordings; light wear on Gatefold cover; a few light crackles
39769LPZoot SimsCookin'FontanaFJL 123EXEX£80.001965 Mono; small 'S.6.' written top corner b/cover + some light waving b/cover; a few marks - plays well
36687LPZoot SimsIf I'm luckyPablo2310 803EXEX£8.001978 with Jimmy Rowles; plays well
6682LPZoot SimsIf I'm luckyPabloPN 4003EXVG£7.001978 Spain; with Jimmy Rowles
36686LPZoot SimsSoprano saxPablo2310 770EXVG£8.001976 light wear on cover; some light marks - plays well (EX)
27495LPZoot SimsSoprano saxPablo2310 770EXEX£10.001976 light wear on cover
39770LPZoot SimsTrottingPrestigePR 16009VGVG£15.001963 US Mono reissue of '56 LP 'Quartets' of '50-51 recordings; wear/split along top edge of cover; sellotape stain along bottom edge; some marks - plays Ok with a few clicks + some crackles
41364LPZoot SimsWarm tenorPablo2310 831EXVG£8.001979 with Jimmy Rowles, George Mraz & Mousey Alexander; fully laminated sleeve; plays well with just a few clicks on side1
5422LPZoot SimsZoot at Ronnie ScottsFontanaTFL 5176VGVG£160.001961 mono; sellotape on top spine split
28766LPZoot SimsZoot Sims & the Gershwin brothersPablo2310 744EXVG£8.001975 small corner crease on cover; some light marks - plays well w/some crackles
27496LPZoot SimsZoot Sims, Bucky Pizzarelli, M Hinton & Buddy RichEuropa jazzEJ 1043EXEX£8.001981 Italian issue of '74 recordings; light wear on Gatefold cover
41219LPAlan Skidmore quintetOnce upon a timeDeram novaSDN 11EXEX£200.001970 Blue label; very thin line of fading along spine on f/cover; just a few light crackles at the very start of both sides o/w plays perfectly
28758LPJimmy SkidmoreSkid marksDJM silverlineDJSL 026VGEX£40.001972 light wear on cover
782LPCarol SloaneOut of the blueCBSBPG 62074VGVG£7.001962 mono; Orange label
15017LPLonnie Smith & George BensonI giganti del jazz 32Armando curcioGJ 32VGVG£6.50Italy; Gatefold; warp - plays EX
10684LPArthur Smith & CrackerjacksGuitar boogieMGM662 003EXEX£8.0080's French issue of '69 LP; some light marks
42627LPJohnny SmithJohnny Smith's KaleidescopeVerveSVLP 9205EXEX£15.001968 Stereo; Black/Silver label with 'Sold in UK' text; Flipback sleeve; a few mild yellow spots b/cover; plays well
363LPWillie SmithThe Lion: Original piano soloMusidisc30CV 1152EXVG£8.00France; light warp - a few crackles o/w plays EX
41365LPKeith Smith's Chosen fiveUp jumped bluesHefty jazzHJ 105EXEX£8.001979 with special guest star Benny Waters; + insert; light wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays well
3418LPMartial SolalAt Newport '63RCA victorSF 7614EXEX£12.001963 stereo
16865LPSound barrierThe Suburbia suiteCompact org.PACT 10VGEX£10.001985 top edge split on cover
17270LPMugsy SpanierMemories of MugsyEmberCJS 845EXEX£7.501974 issue of '57 recordings; light warp
26476LPMugsy SpanierMugsy SpanierAce of heartsAH 154EXEX£10.001967 compilation of '42-54 recordings; mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; light wear on cover
12338LPMugsy SpanierThe great 16RCA victorRD 27132EXEX£12.001969 reissue of '56 compilation of '39 tracks; mono
6507LPSpecial EFXDouble featureGRPGR 1048MintEX£8.001988 US + inner; in shrinkwrap; a few light marks
12612LPEarle Spencer& his band sensation of the year 1946First heardFHR 1974 16EXEX£8.0070's issue of '46 recordings; mono
12522LPCharlie SpivakOne way passageFirst heardFH 28EXEX£8.001979 issue of 47-8 live recordings; no. 272 of 3000; mono; light warp
16636LPSpyro GyraAccess all areasMCAMCA2 6893VGVG/VG£8.001984 US Double/Gatefold; live 17-19/11/83 Florida; Promo stamped; a few marks - both discs play EX
36182LPSpyro GyraAlternating currentsMCAMCF 3288EXEX£8.001985 light wear on cover; plays well with just a few light crackles
3572LPSpyro GyraAlternating currentsMCAMCF 3288EXEX£8.001985
36180LPSpyro GyraCarnivalMCAMCF 3087EXVG£7.001980 + inner; a few mild marks - short click (3 x revs.) tk3 side2 o/w plays EX
8390LPSpyro GyraCarnivalMCAMCL 1711EXEX£8.001980
3580LPSpyro GyraCatching the sunMCAMCG 4009EXEX£8.001980 Gatefold
36179LPSpyro GyraCatching the sunMCAMCG 4009EXEX£8.001980 Gatefold; Promo sticker b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
23601LPSpyro GyraCity kidsMCAMCF 3178EXEX£8.001983 a few light crackles
8707LPSpyro GyraMorning danceInfinityINS 2003EXEX£8.001979 + inner
36181LPSpyro GyraSpyro GyraInfinityINS 2008EXEX£8.001977 light wear on cover; plays well
3583LPSpyro GyraSpyro GyraInfinityINS 2008EXEX£10.001977
3946LPCyril StapletonThe all time big band hitsAce of clubsACL 1008EXEX£10.001959 mono; a few of light clicks
28731LPDakota StatonDynamicCapitolT 1054VGVG£10.001958 US Rainbow rim with Capitol logo on left of label; mono; light wear on cover; some marks - plays OK with a couple of clicks + some crackles
6512LPDakota StatonInvitationWorld recordT 387VGVG£7.00a few light crackles o/w plays EX; mono
11185LPDakota StatonLet me off uptown - The best of..RenaissanceREN 005VGVG£6.001989 comp. of '58-60 tracks; some marks - plays well; pen marks by titles b/cover
3313LPDakota StatonThe late late showCapitolDT 876EXEX£12.001970's US reissue of 1958 LP; in shrinkwrap
32738LPDakota StatonThe late, late showCapitolT 876EXVG£10.00Mono Rainbow rim issue of '59 LP; Flipback sleeve; light dish warp; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
2799LPDakota Staton/Manny AlbamI giganti del jazzCuricoGJ 41EXEX£9.00Italy; Gatefold
36196LPSteps aheadMagneticElektra960 441-1VGEX£8.001986 German; light wear on cover; plays well
31338LPRex StewartDixieland free for allJazztoneJ 1202VGG£7.001956 Mono; wear on cover; sticker mark f/cover; marks on vinyl - plays OK w/some crackles
31337LPRex StewartRendezvousFelsteadFAJ 7001VGVG£15.001959 mono; some wear on cover; wear on openings; some marks - plays well
28728LPRex StewartRex Stewart & the EllingtoniansRiversideRLP 144VGG£7.001960 issue of '44 + '46 recordings; mono; plays with some crackles + spots of distortion
31341LPRex StewartRex Stewart meets Henri ChaixPolydor int.623 234VGVG£10.0070's German issue of 12/6/66 recordings; some wear on openings of cover; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
31340LPRex StewartRex Stewart memorialVogueCLVLX 104VGVG£10.00France; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
31339LPRex StewartRex Stewart memorialCBSM 52628VGG£7.001969 Green label; 'Realm jazz' series issue of '34-39 recordings; Mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
32181LPRex StewartThe Happy jazz of Rex StewartSwingvilleSVLP 2006GVG£8.001960 US; Mono; plays well
31342LPSonny Stitt, Harry Edison & Eddie DavisSonny, Sweets & JawsKingdom jazzgate 7007EXEX£10.001982 light wear on cover; a few light marks
2792LPSonny StittBluegrass grooveAtlantic590 032EXVG£12.001968 reissue of 1961 LP
27502LPSonny StittIn styleMuseMR 5228EXEX£10.001982 New Zealand; 18/3/81 recordings
27503LPSonny StittNight workBlack lionBLP 30154VGEX£8.001981 issue of 74 LP of 18/10/67 recordings; Holland; sticker mark + some wear on cover
41367LPSonny StittSonny StittMarble archMAL 753VGVG£7.001967 Mono reissue of '58 LP 'Sonny Stitt' with changed cover design; 'Ray Harvey' written top corner b/cover; some yellowing along spine + a spot of wear; some marks - plays perfectly
20392LPSonny StittSoul peopleTransatlanticPR 7372EXVG£12.001968 light wear on cover; some light marks - few light crackles o/w plays EX
27500LPSonny StittStitt plays BirdAtlanticSD 1418EXEX£10.0070's US Orange/Green label issue of '66 LP; a few light crackles
41366LPSonny StittWhat's new !Pye int.NPL 28092VGVG£8.001966 Pink label; Mono; Flipback sleeve; 'Ray Harvey' written top corner b/cover; some staining on vinyl caused by lining of inner - plays well (EX)
35076LPSmokey StoverSmokey Stover & his original FiremenJazzologyJ-53VGEX£8.001973 US; top edge split; a few marks - plays well
26426LPBilly StrayhornCue for saxophoneVocalionLAE 586EXEX£20.001959 mono; light wear on cover
26427LPBilly StrayhornLiveRouletteSRCP 3001EXEX£12.001969 light wear on cover; a few light marks - a couple of light crackles
27504LPStuffLive StuffWarner brosWB 56 720VGEX£8.001978 German; live Yubinchokin hall, Tokyo 20/11/78; a few light marks
41961LPStuffStuff itWarner bros.BSK 3262VGEX£7.001979 US; large sticker mark f/cover + sale cut on bottom edge; some light marks - plays perfectly
27505LPIra SullivanPeaceGalaxyGXY 5114EXEX£12.001979 US; a few spots of wear on spine; a few light crackles
6725LPMonty SunshineA taste of sunshineDJMDJB 26088EXEX£12.001976
20447LPMonty SunshineLily of the valleyPinorrekkHBP 7005EXEX£8.001982 German; few light marks
6768LPMonty SunshineLittle Liza JanePinorrekkHBP 7001EXEX£8.001980 German; couple of light marks
6793LPMonty SunshineMonty SunshineHappy birdHB 5001EXVG£12.001974 German; Signed on front cover; a few light marks; plays EX
40687LPMonty SunshineMonty Sunshine and his bandLondonHA-R 8037VGEX£10.001962 Mono; yellowing on b/cover; plays well
4560LPMonty SunshineMonty Sunshine in LondonBlack lionBLP 12135EXVG£15.001979 Signed by Monty & whole band; plays EX
20446LPMonty SunshineNew Orleans hulaStomp offSOS 1110EXEX£15.001985 US; signed f/cover
6825LPMonty SunshineThe glory of loveHappy birdHB 5010EXVG£15.001974 German; Faint signature f/cover + signed paper inner; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
12177LPSupersaxSupersax plays BirdCapitolEST 11177EXVG£7.001973 light warp + some light marks - plays EX
1191LPRalph Sutton & Jess TracyPiano solosAce of heartsAH 39EXEX£5.001964 mono; 1 side each
12339LPJamaaladeen TacumaJukeboxGramavision188 8031EXEX£8.001988 US; couple of crackles
28767LPBuddy Tate & Humphrey LytteltonLong tall tenorCalligraphCLGLP 008EXVG£10.001986 signed 'To Tony happy holiday Humpy - Buddy Tate'; plays well with a light rumble
28759LPBuddy Tate & Clark TerryTate-a-TateSwingvilleSVLP 2014VGVG£10.00Swingville/ Riverside; mono; creasing on front cover; some marks on vinyl - plays OK w/some crackles
31344LPBuddy Tate & Wild Bill DavisBuddy Tate et Wild Bill DavisBlack & Blue33..054VGEX£8.00France; 70's issue of 9/10 May '72 recordings; a couple of crackles
35066LPBuddy Tate, Paul Quinichette & Jay McShannKansas city joysSonetSNTF 716EXEX£10.001976 small library stamp bottom corner b/cover; plays well
31343LPBuddy Tate & Earle WarrenThe Count's menRCA victorLFL1 5034EXEX£8.001974 Orange label; 1 side each; light wear on cover
28760LPBuddy TateBuddy Tate and his BuddiesChiaroscuroCR 123VGVG£10.001973 US; small warp; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26429LPBuddy TateJumpin' on the west coastBlack lionBLP 2460 172EXEX£10.001972 issue of December '47 recordings; mono; a few light crackles
26428LPBuddy TateUnbrokenBASFBAP 5042EXVG£10.001970 some light marks - plays EX
26458LPArt Tatum & Ben WebsterThe Art Tatum - Ben Webster quintetVerveMGV 8220VGG£35.001958 US; Trumpeter label; wear + edge splits on cover; marks on vinyl - plays with crackles
41368LPArt Tatum, Lionel Hampton & Buddy RichTatum - Hampton - Rich... Again !Pablo2310 775EXEX£8.001979 Mono; 'The Tatum Group masterpieces' series; recorded LA 1/8/55; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
31345LPArt TatumArt Tatum alone with friendsVerveVLP 9110VGVG£10.001965 issue of '54-56 recordings; mono; light wear on cover; some marks - plays well
27506LPArt TatumI Grandi del jazz - vol 56Fabbri editoriGDJ 56VGEX£7.501980's Italian issue of '43-45 recordings; Gatefold + 8 page booklet; a few light crackles
12557LPArt TatumKing of jazzWorld recordT 279VGVG£6.001960 mono; edge split + fading under laminate on cover; some crackles
12558LPArt TatumMasters of jazz 3CapitolCO54 81999VGVG£6.0070's German issue of '51-6 recordings; edge splits on cover; couple of marks - plays well with a few crackles
20449LPJack Teagarden & Earl Hines All starsIn England 1957Jazz grooveJG 001VGVG£7.001980's; mono; top edge split; writing b/cover; few light marks - plays well with a few crackles
32183LPJack Teagarden / Pee Wee RussellArchive of jazz - vol 16BYG529 066EXG£6.00France; Mono; light wear on cover; some marks - plays OK with a few clicks + some crackles
26477LPJack TeagardenJ.T.Ace of heartsAH 168EXEX£10.001968 issue of '29-31 tracks; mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover
20448LPJack TeagardenJack Teagarden at the RoundhouseColumbia33SX 1235VGVG£7.501960; live 1/7/59; mono; stain b/cover; some laminate peel + wear on cover; some marks - plays ok w/some crackles
32182LPJack TeagardenJack Teagarden: Vintage seriesRCA victorRD 7826VGEX£8.001967 Black/Red spot label issue of '28-47 recordings; Mono; small pen mark by titles b/cover; a few light crackles
28729LPJack TeagardenKing of the blues trombone - vol 1Columbia33SX 1545VGVG£10.001963 Blue/Black label issue of '28-31 recordings; mono; small pen marks by text b/cover; plays OK w/some crackles
28761LPJack TeagardenKing of the blues trombone - vol 2Columbia33SX 1553VGEX£12.001963 compilation of '31-36 recordings; Blue/Black label; mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover
9646LPTemperance seven1961ParlophonePMC 1152EXG£7.001961 Gold/Black label; mono; 2 jumps tk1 side 2 o/w plays VG+
15066LPTemperance sevenIn Hong KongDJMDJSLM 2013EXEX£8.001975
26487LPClark Terry & Bob BrookmeyerGingerbread menFontanaTL 5394VGEX£15.001966 mono; a few creases along spine; shop stamp on label; a few light marks
31346LPClark Terry & Bob BrookmeyerThe Power of positive swingingFontanaTL 5290EXEX£15.001965 Mono; a few light marks - a few light crackles
28768LPClark Terry & Bob BrookmeyerTonightFontanaTL 5265EXVG£10.001965 mono; light wear on cover; a few marks - plays OK w/some clicks on side 2
27508LPClark TerryAin't misbehavin'Pablo today2312 105EXEX£10.001979
31347LPClark TerryClark Terry & his Jolly giantsVanguardVSD 79365VGVG£8.001977 light wear on cover; some marks - plays well w/some crackles
28769LPClark TerryClark Terry's Big band live on 57th StreetBig bearBEAR 13EXVG£8.001976 light wear on cover; plays well w/some crackles
41370LPClark TerryClark Terry's Big-B-a-d-Band LiveVanguardVSD 79355EXEX£8.001975 Live at the Wichita jazz festival 1974; light wear on cover; just a few small marks on side2 - plays perfectly
36476LPClark TerryCruisingMilestoneM 47032VGEX/EX£12.001975 US Double/Gatefold issue of '57-59 recordings; light wear on cover; both discs play well
42628LPClark TerryDuke with a differenceRiversideRLP 12-246VGVG£12.001961 Mono; White label/Blue logo issue of '57 LP; matrix no.s A-1L/B-1L; tax stamp on side2 label; Flipback sleeve (VG+) with a mark on f/cover + mild yellowing b/w cover o/w EX; vinyl VG+, just a few clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
26430LPClark TerryIt's what's happenin'ImpulseSIPL 507VGVG£20.001967 stereo; light wear on cover; a few marks - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
28739LPClark TerryNight lifeXtraXTRA 5047EXEX£15.001967 issue of 11 + 15 May '62 recordings; mono; a few marks
14759LPClark TerryThe happy horns of Clark TerryHMVCLP 1797VGVG£8.001964 mono; top edge split; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
41369LPClark TerryTop and bottom BrassRiverside/ AceRSLP 295VGEX£10.001988 West German reissue of '59 LP; barcode 029667 729512 top corner crease (VG+); some light marks - plays perfectly
5678LPJohn ThemisEnglish renaissanceCoda832 0451MintEX£10.001987 New age landscape series
5798LPJohn ThemisUlysses & the cyclopsCodaCODA 10EXEX£8.001984
32842LPEd ThigpenEd Thigpen's Action re-actionSonetSNTF 689EXEX£15.001975 light wear on cover; a few light marks
20450LPKid Thomas & George LewisRagtime stompersGHBGHB 5VGVG£7.50US; stain b/cover; light warp - few crackles o/w plays EX
16909LPJoe ThomasMake your moveTKTKR 83374VGEX£8.001979 some wear on cover
36688LPBarbara Thompson's ParaphernaliaMother earthT.M. recordsTM 1VGG£8.001983 Signed on front cover by Barbara Thompson; tear on top edge b/cover; marks on vinyl - plays perfectly
6596LPBob Thompson7 in 7 outRainbowRR 2010EXEX£8.001984 US
6567LPBob ThompsonBrothers keeperIntimaSJ 73238EXEX£8.001986 US
42679LPBob ThompsonMmm, niceRCASF 5066EXEX£12.001960 Stereo; Black/Silver spot 'Living stereo' labels; Flipback sleeve; mild wear b/cover; some mild marks - plays well
14785LPEddie ThompsonAin't she sweetHepHEP 2002EXVG£8.001979 warp - a few crackles o/w plays EX
27509LPEddie ThompsonMemories of youHepHEP 2021EXVG£8.001984 light wear on cover; a couple of small marks - a couple of clicks tk1 side 1 o/w plays EX
41371LPClifford Thornton & Jazz composer's orchestraThe gardens of HarlemJCAO/ VirginJ 2004VGVG£25.001975 + Insert + A4 Virgin press release; '8' written on f/cover + mild fading along spine o/w EX; some mild marks on side1 - plays perfectly
30654LPThree cats and a fiddleGentle jazzRepeatRS 150-2VGVG£8.00US; in shrinkwrap; small light stain b/cover; a few clicks + crackles o/w plays EX
12340LPThe 3 SoundsBabe's bluesBlue noteBST 84434EXVG£8.001986 issue of 13/8/61 + 8/3/62 recordings; France; some wear on spine; a few marks + crackles o/w plays EX
42629LPBobby TimmonsEasy does itRiversideRLP 363VGEX£25.001961 Mono; White label/Blue logo; trio with Sam Jones & Jimmy Cobb; Flipback sleeve; some waving f/cover + yellowing b/cover; light dish warp - plays well
32184LPRuss TompkinsFestival timeConcord jazzCJ 117VGEX£8.001980 US; a few light marks - a couple of crackles
26436LPMel Torme, Rob McConnell & Boss brassMel Torme, Rob McConnell & the Boss brassConcord jazzCJ 306EXEX£10.001986 German; original price sticker b/cover; light wear on cover
26431LPStan TraceyGenesisSteamSJ 114EXEX£12.001987 a few light crackles
41220LPThe TrioConflagrationDawnDNLS 3022VGEX£40.001971 Orange labels; Gatefold; matrix no.s A-1/B-1; thin line of fading along spine + thin line of wear along bottom edge f/cover; justa few marks - plays well with just a few crackles
20451LPBruce Turner & Johnny BarnesJazz masters: Live St Pancras town hall 16/10/75CadillacSGC 1005EXEX£10.001976 light warp
18444LPTurning pointCreatures of the nightGullGULP 1022EXEX£12.001977
35077LPStan TurrentineTiger tailFontanaTL 5300EXVG£10.001964 mono; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
41372LPStanley TurrentineAnother fine messDJMDJSLM 2012EXEX£8.001975 light wear on cover; plays perfectly
39799LPStanley TurrentineNightwingsfantasyFT 535VGVG£8.001977 matrix no.s A-1/B-1; crease on f/cover; a few marks on side1 - plays well (EX)
37818LPStanley TurrentineTender togethernesselektraELK K 52313EXEX£8.001981 German; Butterfly label; + inner; a few creases along spine; plays well
38262LPMadame Tussaud's dance orchestraRockin' in rhythmRetrievalFG 408VGEX£8.001985 issue of '33-'34 recordings; Mono; Directed by Stanley Barnett; light sticker mark side1 label + top + bottom corners b/cover; very light dish warp - plays perfectly
42631LPTutti's trumpetsTutti's trumpetsBuena vistaBVS 2002EXEX£8.001971 Black/Silver label reissue of '57 LP with new artwork; light wear on Gatefold sleeve; a few light marks - plays well
38175LPMcCoy Tyner & Jackie McLeanIt's about timeBlue noteBT 85102EXEX£8.001985 France; 'Blue note Audiophile pressing sticker on front cover; small light sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; a few light marks - plays perfectly
3080LPMcCoy Tyner4 X 4MilestoneM 55007EXVG/VG£12.001980 US Double/Gatefold both play EX
18445LPMcCoy TynerReflectionsMilestoneM 47062EXEX/EX£15.001981 US Double/Gatefold compilation of '72-5 tracks; a few marks disc 1
26542LPWarren Vache JrJersey jazz at midnightJersey jazzJJ 1002VGEX£12.00US issue of 31/12/75 live recordings; light wear on cover; a few marks
307LPWarren VacheJillianConcordCJ-87EXEX£10.00US import ; In shrinkwrap
31348LPWarren VachePolished brassConcord jazzCJ 98EXEX£12.001979 US; Signed by Warren Vache b/cover; light wear on cover; some light marks
42361LPTon Van BergeykFamous ragtime guitar solosKicking muleSNKF 106EXG£7.001974 + 28 page Tab book; light wear on Textured sleeve; lots of non feelable marks on vinyl - plays well (EX)
40053LPSarah Vaughan & Billy EckstinePassing strangersMercury6463 041VGEX£7.001980 reissue of '69 LP; some wear on cover; lust a few light marks - plays well
32716LPSarah VaughanClose to youMercuryMMC 14059VGVG£8.001960 Mono; damage/tear to bottom flipback + corner f/cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
40039LPSarah VaughanHow long has this been going onPablo2310 821EXEX£8.001978 Canada; Gatefold; with Oscar Peterson, Joe Pass, Louis Bellson & Ray Brown; light wear on cover; just a few light marks - plays well
32833LPSarah VaughanNo Count SarahMercuryMMC 14021VGG£7.001959 Mono; some wear on cover; yellowing b/cover; marks on vinyl - some spots of mild distortion tk5 side1 o/w plays OK with a few clicks + some crackles
42648LPSarah VaughanNo count SarahMercuryCMS 18058VGEX£10.001959 Stereo; Black/Silver labels: yellowing along opening f/cover + across b/cover; plays well
40040LPSarah VaughanRecorded liveMercuryEMS 2-412VGVG/VG£8.001977 US Double/Gatefold; 'The EmArcy jazz' series issue of '58 + '63 live recordings; light wear on cover (VG+); a few marks on both discs - both play well (EX) with just a few crackles on disc2
41374LPSarah VaughanRonnie Scott's presents Sarah Vaughan - vol 2PyeZCN 103EXEX£8.001979 light wear on cover; plays well
27511LPSarah VaughanRonnie Scott's presents Sarah Vaughan livePyeNSPL 18544VGVG£7.001977 a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
41373LPSarah VaughanSarah vaughanXtraXTRA 1106VGEX£8.001970 issue of '45-48 recordings; mild wear on cover (VG+); just a few light marks - plays well
10685LPSarah VaughanSarah VaughanMercury6336 709EXEX£8.0080's Dutch reissue of '55 LP; mono; couple of light marks
32843LPSarah VaughanSarah Vaughan sings George Gershwin - volume 1MercuryCMS 18011EXEX£15.001959 Stereo; Black/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; light yellowing b/cover
32844LPSarah VaughanSarah Vaughan sings George Gershwin - volume 2MercuryCMS 18012VGEX£12.001959 Stereo; Black/Silver label; Flipback sleeve; 5cm edge split top corner of cover
36477LPSarah VaughanSwingin' easyEmarcy/ Mercury6336 713EXEX£8.001992 mono reissue of '57 LP; Holland; small mark f/cover; plays well
32834LPSarah VaughanThe Many moods of Sarah VaughanEmberEMB 3333VGVG£8.001961 edge splits on cover; a few marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
41293LPSarah VaughanVaughan and violinsMemoirMOIR 113EXEX£8.001985 Stereo reissue of '59 LP; Arranged & conducted by Quincy Jones; plays well
1192LPSarah VaughanWho is this girl called SassyFontanaSFJL 963VGVG£8.001963 stereo; With Kirk Stuart trio
42632LPSarah VaughanYou're mine youColumbiaSCX 3444EXEX£10.001962 Stereo; arranged & conducted by Quincy Jones; some tellowing along opening b/cover; plays well with just a few crackles
41375LPCharlie VenturaGene Norman presents a Charlie Ventura concertCoralCP 74EXEX£8.001971 Mono; Live at Pasadena civic auditorium, california April '49; plays perfectly
17271LPJoe VenutiDoin' thingsDeccaRAL 502EXEX£7.501984 issue of '28-33 recordings; mono; a few light marks
41376LPJoe VenutiThe daddy of the violinMPS/ BASFBAP 5050EXEX£8.001974 laminated f/cover with crease on bottom corner by spine; just a few light marks - plays perfectly
12559LPVernon boysMeet the Vernon boysTop rank35/ 032VGVG£10.001959 mono; a few light marks + crackles o/w plays EX
33385LPMal WaldronIn retrospectEastwindEWIND 705VGEX£8.001984 some wear on cover
5680LPFats WallerComplete recordings - vol 13RCAFXM1 7093EXEX£8.001974 France; Black & white series - vol 136
5679LPFats WallerComplete recordings - vol 8RCAFPM1 7001EXEX£8.001974 France; Black & white series - vol 113
17285LPFats WallerFats at the organRCA victorRD 7599EXEX£8.001964 issue of '26/7 recordings; mono; light wear on cover
32185LPFats WallerFats Waller on the airCollectors clasCC 10EXVG£8.00US issue of '36-42 recordings; Mono; plays OK w./some clicks + crackles
26543LPFats WallerHandful of keysRCA int.INT 1050EXEX£8.001969 issue of '29-42 recordings; mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; original price sticker f/cover; a few light crackles
41377LPFats WallerMy very good friend the milkmanPresidentPLE 525VGEX£8.001986 compilation; fading along spine (VG+); some very light marks - plays perfectly
5887LPFats WallerThe Indispensable Fats Waller - vols 1/2 (1926/35)RCAPM 43686EXEX/EX£12.001982 France Double/Gatefold; Black & white series no.25
5657LPFats WallerThe Indispensable Fats Waller - vols 3/4 (1935-6)RCAPM 43696MintEX/EX£14.001982 France Double/Gatefold; Black & white series vol 32
42362LPFats WallerThe Joint is jumpin'EmberCJS 839EXEX£8.001973 compilation of '27-39 tracks; Mono; fully laminated sleeve; plays perfectly
20452LPBob WallisDoctor jazzStoryvilleSLP 256EXVG£7.5080's issue of '73 recordings; Denmark; few marks - plays well with a few crackles
26457LPBob WallisEverybody loves Saturday nightTop rankBUY 023VGG£8.001960 mono; some wear on cover; marks on vinyl - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
4127LPCedar WaltonAnimationCBS83504VGVG£8.001978; 1 jump at start of side 1
26478LPEarle WarrenEarle WarrenRCA victorLFL1 5066EXEX£10.001975 light wear on cover
32719LPDinah Washington & Brook BentonThe two of usMercuryMMC 14055VGVG£8.001960 Mono; Flipback sleeve; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
27514LPGrover Washington JnrA secret placeKudoKU 32VGEX£8.001976 light wear on cover
27515LPGrover Washington JnrAll the king's horsesMotownSTMS 5056VGEX£8.001981 reissue of '72 LP; some wear on spine; a few light marks
39795LPGrover Washington JnrAnthology of Grover Washington JnrElektra960 415-1VGEX£8.001985 German; compilation of '80-'84 tracks; new price shop sticker b/cover; a few creases along edges of cover; plays well
16871LPGrover Washington JnrCome morningElektraELK 52337EXEX£7.001981 + inner; a few light marks
16870LPGrover Washington JnrInside movesElektra960 3181EXEX£8.001984
32720LPDinah Washington, Joe Williams & Sarah VaughanWe threeColumbia33SX 1645VGVG£8.001964 Mono; Blue/Black label; 4 songs each; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
28030LPDinah WashingtonDinah !FontanaFJL 125VGG£6.501960 issue of 54/55 recordings; mono; light wear on cover; marks on vinyl - plays OK w/some crackles
28029LPDinah WashingtonDinah WashingtonColumbia33SX 1705VGVG£8.001964 mono; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
26449LPDinah WashingtonDinah Washington sings the bluesGolden guineaGGL 0366EXEX£10.001966 mono; light wear on cover; a few light marks
40054LPDinah WashingtonGolden hits - volume oneMercurySR 60788VGEX£6.001986 US reissue of '63 compilation; 'This is my story - vol 1' on labels + spine; fading on 1 side of front cover; plays well
27512LPDinah WashingtonQueen of the bluesMemoirMOIR 131EXEX£8.0080's reissue of '57 LP; mono
32718LPDinah WashingtonSeptember in the rainMercuryMMC 14107VGVG£8.001961 Mono; total bottom edge split (glued); some marks on vinyl - plays EX
27513LPDinah WashingtonThe Bessie Smith songbookMercury826 663-1EXEX£8.001986 reissue of '58 LP; Holland; mono; light wear on spine
26432LPDinah WashingtonThe Best in bluesMercuryMG 20247VGVG£12.001965 US red label issue of '58 LP; mono; bottom edge split; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
31909LPDinah WashingtonThe very best Dinah WashingtonPhilipsSON 026-EX£8.001976 Plain White label test pressing in plain card sleeve; 'Sonic series'
41378LPSadao WatanabeHow's everything: Sadao Watanabe live at BudokanCBS22081VGEX/EX£10.001980 Double/Gatefold; 2,3,4 July 1980; Orange sunburst labels; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; RRP new price sticker f/cover; fading along spine; both discs play perfectly
4177LPSadao WatanabeOrange expressCBS85304EXVG£7.001981 + inner; a few light crackles o/w EX
40041LPSadao WatanabeParker's mood: Live at Bravas club '85Elektra60475 1VGEX£10.001986 US; mild wear on cover (VG+); just a couple of light marks - plays well
29649LPTommy WattIt might as well be swingParlophonePMC 1098VGVG£8.001958 Mono; Black/Gold label; some white staining under laminate f/cover; marks on vinyl - plays well
294LPWeather report8.30CBS22134EXEX/EX£10.00Double
3308LPWeather reportI sing the body electricCBSS64943EXEX£10.001972 Holland; Orange label
3222LPWeather reportMr. GoneCBS82775EXEX£9.001978 + insert
3349LPWeather reportSportin' lifeCBS26367MintEX£9.001985 + inner
3244LPWeather reportTale spinnin'CBS80734EXEX£9.001975
2797LPWeather reportWeather reportCBS64521VGEX£9.001971 orange label
1193LPChick WebbStompin' at the SavoyCBS52537MintMint£10.00Realm jazz series mono
20457LPGeorge WebbGeorge Webb's DixielandersJazzologyJ 122EXVG£7.501985 US issue of '42-46 recordings; mono; in shrinkwrap; some light marks - plays EX
41379LPBen Webster & Don ByasBen Webster meets Don ByasMPS/ BASFBAP 5056VGVG£10.001974 Single sleeve reissue of '68 LP; thin line of fading along spine f/cover + small corner crease + very small spot of wear on opening o/w EX; some mild staining on vinyl caused by poly lined inner - plays perfectly
26433LPBen Webster & Harry EdisonWalkin' with SweetsVerve2317 109EXVG£8.0070's 'Verve re-issue series' issue of '57 LP; mono; plays well with a few crackles
31349LPBen Webster & Coleman HawkinsBen Webster meets Coleman HawkinsWorld recordT 402VGVG£8.0060's issue of 9/4/59 recordings; some wear on cover; some marks - a couple of crackles o/w plays EX
41381LPBen Webster & Coleman HawkinsGiants of the tenor saxophone: The genius of..CBS88052VGEX/EX£12.001974 Double/Gatefold issue of Ben Webster & Sweets Edison '62 LP 'Wanted to do one together' + Coleman Hawkins & Clark Terry '63 LP 'Back in Beans bag'; Orange labels; mild fading along spine (VG+); both discs near Mint (EX+/EX+), play perrfectly
31350LPBen Webster & Oscar PetersonBen Webster meest Oscar PetersonWorld recordT 495VGEX£8.00Mono; bottom edge split; a few light marks
32845LPBen Webster & Oscar PetersonBen Webster meets Oscar PetersonHMVCSD 1336VGEX£15.001960 Stereo; 'Verve' series; Green/Gold label; light stain on opening b/cover o/w EX; a few light marks
25426LPBen Webster & Sweets EdisonBen & SweetsCBS/ Suzy460 6131EXEX£10.001987 issue of '62 recordings; Yugoslavia; light wear on cover
36480LPBen Webster & Sweets EdisonBen & sweetsCBS Jazz460613 1EXEX£8.001987 Digitally remastered reissue of '62 LP 'Wanted to do one together'; light wear on cover; plays well
41380LPBen WebsterAtmosphere for lovers and thievesPolydor2460 111EXEX£10.001971 reissue of '66 LP 'Blue light'; matrix no.s A//1 - B//1; mild yellowing along spine of fully laminated sleeve; a few light marks - plays well
36479LPBen WebsterBen Webster at easeEmberCJS 822EXVG£8.001969 Fully laminated sleeve; light wear on cover; a few marks - plays well (EX) with just a couple of crackles
26563LPBen WebsterBen Webster at easeEmberCJS 822EXEX£12.001969 light wear on cover; some light marks - a couple of crackles
41221LPBen WebsterBig Ben time !FontanaFJL 316VGEX£20.001967 Mono; matrix no.s 1L-1/l2L-1; Non laminated flipback sleeve; name written + small name stamp b./cover; plays well
41453LPBen WebsterBlue lightPolydor medium2340 004EXEX£10.001984 Holland; reissue of '66 LP; small light sticker mark f/cover; plays perfectly
31351LPBen WebsterBlue lightPolydor int.623 209VGVG£8.00German; some wear on cover; a few marks - plays well with a few clicks tk1 side1
34516LPBen WebsterFor the guv'norColumbiaSCX 6389VGEX£20.001970; 1 EMI box 1st pressing; a few mild creases along spine of flipback cover; a few light marks - plays well
41455LPBen WebsterIn Europe (volume no 2)RaritiesNO. 55EXEX£10.001977 Denmark; issue of late '60's + early '70's Scandinavian recordings; light wear on cover; just a few marks - plays perfectly
38308LPBen WebsterLive at Pio'sEnja2038 STEXEX£10.001974 West German; with Junior Mance, Bob Cranshaw, Mickey Roker; 2 small corner creases on cover; plays well with just a couple of crackles
32186LPBen WebsterMusic for lovingColumbia33CX 10014GVG£8.001955 'Clef' series; Mono; Sellotape on tear across f/cover; plays well with a few crackles
41454LPBen WebsterScandinavian days (volume no 1)RaritiesNO. 45EXEX£10.001977 Denmark; issue of '65 + '69 recordings; mild yellowing along spine; plays perfectly
40621LPBen WebsterWebster's dictionaryPhilips6308 101EXEX£15.001972 Black/Silver label; 4mm line of fading along spine on f/cover + spot of wear on bottom edge by corner; vinyl is near Mint (EX+) with just a couple of light marks - plays perfectly
31352LPGeorge Wein & Newport jazz festival allstarsMidnight concert in ParisPhilipsBL 7665EXVG£12.001963 Mono; live Olympia theatre Paris 15/4/61; light wear on cover; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
31353LPDicky WellsHeavy dutyVocalionLAE 593EXEX£15.0060's reissue of '59 LP; Mono; light wear on fully laminated sleeve; a few light marks
42634LPAlex WelshAlex Welsh & his band '69ColumbiaSCX 6333EXEX£12.001969 Stereo; 1 EMI box label; Flipback sleeve; a few light marks - plays well
31356LPAlex WelshAlex Welsh & his band '69ColumbiaSCX 6333VGG£8.001969 Flipback sleeve; some marks on vinyl - plays well w/some clicks
41456LPAlex WelshAn evening with Alex Welsh & his friends - part 1Black lion2460 179EXG£5.001972 Live at Queen Elizabeth hall, London 28/11/71 with George Chisholm, Humphrey Lyttelton & Bruce Turner; vinyl looks EX, plays w/some clicks + crackles
41457LPAlex WelshAn evening with Alex Welsh & his friends - part 2Black lion2460 180EXEX£8.001972 Live at Queen Elizabeth hall, London 28/11/71 with George Chisholm, Humphrey Lyttelton & Bruce Turner; mild yellowing along spine + a couple of creases; plays well
6475LPAlex WelshAt home with..ColumbiaSCX 6213VGVG£10.001968 wobc
31357LPAlex WelshDixieland partyColumbiaSCX 6376VGVG£10.001970 light wear on cover; some marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
6816LPAlex WelshIf I had a talking picture of youBlack lionBLP 12109EXEX£25.001972 faint signature on front cover + signed on white inner
3250LPAlex WelshIf I had a talking picture of youPolydor2460 150EXVG£10.001972 small jump TK2 side 1 o/w EX
17892LPAlex WelshIn consertBlack lionBLPX 12116VGVG/VG£10.001970 Double/Gatefold; some light marks - both discs play EX
31354LPAlex WelshIt's right here for youColumbia33SX 1322VGG£8.001961 Green label; Mono; some marks - 1 jump tk1 side2 o/w plays OK w/some crackles
31355LPAlex WelshStrike one !StrikeJHL 102VGVG£12.001966 mono; some wear on cover; some marks on vinyl - plays well with a few crackles
42774LPAlex WelshThe Alex Welsh band Showcase - vol.2Black lionBLP 12121EXEX£10.001976 issue of '73-74 recordings; plays well
31358LPAlex WelshThe Roaring twentiesMarble archMALS 1370VGVG£8.001970 issue of '60 recordings; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
4295210"Frank Wess quintetThe Frank Wess quintetAtlanticATL LP1EXVG£8.001954 Mono; Golden ball record company 'Record of the month club'; some yellow staining b/cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
41222LPMike WestbrookMarching song vol. 1DeramSML 1047EXEX£125.001969 small light name stamp top corner of Peephole cover + some mild yellowing on edges: Vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
41223LPMike WestbrookMarching song vol. 2DeramSML 1048EXEX£100.001969 Peephole cover; small name stamp top corner b/cover + mild yellowing along spine; 1 small markon run-out groove side4 o/w in near Mint condition: plays perfectly
41407LPMike WestbrookReleaseDeramSML 1031EXEX£80.001969 matrix no.s ZAL 8576-1W/ ZAL 8577-1W; Peephole cover; small name stamp top corner b/cover; plays perfectly
5216LPTim WheaterAwakeningsReflectionRR 0101VGG£6.001977 plays OK with some surface noise
25567LPClarence WheelerThe New Chicago bluesAtlanticSD 1636VGEX£18.001973 US; small sale cut; light wear on cover
29677LPBrian WhiteBrian White and the Magna jazz bandHMVCLP 1534VGVG£40.001961 Mono; '534 written on b/cover; some wear on cover; some marks - plays well with a few crackles
27517LPBob Wilber & Kenny DavernSoprano summitWorld jazzWJLP S 5VGEX£7.501974 US; spine split + some ring wear
27518LPBob Wilber & Kenny DavernSoprano summit 2World jazzWJLP S 13EXVG£8.001979 a few creases along spine; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
27520LPBob Wilber & Kenny DavernSoprano summit in concertConcord jazzCJ 29EXVG£8.001976 in shrinkwrap; a few light marks - a few light clicks side1 o/w plays EX
27521LPBob Wilber & Kenny DavernSoprano summit live at Concord '77Concord jazzCJ 52VGEX£8.001978 US; some wear on spine; a couple of crackles
27519LPBob Wilber & Kenny DavernSoprano summit: Chalumeau bluePyeNSPL 28226VGVG£7.001977 some wear on spine; a few marks - a couple of crackles o/w plays EX
12560LPBob Wilber with Dave McKenna & Pug HortonGroovin' at the GrunewaldPhontasticPHON 50-14VGVG£7.001978 Sweden; some marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
12561LPBob Wilber with Dave McKenna & Pug HortonOriginal WilberPhontasticPHONT 7519EXEX£10.001979 Sweden; light sticker mark + wear on cover
27516LPBob WilberBob Wilber & the Bechet legacy live at Bechets NYCBodeswellBW 103VGEX£8.001981; live 22/1/81
20453LPBob WilberOn the roadBodeswellBW 105VGEX£7.501981; top edge split
27388LPBob WilberThe Music of King Oliver's Creole jazz band: vol 1BodeswellBW 107EXEX£8.001984 light wear on cover
26438LPCootie Williams & Rex StewartThe big challengeJazztoneJ 1268GVG£10.001957 US mono; bad water stains b/cover; sellotape marks around edges of cover; plays well with a few crackles
3082LPTony Williams LifetimeThe old bum's rushPolydorPD 5040EXEX£20.001973 US; corner sale cut
42848LPJames Williams sextetProgress reportSunnysideSSC 1012VGEX£10.001985 France; imprint of '175' on bottom corner f/cocer; plays well
10686LPBuddy WilliamsSwingin' marchin' & whistlin'ColumbiaSX 1182VGVG£7.001959 mono; tear + sellotape on edge split; some crackles
17272LPClarence WilliamsClarence Williams raritiesParlophonePMC 7049EXEX£12.001967 Black/Yellow label issue of '23-30 recordings; mono
17302LPClarence WilliamsClassic jazz mastersClassic jazz m.CJM 88510EXEX£8.001983 issue of '27/8 recordings; Holland; Gatefold
6683LPJoe WilliamsA man ain't supposed to cryRouletteSR 52005VGG£6.001958 US stereo; sellotape on edge splits; some surface marks; plays well with some crackles
14760LPJoe WilliamsAt Newport '63RCA victorRD 7592VGG£6.001963 red spot; mono; some marks - 1 jump + a few clicks tk 3 side 1 o/w plays well w/some clicks + crackles
3408LPJoe WilliamsMe & the bluesRCA victorSF 7638VGVG£10.001964 stereo; biro on back cover
6684LPJoe WilliamsThat kind of womanForumF 9033EXG£6.001960 US mono; some distortion + surface noise
41382LPJoe WilliamsThe Intimate Joe WilliamsRoulette2682 046VGEX/VG£10.001972 Double/Gatefold compilation of '58-'61 tracks; mild wear on cover (VG+); disc1 plays well with just a couple of crackles; disc2 plays well with just a few clicks + crackles
36482LPJoe WilliamsWorth waiting for..Blue noteBST 84355VGG£8.001970 US 1st pressing; Gatefold; mild wear on cover; some marks - plays OK
12562LPGerald Wilson, Wilbert Baranco & Jimmy MundyGroovin' highHepHEP 15VGEX£8.001978 issue of '46 recordings; mono
17576LPLesette WilsonNow that I've got your attentionHead firstHF 9708EXEX£10.001981 US digital audiophile pressing; a few light crackles
1194LPTeddy WilsonAnd his all-starsCBS67289EXEX/VG£12.001973 Double/Gatefold Dutch; 1924/40 recordings mono
31994LPTeddy WilsonBody and soulVogueVJD 535EXEX/EX£10.001976 'Jazz Doubles series'; Double/Gatefold; light wear on cover
42363LPTeddy WilsonMoonglowBlack lion2460 177VGEX£7.001972 recorded 18/6/67; thin line of yellowing along spine of fully laminated sleeve o/w EX; 1 single mild click tk1 side2 o/w plays perfectly
12341LPTeddy WilsonOn tour with Teddy Wilson & his trioEgmontAJS 19EXEX£12.001961 mono
27522LPKai Winding & Curtis FullerGiant bones '80SonetSNTF 834VGEX£8.001980 some creasing on cover
6685LPKai Winding & JJ Johnson quintetSlide ruleParlophonePMC 1138VGVG£8.001961 mono; some distortion & mild surface noise
28702LPKai Winding & JJ Johnson quintetThe Great Kai & J.J.HMVCLP 1476VGF£5.001961 mono; name b/cover + some wear; some marks on vinyl - plays with spots of distortion
38639LPBritt WoodmanBritt Woodman in L.A. featuring Kenny MannFalconFJP 100VGEX£12.001977 small library stamp bottom corner b/cover + some mild wear; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
2801LPPhil Woods & Gene QuillPhil & QuillRCA mastersPL 42185EXVG£8.001970's French issue of 1956 recordings Gatefold
12344LPPhil Woods & Michael LegrandImagesRCA victorSF 8457EXEX£10.001975
26479LPPhil WoodsBop stewConcord jazzCJ 345EXEX£12.001988 German; Volume 1 in a series of concerts at the Fujitsu Concord jazz festival - Japan '87; original price sticker b/cover
26745LPPhil WoodsIntegrityRed recordVPA 177EXEX/EX£20.001985 Italy; live in Bologna April '84; Double/Gatefold; light wear on cover
26744LPPhil WoodsLive from the showboatRCA victorPL 02202VGEX/EX£15.001977 Double/Gatefold; light wear on cover; a few light crackles
12343LPPhil WoodsMusique du boisMuseMR 5037EXEX£25.001974 US; in shrinkwrap
42364LPPhil WoodsSong for SisphusRCA victorPL 251 79VGEX£8.001978 Orange label; Gatefold; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; sticker mark near bottom edge f/cover + fading along spine; plays well
39526LPJan Wrobleski & Wojiech KarolakMainstreamPol. NAG. MuzaSX 1139VGEX£15.001974 Poland; Blue labels; 'Polish jazz' series - vol 40; small tear top edge of cover; plays well with just a few crackles
31359LPLester Young, Roy Eldridge & Harry EdisonLaughin' to keep from cryin'VerveMGV 8316VGVG£25.001958 US mono; Top edge split; Sellotape stain top + bottom edge of cover; small sticker tear b/cover; a few marks - plays EX
15516LPLester YoungJammin with LesterJazz archivesJA 18VGVG£7.001974 US issue of '44+ 46 recordings; plays ok w/some crackles
31360LPLester YoungLester Young leaps againFontanaFJL 128EXVG£10.001966 mono; small pen marks by titles b/cover; some light marks on vinyl - plays EX
27524LPLester YoungLester Young on airQueen discQ 001EXVG£8.00Italy; mono; blank rear sleeve; light warp - plays OK w/some crackles
41224LPLester YoungPres / The complete Savoy recordingsSavoySJL 2202SealedSealed£10.001976 US Souble/Gatefold compilation of '44-'49 recordings; factory sealed in shrinkwrap with red Hype sticker: splits on shrinkwrap, cover is EX with light riingwear + some wear on corners; Unopened/Unplayed
27523LPLester YoungPres at his very bestMercury6336 346EXEX£8.0080's 'Jazz masters' series issue of 22/3/44 + 28/12/43 recordings; Holland; mono; light wear on cover
41458LPLester YoungPrez in EuropePolydor2344 044EXEX£8.001974 Mono; issue of Oct '56 - Jan '57 recordings; some light wear on cover; plays well
41385LPLester YoungThe Aladdin sessionsBlue noteBND 4022EXEX/EX£12.001975 Double/Gatefold 'Blue note reissue series' issue of Oct '45 - Dec '48 recordings; Mono; both discs play perfectly
41383LPLester YoungThe Lester Young story - volume 3: Enter the CountCBS88266VGEX/EX£12.001977 Double/Gatefold compilation of Oct '38 - June '39 recordings; Mono; Orange sunburst labels; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; fading along spine; disc1, 1 mark on side2, plays well; disc2 ,a few marks on side3, plays well
41384LPLester YoungThe Lester Young story - volume 4: Lester leaps inCBS88479VGEX/EX£12.001979 Double/Gatefold compilation of June '39 - March '40 recordings; Mono; Orange sunburst labels; Gold Demo stamp b/cover; fading along spine + some wear on corners; both discs play perfectly
6640LPLester YoungThe most important recordings of..Official30355EXVG/VG£8.001989 Denmark; Double/Gatefold issue of '36-57 recordings; a few light crackles o/w plays EX
27525LPLester YoungThe PresGiants of jazzLPJT 67EXEX£8.001986 Italian issue of '45-56 recordings; a few light marks
34901LPZigguratL'altra bergamoRed recordVPA 115GEX£8.001977 Italy; water stain along bottom edge of cover; sticker mark f/cover; library stamp b/cover; plays well
42365LPZoller, Konitz, MangelsdorffZo-Ko-MaMPS/ BASFBAP 5072EXEX£15.001976 crease f/cover + just mild wear on cover; vinyl is near Mint (EX+), plays perfectly
1735010"Various artistsRiverboat jazzVogue coralLRA 10023VGVG£10.001955 mono; a few stains b/cover; a few crackles o/w plays EX
5443LPVarious artists50 years of jazz guitarCBS88225EXEX/EX£14.001976 Double/Gatefold issue of 1921-71 recordings
31362LPVarious artists52nd StreetFontanaTL 5294EXEX£12.001964 mono; a few light marks
1073LPVarious artistsA Prestige samplerTransatlanticSAM 3EXEX£10.001968 Writing on cover
28698LPVarious artistsA Tribute to Monk and BirdAffinityAFFD 187EXEX/EX£12.001988 Double/Gatefold reissue of '79 LP; some light marks
14761LPVarious artistsAll jazz: A decade of Pacific jazzFontanaZET 2VGVG/VG£10.00Double/Gatefold mono; some marks - both discs play well with a few crackles
27527LPVarious artistsAtlantic jazz: Kansas cityAtlantic7 81701 1veVG£7.001986 US compilation of '56-77 tracks; small sale cut on openings of cover; mark on side 2 - plays EX
20393LPVarious artistsAtlantic jazz: Post bopAtlantic7817 051EXEX£7.501986 US; small sale cut; corner crease
27526LPVarious artistsAtlantic jazz: SoulAtlantic7 81708 1EXEX/EX£12.001986 US Double/Gatefold compilation of '57-71 tracks; small sale cut on openings of cover; a couple of crackles
12345LPVarious artistsBlue note live at the RoxyBlue noteBNLA 663J2EXEX/VG£10.001976 US Double/Gatefold ;small sale hole; name b/cover; a few marks + crackles o/w plays EX
40623LPVarious artistsBlue note meets the L.A. philharmonicBlue noteUAG 20014VGEX£8.001978; Gatefold; Bobby Hutcherson, Carmen McRae, Earl Klugh; cover VG+ with thin line of fading along spine on f/cover + mild sticker mark bottom corner b/cover; plays well
28384LPVarious artistsBoogie woogie & ragtime piano contestPolydor2664 404EXEX/EX£10.0080's French issue of '77/78 recordings; Double/Gatefold; Joachim Palden, Marcus Ammann, Jurg Kienberger, Martin Jager, Jan Zemen & James Booker (2 sides); some light marks
25876LPVarious artistsBoogie woogie rarities 1927-1932MilestoneMLP 2009EXEX£8.001970's compilation; a few light crackles
36484LPVarious artistsBop SessionsDuriumBLJ 8022VGEX£7.001976 Italy; Circala 'Serie jazz live' series; rare + unissued performances by Wardell Gray/ James Moodt/ Howard McGhee/ Milt Jackson; some wear on cover; a few marks - plays perfectly
38242LPVarious artistsBoston burn out (the)HepHEP 13EXEX£8.001977 Compilation of '47-51 tracks; Mono; Nat Pierce/ Charlie Mariano/ Serge Chaloff/ Teddi King; mild sticker mark side1 label; plays well
26468LPVarious artistsChicago and all that jazzVerveVLP 9003VGVG£8.001961 from NBC TV series 'America's music'; mono; light wear on cover; plays OK w/some crackles
26439LPVarious artistsChocolate dandies 1928-33 (the)ParlophonePMC 7038EXVG£8.001968 mono; small writing b/cover; a few marks - plays well with a few crackles
33387LPVarious artistsGet wisePortraitPRT 57122VGEX£8.001986 Compilation; + inner; light wear on cover; a few light marks
3063LPVarious artistsGiants of small band swing - vol 1RiversideRLP 143VGVG£8.001960 mono
42577LPVarious artistsGuitar workshopPolydor545 113VGVG£8.001969 Stereo; 'Jazz masters - vol 13'; Barney Kessel, Jim Hall, Buddy Guy, Elmer Snowden; recorded at Philharmonia, Berlin; some yellowing on Textured sleeve; plays well with a few crackles
17303LPVarious artistsHarlem comes to LondonWorld recordsSH 265EXEX£7.501978 issue of '26-38 recordings; mono; light wear on cover; v.light warp
27529LPVarious artistsHorn (the): Tenor sax in jazzAtlantisATSD 14EXEX/VG£8.001988 Double/Gatefold compilation of '50-77 tracks; light wear on cover; 1 small jump tk1 side3 o/w plays EX
26554LPVarious artistsImmortal sessions: First Esquire concert vol 1SagaSAGA 6922EXEX£8.001974 issue of 18/1/44 live NY Metropolitan recordings; Roy Eldridge/ Jack Teagarden/ Coleman Hawkins/ Art Tatum..
26555LPVarious artistsImmortal sessions: First Esquire concert vol 2SagaSAGA 6923EXEX£8.001974 issue of 18/1/44 NY Metropolitan recordings; Louis Armstrong/ Roy Eldridge/ Jack Teagarden/ Coleman Hawkins/ Lionel Hampton/ Art Tatum..
26557LPVarious artistsImmortal sessions: Great swing jam sessions vol 1SagaSAGA 6914VGEX£7.501973 issue of 30/1/39 NYC Hickory house live recordings; light wear on cover
26556LPVarious artistsImmortal sessions: Second Esquire concert vol 2SagaSAGA 6925EXEX£8.001974 issue of 17/1/45 LA Philharmonic auditorium recordings; Duke Ellington/ Anita O'Day/ Art Tatum/ Billie Holiday/ Louis Armstrong/ Benny Goodman..; a few crackles
17374LPVarious artistsJazz at town hall - vol 2Xtra1043VGVG£8.001966 mono; plays ok with a few crackles
30950LPVarious artistsJazz' bestVerve2367 406EXEX£8.0080's compilation of '63-68 tracks; Holland; new shop price sticker b/cover
27530LPVarious artistsJazz classics in digital stereo vol 1: New OrleansBBCREB 588EXEX£8.001986 compilation of '23-32 tracks
20406LPVarious artistsJazz dance 1: Hot for hipstersAtlantic CharlyATS 8MintEX£8.001987 compilation of '55-60 tracks; in shrinkwrap; light warp; some light marks
20405LPVarious artistsJazz dance 2: Do it like you feel itArgo Green lineARC 504EXEX£8.001987 issue of '59-69 tracks; Italy; light wear on cover; some light marks
27528LPVarious artistsJazz dance 5: ImpulsiveAffinityAFF 190EXEX£8.001988 compilation of '65-76 tracks; corner crease
11034LPVarious artistsJazz for absolute beginnersRCA victorNL 89874VGVG£5.001986 compilation of '52-68 tracks; light stain b/cover; warp - a few light crackles o/w plays EX
16485LPVarious artistsJazz giantsJazz giantsAJ 8SealedSealed£7.0080's Italian double/Gatefold compilation sealed in shrinkwrap
42866LPVarious artistsJazz giants drum role (the)EmarcyEJL 1277EXVG£8.001957 Mono; Orange label/Black text; light wear on openings of fully laminated Flipback sleeve; some mild marks - plays well (EX)
1195LPVarious artistsJazz in the making vol 2ParlophonePMC 1222MintMint£12.001964 Black/Yellow label; + insert mono
26481LPVarious artistsJazz Makers (the): The Capitol Jazzmen 1943-47SwaggieS. 1406EXEX£10.001984 Australia; mono; original price sticker b/cover
17286LPVarious artistsJazz sounds of 20's 1: Big bandsParlophonePMC 1166EXEX£12.001961 Black/Gold label; mono; a few light crackles
17287LPVarious artistsJazz sounds of 20's 2: Dixieland bandsParlophonePMC 1171EXEX£12.001961 Black/Gold label; mono; a few light crackles
17274LPVarious artistsJazz sounds of 20's 3: Small groups & piano solosParlophonePMC 1174EXEX£12.001962 Black/Gold label; mono; mark + short click tk7 side1 + a few light crackles
17275LPVarious artistsJazz sounds of 20's 4: Blues singer & accompanistsParlophonePMC 1177EXVG£10.001962 Black/Gold label; mono; some light crackles (vinyl looks EX)
27531LPVarious artistsJazz-club: Alto saxVerve840 036-1EXEX£8.001989 German; + inner
31363LPVarious artistsKansas city jumpFontanaSFJL 917VGEX£12.00Issue of '47-49 recordings by Buddy Tate/ Pete Peterson/ Earl Jackson/ Jay McShann & Jimmy Witherspoon; light wear on cover; a few light marks
7950LPVarious artistsKicks - Jazz dance 4AffinityAFFD 180EXEX/EX£12.001987 Double/Gatefold compilation of '59-80 tracks
38176LPVarious artistsLeonard Feather pres. Hot vs Cool / Cats vs chicksMGMMM 2084VGEX£12.001978 Japan; reissue of '52 + '54 10" LP's; Jimmy McPartland vs Dizzy Gillespie / Clark Terry vs Terry Pollard; + insert; NO 'obi' strp; mild yellowing along spine; light sticker mark top + bottom corner b/cover; vinyl is near Mint, plays perfectly
20455LPVarious artistsLondon trad scene the 50'sAce of clubsACL 1154VGEX£15.001963 issue of '50-58 recordings; light wear on cover
20458LPVarious artistsM&B Jam session - vol 1 (the)Big bearBEAR 26EXEX£8.001985 Live at Cannon hill park
17288LPVarious artistsMama don't allow itDeccaRAL 503EXEX£7.001984 compilation of '29-33 recordings; mono
26558LPVarious artistsMelody maker tribute to Louis ArmstronPolydor2460 124VGEX£8.001971 live at QE hall London 4/7/70; light wear on cover; a few light marks - a few light crackles
38177LPVarious artistsMeritt #6: Calssic small groups - vol. 1Meritt rec. soc#6EXEX£8.001979 US issue of '31-37 recordings; Mono; Plain white sleeve with 'Meritt' stamp + track listing taped to the front; 2 light sticker marks top + bottom corners b/cover + side1 label; a few marks - plays well
3081LPVarious artistsMontreaux summit - Vol 2CBS82560EXEX/EX£15.001978 Double/Gatefold
6675LPVarious artistsOriginal honky tonk pianoClassic jazzCJM 88503EXVG£6.001983 Dutch Gatefold issue of '27/32 recordings; Cow Cow Davenport, Meade lux Lewis, Will Ezell etc; a few crackles
10687LPVarious artistsPrestige jazz samplerAce/ PrestigeRIVM 002EXEX£8.001988 compilation of '52-72 tracks; price sticker b/cover
28362LPVarious artistsR&B and boogie woogieSwing houseSWH 8EXVG£8.001979 limited edition 0068/3000; light dish warp - a few crackles o/w plays EX
6686LPVarious artistsR&B and boogie woogie - vol 2Swing houseSWH 30EXEX£8.001982 mono issue of '45-51 recordings
18446LPVarious artistsRonnie Scotts 20th anniversary albumPye int.ND 5004EXEX/EX£10.001979 Double/Gatefold; light wear on cover; a few light marks + crackles disc1
12346LPVarious artistsSaxophonesMercurySMWL 21026EXEX£8.00compilation of '43-46 tracks
1196LPVarious artistsScrapbook of British JazzAce of clubsACL 1105EXVG£7.001962 mono
42551LPVarious artistsSession at Riverside: New YorkCapitol6E052 81004MEXEX£8.001972 Denmark: Lime green label reissue of '57 LP with new artwork; recorded 25/5/56; plays well
42552LPVarious artistsSound of great music (the)BASF/MPSBAB 9001EXEX£8.001974; 12 track label compilation; laminated f/cover; plays well
42635LPVarious artistsSound of jazz (the)FontanaTFL 5025EXVG£12.001958 Mono; Black/Silver labels; light ring wear + mild yellowing on fully laminated Flipback sleeve; some marks - plays well (EX) with just a few light clicks + crackles
28805LPVarious artistsSpanish side of jazz (the)Drive639VGEX£8.001995 Italy; light stain on top edge of cover
5406LPVarious artistsStars of the ApolloCBS67203EXVG/VG£8.001973 Double/Gatefold 1927-65 recordings; some crackles; mono
26440LPVarious artistsSummit meetingColumbia33SX 1419VGVG£10.001961 Green/Gold label; mono; small tear on flipback b/cover; a few marks - a few crackles o/w plays EX
26441LPVarious artistsSunset All stars: Jammin' at Sunset - vol 2Polydor2460 137EXVG£8.001971 issue of '45-46 recordings; mono; corner crease; a few crackles o/w plays EX
26564LPVarious artistsSwing piano (the)Polydor623 274EXEX£8.001968 compilation of '39-54 tracks; Earl Hines/ Art Tatum/ Teddy Wilson; small pen marks by titles b/cover; light wear on cover; a few crackles
42649LPVarious artistsSwing today - volume 1RCA victorLPL1 5031EXVG£7.001974 Orange label; fully laminated sleeve; mild dish warp o/w looks + plays EX
26469LPVarious artistsSwing today - volume 2RCA victorLFL1 5032EXEX£8.001974 a few light marks
10256LPVarious artistsTenor sax album (the)SavoySJL 2220EXEX/EX£12.001977 US Double/Gatefold issue of 44-54 recordings; name on b/cover; a few light marks
142LPVarious artistsThe Be-bop boysSavoySJL 2225EXEX/EX£14.00US ; Double
17289LPVarious artistsWashboard rhythmAce of heartsAH 55VGEX£10.001963 issue of '26-32 recordings; mono; a few light marks
33864LPVarious artistsWho's who in the swinging sixtiesCBSBPG 62034VGVG£8.001962 Mono; Orange label; name written b/cover; a few marks - plays well with a few clicks + crackles
42553LPVarious artistsWomen in jazz (the)StoryvilleSTLP 916EXEX£15.001956 US; Mono; Lee Wiley, Mary Lou Williams, Milli Vernon, Teddi King, Toshiko, Jackie Cain; a few light spots of yellowing b/cover; a few light marks - plays well

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